Fate: Merlin's Apprentice

By AdvanceGamer

150K 4.3K 3.7K

A younge man who died In a car crash (Creative, I Know.) was given a second chance by none other then God... More

I did die, but I lived...
Sibling Banter
Do you want to be a Wizard?
The way of the Mage
The Mage and Knight
Escaped, Gawain, and Camelot
Rebellion and Death
Servant and Master
Caster and Saber
Ark's Tale and dumb Planning
A place to stay and Cooking
Making Tough Decisions
Game Plan
'Father' and 'Son' time
Assassin Training
A Battle against Berserker
A decision
Near the End
The Annoying Archer
Gray VS Kirei
Reality Check
One. Last. Night.
So, You're my Alter?
A little bit of 'training'

Competition and Stealth

4.7K 143 142
By AdvanceGamer

Advance: My hands hurt...

Devil: Why do you hurt yourself for the readers entertain.

Angel: Cause Advance like writing fanfiction and has nothing better to do at the moment.

Lust: Will there be lemons?

Advance: Lust I can't believe I'm saying this... but yet there is, cause have you SEEN how much material there is in the Fate Series? I'd probably kill myself if I didn't have lemons in this book...

Lust: Well I'm going to be one busy personality...

Angel: yes, yes you are...

Advance: On with the chapter, I'm off to go take a cold shower and probably dump my hand in some cold water.


Mordred ran up to the signing area while pushing past anyone that got In her way. Some complained, but were quickly silenced by the glare Momo gave them. Ark easily slipped by the people as if he done this a million times before. It's no surprise to Ark that many people young and old wanted to become the King's Knight. However the much older people were turned down and the younger ones were able to sign up.

Mordred being one of them, Ark didn't see a point too it and he still wasn't the best at certain weapons, so he obviously didn't sign up for the competition. Cheering Mordred on sounded much better to the boy.

Ark watched as his sister signed up before turning around and walking towards him. The smirk on her face was painfully obvious. Most of the competition looked to be inexperienced which looks to be easy picking. However there were the rare few that Ark can tell that they have been training just as hard as Mordred.

He obviously couldn't get a good read on these more experienced people, but Ark can tell by the way they walk and carry themselves that each one of them trained for years... so did Mordred. Ark glanced at Mordred who was still smirking beside him probably thinking about how easy this will be.

"What do you see Mordred?" Ark asked crossing his arms. He was curious on what his sister sees in this competition. Like what wise person will say, her confidence will be her downfall.

"Easy competition that's what I see." Ark shook his head and smacked Mordred behind the head making her yelp and glare at the boy, but he didn't pay her any attention. "What the hell was that for!" Ark glanced at her before pointing ahead.

"You see a lot of inexperienced fighters, correct?" Mordred nodded not sure where Ark was going with this. "Look again, but this time look more closely." He watched as his sister looked at the crowd once more. "Watch how some of them walk or how they carry themselves, look at their weapons, get a feel for what type of fighter they might be."

He watched as Mordred actually listen to his words and narrow her eyes. The mage nodded his head at her and waited for her response. He wanted Mordred to know that this competition won't be easy and she need to work for her victory.

"I... don't see what you see." Ark nearly fell over while Mordred looked at him with a raised eyebrow. She honestly couldn't see what her brother was seeing. Everyone walked normally and she didn't know how someone carried themselves.

"Idiot." Ark muttered before straightening himself and put an arm around Mordred and pointed at a guy who was a few feet away. "See that guy, look how he carries himself unlike the other people around him." Mordred followed Ark's finger and saw a guy and her brother was right that guy did stand out. It was easy to spot now that Ark was directing her.

She noticed how the guy looked extremely confident in himself unlike the people around him who were deathly nervous about this competition. "Now look at his weapon." She glanced down to see a shortsword strapped to the guy's hip, but instead of the usual dull handme down weapon, it looked extremely sharp and lethal. "See what I mean, but then again looks can be deceiving and that guy could just be cocky." Ark said with a shrug.

"Ok... so why are you telling me this?" Ark groaned and faceplamed. Taking a deep breath he lowered his hand and gave Mordred a blank stare. "H-hey what's with the look!" Mordred frowned and narrowed her eyes at him.

