Off the Grid

By TheShadyButterfly

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Author's Note
Thank You!


96 45 37
By TheShadyButterfly


~Marina's Pov~

I sat at my reading table as I solved my algebra II assignment, and I couldn't deny my hatred for trigonometry, angles and triangles but ironically I do enjoying solving problems with the pythagoras theorem, also I love basic algebra problems with the coefficient and all that jazz.

"Three x equals twelve." I read out the next question and chuckled to myself, did Mr George think we were still in elementary school?

Just by looking at the question, I already knew the answer was four, simply divide both sides by the coefficient which is three, therefore 'x' would be four. I smiled to myself as I did the workings on my worksheet, the homework was due tomorrow. Also tommorow Mr Wiley would officially tell us what our term's project that worth half our entire grade would be. Tomorrow is going to be a hectic day.

Whitesnake's voice sang into the air from his song; is this love– my ringing tone– I dropped my pencil on my worksheet and picked up my iPhone, the first thing I saw was a polaroid picture of me and my mom from ten years ago, it had been taken at a park. It was my Mom calling.

I pouted my lips to one side and then hit the green button, "Hey, Mom!"

"Hey, Sweetie... So I was thinking, Kelsie's at ten tomorrow, so we could have some Mommy and Marie time just like I promised."

That would be my lunch break at school but I'd be too worked up to leave school grounds and return again even if I was being picked up and dropped off.

"I have school, Mom."

"Oh I must have forgotten, my mind was still in last week, but hey, I'm off Saturday." She added and I noticed there was a catch in her voice, she was excited to hangout no doubt.

But I had to decline again, "I have driver's test, come Saturday."

I heard her mouth 'ohh' in the background and I could already picture her lovely face but a thought made my heart sink. If she was always around she'd already know about my driver's test but she is never around, and with each day the lesser her involvement in our lives and it makes me wonder what memories I would have to remember her by when her time came. It's just sad. The truth was staring at me in the face and mocking me: Mommy loves her job more than Dad, Jakob and Marie. Then why'd she get married if she knew she couldn't balance her work life and mommy duties?

"Or wait! That's brilliant!" She rejoiced over the line and my spirit found its way back into my body.

"What's brilliant?" I just couldn't replicate her enthusiasm.

"I'll come hangout with you guys during the driver's test, and after that we can all have fun together." She suggested.

Ok maybe she did have us in mind, sorta.

"That'd be nice. See you Saturday." I smiled weakly even if she couldn't see it and I ended the call.

See you Saturday. That was so weird. We literally lived in the same house, but we were like friends who didn't live close and barely saw each other or worse... Strangers. And I'm pretty sure we would reach that climax if she doesn't create more time to hang out with her family.

I sighed and peered back at my worksheet, I had suddenly lost my assignment enthusiasm and lucky for me there was just one more algebraic question to solve and I would be done, so I quickly did it, punching on my calculator and post checking to make sure I didn't miss or change any figures. Then I wrote down my answer; y ≠ 2.


I let the pencil fall from my hand and clattered on top my note book, I would worry about arranging them when I pack my bag in the morning, for now I missed Topaz and was craving some milk. I stretched as I stood up and then dragged myself to the door and down the stairs.

I overheard a conversation between Jakob and Dad but it sounded more like Jakob was disagreeing with him and making an objection over something. Jakob and Dad seldom had heart-to-heart– I mean Marina was the daddy's girl– so it wouldn't hurt to eavesdrop a little right?

I crouched low towards the end of the staircase which faced the main entrance door and rested my ears on the wall in the corridor before the opening that led into the living room and kitchen, ensuring I was quiet as I listened to their conversation.

"How much longer do you think we can keep it a secret?" Jakob asked Dad.

"I'm waiting on the right time, better don't screw it with your obnoxious good boy ego, Jakob."

