Into The Deep End - A Roman R...

By msbigredmachine

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Sasha has always tried to play it safe, to keep her life as simple and risk-free as possible. Things change... More

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By msbigredmachine

She wouldn't admit it out loud, but Sasha missed the hell out of Pensacola. Being back in the real world felt like she'd awoken from a four-day-long dream. She returned to the harsh reality of a stack of bills, the paint peeling from her leaky ceiling and a moodier than usual T.K. who was refusing to say what was bothering him this time. The joys of raising a teenager. Only a day ago she was stretching across a wicker chaise lounge like a cat, a Mojito in hand and a stunning view of the beach before her, without a care in the world. With her body still in vacation mode she did little, simply completing all the chores that needed to be done around the house. She then picked up her phone and hit the FaceTime app. She was yet to talk to her best friend since her return and wanted to check how she was doing with her pregnancy and all, perhaps go spend some time with her if she was home.

A minute later, Pam's face came up on her screen. She looked paler than usual and a little tired, but her usual gorgeous self nonetheless. "Sash my love!" she crowed. "I see you've rejoined us in the real world."

Sasha flopped down on the couch and pushed her hair out of her eyes. "That I have. You look good."

"Blech. I feel like shit. I think I've vomited all of my internal organs," Pam said dismissively, then wiggled her eyebrows. "You on the other hand look thoroughly fucked. President Panty Dropper went all Air Force One on your ass, didn't he?"

"You could say that," Sasha said coyly.

"Woo yes! Oh quit your blushin' and gimme details! Did y'all play Janet songs while you was fucking? That never fails to send the temperatures skyrocketing."

Sasha smiled slyly and proceeded to fill the other woman on her Pensacola adventure, from the places they went to the gifts he got her, with Pam threatening to come over and snag a pair of Louboutins for herself since they were the same shoe size. The fitness instructor nodded her head approvingly. "Ah, I'm so proud of Big Man. Taking good care of my girl the way she deserves."

"He has. He's been amazing," Sasha reiterated, feeling somewhat guilty that she hadn't told Pam everything. She deliberately kept Joe's words on their last night to herself. She didn't want to say anything just yet, not when she was still mulling it over herself. "So how are you feeling?" she asked, changing the subject. "How's pregnancy treating you?"

"Girl, ginger ale is my best friend now. I remembered it helped you with the nausea and it's the same with me," Pam said, pulling a bottle into the shot and sipping it through a straw. "I pee all the fuckin' time and my sense of smell is goddamn supernatural now. I think I can fuckin' smell your apartment from here. But on the bright side my titties are getting bigger already," she added, pressing her chest. "Maybe if I'm lucky they'll become as big as yours."

"Well, your vocabulary is more colorful, that's for sure," Sasha shook her head, "I don't want you corrupting my niece or nephew with your foul mouth. And what about Elgin? Have you talked to him? What did he say?"

"Well, it's not more of what he said than what he did..." Pam said, bringing her right hand to her mouth, her pupils shifting left and right.

Sasha's brows furrowed, not understanding at first. "What do you mean? Did what? What did he do?" Dread filled her stomach as she thought the worst. That motherfucker...

And then she saw it. Pam's fingers wiggling, a glint in the light that could only have come from a precious stone.

Sasha shrieked and her own hand flew to her mouth. "No way! He put a fuckin' ring on it!"

Giggling madly, the mother-to-be extended her right hand, showing off the sizeable diamond on her finger. "Yep. Gin proposed and I said yes! I'm getting married, Sasha!"

"Oh my god." Sasha was floored. She hadn't expected this at all. "When did this happen?"

"The day after you guys left for Pensacola. He went to London for business but went ring shopping as well. When he returned he took me out for dinner, which was absolutely amazing, and that's where he proposed and that's when I told him about the baby. He took the news very well, considering he wasn't sure about having kids before. Apparently he's wanted to marry me since Reggie's party!" Her smile was wide. "I wanted you to see the ring in person when you got back but you called me up and I couldn't hide it anymore. You're the only one who knows now. I waited for you so I could tell everyone else."

"Aw, honey," Sasha gushed, taking in her friend's giddy expression. "Not to sound like a party pooper, but you don't think it's too soon?"

Pam shook her head solemnly. "Not for me. I get what you mean though. We've only been together five months but babe, it's been the best five months of my life. I love him, Sash. I want to spend the rest of my life with him." She stopped, dabbing the corner of her eye as she began to tear up. "Oh, did I tell you I cry about everything now?" she laughed.

"Hormones, babe. Honey I'm so happy for you. You deserve all of this and more. And to think you almost set me up with him," Sasha giggled.

"I know right? Am I glad that didn't happen," Pam laughed.