"Nothing, just staring at an idiot, did Mor... Mother ever teach you about observing your opponents?" All he received was another raised eyebrow. "I'll take that as a no, ok, I'll give it too you in the most simplest words, look over your opponents and think about what fighter they could be... that's it." Mordred just looked more confused.

"Mordred!" The duo looked over to see a older man hold a piece of paper meaning he was calling names for the competition.

"Well this is it." Mordred said smirking once again her confidence back in full swing. "You're going to watch me fight right?" Ark shrugged and nodded his head making the Female's grin widen even more. "Good, cause your about to see me wipe the competition." She marched away with such confidence that it practically hurt Ark's eyes.

"She is way to confident in this." Ark mumbled as he was about to walk in the observing area, but a hand covered in armor landed on his shoulder as people around him gasped. A long sigh left Ark's lips as he glanced behind him to see Artoria in all her armor. Rolling his eyes he turned to the female and crossed his arms.

"Yes?" Ark asked with no ounce of respect of care making the on lookers glare at him, but he could give less of a shit. "Do you need something King Arthur?" He watched as the female stared at him for a few seconds before looking to the side making Ark look too and deadpan. "Merlin." The wizard walked up with a twinkle In his eyes that didn't at all fit.

"Yes, hello my little Apprentice." Ark glared at him, he hated when the wizard called him that then again Ark called him dick wizard, this was probably payback. "You see, King Arthur here saw you here by yourself and wished to invite you on joining him in watching the competition." There was silence as everyone stared at Ark who had a deadpan look on his face.

"Thanks, but I'm fine with watching my "brother" in the stands like the others." Ark turned and started to wall away. He was purposely avoiding the King and it seems his plan was working, Artoria was getting more and more curious about him. It even got to the point that the King would interrupt Ark's training and watch him closely.

All according to plan.

"Now hold on my Apprentice." Ark paused and looked back towards Merlin who was smirking at him knowing full well what his intentions are. "We insist you come because you are my Apprentice and I shouldn't neglect my student." The younger male smirked slightly before shaking his head.

"Fine." Ark turned back around and walked towards Merlin who was grinning at Artoria who kept her blank face. She watched as Ark passed her with Merlin close behind. She turned towards her subjects who were still staring at her in awe. She turned without a word and followed the duo.


Mordred looked around the opened field while surrounded by spectators all of them cheering, but she didn't care about that, she was only looking for one person. However she didn't see him anywhere. Suddenly a flick of wind brushed agaisnt her cheek making her look in that direction and there he was.

Ark sitting in the King's booth beside Merlin. She spotted Mother sitting in there too along with the Knight's of the round table and finally King Arthur himself. The Young mage waved before giving her a thumbs up.

Mordred nodded and turned away unknown to her was Ark looking at Morgan while she glared at him. The mage turned away and focused on the fight that is soon to happen down below. Merlin looked at Ark then at the others who were looking the boy curiously.

It was no secret that Merlin had another Apprentice, but it was the fact that they never seen or interacted with the boy, all they knew was that he dismissed the King so easily which in turned pissed off the Knight's of the Round Table. They wanted to talk sense into the boy, but not right now, not while their King is nearby.

The Competition was boring to Ark most of these fighters were heavily inexperienced, some stood out from the rest and they showed some decent skills, but how would Ark know, he prefers his Magic and that's enough for him. Sure he knows a thing or two about weapons, but that's about it.

Ark clenched his hands slightly as he recalled trying to replicate the Bound Weapons only to come up short, he can easily see the weapon in his head, but it never comes out sharp or perfect. His summons on the other hand come out perfectly and seem to remember who he was, like Kit for example. The image of his other summons appeared in his head and their reaction towards him.

The flame Atronach was curious about him and always seems to observe him on whatever Ark did. Luckily it didn't burn down the forest even though it was a being made of fire.

Next up was the frost Atronach. It was like a bodyguard always watching over Ark and at the same time it was a gentle giant to nature and other living animals.

Finally the Storm Atronach... it was very similar to the last two summons. It was curious about its summoner while also keeping him safe from danger... Ark recalled a bear trying to attack him... that summon tore the poor creature apart.

There were a couple other summons, but Ark has yet to do them because the Atronachs were the only ones that Ark enjoyed summoning the most, and he doubts the other summons would be as friendly...

