The Girl From Last Night

By anounymoschild

7.9K 239 169

Asami was pretty fixed on not letting her dad set her up for an arranged marriage. They've been arguing on th... More

What. The. Fuck.
Uncovering Secrets
The Girl From Last Night... Again
Exchanging favors
Happy Birthday
Nutella Pancakes
Two oblivious fuckers
Breaking Barriers
The War
The recovery
Old Friend
The day after
The Good Old Days
All In The Past
One Last Thing
The Rest Of Our Lives

Jealosy, Jealousy

402 10 11
By anounymoschild

Asami was having a pretty normal day. It was around eight P.M, she just got back from work and decided to take a walk outside. It was nice out, and she could use a clear head. 

She strolled around in the park closest to her house, taking in the fresh air and the noises of the night. She was quite fond of taking walks, it really helped relieve her stress from work and distract her from life in general. Plus, other than martial arts, she didn't really exercise regularly, so this made her feel better both physically and mentally. Right now, she was completely and utterly calm, wich was a rare occurrence for Asami. She always had something going on, at work, in her family, in her love life, but not now.  This was Asami's time to just relax, admire the star light and simply exist, with nothing in particular going on in her life.

That, until she saw Korra sitting on a bench.

This was especially odd considering that Korra didn't live anywhere nearby. Granted, she didn't live that far away either, but it wasn't close by any means. And definitely not close enough for her to just hang out in this random park that was minutes away from Asami's place. All of this didn't sit well with Asami. Besides, Korra had never been to her apartment, so how did she even know to be there? This was either a very odd coincidence or a highly upsetting occurrence, and Asami was not in the mood for that type of conversation. 

At first, she decided on just walking away and pretending not to notice Korra at all. She knew Korra was a decent person, a nice one even, but her frustrations at the sucky situation the two were in deterred her away from ever liking the girl. So, to say Asami didn't want to talk to Korra would be an understatement. However, she changed her mind mere seconds later, when she heard a girl's laughter from Korra's direction. 

Korra laughed quite a lot, and this sounded nothing like Korra's adorable, lively laughter. No, this was someone else. More specifically, some other chick. 

This convinced Asami to look back and give the bench a second look. As she did, she actually noticed another girl she had previously missed. She was sat next to Korra, the distance between them practically nonexistent, with Korra's arm rested on the girl's back support. And the worst part about this was, that said other girl, was actually pretty hot. Dammit!

Sure, Asami didn't want to marry Korra, and she was quite relieved when Korra suggested that they don't go exclusive right away. Still, in a way, she felt slightly territorial over her. After all, Asami was a very, very possessive person. If something was hers, she would rip it out of an armed soldier with her bare hands if she had to. And even though she wasn't particularly happy about Korra's status in her life, a certain part of her mind still perceived the woman as something that belonged to her in the long run. That, because the two were bound to be together at the end. And that part, that saw Korra as hers, was furious. Especially since it was so obvious those two on the bench were a thing.

This girl just had to be hot, right? Korra couldn't be fucking with some stinky ass man. No, she had to have class.

Well, Asami couldn't conclude for sure whether or not Korra was messing with her, but if this was a game, Asami was going to win. She never lost in anything, she always got what she wanted, and she had a plan.

Of course, before she did anything drastic, she called Mako. Not because she thought he would talk her down her from doing so, but because she was absolutely certain that he would encourage her impulsive, reckless behavior. After all, that's what friends are for, right?

"Heyyyyy," he answered the phone cheerfully, "what's up?

"You'll never believe what Korra has done this time." She said sternly.

"Ohhhh drama!" He chuckled. "I swear if this ain't juicy and you're just mad at her for existing again..."

"No no, she actually did something," Asami shook her head, as if he could see her, "she's with some other girl, right next to my house."

He gasped. "No way."

"I couldn't make this shit up." She deadpanned. 

"Damn," he said, "whatcha gonna do?"

Asami squinted her eyes. "Go over there."

"Fuck yes! Get your girl!" He cheered, then laughed really hard. "Dude, I'm in a restaurant with Wu, and everyone is looking at me."

Asami chuckled. "Well, then I won't bother you. Say hey to Wu for me!"

She could distinctly hear him yelling back 'hey sis!', making Mako laugh.

"He says hi," Mako told her, as if she didn't hear for herself, "talk to you later?

"For sure, bye, I'll give you an update when it's due."


She hang up, taking a deep breath and wearing a serious expression before marching towards Korra and that other girl. She saw Korra smiling, like genuinely smiling. Smiling like she smiled at her dog, smiling like she smiled at Asami that night at the bar. She knew she shouldn't be this upset, considering she was against getting set up with someone and Korra was that someone, but she was a possessive ass bitch. And right now this chick was messing with something who was soon to be hers.