Okay now I feel like a terrible person. The reason I had come downstairs flashed in my mind again and I could already taste the refrigerated diary milk on my tongue, I didn't tell you guys this earlier but I really really really love milk and milk products, they were my second healthy addiction after music. So, I stood up and walked into the living room space but not before I heard Jakob object again...

"The right time is now, Dad!"

They both paused immediately I walked in, Dad had a poker face on but Jakob's visage was colored with guilt.

"I didn't hear anything." I muttered in my oversized t-shirt without glancing at them twice as I walked towards the standing refrigerator.

"Way to go, Jake." I heard Dad muster to Jakob.

I just shook my head as I scanned the refrigerator, we had run out of plain-sweetened diary milk, someone would have to go grocery shopping this weekend, but luckily for me, a pot of waitrose Scottish raspberry Youghurt was waiting for me.

"Okay well blame Jake, for objecting, how do you know if she'd like a Ford mustang?" Jakob fired back in defense and my head turned in that instance.

"You guys are planning to buy Mom a car without involving me?" I asked them as I close the refrigerator feeling somewhat betrayed.

Well it only made sense they'd want to buy Mom a car because her birthday was just around the corner, I'm just saying, it couldn't possibly me they were talking about because I still haven't passed my driver's test yet, but it made sense that they were probably talking about keeping it a secret from me. I'm sorry, Marina doesn't even make sense, bear with my rambling.

"So much for trying to do something in secret in the Hunter family house." Dad said as he massaged his forehead and reclined deeper into the couch.

Jakob turned to me with an expression I couldn't understand, "No hard feelings, Marina. But you're not the 'best' secret keeper in the family."

I shot him a fake smile, "Wow you guys. Thanks for making me feel like I don't fit in and be sure to tell Mom her sixteen year old daughter was too busy with school and couldn't participate in surprising her." I spat and stormed out of the living room space, racing back into my room.

I sank helplessly like an abandoned puppy into my egg chair and stared at Topaz's empty cage, as I peeled the cover of the youghurt open... Oh great, I forgot to pick a dessert spoon! Way to go Dad and Jake.

But seriously how could they? They were seriously excluding me out of plans that basically involved me. I really needed a friend, and unlucky for Marina, Topaz was still MIA, ugh could my life get any worse? I raised the youghurt to my lips and squeezed the pot to get the creamy liquid in my mouth then I remembered Jason. I went over and picked my phone to text my Fuzzy.

Hey Jace! I really need to talk to someone, you there? I hit the send button and waited.

Five whole minutes passed by and Jason didn't reply, which was weird because Jason was always with his phone and he was the type to text back in seconds, unless he was sleeping that is, so maybe he was sleeping. I glanced at the time, it was passed nine, gee how long does it take to solve twenty algebra questions? Time flew by without my notice. Suddenly a text popped on my screen.

My heart leaped for a second, and I thought it was Jason until I saw the ID of the texter. It was Darnell.

My lips curved without humor as I licked more Youghurt from around my lips then I read his text; The lights in your room are still on, Butterfly, why aren't you sleeping? Boy drama?

I laughed to myself, this boy was really something; Eww, stop stalking me, goodnight, McCoy.

I texted back and discarded the empty Youghurt pot in my room bin then I switched off the lights before jumping into bed. I heard my phone beep again and I was certain it was Darnell, but I didn't bother to check it since I'd already dropped my phone on the nightstand.

Tommorow was going to be a long and hectic day, I would need all the sleep I can get, I didn't need any boy keeping me up late just because I wanted them to fall for me, yes it would be a nice record but my sleep is more valuable. Also I haven't forgotten about joining the basketball team, it's just on a hold for now, Marina doesn't like to rush things.

Besides tomorrow is that time in every term that Marina dreaded the most, why?
Stay tuned.

~ ~ ~
A/N: ayee any guesses what is happening at school tomorrow and also leave a comment on what Jakob and Dad are planning, don't forget to vote as well. See you in fourteen.

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