Notes with a smile on it // d...

By keepercheese

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Georges's life hasn't always been sunshine and rainbows. Divorced parents, bullies, losing friends, and more... More

Chapter 1: Nightmares
Chapter 2: Bullies
Chapter 3: Confrontations
Chapter 4: Unintended
Chapter 5: Punished
Chapter 6: Not Found
Chapter 7: Detention
Chapter 8: Why
Chapter 9: Another Day
Chapter 10: Last straw
Chapter 11: Shattered glass
Chapter 12: The Truth
Chapter 13: Solved
Chapter 14: Stepping into the Closet
Chapter 15: New Number
Chapter 16: Repairing
Chapter 17: The Forgotten
Chapter 18: Unfamilliar
Chapter 20: Second Attempt
Chapter 21: Snapchatting
Chapter 22: Labels?
Chapter 23: Opinions
Chapter 24: Unanswered
Chapter 25: Darksides
Chapter 26: Party - part 1
Chapter 27: Party - part 2
Chapter 28: Party - part 3
Chapter 29: Afterthoughts
Chapter 30: Reminder
Chapter 31: The discovery
Chapter 32: Tension
Chapter 33: Dinner
Chapter 34: Almost there
Chapter 35: Talking

Chapter 19: Round 2

1K 24 92
By keepercheese

TWs: Swearing


George POV:

The bell finally rang for my first class, Social class wasn't actually that bad.

I was asking the teacher some questions about the homework. Finally, I left the classroom after talking to Wilbur once I returned to my desk to grab my stuff. Tommy was exiled from the classroom for being loud. So, it was just Wilbur and me.

It was actually kind of funny. As he was walking out he mumbled something along the lines of.

"Not this again, damn you Tubbo"

Anyway, Wilbur was telling about Tubbo and Ranboo. He said that they would be here in 2 weeks and that Tommy had been super excited ever since Phil told them.

We finally left the class and went to English. I sat down at a random desk and pulled out my work for that class. Searching through my bag I realized that I forgot my book in my locker.

I raised my hand.

"Miss, I forgot my book in my locker can I go get it?"

She sighed in annoyance

"Fine, be quick and next time be prepared for class"

"Yes, ma'am"

Quickly I got out of my seat and rushed out the door being as fast as humanly possible.

My lock clicked opened and reached into my locker to grab my book.

When I pulled the book out of the locker, a note slowly fell in front of my feet.

It was another one of the smiley face notes.

I almost forgot about these.

I opened the note, per usual it was a green sticky note or yellow for me. Then, it was signed with a smile just like that last few.

Hey George,

I've enjoyed sending you these notes

But, I would like to talk to you more

Here's my snap, add me


- :)


I never thought I'd figure out who this person is and I have no idea who it could be. Which kinda worried me a bit. For all, I know they could be the biggest douche ever.

Despite my worries, I added them back. Then, I snapped them.

It was a picture of the top of my head with the roof above me. All I wrote was a simple hello since I have no idea who they are.

Patiently I waited by my locker for an answer, I didn't get one.

Then, I remembered that I needed to get back to class. So, I stuffed the note in my pocket like always. Slammed my locker shut, locked it, and hastily returned to my class.

Silently I sat down in my chair trying not to attract too much attention. I pull out my book and start reading it.

Class finally comes to an end, I handed in our project before I left. Our teacher said that she was very impressed with it. Which made me very excited.

Once I got to my locker I pulled out my phone to check my notifications. There still wasn't any, I left it be.

As I was putting my things away, the rest of my friend group could be heard screaming from the other end of the hall. They were all coming in my direction.


Their voices got louder and louder as they approached me.

The first voice I could hear was Tommy's

"GEORGE, guess what?"

I slowly turned around to face him.

"What, did you do this time?"

"Ayy! I didn't do anything "

Tommy said clearly annoyed

I rolled my eyes and waited for Tommy to speak.

"George, George, Tubbo's gonna be here in 2 weeks"

Tommy said bouncing around like a child.

"Yeah, Wilbur told me about that. Oh, and isn't that Ranboo dude coming too?"

Tommy's face went blank.

"Wilbur, care to elaborate"

"I don't even know"

Wilbur shrugged and I nodded in response.

"Well guys I better be off, I don't wanna be late"

"Oooooo, late for what."

Quickly said in a teasing tone

"I'm meeting Lukas for lunch"

I said with a smile.

"Ohhhh, is that the guy from the closet"

"Yes, and how do you remember that"

"Ooooooooo Gogy's got a boyfriend"

He said teasingly

"Shut up, but I do have to get going so, bye guys. I'll see you after classes"


They all replied

Sapnap and I turned to leave when Karl said

"Hey Sap, where you going?"

"Oh, I'm meeting closet dude. I'll meet you in the cafeteria after."

Sapnap replied


"Why does he get to go"

Quackity chimed in

"Because I don't trust you, you'll scare him off"

We all laughed and Quackity stood with his arms crossed.

"Fuck you guys, Tommys even more annoying than I am"

"Yeah, but still"

"Oh George, one more thing"

Wilbur said running up to me


"My brother, ummmm. Techno"

I frowned

"Yeah, What about him?"

"He wants to talk to you"

He replied hesitantly

"Fuck no, he's gonna beat me up"

"He said he wouldn't after he said he'd leave you alone"

"Wilbur, you know how many issues I have because of them"

He nodded

"So, no I don't wanna talk to him"

"George, I was barely able to ask you. He has been asking all weekend."

Wilbur sighed

"He's getting annoying, and that sucks when you also live with Tommy. Just think about it, okay."