"Ark, your brother is next." Merlin said snapping Ark out of his thoughts as he looked down in the makeshift area to see Mordred in some metal armor that covered only the vital points on her body. Ark looked at her opponent and realized it was the same guy that they were trying to observe.

"Well I'll be damn." Ark mumbled as he stood up and leaned on the wooden railing slightly. Mordred looked back at Ark and the boy gave her another nod signaling that he was watching. The older sibling looked at her opponent and held her training sword in both hands. "You got this Mordred." Ark said to himself as both opponents saluted in their own way.

Mordred simply raised the sword to her head and bowed her head before lowering herself back down into a simple stance signaling that she was going to rush forward. The guy however twirled his sword around his fingers and got into a more loose stance showing that he was on his guard.

Mordred narrowed her eyes before she shot forward like a bullet with a roar and brought her sword down in a overhead slash using tremendous speed. Her opponent however didn't falter and easily blocked the sword and redirected it to the side.

The female however anticipated that and spun on the back of left her heel doing a full 360 spin with sword in hand intending to slam the sword against the male's other side which was exposed. Once again the male was on his A game and nimbly dodged it since he had no time to block the attack.

Ark frowned slightly, while he was the best at sword fights, these fights felt too... proper to him. The mage prefers to fight dirty or smart. He knows that in time Mordred will fight dirty and much more aggressive in the near future. But right now she is trying to fight with skill and technique.

She will know that fighting isn't all about that, Ark would know, Mages never fight fare to begin with. They always have to find a way to exploit their opponent's weakness and use it with full force. The mage watched the fight go on and could help, but be annoyed with this fight.

It was much to civil and proper for his taste. There was no, punching, kicking, and grabbing. They just block and parry attack. Ark had to resist from slamming his head againt the rail.

Fighting with Honor, what a joke, what go does it bring anyways? Sure, It brings purpose to most people and gives them a reason to fight... but what's the point. People never fight with Honor, they will always have to fight dirty, cause fighting Honorably will get someone killed...

Ark sighed as Mordred easily parried the attack aimmed at her side before going into her opponent's guard and slamming the Pommel of her sword into the male's armored chest making him stumble back slightly. The female twirled her sword in a way to taunt the enemy as the smirk on her face was clear as day.

"Enjoying yourself" Merlin asked his Apprentice who looked back at him and shrugged.

"I guess, could be more exciting, but it's better then nothing I guess." Ark said towards his Mentor who nodded his head in agreement. Merlin was an OK guy surprisingly, Ark has yet to grasp the man's entire personality, or maybe it was all an act on who he really was. The Young Mage didn't know to be honest.

Ark looked back only to see Mordred growl trying to restrain herself from breaking the rules which was stupid in both siblings eyes. It mostly involved Honorably stuff that Mordred somewhat agreed with while Ark rolled his eyes.

The younger sibling was getting bored and decided to mess with his spells slightly catching both Merlin and Morgan's attention. He summoned a demonic looking dagger that glowed a light purple. He twirled around his fingers trying to figure out how he could fix this. Ark wanted to make this bound weapon stronger and sharper, but how?

It didn't take much creativity only the spell name and a bit of prana, then poof it's in his hand. Maybe he wasn't putting enough prana into it. Narrowing his eyes Ark channeled even more prana into the dagger and watched as the dull part of the blade slowly sharpened before he very eyes.

Ark's eyes shined as he looked over the little weapon. It looked sharp, but was it sturdy?


Ark deadpaned as the dagger broke the moment he tried to swing it. The dagger basically became super fragile almost like dust with a sharp edge, however it wasn't sturdy at all, well at least he knows that it required more prana then he anticipated. Maybe it takes more control?

"And the Winner of this tournament, Mordred!" Ark looked up to see that his sister has won the tournament making him stand up and clap. She looked his way again and smiled slightly at seeing the proud look Ark was giving her. The young mage left the booth before anyone could say anything.

Ark walked back over to the entrance too see Mordred running up to him with a smirk still on her face. The mage rolled his eyes at her before standing still and waited for his sister to reach him.

"Did you see me Ark? He was no match for me." Mordred said making Ark chuckle as he wrapped an arm around Mordred and gave her a side hug. The female groaned and tried to shove him away, even though she was silently enjoying it. "Oi, get your arm off me."