So, she walked towards them. She didn't need a game plan, she knew damn well how to pick up someone, including Korra.

As she approached the two, she wore her most flirtatious smile. In fact,  it was the exact same smile she used to get Korra in bed that night in the club.  She was pretty confident in her seductive skills, so she didn't even hesitate.

"Hey you," she greeted Korra warmly as she approached, making Korra turn to her, looking very surprised.

"Oh! Asami, uh... hi," she greeted back, "I wasn't expecting you." Annoyingly, she didn't seem phased. Like, at least have some shame when you run into your fiancée while you're with another girl. The audacity of her...

"Well, I wasn't expecting you to be so close to my house," Asami teased, "what, are you stalking me now?"

Korra laughed nervously. "Me? No way," she said, "weird coincidence, huh?"

Just then, the other girl Asami had been actively ignoring cleared her throat, and Asami just barely stopped herself from rolling her eyes.

"Oh, sorry," she faked a smile, turning to her, "I didn't see you there." I did, I'm just ignoring your dumbass.

"No worries," the girl said with a smile, extending her hand for a handshake, "I'm Kuvira."

I don't care. "It's a pleasure to meet you," Asami said with forged sweetness.

"Yeah, uh, that's Kuvira," Korra introduced her awkwardly, "and Kuvira, this is... um..."

You better fucking say who I am to you. Say it. 


This Bitch..!

"What are you guys doing here?" Asami didn't let her annoyance show, she just kept on being her very hot and nice self.

"Oh, y'know, Kuvira lives nearby so I just came over to..." Korra scratched the back of her neck, nervous. "... hang."

"We took a walk together," Kuvira said with an infuriating smile.

'Oh did you?' Asami answered cynically in her mind. 'Wow was a cute fucking couple hangout. You two are so sweet. I'm gonna fucking barf.'

Instead, she said this. "You wanna take a break at my apartment? I live like, five minutes away by foot," she suggested to Korra, catching her by surprise once again, "You've never been to my apartment. I can make us tea!"

"Oh, that sounds really nice actually," Korra agreed sheepishly. 

"I could use a cup of tea," Kuvira chimed in.

Who the fuck invited you asshole? "Cool, let's go then," Asami offered Korra a hand to help her up.

She kept quiet for most of the walk, letting Korra do most of the talking. She'd only start talking whenever this Kuvira chick open her mouth, and she made sure to stay by Korra's side too. After they took the stairs to her apartment, the three walked in. Asami went straight to the kitchen to get some tea (or even better- wine) and snacks, telling Korra to feel at home there.

After boiling some water, she noticed that Korra didn't tour around. She approached the kitchen with an awkward smile, going straight to Asami.

"Please tell me that there's an elevator in this building." She said nervously.

"Really?" Asami laughed. "Aren't you like an athlete or something?" She teased.

Korra's expression changed from nervous to slightly offended. "I am," she defended herself with a pout, "I just have back problems. That's it."

Asami cursed Korra at that moment. Because her pout was fucking adorable. Why did her dad have to nail her type? 

She pushed that aside. It wasn't relevant to this moment. Right now, Korra being exactly her type was a good thing, she could use that as motivation to keep on going. 

Korra blinked a few times, confused. And Asami was thrown back to reality, realizing that she was just staring at Korra being adorable without answering.

Blushing, Asami tried to remember their conversation. "Back problems?" She asked, Korra nodded. "I think my dad used to have really bad back problems after some injury, and he went to this really good physical therapist and they fixed him up good. I can give you their number if you wanna."

Korra returned to her previous state at that, smiling awkwardly. "Uh, no thanks, I'm good."

"Really?" Asami raised her eyebrow. "Why? He's like, really good, why wouldn't you go?"

"Because she is a really good physical therapist." Kuvira said with an eye roll, emerging from the living room. "Seriously, how do you not know this?"

Asami ignored her snarky remark, turning to Korra with eyebrows furrowed in confusion. "You're a physical therapist?" Why did she not know this? 

"Well, uh, yeah..." Korra answered with pursed lips.

"Is this like, a touchy subject?" Asami asked, baffled. "Why didn't I know?"

"When have you ever made any effort to know anything about my life?" Korra deadpanned.

For a moment, Asami got really angry at that answer. That, until she realized Korra was right- she made absolutely no effort to get to know Korra at all. She was too busy sulking and being angry at her for existing, even though she knew it wasn't really her fault. She knew she had mixed feelings about Korra and their relationship, but it felt odd to know absolutely nothing about her. Plus, as long as Kuvira was there, Asami was going to be the best fucking fiancée in the world. This game may be rigged, but Asami would be damned if once the two marry, Korra would miss that girl.

