Stop Abusing Me (Under Final...

By 123outLOUD

395K 10.3K 1.3K

[Book One] Dylan Smith is a normal high school student just like everyone else. Having issues with his pa... More

Warning: Before You Read.
Chapter 1: Same Routine
Chapter 2: First Hit
Chapter 3: Strange Feeling
Chapter 4: Am I gay
Chapter 5: Unexpected Party Visitor
Chapter 7: Your Coming With Me
Chapter 8: Hangover Effect
Chapter 9: Expressions
Chapter 10: Interrupted
Chapter 11: Jealousy
Chapter 12: New Boy Consequences
Chapter 13: Losing it
Chapter 14: Stay
Chapter 15: When Fists Fly
Chapter 16: Threatened
Chapter 17: Mason's Return
Chapter 18: The Unforeseen Incident
Chapter 19: New Me
Chapter 20: Arguments
Chapter 21: Love to Die For
Chapter 22: Talking Back
Chapter 23: Final Words
Under Standing: The Ending
The Sequel

Chapter 6: Drunk Confession

17.8K 529 84
By 123outLOUD

Author's Note: What up people? I am just here to say that I am going to try to be more descriptive. 

Oh and that is a picture of Mathew Aka Matt. 

Dylan's POV:

    "Party!" I yelled at the top of my lungs while everyone cupped their ears and gave then gave me the death glare. I smiled at them and gave them an innocent look. "What?" They turned their heads and continued there conversation leaving me out of it. I sighed and looked out the window.

    I needed to go this party to my mind off him. I thought about him the whole week, as we gave each other the silent treatment. I cared, but at the same time I didn't. Even if I was gay I wouldn't want to be with someone so abusive. How can he just shove me around and hit me. I didn't like that one bit. I sighed a little, but then got myself in check. I needed my thoughts off him and this party was going to help me a lot. 

    "We are her-" I looked away from the window and wondered why did Matt stop? I was soon froze by the appearance of the house. My mouth was hung open as my eyes did not believe one thing it saw. The house was tore up from the floor up. It was indescribable. To give you some detail on what I saw was, there were naked people knocked out on the grown, broken windows, music bumping and blazing so loud all you can hear is the bass as it blazed through your skin into your nervous system making you shiver all over, and so much tolerate paper, what is this Halloween pranks? 

    As the car stopped I looked at Matt's and Sarah's face. I giggled a bit seeing how far their jaws can drop. I took both of my hands and placed one on Sarah's shoulder while the other on Matt's. "You guys ready for this?" while  I gave them determined yet playfully look. 

    Their faces soon turned into a nervous smile trying to study at what was going to happen, now they were looking at me, "You know it." was all they said, then we stepped out the car.

    Clossing the car door and walking I felt like a model as the head lights of the car shined on us as for whoever was looking at us would be saying "Damn, look at that sexiness."  

    As we got closer to the house I soon was seeing a black figure standing there as it looked like he was blocking his eyes from the light I think.  I walked a little faster trying to find out who it was because it looked kind of creepy from my point of view. I slowly stepped into the light with my eyes tightened to focus on that figure.  

    I soon stopped in my tracks as my heart rate raised so fast I swear I was about to catch a heart attack. My eyes so wide that I saw things I couldn't see while they were normal.  

    It was Mason, looking sexy ass ever. I examined his body while I licked my lips then biting them in desire, slowly pulling my self back into reality. 'Come on Dylan cool it! Your here to party and let loose.' I soon fussed at myself, but I wasn't going to get loose if I keep getting tied up around Mason. 

    Relaxing and thinking while walking towards him, I simply figured out to just be calm.

    I was rudely snatched out of my thoughts as I heard an aggravated voice, "What are you doing here?"  I looked up to the most ugliest look I got from him yet. It didn't phase me, not one bit. 

   "What? I can't party?" soon as I said this I looked at my friends as we laughed at how stupid he looked. Walking past him I bumped his shoulder and felt the heat extract from his body to mine as  I  can feel he was getting pissed. I kept walking as my legs feeling kind of weak as I even touched his skin.

    I didn't care if I was gay or straight, all I know was that I was attracted to him. 