"Naw, I'm just showing you that I'm proud." Ark said making Mordred blush slightly before she growled like always. "What? Don't like it, fine." The mage slowly pulled his arm away only for the Knight to pull his arm back.

"I didn't say I disliked it idiot... I'm just..." Mordred looked away even after these many years she still can't handle compliments. "I'm just happy to make you proud." Ark raised an eyebrow at her.

"Isn't it supposed to be the other way around, cause I'm the younger one after all." Mordred glared at him making Ark smile before reach up and messing with his sister's hair.

Mordred tried to swipe away his hands, but was failing since Ark would pull away before returning to what he was doing. However he stopped when the sound of heavy footsteps were heard. The female Knight took this time to grab Ark's hand with a victories look on her face.

Ark turned around to see the King of Knights walking towards them along with the Knight's of the Round table, Merlin, Morgan, and a few other important looking people.

He pushed Mordred towards them making her look back at him with glare. She steeled herself and looked at the King of Knights before kneeling. They all looked at Ark who had still yet to bow. He simply shrugged and did a more improper bow, which was a simple tilt of his body forward and a single nod.

Lancelot's eye twitch at this and felt he hands ball up. Ark saw this and smirked slightly at him. Mordred looked back at her brother with a deadpan stare, since she had a feeling he would do that.

"Mordred, rise." King Arthur's powerful voice was heard making everyone become silent as they listened to the their King.

"Well don't you like being dramatic." Ark mumbled before being smacked on the head by Merlin's staff once again making him groan In annoyance and glare at the Wizard.

"Mordred, for besting your opponents in combat and winning the competition, the Knight's of the round table will personally see to your training into becoming one of my Knights." Ark saw Mordred's eyes shine in excitement as she looked at him again. Morgan saw this and she frowned at seeing this interaction between the two siblings.

Ark saw this and narrowed his eyes slightly, the witch was thinking about something and that didn't sit well with the Mage. He would need to keep an eye on Mordred from now on.

"Ark." The boy turned towards his teacher who was smirking wildly at him which the boy didn't like at all. "It seems I need to up your training from now on seeing as how Mordred is being trained by the Knight's of the round table."

Ark however just stared at the Wizard in complete silence making the others look at him. They were quick to notice the dead look in his eyes.

The young Mage suddenly spun around and started running away full speed.

"You'll never take me alive, AAAAHHHHHH!" Ark shouted as he ran back home. Mordred sighed and gave chase while Merlin simply chuckled in amusement. The others stared at the Wizard with a curious expression wondering what training has Merlin has put Ark through.


"You either think I'm gullible or it's and actual test." Ark said with a sigh as he stood in the magical training room once more. The Apprentice shifted from one foot to another. "What your asking me to do it actually stupid." Merlin only smirked.

"While that maybe true, I have a very good reason to do it." Ark felt his eye twitch as he shifted slightly and tried to readjust what he was currently wearing.

"Alright, now why am I wearing a full set of Armor similar to Proto-Saber?" Ark asked making Merlin chuckle again as he inspected his handy work, it wasn't too hard to make this set of armor since he only used Atroria's armor as reference and went from there. So now Ark was wearing a full set of Armor similar to Proto-Saber. "And you could have made the cloth red instead of blue." The mage mumbled as he walked around the room in his armor.

Ark paused and snapped his fingers making the blue cloth shine a light blueish green and when the glow went away, the cloth was now a dark red.

"And once again your strange spells and Magic confuse me." Merlin said with a sigh as he shook his head while Ark looked at him confused and with a slight bit of amusement at seeing the stumped Wizard.

"It's not that strange." Merlin looked him dead in the eyes before pointing over at a large table that had piles of gold ore on it. "Your point being?" The wizard felt his eyes twitch slightly at Ark's response, Merlin knew he shouldn't get annoyed, but he didn't expect Ark to bring a whole different set of magic and spells into this world.

"You were able to turn iron ore into silver.... and SILVER INTO GOLD!" Merlin shouted the last part making Ark chuckle. "I don't understand how you managed to actually change the minerals inside the Iron ore to become silver, but now the next thing you do is turn the silver into GOLD!"