"Okay, I'll let you go now. See you later"

"See you"

We finally left and went to meet Lukas at the front of the school

The doors closed behind us and we could Lukas standing near some picnic benches that sat at the front.


I said as we walked closer to him. He smiled and waved.

"George, how are you?"

"I'm good thanks. This is Nick, he's my best friend. I believe you met him at the party"

"Oh right, nice to meet you. Again"

Sapnap didn't say anything, he just stare at Lukas inspecting him. Then, he finally spoke

"You too"

"Sap, don't be weird."


Sapnap relaxed

"So, how are you?"

Sapnap asked

"I'm good"

"I heard you play football"

"Yeah, I'm actually the captain"

"So, I've heard"


I interrupted

"Okay, fine. I'll get going. I have to meet Karl either way"

"Thank you, see ya later"

"Bye George"

Sapnap finally left, leaving Lukas and me by ourselves. He turned to me.

"So, what do you wanna do?"

"It doesn't matter"

"Okay, then why don't we go eat by that one tree in the field"


We chatted about random topics as we made our way across the field and over to the tree. I sat down on the grass in front of the tree and he sat in front of me.

Again, our conversation started up. But, my mind decided to wander to different places. Such as homework and other little things that gave me stress. The thing is that it didn't bother m as much as one thought did. Or, rather 2.

The first thing I thought of was the Techno thing, I really didn't want to deal with him. I didn't want to deal with Schlatt either, but I don't know the next time I'll see him. As for Techno, he still goes to the same school as me. He could literally find me if wanted to. So, I don't maybe I should stress or maybe I should. Who knows.

The thing bothered me just a little more, or should I say a person was


To be honest, I don't know why. I was just wondering if he's okay because I know his father is bound to come home at some point. I just don't want him to get hurt. Then, wondered if he was lonely or if he wanted me to bring him his homework. I don't know, he was just there. I kinda wish he was here this week, he and Sap finally made amends. We could've finally hung out again, but he's not here and won't be for 2 weeks.

Maybe I just missed the old days.

I frown.

Apparently, Lukas noticed

"George, are you okay?"

"Uhh, yeah. why?"

"You just seem a little distracted that's all, if you tell me. Maybe, I can help"


"Try me"

He scooched closer to me

"Well, you see I had some issues with my friend's brother and his group."

He nodded understanding what I meant by "issues"

"They were caught one of them was expelled the other was suspended"

He rested his hand on my knee trying to soothe me.

"Now, one of them wants to talk to me and I don't know how to feel"

"Is that all?"


I lied, I didn't want to bring Dream into this. He was on the other side of the drama that I did not feel like explaining.

"Well, that sucks"

He said after a few moments of silence.


I said looking down at my lap

"I know a way I can distract you"

I lifted my head

"How's that?"

Lukas scooched closer to me and brought his face closer to mine.

"May I"

I nodded

Within seconds both of our lips connect, instinctively we both moved closer to one another continuing the kiss. The kiss lasted a few seconds and when we pulled away, we both looked at each other. Our cheeks were bright red.

I rubbed the back of my neck not knowing what to say. The silence began to get a little heavy.

"George, you're cute"

He said out of nowhere

"Thank you"

I said as the blush on my face burned me more. He paused, stopping to think about something before he spoke again.

"I like you George and I was wondering if you wanted to go on a date with me"

I smiled in his direction.

"I would love too"


He smiled

Out of the blue, there was a noise coming from his pocket. It was an alarm he set on his phone. Lukas checked the time and looked at me.

"I'm sorry George, but I have to get going. My bell is gonna go off soon"

"Oh, that's alright. I'll text you later"

Lukas grabbed his things and ran off to school, he waved back at me and smiled before he fully turned and ran faster. I waved back.

I figured that I'd leave the tree, so I had enough time to get my things before class. Then, maybe I'll see my friends if I have time>

Slowly I got my stuff together and walked back to the school. I stopped by my locker to grab my things for my next class double-checking I had everything. So, I didn't have to come and get it in the middle of class.

After, that I went to find my friends in the lunchroom because we still had 10 minutes until the bell rang. Once I entered I saw most of my friends sitting at our usual table. It was Tommy, Wilbur, and Quackity. Then, I think I saw Tubbo on facetime.

I walked up to the table and sat down. I was immediately questioned.

"So, how was your date?"

Alex teased

"It was not a date, we were just talking"

"Are you sure?"

he said once again in a playful tone.

I sighed and Wilbur spoke up

"Leave him be"

"Thank you, Will"

Our conversation continued as normal, or as normal as it could be. I don't think that the things that are said in this friend group could be considered normal. I guess that's just who we are.

"Oh, and have you seen Sapnap. I wanted to talk to him"

I said

They all shook their heads.

"He went off with Karl once he got back to the cafeteria"

Wilbur stated

"I bet they're making out in some closet"

Tommy said making kissy noises, Quackity cut in

"No fair, without me?"

he joked and I rolled my eyes

"George, don't worry they'll be fine. You'll see them in class, talk to him then"

Wilbur suggested

"Okay, I'll talk to him then"

Seconds later the bell went off, everyone in the lunchroom got out of their seats and rushed to class.

I waved goodbye to my friends and disappeared into the halls flooded with people.


For the record Tubbo and Ranboo are in their smp, but Dream isn't. He's being added though.

Then what do you put for someone's Snapchat username, cause idk.

It pains me to write kissing scenes between George and Lukas.

But, I do it for the plot.

So, it's fine

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed the chapter

Have a great day/night


- Keeper

Word Count: 2103

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