    Stepping into the house made me feel like I was in another world; a party world. I heard my song come on as I soon was shot with the urge to dance with all the other people, but I was shocked by the scenery. 

    It was dark , but not completely as you seen flashing lights everywhere while people danced as the DJ did his magic. People were making out everywhere you looked, from left to right ,someone was making out. One couple was so extreme that they were half naked. Nasty ass people, get a room! They also had some drunk people which I really didn't mind. All I know was this place was the shit at the moment and I was ready to let loose. 

    "Matt and Sarah, y'all want to dance your ass off?" they looked at me shocked , but soon smiled as they nodded their heads. We walked onto the dance floor passing through the crowd, I saw  some type of dance stool where people get on and dance. I wanted to show off my moves so I hopped on there pulling up Matt and Sarah with me. As my song played loudly in the room blasting my ear drums with satisfaction I dance like crazy. 

    Swinging my arms around and grinding my body sexually against Matt and Sarah as they laughed and did the same. I closed my eyes as the music took me into another world. I felt like I was on top of the world, and that was just what I wanted as well. I opened my eyes and saw some girl starring at me in lust as I was grinding my body wild and freely. I got cocky so I motion my head for her to come up here. As she walked slowly blushing deeply I smiled at how nice she looked. She had jet black hair and looked about 5'4, normal height for a girl, blue eyes, with her highlight pink lipstick complemented her pal skin. 

    As she got up there I smiled at her and then she smiled back kind of nervously. After that, it was our cue to dance. As I got behind her grinding my body against her's and taking her hands with mine while raising them in the air elbows to shoulders. I haven't felt like this in a while and boy was I loving it. 

    About ten minutes passed by as I became sweaty, but still full with energy as for her, the same. I looked out into the crowd to see some people looking at us and smiling while some guys glared at me in jealousy. Hey, it's not my fault she wanted to dance with me. 

    While looking in the crowd I shifted my head to the left and saw some guy who looked extremely pissed off as he starred at us dancing . I tried my best to ignore the figured , but I couldn't. I noticed by the looks of it, was a boy, was standing with about a whole pack of beer in his hand. What in the world was he doing with a whole pack of beer? I stopped dancing as I told the girl I was tired. She sighed deeply as I could see she was really liking what I was doing. I smiled softly and said, "I will be back later." with that she smiled and got down from the the dance stool as I held her hand. I looked at her one last time before we let go and went our separate ways.

    Now for me to find out why in the world was this guy standing their and starring so hard. As I got closer and  I saw him looking kind of dazed and off balance. I bet it was from all that drinking he did. When I pushed passed more crowds of people slipping between them, I saw him walking fast up stairs. He is running? Why? 

    I rushed passed the crowding now running up the stairs trying to find out who this man was. Was he a perv or something? As I got up there I still couldn't see him really, but a figure because it was really dark up here beside the small little light glowing in the middle of the hallway like a lonely star in the middle of the sky.

    As I walked pass the long hallway,\ now a bit irritated because I lost the bastard; I was about to turn around when I seen a door opened to a room with light sparkling from it.  

    I walked slowly as I got nervous as for what was in that room, because every other room was closed and all you heard was moaning and heavy breathing, which meant sex.  It was like this floor was a breeding ground.

    In the front of the door, I walked in the room trying my best not to make a sound. I didn't see anyone in the room at all. The room by the looks of it was meant for a girl with all this pink and white. Pink wall, white bed board, pink sheets, white carpet. The room was spotless as I admired it's neatness. 

    When I was in the middle of the room amazed by my surroundings all of a sudden the door slammed shut which caused me to jump and turn around as my eyes instantly shot at, Mason?

    He looked horrible. His eyes was blood shut as he looked extremely tired, his legs looked as if they were about to give in, liquid spots on his clothing from all that beer, and I could surely smell it way from over here now as the wind from the door swept the repulsive smell over to me. 

    He's Drunk.

    "What in the world?" I gave a confused look on my face as he just stood there as he started giggling. The beers he had in his hand was dropped from his hands onto the floor. I watched him in shock on how he could just let him self go like this. 

