Fairy Tail: With Meβ™₯ (1st Boo...

By Cryptic_Eyes

464K 15.7K 5.4K

Book #1 Lucy and Natsu go on their first mission together since the Seven Year Sleep, completely excited to g... More

Prologue: Being Free
Chapter One: Mission
Chapter Three: Winterlight
Chapter Four: The Crawler
Chapter Five: Sleep-Lucy
Chapter Six: Rogue
Chapter Seven: Unsubstantial
Chapter Eight: Dragon Doomsday
Chapter Nine: Interlacing of the Little Light Being
Chapter Ten: Attempt of Escape...Doomed For Failure
Chapter Eleven: The Almost Evanished Avidity
Chapter Twelve: Unforgivable!
Chapter Thirteen: M.I.A.? Or Just...Gone?
Chapter Fourteen: Revelation
Chapter Fifteen: It's Up To You
Chapter Sixteen: The Beginning of The End
Chapter Seventeen: Lucy!!
Chapter Eighteen: The Summoning of The Dragons
Chapter Nineteen: The Advent of Challenges
Chapter Twenty: "Promise Me..You Won't Leave!"
Chapter Twenty One: I Wanna Be There For You!
Chapter Twenty Two: The Star River and Rose's Departure
Chapter Twenty Three: Discovery of a Lifetime! [Final]

Chapter Two: Hijacked Train? More Like Invaded!

24.9K 897 175
By Cryptic_Eyes

Hello, mina!  Sorry for keeping you all waiting!  I've been working on other projects, hehe! ^^;  Anyways, I hope you didn't wait too long!♥ I dedicate this chapter to fairytailfanatic for fanning me earlier!<3 We both love Rave Master, as well!★ I hope you all enjoy this chapter, ne? Feedback is greatly appreciated, as always!~ Hope you like it!



"Huh?  Why did the train stop?"  Lucy murmured, staring out the window.

They were close to being halfway to Winterlight, but just then the train had stopped.

Natsu jumped up, feeling better.  "I don't know, but I'm going to check it out anyway!"  He exclaimed, walking down the ile and heading for the front of the train.

"Oi!  Wait for me!"  Lucy exclaimed, jumping after him with Happy following close behind.


"What's goin' on?!"  Natsu exclaimed, and Lucy gasped in surprise.

The two train conductors and the Engineer were unconscious, leaning against the gears and buttons.  They looked like they weren't even touched to be knocked out; like magic had somehow put them to sleep for the time being.

"Hey, are you okay?!"  Lucy exclaimed, lifting one upright.  She turned to Natsu.  "It's no use; they're unconscious!"

"Someone is on the train!"  Happy exclaimed, jumping up and down.  "Maybe thieves?"

Natsu rubbed the back of his head.  "But what could they be after on this sickening thing?"  He grumbled, his face turning slightly blue at the memory of motion sickness.

"Don't think about that now!"  Lucy exclaimed, standing.  "Let's search the train!  I've got a really bad feeling-"  She suddenly flew back, slamming into the wall of the train with a cry.

"Lucy!"  Natsu and Happy exclaimed.  "Oi, what do you think you're doin'?"  Natsu exclaimed, lighting his hands on fire.

A tall slim man stood in the doorway, wearing a brown cloak.  He had spiky blonde hair and brown eyes, with a scar across his nose.  He had a strange aura around his body, and it unsettled Natsu and Lucy to the core.  "I'm here for the Light Spirit."

"'Light Spirit'?"  Lucy exclaimed, standing with an eye shut in slight pain.  "What's that?"

The man looked down at Lucy, and she flinched in surprise.  His eyes flashed, and she widened her eyes in slight horror.

"I-I know you!"  She exclaimed, backing as far away from him as possible.  "But how?  How do I know you?!"  She clutched her forehead, her body shaking slightly.  Her pupils had contracted so slim they were small black dots, and the shine had left her eyes.

Natsu slammed his fist into the mysterious man's stomach, but that area disappeared like mist.  "What the?!"  He reappeared, this time behind Natsu, and punched him in the face.  Natsu flew forward, slamming into the wall next to Happy.

"Natsu!"  Happy meowed, shaking his arm.  "Wake up!"  He stared at the man with fear, and watched as he took a step towards Lucy.

Lucy cringed, her eyes wide as she recognized the man's face.  What's going on?  I feel like it's extremely important to remember who this guy is!  But why can't I?  I've never seen this guy before; but I've got a really bad feeling!

She pulled out Loke's key, but stopped, gasping loudly as a pulse raced through her body when the man's eyes locked on hers.  She hit her knees, her arms gone limp as she stared at the ground, her eyes clouded.

"Lucy!"  Happy exclaimed, trying to shake Natsu awake.

Suddenly, the man disappeared, like fog.

Happy ran over to Lucy, stopping at her knees and resting his paws on her legs.  "Are you okay, Lucy?"

Lucy's eyes cleared up, and recognition returned back to them.  "Huh?  W-What happened?"  She looked around wildly.  "Where'd that guy go?  I was about to pull out Loke's key when-"  She stopped, her mind gone blank.

"You can't remember, Lucy?"  Happy asked, concerned.  "He looked at you, and then you dropped to the floor.  Your eyes looked all wierd!"

That's right!  Lucy exclaimed in her mind.  He did something to me; but what?!

"Lucy, what about Natsu?"  Happy asked, pointing his paw to Natsu.  He was slouching over in a sitting position against the wall, unconcious.

Lucy stood, sighing.  "Let's take him back to our seats and-"  She stopped, hearing the engineer and conductor start to stir.

"What happened?"  One asked, rubbing her head.

"You all feinted."  Lucy replied, a hand near her chest in caution.  "And the train stopped."

The engineer yelled in horrible surprise.  "We'll be off schedule!"  He started moving the train, and slipping away, Happy and Lucy carried Natsu back to their seats.  Natsu had gotten motion sickness, even when he was unconsious.

What did that guy do?  Lucy thought, staring out the window later on as the train was on it's way.  Lucy narrowed her eyes in suspicion.  And why does he look so familiar?

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