Merlin paused when he realized that he wasn't acting like his normal self, the wizard couldn't help it, what Ark was doing is on another level of bullshit. And it was the fact that It came to the boy so easily, it was a simple thought or name of the spell and a bit of prana and Ark was able to cast it...

All of it was ridiculous and shouldn't be apart of this world, but it was too late now, thankfully Ark wasn't able to stop time or anything, cause if he could Merlin would probably rip out his glorious hair off his head.

"So you want me to sneak into the King's room and steal her crown?" Ark asked snapping Merlin out of his thoughts and looked at his Apprentice who had bullshit spells.

"Yes." Merlin said simply as his smile returned completely forgetting what he was ranting about.

"In this full suit of armor?"

"It's actually your Armor now, but yes I want you to steal the crown In a full set of armor." Merlin added while Ark only stared at this crazy wizard before him.


"Cause why not?" Ark faceplamed with a heavy sigh. He slid his hand off his face and turned away from the wizard. "If you manage to do this, then this will be your reward." The sound of a sword being drawn was heard making Ark look only to see a very familiar sword. No matter how long it has been Ark will never forget of holding that sword in his hands.

The gold and black sword gleamed in the light as Ark stared in awe, he reached out towards it wanting to hold the sword once more, but it was yanked away from him before his fingers could touch it.

"Ah ah." Merlin said smiling causing Ark's eye to twitch as his hands balled up in anger. "You need to earn in, I can't just hand you it." Merlin said holding the sword in his hands as he looked it over.

"Ass" Ark mumbled before sighing. "Fine I'll do your stupid task, now where is Artoria?" Merlin however smirked at the mage, amused by how impatient his Apprentice became, it seems he really wanted to hold this sword...

"However, you can be caught, you have to be discreet and make sure nobody catches you." Ark blinked and groaned, he hated hearing that especially in stealth missions, not only that he had to wear this heavy armor...



Ark was sneaking through the dark hallways of the castle trying his damn hardest to not make a sound as his armor creaked slightly with each step he took.

"I hate Merlin and his stupid ideas of a test." Ark mumbled as he gently hid himself against the wall as two unknown knights walked back him not realizing there was a seventeen year old in a full suit of armor pressing their back against the wall. Ark relaxed slightly when the Knights dissapeared around a corner. He let out a sigh and continued down the hall, thankfully the carpet... muffled... his foot falls.

Slapping himself Ark raised his arm and within his palm was a light blue orb that looked almost like water. Clenching his hand he casted the spell on himself. The sound of large puff of air entered his ears making the Mage look down to see his thag the bottom of his feet were suddenly covered in a gentle light blue glow.

With a bit of confidence he raised his foot and brought his foot down on the marble floor.


All the confidence In Ark shattered cause instead of a muffled footstep he recieved something that amplified the sound he made which probably echoed throughout the entire castle.

"Well shit..." Ark said with loud sigh as the sound of heavy metal footsteps rushing towards his location. "Double shit... fuck you Merlin." And with that Ark took off down the hall, and since his 'muffle' spell is still active it made a pretty loud racket as he ran down the hall.




"OH FOR FUCK SAKE!" Ark shouted as he sprinted down the hall breathing heavily. This armor really weighed him down and he wasn't used to running In a full set of armor.

Ark yelped when a door opened infront of him causing him to active his IronFlesh on instinct. He ran into the door  probably slamming it into somebody's face. Who awake to the sound of his very loud footsteps.

The mage pushed himself off the floor and took off once more, his footsteps still loud as ever.

"Need to find a place to hide." Ark said breathing heavily looking around the hall, when suddenly the door beside him opened and someone yanked the boy inside. The young mage stumbled as be regained his balance.

He spun around to see who yanked him inside only to see a pair of light green eyes staring at him with a blank expression. The Mage looked around to see he in a very fancy looking room with a large window leading to the outside world.

He was in the King's room... being stared down by Artoria... shit...

"This wasn't part of my plan!" Ark screamed In his head while Artoria just stared at him before looking over the male's appearance and only raised an eyebrow. He was wearing a full suit of armor that almost looked exactly liked hers except it was made to fit the mage's body and the color scheme was different. She looked him in the eyes and Ark could see that the King demanded answers.


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