A Dragon's Saving Love

Oleh Kirisakiyuu

97.8K 2K 906

Starts from after season 5 and around chapter 310 (basically when he was rogue for a bit) with things changed... Lebih Banyak

Determination is Poisonous
Those Hopeless Eyes
Why I Fight
Shigaraki Tomura
One of Us, A hero.
Forgiven? Or Not?
Izuku's Determination
Blossoming at Dawn
Dispatch! Mission Decima
Izuku's True Feelings
No Longer Just a Boy
Chapter 17: Captors and Captive.
That Damn Dirty Rat!
When the Villains Move First
AFO's army
Can You Do It?
Omae wa Mo Shindeiru
Untitled Part 26
Play Time is OVER
For There Must Good Where There is Evil

Ass Ass in Slayer

4.8K 94 26
Oleh Kirisakiyuu

A/N: Sorry for the bad joke with the title. 

On a more serious note. According to the fandom, which I don't know if its correct or not, it says he can use the second weilder's quirk, which hasn't been revealed yet.


Is that a manipulative point I see? Is that something...that may perhaps...y'know. Let me give the guy a super ultra quirk but at the same time attempt to balance it out so that he can do everything the way I want him to do?

Fuck yeah! 

"Midoriya. The assassin is heading towards your location extremely fast. Are you sure you do not require support?"  Ryukyu spoke into a communicator.

"No. I'll be fine. I've cleaned up the scru- villains here. Let them come, perhaps they know where AFO is." 

Right now. In the middle of the central plaza, a hero looking more like a villain donned his hero suit. With repair and improvements made and secretly brought from U.A from the assistance of some teachers. It was a custom original of Powerloader.

A green suit with a super hard nanomaterial like a suit, with shock absorption integrated within the cloth. Black streaks ran vertically in two areas of his shoulders down to the waist. White reinforced gloves, made with carbide fibres to provide for the most protection. The device from I-Island was made to last 2 of All Might's 100% punches, woven within the braces. His iron soles shoes with red stompers, now replaced with a black and golden colour pair, with reinforced pads around his calves. The iron soles are now changed to a type of magnesium-based alloy, known for its lightness like aluminium but toughness like titanium.

He donned his mask that had now 4 holes protruding from each side with a filter in them, a gas mask. His All Might imitation ear like set now removed to prevent an enemy from grabbing onto it, he now hid his face using just the mask.

His tufts of green hair flowed along with the wind, as he perched on the edge of a tower. The wind picking up as he looked up to see a dragon fly by.

"All yours that one."  Ryukyu said as she went round to fly back. Midoriya chuckled as he looked down to see the assassin speedily approaching the cross point of the plaza.

"wh-where is he...where is he....where is he....where is he....WHERE IS HE?" the man screamed as he clawed and tore at his own skin. Blood coming out as he continued to scratch more and more.

Midoriya simply observed from the top as Ryukyu walked beside him. 

"Assassin #4: Tear- Real name: Taichi Shizura." Midoriya described a character like profile, "quirk: Lucky draw. A rather circumstantial based quirk, that allows him to utilise a type of weapon based a lucky wheel."


"This one's a real lunatic alright." Ryukyu crossed her arm, allowing her supple breasts to rest on them. "Be careful, Midoriya. All for One may have given him some sort of quirk or booster." 

"Most likely. But I doubt it'll be very powerful. This guy right here is a time waster, one sent to obstruct me." Midroiya put on his mask, turned around to face Ryukyu, "well then, see you in a bit." he said as he fell backwards to the ground.

Eventually he activated float, slowing down mid air. Descending like an angel of death. 

"one for all: 45%.

(dw guys I fixed this bit.)

Suddenly Tear's head spun to face him. 

"F-F-OUND YOU! ONE FOR  ALL!!!" the man screamed as he activated his quirk. "Trick or gun: Wheel of depression!" A massive wheel popped up behind him and spun quickly. Slowing down onto a grenade launcher.

Ordinarily, common weapons were easily controlled and handled by pro heroes. But the one fact that distinguished Tear from the others, was that the weapons he produced were exponentially more powerful. 