"Well," Asami concluded, "I do wanna know about your life. So spill it." She half commanded, pouring the now boiled water into two cups and serving them. After handing Korra her tea, she made sure to sit down so that the distance between them would be as small as possible. Also, just to make Korra extra flustered, she made sure to place a hand on Korra's knee.

God, she was so cute when she blushed.

Asami knew that she was shooting herself in the foot here, and that most of what she's doing right now is purely out of jealousy, but it was out of her control. If she decided to want Korra, then she wanted Korra. And absolutely no one could stop her from achieving her target. She could be angry at herself for being attracted to Korra later, right now, she was competing with Kuvira, and Asami Sato never loses.

"Well, where to start?" Korra laughed, trying to hide her blush unsuccessfully. 

"You know what?" Asami squeezed Korra's thigh, making her yelp. "How about we talk about this dinner we've been meaning to have?" 

"D-dinner?" Korra barely managed to get out.

"You free tomorrow evening?" Asami asked seductively. 

"Nope," Kuvira interjected, making Asami roll her eyes in annoyance, a gesture that didn't go unnoticed by Korra, "we were planning to go out, right K?"

And Asami fucking lost it.

"What kind of nickname is that?" Asami snapped. "Your name starts with a K too!"

"Okayyyyy," Korra laughed awkwardly, standing up, "Kuv, sweetheart, can you give us a moment alone?" 

Did she– did she really just call her sweetheart?!

"Are you seriously going to let her talk to me like this?" Kuvira exasperated.

"Let's talk in the hallway, I'll see you out?" She suggested Kuvira, placing her arm around the woman's shoulders.

"That sounds nice," Kuvira smiled warmly in her direction, making Asami's blood boil.

"I'll see you in a few seconds, promise," she told Asami with an apologetic smile, trying to charm her up. It worked. Asami instantly calmed down.

"Okay," she nodded, "I'll wait here."


The moment they left Asami's apartment, Korra burst out laughing.

"Dude, you're a fucking genius!" She bumped their shoulders together. "I cannot believe she bought it."

"I guess these acting lessons have been worth it," Kuvira smirked, "if I managed to convince anyone that I'm attracted to you." She made a barfing sound.

"Hey!" Korra pouted. "I'm a catch!"

"But really, kudos to Opal for extracting Asami's address out of Bolin," Kuvira chuckled, "and her plans for tonight."

"He's nice, I like him," Korra nodded in approval.

"Asami likes you y'know," Kuvira teased, "nobody can fake being that into a person."

"Eh, who cares? I don't care." She tried to act cool and collected, but really she was enjoying Asami's jealousy way too much. She couldn't get enough of it.

"You're a terrible liar," Kuvira told her, "your blush gives you away every single time."

"Shush," Korra mumbled.

"Well, are you gonna meet Asami tomorrow?" Kuvira asked her, arms crossed. "Or was all of this for nothing?"

"Oh, um..." Korra opened her calendar. "I have group therapy at four thirty, so if she can do six that would be great."

"Tell her I agreed to reschedule with you if Asami's available, and that if she can't on six then no pressure and you and I will go out," Kuvira suggested, "there's no way she'll say no to that."

Korra shook her head. "Kuvira you evil genius," she said with a sigh.

"Well, I'll get going," Kuv said, "let me know how it goes?"

Korra grinned at her. "Sure thing."


Asami waited for Korra to return for what seemed like forever. It must've been around five minutes, but all Asami could think about was Korra and Kuvira making out in her hallway.  And that image made the time pass slowly like a turtle that got run over by a truck.

And when Korra returned with the silliest smile she had ever seen, she was moments away from snapping.

She swallowed her anger though, and instead smiled back at Korra with the most dazzling smile she could manage.

"Hey you," she said flirtatiously.

"Hey," Korra offered, rubbing the back of her neck awkwardly, "so um, if you wanna meet tomorrow... Kuv said that we can reschedule."

Asami grit her teeth. "Great." She managed.

"I do have a group thingy until five thirty," she said, "So six would be ideal."

"A group thing?" Asami asked curiously. "Like, AA?"

Korra blinked. "Um, yes, but also, no?" She chuckled awkwardly. "I'm not an alcoholic if that's your question."

"Hey, who am I to judge? Alcohol is the shit," Asami joked. 

"Heh, yeah..." Korra mumbled. "Does six work for you? If you can't, it's fine. I'll just meet up with Kuv as planned." 

Over my dead body. "Six sounds perfect." Asami answered softly.

"Okay," Korra breathed out heavily, "so... it's a date?"

"Yep," Asami agreed, "it's a date."

Only afterwards, when Korra left, what happened really dawned on Asami.

She had a date.

With Korra.

And the most upsetting part about this?

She was not bothered by that fact in the slightest.

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