Natural (creepy pasta x reade...

By fox-chan666

25K 930 571

There is a re write of this story called All Natural(reader x creepypasta) read that one. More

begings (this is discontinued go to All natural)
the bitch squad ahm i mean cheer squad (this is discontinued go to All natural)
i hate stairs (this is discontinued go to All natural)
Don't worry, i brought popcorn. (this is discontinued go to All natural)
ch5 pt 2
News on the updates
6. Bad dog
Chapter 7 Oh hell no
Chapter 8 Captured
Ch. 9 Little girls and pink dresses
What cha doing ch10
Pancakes Woman! Ch. 11
Ch. 12 history of the bold
ch 13 Bromigo
ch 14 no one home?
Guess What :)

Masion in th wood Pt.1 (this is discontinued go to All natural)

1.8K 77 47
By fox-chan666

All Natural is the re write and is much better

A/N; spoiler alert I'm making EJ right handed.

--- Everybody do the flop! Nope LINE BREAK---

So you want me to change forms?

'Yeah it's easy. Just think of an animal or person and image looking like that, and tada you have changed form.'

That sounds really fake and made up.

'Hmm well you don't have to be rude about it. Gezz.'

You were about to reply when you heard a noise from below your perch on a tree branch.

'I bet it's a rabbit.'

Out from a bush stepped a guy. The guy was in a blood covered grey hoodie, in his right hand he held a blood covered scalpel and in his left hand was a bag of what looked like human kidneys.

You're wrong it's a male human with a small ass blade

'I don't know we could put bunny ears and a bunny tail on him. Also I wouldn't mind taking a bit out of that ass. Whistles.'

You're an idiot

'And proud of it!'

You rolled your eyes at that comment and got closer to the mystery guy. He was wearing a navy blue mask with only eye holes cut out. Where eyes should have been only dark chasms were seen, out of the eye sockets dripped black ooze.

Is that tar?

'I don't know, maybe.'

Will you shut up I don't need you talking back.

'Fine I'll shut up, ya meanie.'

The blue boy walked through the forest quietly and with ease as if he lived here. No you wouldn't allow that these are your woods now. You followed him in complete silence matching the shadows and forest song like you were part of it.

He keeps going until he reaches a mansion. It was big and even though it looked run down you know people live there. There was a metallic smell that you insanity know was the beautiful elixir of life known as blood, and it was mixed with the smell of sweat, sweets and ... roast beef.

You had seen this mansion before but decided to leave it alone, after all who would live in a run down, creepy old mansion? Apparently this guy would. You watched as he went inside the mansion. Creping closer careful not to be seen and keeping on red alert, you looked inside what you assumed to be the living room window. Inside you saw a elfish teenager sitting in front of the biggest TV you have ever seen.

Shit that would have cost a pretty penny. I bet it's stolen, what do you think?


What are you giving me the silent treat meant now!?


Fine be that way.


Oh come sorry just talk, please.

'Fine and yeah I bet it's stolen. Speaking about stealing, did you steal that phone of yours cause I thought your family hated you?'

None of your business

You then left that window and like the awesome ninja you are you snuck around the house looking for a way in. Finding anopen on the fourth floor, 'how tall is this motherf*cker' (Shadow fox langue!!) 'Sorry foxy-chan.' Who are you talking to? 'No one just breaking the fourth wall.' Anyways.

Finding a open window on the fourth floor, you tested out your legs and jumped up to the window sill and made a perfect landing to see inside a guy with his back turned to you wearing only a towel.

--sexy LINEBREAK brought to you by Sexy-shady--

A/N: cliff hanger, I am such a jerk. Ill update at some point but my sister wants to watch anime while internet is free, so DERP.

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