If in his drop, an AR rifle came out, its speed would be 3 times faster and have twice the penetrative power. 

"Hahaha, a good pick finally. Becky go 'boom'"  the madman shouted and giggled maniacally as he shot blast after blast. Midoriya dodged at extreme speeds, since the projectiles were faster in themselves, he ran from place to place, making sure to avoid buildings.

Although numerous, these bombs were evidently powerful too. If multiple hit a building, who knows what kind of damage would occur. Perhaps even the foundations themselves could collapse.

"grr... stop moving so much!" Tear shouted in frustration. Midoriya took the chance to use blackwhip, to grab one of the grenades and threw it back at Tear. As he expected however, it didn't explode.

"I see. So it won't affect you. Very well, that's enough toying around." Midoriya stopped and leaped directly at Tear at super fast speed.

The counter to this ability was rather simple. Since the explosion had a certain radius but won't explode on him, the trick was to just get within the specific radius of him and the grenades become impotent basically.

"Shit. Wheel of dep-"

"Yeah that's enough out of you." Midoriya whacked Tear across the face. Even at 45% it should've dealt a considerable amount of damage. Yet, Tear didn't move.

"kukuku....kuhahahaha...the power surges within me! This gift he has bestowed upon me, shall be put to good use." Tear shouted as red scales grew on his body.

He started looking a bit  like spinner but not exactly as his ability. The red scales pointed outwards, ready to lessen the pressure against any physical attack.

"Die!" Tear shouted as he braced a single arm towards Midoriya. His danger sense kicking in as he jumped to the side, just in time to not be shot by any of the scales.

It seemed that the scales were detachable and were being shot extremely fast and causing loud crashes in the buildings.

'Don't tell me...those scales are considered a weapon?' Midoriya realised that the battle may not be as simple as he had previously believed it to be.

"Midoriya. I can see one more person approaching you two. It's probably a hostile."  Ryukyu called in. Throughout the entire fight she was simply watching the fight, observing Midoriya's movement.

She would normally join to help, but after being inactive for a decent amount of time, and his wounds slowing him down, Midoriya wanted to fight this assassin by himself for a prolonged time, to get used to moving around again.

Realistically sitting about for 5 days should've been practically impossible, had it not be for Ryukyu constantly threatening him and making him sit back down.

Within the last few days the both of them had also gotten know each other more. It was practically inevitable. The streets was the area Midoriya was being made to avoid, Ryukyu was there as supervision so he slept on her couch for the last 5 days.

The other heroes prioritised subduing the released inmates of Tartarus and other dime store criminal that thought they could make it big in this crucial time.

Needless to say they were being very efficient about things. They all recognised Midoriya needed a break. It wasn't just because of his main position as the bait, but also because they all knew one simple fact they had previously forgotten.

He was still a child.

A student, in his first year of hero courses, with practically more experience than he should have but less than he needed. Even worse, his quirk manifested really late, thus was his lack of control over it. Not to mention the fact that he had 7 whole quirks to learn about.

"oh lord, I guess I should finish this quickly then." Midoriya sighed as he jumped back and crouched down into a leap position.

"One for All: 45% + Fa jin." Midoriya released a jump as he moved extremely fast beyond what Tear could see. Going foot first, Midoriya pushed in and upon contact with Tear's armor like skin, unleashed fajin. 

"urk..." Tear groaned as he fell backwards, a massive hole in the scale like armor he grew. Not taking any chances however, Midoriya cruely stood over him. Staring into his eyes.

Tear stared at the green orbs, shining with brilliance and pain. Oh how the two sights conflicted so much. Oh how they looked so fearsome. 

Oh the kick came in hard.

From Midoriya, 100% knocking out Tear.

A/N: A bit strange sure. I'm also not showing the other fight, cuz I can't lie, it makes me feel shit as a writer when I make those scenes.

I did want to ask though just to get a confirmation. The second user's quirk has indeed not been told right?

Some ppl please do tell me.


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