"Totally agree. Elgin's a hot piece of ass but you can keep him. I'm doing just fine with my man," Sasha quipped. "Any wedding plans yet?"

"Not at the moment. I'm thinking I should pop the baby out first."

"If that's what you want," said Sasha. "Talk it out with your hubby-to-be and let me know, alright? Whatever you need from me, just ask."

They talked a little more, and Pam eagerly reminded Sasha to catch up with the latest episode of Scandal before they said their goodbyes and logged off of FaceTime. Sasha remained stationary on the couch, deep in thought. How strange. Her best friend was now engaged. In the same week her own boyfriend had stated his intentions to marry her. And speaking of...That had been a truly surreal moment. She had said nothing back, at a genuine loss for what to say, and though neither of them had brought it up again since, it had yet to leave her mind.

Of course she'd thought about spending the rest of her life with Joe. He was an amazing guy. They were very much in love and their relationship was pretty serious. They had both come leaps and bounds from where they first were when they met. He treated his family and friends like gold and they had all warmed up to her and vice versa. After he'd said those words to her, that night on the patio, she'd felt a mixture of happiness and excitement along with some fear. Was it what he really wanted? Had he only spoken in the heat of the amorous moment? After all Joe was an emotional person and wore his heart on his sleeve. If she started asking the serious questions, how would he respond? Basically she wanted to make sure they were truly on the same page before they made it to that step. It was a given though, how compatible they were. They had a connection and a sizzling chemistry like no other, even with their age difference. But that was only the emotional aspect. What about the practical, more pragmatic side? How would he handle the nitty-gritties of such a drastic change in their relationship? Such as moving in, like he'd implied, with two kids. Raising an eight-year-old. Joe was still so young and had the world at his feet and it was no secret that his career was skyrocketing. He was away all the time, which she'd accepted long ago. But what if along the way she and her kids became his anvil? Holding him back? There was still every possibility that he could change his mind. Were they moving too fast just from the mere mention of the word 'marriage'? This was why she wasn't saying a word to anyone. There were a lot of questions in her head, and a lot of questions to ask him before they could get engaged.

Engaged. To Joe. Wow.

There was a knock on the door. T.K. was probably back. He had a key to the apartment but he started knocking after the day he'd walked in on his mother and Joe in a hot and heavy make-out session on the sofa. She cringed at the memory but on a positive note he could have walked in on worse.

She unbolted the door and opened it. "You know, you don't always have to-" she began, but her words trailed away and her face sagged in disbelief and confusion at the sight of the person standing there.

Tyson Bridges leaned against the doorframe, his hands in his pockets. His eyes landed on Sasha's and he flashed her a dazzling smile.

"Hey," he greeted.

Sasha almost rubbed her eyes to ensure she wasn't seeing things. This was a joke, right? "What are you doing here? How did you find this place?" she demanded.

"Asked around," he answered with a shrug. "Turns out your kid is popular around here."

Her kid. Like she knocked herself up. "What do you want?"

Noting the suspicious look on his ex-girlfriend's face, Tyson exhaled. "Look, Sasha. I've been thinking a lot lately. About the way I've treated you."

Sasha raised an eyebrow. "Really?"

"Yeah. So I thought about it and I uh, I decided I'm gonna help you out."

"Help me out," she repeated in a derisive, skeptical tone. Was she being Punk'd? Was Ashton Kutcher hiding around the corner somewhere?

He nodded, his handsome features contrite. "Yeah, help you out with T.K. like I always should have. May I come in? Please? I won't take up much of your time, I promise."

She eyed him critically, a scowl on her face. Her gut told her to slam the door in his face. But he was T.K.'s father, and ultimately it was his duty to provide for his son and that was all she wanted. And if he had finally come to his senses, then fine. Rolling her eyes, she stepped back for him to enter, crossing her arms as she watched him look around.

"So this is where you live?" he commented, holding back a laugh as he stopped in the middle of the tiny space. "Can't say I've seen worse."

"Did you come here to trash my house or are you gonna tell me what the fuck you want?" she said scathingly, already wanting whatever this was to be over.

"Girl don't be so cold. I just want to talk."

Sasha scoffed. "Ain't nothin' to talk about. If you wanna talk, go home to your wife."

The elder Tyson ran his hands through his wavy hair awkwardly. "Yeah, well me and her...We ain't been doin' too good, ya know?"

Was he seriously expecting sympathy from her? "That ain't my problem," she said curtly.

"You and I used to be close, girl. What happened?"

"You used me, dumped me and pretended the child you put inside me didn't exist for damn near twenty years, that's what happened. Now are you gonna finally do right by your son or not? If not then there's the door."

Tyson licked his lips as he scanned her up and down. "I almost forgot how fiery you are. Forgot how much I liked that. Desiree's attitude gets on my nerves but with you for some was always a turn-on."

