shut up (SLOW UPDATES)

maruharuhi tarafından

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(SLOW UPDATES) "What the hell is going on Higashikata?" When it all boils down to the murder of her mother... Daha Fazla



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maruharuhi tarafından

warning: descriptions of mutilations and gore, proceed with caution.

Josuke stepped back surprised as the tall girl suddenly dashed towards him.

He side stepped only to get a right hook to the gut which sent him stumbling backwards, coughing.
He summoned his stand and started punching.

Y/n blocked every single one of it with matched speed, her eyes seemed so distant and focussed at the same time as she stared down into Josuke's navy blue orbs.

"Is this just pure brute strength or is this your stand?" he asked, ramming his fist to her side only for her stand to block it.

"I don't know," she mumbled, her stand glaring at Josuke with its soulless eyes, punching at his jaw. He quickly blocked it and jumped backwards, creating distance between the two.

Y/n stood up straight and adjusted her hair tie, bundling up her blonde brown hair into a high ponytail. Josuke observed that she remained quiet, her eyes seemingly calm and rather detached from her whatever was happening.

It was almost as if...she was watching a stimulation of herself fighting him.

Josuke shrugged that off, he wouldn't know better than she did right? Maybe he could ask her how she felt during the tussle later on.

He relaxed a little but regretted it as she darted towards him again, her fist unclenched.
Figuring that she was attempting to palm slam up to his chin, he tucked his head down and held both arms up to shield himself.

Smoke started to surround him and suddenly, Y/n disappeared.

"Josuke help me please!" he spun around to see his mother on the ground, gasping in pain as blood poured out from a large wound in her chest.

"W-What? Mom what happened?" he rushed over somewhat confused but his mother's body teleported further away.


His mother then started to melt, her skin peeling away from her skin to expose her raw flesh beneath. Josuke stepped back shocked as a cold shiver ran down his spine.

"Why aren't you helping me Josuke?" the illusion of his mother screamed. "WHY? WHY?"
He couldn't help but to gag at the sight of his mother melting, there was even the smell of burning.

Think Josuke, think! How do you get out of this illusion?

"Josukeeeeeee-" his mother screeched, her body becoming a huge clump of molten flesh, making his eyes tear up.
He knew it was an illusion but still- it was almost as if she was dying in front of his face.

"You're not real!" he shouted as he heard a soft footstep from behind. He spun around swinging his fist.

His fist connected with y/n's cheek and she flew across the small field, slamming onto a tree nearby and collapsing onto the ground.
The smoke faded away and so did his mother.

"That's.." he opened his mouth to speak but closed it when y/n stood up, brushing her uniform.

Blood poured from her broken nose and her shoulder seemed to be dislocated.
She let out a dissatisfied grunt and dashed towards Josuke again, her stand this time looking as if it could kill.
The smoke started to gather around her and her e/c eyes glowed with this intense firey hate.

Hate for who though?

Josuke sighed and sprinted towards her head on, his stand readying itself for a showdown.
Y/n started to shout as her stand hammered down onto Crazy Diamond with a flurry of punches.

"FUCKING DIE ALREADY!" she shouted, her stand cries matching her anger filled cries.


"I don't want to hurt you further y/n!" Josuke, grabbed onto her dislocated left arm and pulled at it, making y/n scream in pain, her stand trashing around furiously. "Snap out of it already!" he was surprised when she used her free right arm to punch him in the jaw, he winced as he tasted the metallic tang of blood upon his tongue but held onto her injured arm even harder.

"I'm not letting go until you give up!" she repeatedly punched his jaw, her eyes filled with this crazy expression of anger.
It was almost as if she wanted to kill him.

As much as Josuke didn't want to validate the rumour that y/n killed her own mom he decided to try to use it to snap her out of her anger outbreak.


Y/n froze and Josuke gently let go of her limp arm.

"I didn't do it." she mumbled, the anger in her eyes fading to agony. "I don't know who you heard this from but I didn't do it." tears started to pool in her eyes as she slumped to the floor sobbing.

Josuke felt really really bad.

He didn't believe the rumours at all but now that he said it, y/n would think that he really did.

"A day doesn't go by where I don't stop blaming myself for not dying along with her," she choked out, trying to rub her tears with her dislocated hand, crying even more when the pain of her dislocated arm settled in.

"I didn't mean it," he knelt down in front of her and summoned Crazy Diamond to heal her, helping her pop back her arm into its socket.
For now y/n seemed to regain her bearings but it wasn't in a good way.

"Let's..find out who killed her," he said, holding onto her hand gently.

"What...why...would you help me?" y/n retracted her hand. "You hardly know me."

Y/n continued to cry and Josuke awkwardly healed her.

First day of being friends I guess. Josuke thought to himself as he thought of things to comfort her.


Josuke's words slammed into y/n like a truck and the mention of her mother released the 2 months worth of suppressed memories to bubble and explode into y/n's already tired brain.

She remembered the suspicions of her neighbours when she stumbled out of the house with the police shaking as they escorted her into the ambulance.

She could still hear the whispers.

"Hey I got a theory! What if she actually killed her own mother! I mean look at her, always coming home late, frequently getting in arguements with her mother, do you think she snapped?'"

"You're right! Imagine if she got away with it, poor Mrs l/n though , she was such a sweet woman."

Josuke gently shook her and y/n snapped back into reality.
With her tears blurring her vision, she could hardly see the expression on Josuke's face.
She didn't want to know either.

"Hey i'm sorry," he said as she felt her nose rearrange and fix itself. "I didn't mean it at all I just thought that it would snap you out."

