shut up (SLOW UPDATES)

By maruharuhi

2K 85 71

(SLOW UPDATES) "What the hell is going on Higashikata?" When it all boils down to the murder of her mother... More



261 10 1
By maruharuhi

warning: blood and descriptions of mutilation

Blood had splattered onto the counter, mixing with the overflowing soup and creating an ugly shade of red.

The house was silent except from the ragged breathing of y/n as they stood at the entrance of the kitchen, shaking.

"M-mom?" y/n weakly called out, slowly making their way into the darkened house. "Mom are you there?"
The ridiculous amount of blood seeping into the plush grey carpet made y/n want to puke as she turned to see the living room.

She never felt so sick before, it looked as if it was a scene from a horror film, except that this time there was the additional factors of smell.

Y/n reached for the light switch and switched it on.

The scene wasn't any better.

Y/n slapped a hand onto her mouth to prevent themselves from screaming as the view before her made her tear up.

Her mother lay on the floor, her stomach sliced open with all the organs scattered onto the wooden floor. Her lifeless eyes stared up at the ceiling with her mouths gaping with ice cubes in them.

Y/n's legs gave way and she plopped onto the floor sobbing.

Who did this?

Why would someone do this?

She shakily reached for her phone in her pocket and punched in the numbers for the police.

"1...1....0..." she mumbled, her vision getting blurry with tears as she placed the phone to her ear.

Her mind was starting to spiral, overwhelming thoughts pounding in her head.
She begun to tremble even more as the receiver started to speak to her.

She couldn't comprehend anything they said because the noise in her head started to get louder and louder. Screeching pierced her brain as y/n struggled to keep herself conscious, no she had to talk, she had to report this....

Y/n blacked out before she could even say anything.

Two months later

"Give me a call once you're out of school alright?" y/n nodded as her guardian passed her some money. "Get yourself some food if i'm not home by then okay?"

Y/n nodded again before her aunt sped down the road, leaving her a walking distance away from her school.

She wasn't exactly y/n's aunt, she was more of her mother's close friend that took her in after that incident.
The incident was never resolved, as much to
y/n's frustration, the police were jackshit at doing their job and even tried to rule it out as a suicide which made y/n scream at the officer who suggested that.

Y/n groaned when she thought about it, holding in a punch. Whenever she thought about the 'justice' of the police, she just wanted to cave in the head of someone.

Her unchecked anger issues might have stemmed from the constant shit suggestions she got from the police and occasionally the unsaid blame she had for herself.

"Fucking annoying ," y/n mumbled before slamming her fist onto the wall nearby. The wall crumbled, y/n shocked when she turned her head to see a dent in the beige school walls.

"Oh fuck fuck, sorry how do i cover this up..." she glanced around to check whether anyone was looking and thank heavens there were none, just a few students chatting happily and heading to school.

Slightly ashamed, she brushed the huge indent with her fingers and blew onto it gently.
It obviously had no effect but it didn't hurt to try right?

Y/n looked around once more before hurrying onto school, she figured that the more she hung around, the higher chance that someone would suspect something.

"Woah dude there's a huge hole here!" y/n flinched and quickened her pace.

Hurry to school wheeee walk y/n walk y/n WALK FAST AND TRY TO FLY FUCCK WALK PLEASE! y/n's frantic thoughts started to fill her head as her quickened footsteps slowed eventually as much as she didn't want it to.

She vision started to swim and her throat started to clog up.
The school gate was just a few meters ahead of her.

"Come on y/n just a bit more," she mumbled to herself and stumbled into the school, sighing in relief as she did so.




How did she manage to say <33 out loud? Y/n thought to herself as she continued to walk further into school, it seemed to be coming from the gates.
Y/n turned her head to see a huge crowd of girls circling around a boy- wait no, two boys, just that one of them was kind of short.

The taller one had a dark pompadour with an obviously altered school uniform, numerous gold brooches pinned near the chest window he had, or rather made.
The other boy was smaller in size with the usual green uniform, his weird silver hair made y/n laugh a little, slapping a hand to her mouth.

"Excuse me ,move you gaijin." y/n turned around to see a shorter girl behind her.

"I suppose majority of the Japanese aren't that nice huh," y/n smiled at the smaller girl. "Nice to meet you piece of shit."

"SHE CALLED NEMI A PIECE OF SHIT HOW DARE YOU!" y/n stepped back as one of Nemi's goonies swung a punch at her.

Y/n prepared herself for the worst, for a whole shanking but was surprised when Nemi stopped her goon.

"No no don't touch her, dad said that this filthy little gaijin's mommy is long gone, don't let them unite so soon!" Nemi sneered.
"She has to learn her place." she smirked.

Y/n felt her head get hot and her vision start to turn slightly red.

"Say it again little girl, but say it louder." y/n rubbed the bridge of her nose.

"I said that you need to learn your place you fucking orphan-" Y/n's hand struck out and palmed Nemi's chin, causing her jaw to crash against each other.

Nemi's goon screamed as Nemi fell onto the ground still somewhat conscious .
Y/n sighed and slammed her fist on the pavement beside Nemi's head, a crack splitting below the ground of her head.

"Watch yourself you prat." Y/n stood up and dusted her skirt, walking off.

Great, the first day of school and she was already causing a mess.


Josuke frowned as he witnessed the scene before him, even as girls crowded around him, he could still see the new girl very clearly.

Nemi, the most popular girl in school was confronting her over something, he couldn't quite hear what was going on over the screaming of the girls.

The new girl was tall for sure, she towered over little Nemi as if she was going to swallow her whole.

A 172cm? Maybe even 173cm?

Suddenly the new girl slammed her palm upwards on Nemi's chin, causing the smaller to topple over, crashing onto the ground, semi- unconscious.

He held back a wince as the new girl punched the ground next to Nemi's head but widened his eyes when she did so.

There was something else punching the floor besides the new girl's fist.
A ghostly apparition of a vibrant red fist.



authors note

hi hi ! i'm done with the first chapter, surprisingly this chapter is so long (at about 1200 words long!) and uh yeah i hope you do stay for the story HAHA

it's my first time writing fanfiction with everyone's beloved anime boys so uh yeah do bear with me :D

thanks for reading and stay tuned for the next update!

please like the chapter thanks! it's greatly appreciated :))


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