Sasha could not believe what she was hearing. "Are you being serious right now?"

"I miss you, Sash."

Her jaw dropped, speechless.

"And I know you miss me too." He stared intently at her, trying to lock her down with that gaze that he'd used so many times to wrap her around his finger. Once upon a time, it worked. But not anymore.

She blinked with disbelief and then made a derisive sound in the back of her throat. "I knew it," she muttered, shaking her head. "I knew this was bullshit. You ain't changed one bit."

"I know you're not over me, baby," Tyson pointed out, stepping closer to her. "I know you still think about me. You never forget your first love."

That part was true, she admitted to herself. And it was particularly difficult for her to forget hers when his spitting image lived with her. There was once a time in her life when she would lay awake in bed, thinking about the man currently standing before her, praying that one day he would change his mind and they, along with T.K. would become the family they were always meant to be. Now the thought of him even touching her made her skin crawl. "Letting you in here was a mistake. This is over. Get out." She strode past him to open the door to let him out, but he grabbed her arm.

"But I just got here, sugar," he said huskily, eyes boring into hers.

Appalled, she yanked her arm away. "Don't touch me. And don't ever call me that again," she warned, cringing at the use of his old nickname for her.

"Come on sugar, why you frontin' all of a sudden? You need this money, don't you? Haven't you threatened me with child support before? Well this is how it goes: You gotta 'help' me first, if you get me."

He lifted his eyebrows lewdly, and Sasha was disgusted. "I ain't gotta do shit," she shot back. "And why I gotta threaten your stank ass with child support when you know you oughta do the right thing for your son! You know what? I've changed my mind. I don't want nothin' from you and I don't want you here. Leave my house and never come back!"

He grabbed her again and yanked her roughly to him. Surprised by his aggressive behavior, she pushed at him. "Let go of me! Get away from me!"

"Oh please. Quit actin' like you ain't no whore," Tyson sneered, his other arm wraping around her waist. "I bet you fuck your roided-up boyfriend real good, don't'cha? Now where's the bedroom? Let's see if you still as good as I remember."

"Ow! Tyson you're hurting me! Stop it! Get off me!" she said, struggling against him, but his grip was tight, almost painful. Panic exploded in her veins when he shoved her up against the wall and covered her body with his. She struggled against him, bile clogging her throat as she felt him grind himself against her, his hand clawing roughly at her shirt as he started kissing her neck. Then he groped her breast, and she lost it. "Get the fuck off me!" With all the effort she could muster, she shoved him backwards. In the same move her hand shot out, slapping him hard across the face.

Time seemed to stand still after that. She almost couldn't believe she had hit him but adrenaline had taken over, and the stinging of her palm told her it had happened. Her chest heaved and her eyes were wild as she watched him turn back towards her slowly. Her stance remained defensive, expecting him to strike again. If looks could kill, they would both be on the floor, dead. "Get out, Tyson," she whispered.

Shifting his jaw to check it hadn't been dislocated, Tyson's lip curled with utter contempt. "Your boyfriend," he began, his hazel eyes twinkling with spite, all the smoothness in his tone seconds earlier now dripped with malice, masking the rejection he felt. "He almost the same age as your boy, right? Never took you for the cradle-robbin' type. I bet you played hard to get with him too. Pretended you wasn't a slut. But we both know exactly what you are, don't we Sasha?"

She swallowed and sorely wished Pam was here. For some reason the mother of two always seemed to lose her nerve when it came to dealing with her ex. Pam would have had no such problem; after all she'd beaten him up once before. But she wasn't here, so it was up to her to defend herself. "You bastard," she retorted angrily. "I'm not a slut and you know it! Robbie and Kyle started those fuckin' rumors about me because I cussed Robbie out for hittin' on me. I told you what he did and you didn't believe me. You ate it all up like the punk ass that you are 'cause you was tryna save face with your brain-dead basketball buddies. Then you got me pregnant and used that as your way out." Tears filled her eyes, but no way in hell would he see her cry. She pointed at the door. "Get the fuck out of my house! Now!"

"With pleasure. You ain't gettin' nothin' from me. The kid probably ain't mine anyway."

"Are you blind? He looks just like you!"

"I don't give a fuck. I never wanted him and I told you to get rid of him, but did you listen? Where's the money I gave you for the abortion anyway? You owe me a hundred and fifty dollars! But I'm sure you can get it back from your superstar boyfriend, huh?"

"Get out! Get the fuck out or I'll call the cops!"

Tyson simpered. "Look at you. Not too long ago you were at my job practically on your knees beggin' me for money, and now you act all high and mighty because you brainwashed some rich muscle-head to follow you around. Well good. Let him deal with the kid. I don't care if y'all starve to death. I said this to your boyfriend and now I'm gonna tell you the same thing. That punk-ass kid will become a problem for him and he's gonna grow tired of both your asses. Then he'll drop you like a bad habit, and you're gonna come runnin' back to me. I had you first! Remember that!"