"No it's alright, i'm in the wrong here-"

"No, I'm in the wrong too! I mean if I didn't suggest that we'd fight to figure out your stand powers you would have never gotten hurt and I would have never made you cry!" Josuke exclaimed, using his sleeve to wipe the blood from y/n nose. "I don't believe in those rumours but I meant what I said about helping you."

"But why would you help me," y/n rubbed the tears from her eyes. "I mean it's suspicious isn't it? I found the body and I had no alibi, it's natural for people to suspect that." Josuke continued to heal y/n, looking at her every now and then.

"But still..innocent unless proven guilty."

"I'm surprised that you know of that phrase."

"Do you take me as a dumbass?" y/n laughed before wincing.

"Did you break my rib or something?" Josuke looked away sheepishly.

"I think the tree did, not me."

"What the hell man," he stood up and offered her a hand. Y/n took it and shakily stood up, a wave of fatigue washing over her.

She turned her head a little to see Josuke's bruised jaw. Y/n gently brushed it and he flinched.

"Oh goodness i'm so sorry." he shook his head and picked up their school bags.

"It's okay."

"Wait i thought you could heal yourself?"

"Nah I can only do that for others, not myself," he handed y/n her bag. "I don't think my jaw's broken though so i suppose it's just a bruise."

Y/n avoided his eyes embarrassed but Josuke just laughed. "No worries it'll heal in a few days! Come on let's get you home it's really late now."

The two of them left the small field and started to walk home.

"So...what does my stand do?" y/n asked after awhile of silence.

Josuke raised a brow at her. "You mean you weren't aware of whatever it was doing while fighting me?"

Y/n shook her head, making Josuke laugh.

"Yeah alright fine, your stand is kinda freaky not gonna lie."

"Freaky?" y/n furrowed her brows. "In what way?"

"You can create illusions, you made one about my mom dying in front of me." y/n gasped and started to apologise only for Josuke to hold a hand up to stop her. "And you're super strong, it's crazy really."

"I guess I remember bits and pieces of what happened during the fight..what did the smoke do?"

"The smoke made illusions and you seemed to be able to disappear and appear in the smoke."
Y/n summoned her stand again, who looked at her, tilting its head.

"It's a cool stand if i'd say so myself, maybe you can talk to Jotaro tomorrow if you want to know more." Y/n gently grabbed Josuke's arm.

"You keep saying Jotaro this and Jotaro that, but who the hell is he?"

Josuke pondered for a moment, his brows knotting together tightly.

"Long story short he's my nephew."

"Where's the long story?"

"I'll tell you another day." Josuke stopped in front of his house. "Alright I'm at my place now, lemme drop my bags and walk you home." Y/n's eyes widened as she started at the Higashikata house.

" is next door." she pointed at the Matsumoto household beside his. "My guardian is Kumi Matsumoto."

"Huh we're neighbors? Let's walk to school together tomorrow then!" he smiled at y/n , she nodded and bowed.

"Uh thanks for today I guess," he waved at her as she made her way to her house. "See you tomorrow Josuke."

"Wait y/n," Josuke grabbed her arm gently and pulled her to face him. "About finding your mother's murderer," he smiled warmly. "The offer still stands okay?"

"But why-"

"No shut up, my offer still stands and will continue to stand until the murderer is arrested."

"I'll.. think about it. Thank you Josuke."


Y/n had a hard time trying to explain to her aunt why she had blood and dirt all over her school uniform until she made her aunt conclude she got into a tussle with some gangsters.

"Do you need me to contact the police? There's the chief officer next door I can get him to do some catching!" her aunt rolled up her sleeves and bundled up her newspapers.

"NONO ITS OKAY!" y/n held her aunt back as she tried to leave the house to make a report. "Uhhh the next door neighbour helped me! Josuke Higashikata!"

Her aunt stopped in her tracks and turned around slowly.
When she faced y/n, her brows kept wriggling.

"Oooh! That's really sweet of him! I ought to say thank you on your behalf!" y/n rolled her eyes and opened her mouth to say something before her stomach let out a loud growl.

"Okay i'll get dinner ready, go wash up y/n!" she silently thanked her stomach before heading to her room.
She tossed her bag onto the floor and grabbed a fresh pair of clothes and a towel before stumbling to the bathroom, almost falling down.

Her fight with Josuke had her tired out of her mind and she had learnt so many new things today. Not to mention his..offer.

Y/n summoned her stand and took a look at it, her stand in turn also looked at y/n curiously.

Y/n decided that she would think of Josuke's offer tomrorow.

"Do you want a name?" her stand stared at her blankly. "Okay I take it as a yes, what name suits you?"

The stand didn't reply and y/n just decided to take a bath and think it over.

"How does Misty sound?" y/n scowled at the name and shook her head. "No no it doesn't suit you...i mean you're mega strong too..."

"I think...mega that's copyrighted..."

"Fuck i have no idea," y/n switched on the shower and stepped in, hissing when the cold water hit her skin. "Gentle? Oh yes that's a throw off for the enemies..."

The whole shower was spent with Y/n pondering over what name suited her stand.
Eventually she settled with Gentle and couldn't think of anymore.

"I'm sorry it sounds stupid," Gentle tilted its head before beaming at a very confused y/n. It seemed to like it.

Y/n sighed happily and headed off to eat dinner.


aaand we're done with chapter 3
i'm so sorry it's such a lengthy filler but i thought it'll be a cool development for y/n's stand HAHA

my exams are almost done so do expect more frequent updates!!

i'm really excited for this story to fold out because i have a few cool ideas in mind HHAA

once more thanks for reading and stay tuned for the next chapter!!


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