    "You not happy to see me?" I gave him a disgusted look.

    "Not like this." He rose a brow at me as he look stunned for a second.

    "Oh, so you do like seeing me, huh fag?" I then realized why he asked me that first question. To test  to see if I liked him. Well I can't lie and say I wasn't attracted to him. I mean look at his fine ass. Even though he was drunk I still wanted to rape him, or maybe it is the other way around. I shot my head at him as I noticed he called me a fag. I really didn't like that word so I shoot glares at him for him to know he was vexing me. 

    "Aw, fag boys getting mad." he giggled as he leaned back against the closed door his eyes looking down at me. Seeing him amused at me while I was serious made me boil.

    "Whatever." that was all I could really say though. I was trying to be calm as I looked down at the floor escaping the view of him in my eye sight.   

    "Just leave me alone." I started walking towards the door as I spoke this, but he didn't move. 

    He look turned serious and hard. He looked at me in anger and rage. How can he just change  moods so quickly. Backing up scared a little he lifted off the door now walking to towards me. I stepped back as I almost tripped over a shoe that was lying on the floor. I gained my balance looking up to see he was in my face, with the same serious expression. I gulped really hard as my throat became dry. 

    He took his pointing finger and pushed it at my chest poking, "You are not going anywhere, until I get some answers."

    "What answers?" as I gave him a confused expression. 

    "Don't play stupid with me, Dylan!" he was now raising his voice at me, for God knows what. 

    "I am not. I don't know what the hell your talking about, Mason." I said softly, but I felt it show a little fear as that sentence ended. 

    "Janet! Why the fuck were you dancing with her!?" I looked down because one, his breath was whipping, two, he was practically in my face screaming, and three, I had to think. Janet? Oh wait, that must be the girl's name I was dancing with.

      "Oh, her?" I said in excitement as I smiled remembering how we danced. How our bodies grinned against each others. How my hands were feeling her body. "We were just dancing." I joked. That didn't make things better though. I watched as his face turned red and his fist ball up. I just stared into his eyes as I watched those green eyes let out a flame. 

    "I confess my feelings and you do this shit to me! After all I told you, you just go dance all body to body on some bitch!" He got up all in my face and it was funny how he got all mad over some stupid shit. I looked up and smirked as I tried so hard not to just laugh in his face. I then said a word that set the rocket off into the sky, but it followed with a sentence first as it paused.

    "Your so-" I hesitated a little scared for the outcome.

    "I am so what, huh? You little fag!" with those words drops of spit hit my face as the fag came out last. That made me really mad and this time I was not going to hold anything back. 

    "Pathetic!" I screamed in his face and pushed him. For a drunk person he caught his balance really quickly and with that he swung back a fist as it  hit my face. 

    Pain came flying into my right jaw as my face flung to the left side. I soon tasted a metallic flavor in my mouth now realizing it was blood as it started to run down my chin. 

    "Don't you ever call me that, bitch!" as he yelled at me I turned my head slowly to look at him. No more being a pussy, it was time for me to defend myself.  

    I got up then ran toward him and tackled him. When I did, you heard a huge slam hit the door. I heard him moan in pain as I got on top of him. He is about to get what he deserves. With that I started punching him in the face as hard and as fast as I could. I could see how blood was now coming from his mouth as I repeatedly punched him in the face. 

    All of a sudden feet went under my stomach and force went with it flying me off him  I raised my head up and soon seeing him trying to get up with a lot of difficulty.  I felt kind of bed so I decided I would just watch him.

    What have I done. I knew he was drunk and I wasn't suppose to be attacking him like this. I felt guilt run over my body as I let out a tear. 

    "You asshole!" I scream at him as more tears ran down my cheeks. I felt so, hurt on how he could just do this to me. 

    As soon as I said that he looked at me as if he was hurt as well, more hurt then me. "I only did it because I-I like you."

    After those words came out, he instantly became sleepy as if that was his quest to tell me this then disappear.

    I stood there stiff as a board as those words shot me in my chest like a bullet. "Did he just say he likes me."  I mumbled to myself. I know he said it already, but this time the actual words came out.

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