Sasha took in his spiteful words as she stared at him, and all of a sudden it became clear to her. She realized what this was all about.

Tyson was jealous.

Of Joe. Of her. Of the fact that she'd finally found someone who actually gave a damn about her. She was finally moving on from him and he couldn't handle it. She would have found the whole thing hilarious if she wasn't so incensed by his actions. She started to respond, and nearly jumped out of her skin when T.K. suddenly appeared in the room. She felt her heart shatter at the look on his face and realized he had heard more than he should have. "Ty, baby! You're home early," she squeaked.

T.K. stepped further into the room, brimming with barely contained fury as he stared at his mother. "You went to him, Ma? You went beggin' him for money?" he accused, looking at her with such disdain and disappointment that she was overcome with shame and wished the ground could open up and swallow her whole. A sob crept up her throat. "No was ages ago, I..."

Tyson puffed out his chest as he eyeballed his son smugly. "You don't look like you need no money. I see you started juicin' too. You look just like your mama's new fuck toy now."

"Shut up Tyson!" Sasha spat.

"You better get the fuck up outta here, old man," T.K. snarled.

"Baby!" Sasha exclaimed.

The teenager glared at her with blazing eyes. "What, Ma? You wanna defend him? You wanna beg him some more? We don't need him! I can make things happen on my own. We don't owe this ass clown nothin'!"

"He's still your father!" she admonished.

T.K. laughed snidely. "What father? This piece of shit? He's a fuckin' sperm donor!"

"What'chu call me, boy?" Tyson got in T.K.'s face, pointing at him. "You better watch your damn mouth-"

T.K. slapped Tyson Sr.'s hand away with such force the older man was rocked a few steps back. "Get your hand outta my face!" he roared.

"Stop it! Stop it right now!" Sasha cried, but it was to no avail as they lunged at each other. She threw herself between them and almost collapsed when the older Tyson's arm collided hard with the side of her head. White-hot pain shot through her face but she didn't stop trying to pull the warring men apart. "Get off him! Leave him alone!" she screamed at the older Tyson, pushing him backwards.

Behind his mother's back T.K. was raging. "Who the fuck do you think you are comin' up in here! I'm the man of this house, motherfucker! If you ain't gonna man up and take care of your goddamn responsibilities I can make things happen on my own. I don't need you! Fuck you!" With that, he spun around and was out the door before Sasha could blink.

"Baby! Ty, where are you going? Tyson!" she called, rushing out the door after him but he had disappeared down the flight of stairs. Distraught, she turned to her ex. "Do something!"

Wiping his bloody nose, Tyson snorted and brushed past her roughly, walking out the front door. "Why? He ain't my problem."


T.K. stormed down the street, overcome with emotion, his blood boiling and his heart racing. Yanking out his phone from his pocket with trembling hands, he dialed a number.

"Yo Superstar, miss me already?"

But he was in no mood for jokes. "Turn around, L," he hissed. "Come back. I'll explain later, just do it now." Without waiting for a response, he cut off the call and continued his march down the street where he knew his friend would turn up. A million things zipped through his brain, all of them bad decisions. But right now he didn't care.

Lamar pulled up beside T.K. in his white Benz and rolled down the window. "You miss me already man? I only just dropped you off." he chuckled, frowning when T.K. yanked open the passenger's door and slipped inside, crossing his arms angrily. He could feel the anger radiating from his friend. "What's wrong?"

T.K. swallowed hard. "My fuckin' sperm donor showed up at my house." He shook his head, his fists clenching as his father's words burned in his brain. He turned his head to stare out the window. "Look man, I don't wanna talk about it. Just get me outta here."

"I'm sorry about that. I wanna say I know how you feel but I ain't never seen my father, so..." Lamar sighed, revolving the steering wheel with one hand as he turned the corner. "Where am I gonna take you though?"

"Wherever you want. I just don't want to be anywhere near my place."

"I get you, man," said Lamar. "But I'm actually heading to work."

T.K. stiffened. "Oh."

They turned another corner, the hip-hop song from the stereo filling the silence. "Wanna tag along?" Lamar asked after a while. "You could make some cash of your own tonight, ya know. Some real cash."

He went quiet for a long time as he thought it over. "Yeah," he said finally, nodding his head resolutely.

"You sure?"

T.K. bit his lip. He knew he shouldn't be doing this, but life was giving him very few alternatives at the moment. "Positive. Show me what I gotta do."


Baby Daddy's back. *eye roll*

Complete change in atmosphere, right? Kindly comment, and feel free to kick my ass...or otherwise. :p

Top to bottom comments make me particularly happy :D

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