Life Without You

By mfung84

17.4K 746 157

[23 April 2022 - This story is complete but currently going a second round of edits with improved plots and d... More

Sneak Preview
Chapter 1 - The Painful Truth
Chapter 2 - A New Life
Chapter 3 - A Difficult Birthday
Chapter 4 - Shocking News
Chapter 5 - The New Celebrity
Chapter 6 - The Press Conference
Chapter 7 - Why?
Chapter 8 - Date Out with Hiroshi
Chapter 9 - Hard to Resist
Chapter 10 - Missing Leon
Chapter 11 - Reunion
Chapter 12 - Coming Home
Chapter 13 - Beth's Wedding
Chapter 14 - Rehearsal
Chapter 15 - The Dream
Chapter 16 - Relocating Back Home
Chapter 17 - Adjusting to Fame
Chapter 18 - Andy's Birthday
Chapter 19 - Dark Days Ahead
Chapter 20 - Rising Up
Chapter 21 - Meltdown
Chapter 22 - Dread with Worry
Chapter 23 - In the Hospital
Chapter 24- Progress
Chapter 25 - Rehab
Chapter 26 - Leon?
Chapter 27 - DoppelgΓ€nger Trouble
Chapter 28 - Unpleasant Truths
Chapter 29 - Heartbroken
Chapter 30 - Toughen Up
Chapter 31 - Angel gets Married
Chapter 32 - Obsessed Fans?
Chapter 33 - Out of Rehab
Chapter 34 - The Elia Dera Show
Chapter 35 - Desperate for a Break

Chapter 36 - On to Yellowstone National Park
Chapter 37 - Lost
Chapter 38 - Reunited
Chapter 39 - Awkward Encounter
Chapter 40 - Join the Group
Chapter 41 - Campfire
Chapter 42 - Enjoying Yellowstone (with a twist)
Chapter 43 - The Reveal
Chapter 44 - Financial Woes & Trust Issues
Chapter 45 - Helping Leon
Chapter 46 - Depressed
Chapter 47 - Forest Cherry Hill Park
Chapter 48 - Remember?
Chapter 49 - Andy Discovers the Truth
Chapter 50 - Painful memories I
Chapter 51 - Painful memories II
Chapter 52 - Confrontation
Chapter 53 - A New Companion
Chapter 54 - Leon vs Hiroshi
Chapter 55 - The Red Story
Chapter 56 - New landlord
Chapter 57 - The New Housemate
Chapter 58 - Being Away
Chapter 60 - I won't give up
Chapter 61 - Framing Leon
Chapter 62 - Interrogation
Chapter 63 - Ignoring Leon
Chapter 64 - Thinking of You
Chapter 65 - Knocked Out
Chapter 66 - Where's Sky?
Chapter 67 - More Company
Chapter 68 - Proceeding Alone
Chapter 69 - Beacon of Hope
Chapter 70 - Captured
Chapter 71 - Game of Life and Death
Chapter 72 - Saving Andy
Chapter 73 - Andy's Recovery
Chapter 74 - Wait for Me
Chapter 75 - His Gain, Her Loss
Chapter 76 - Being Set Free
Chapter 77 - Leaving the Dream
Chapter 78 - Reborn
Chapter 79 - Moving On
Chapter 80 - Will you?
Chapter 81 - Ever After
Chapter 82 - New Life (End)

Chapter 59 - Surprise in Japan

99 7 1
By mfung84

At Osaka in Japan, Ariel accompanied Hiroshi to the office, business functions and meetings every day. She found it strange that it was more related to Fujita's other businesses than the F&B business itself, touring their factories and meeting suppliers. She also accompanied him to meet VIPs and participate in important networking sessions with some of the world's wealthiest elites.

Hinata restaurant, the first one that opened in Osaka was doing well and the sales of Fujita sauces in Japan were raking in healthy profits, but apart from overseeing their progress which did not require much of her time, Ariel wondered if she was even needed at all for this entire trip. 

From time to time, she was asked by Hiroshi for her opinion on the latest technology for their cars and ideas for their makeup line, to which she could only voice out some input despite knowing little about the products. 

Why was he doing this?

Office workers at Fujita Corporation's Japanese headquarters stared at them from time to time, just like the workers back home in the North American branch. Ariel worried if they thought they were a couple, but rumours of such had never been fully cleared till now. She greatly despised the untrue gossips that she slept her way up to the top or used her beauty to seduce the heir of the billion-dollar Fujita Corporation, despite that in truth, it was purely her hard work and not once in public had she been seen being romantic with Hiroshi, except for that disastrous "kiss". Yet, for a woman who was beautiful and successful, society would never fully attribute her success to her hard work alone, unlike how it does for men. Life was really unfair.

During their meal breaks, Ariel and Hiroshi ate alone together. They had little to talk about but Hiroshi acted like nothing was wrong. They never resumed the kind of friendly talks that they used to have, feeling more distant than ever. It felt more business-like than friends.

"You alright, Ariel? You aren't touching your food," Hiroshi noticed one day during dinner.

Ariel put down her chopsticks, "It's been two and a half weeks into the trip. May I know why do I need to come along?"

Hiroshi swallowed his food, "What do you mean?"

"I mean, most of the business dealings here are related to Fujita's other businesses than its F&B side. You know I'm not an expert in its other industries, so what's the purpose of me being here?"

"To get you prepared," replied Hiroshi.

"Prepared?" she gathered her brows.

Hiroshi looked at her, "Do you really want to always stay in the same position?"

"What do you mean?"

"Staying as a director of a restaurant chain forever is not something aspiring. I'm giving you the opportunity to grow out of that."

"But, I'm satisfied where I am," she fidgeted with her napkin.

"You should never be satisfied where you are, but strive to be ambitious. Consider yourself lucky that you've me to guide you to greater heights," Hiroshi sipped his tea.

"Well, it's not even a year that I'm in my current position," she smiled uncomfortably.

"I'm preparing you. It's not every day you've got a boss willing to show you the ropes of managing a multi-billion dollar business. Determination is the key to success."

"Yes...determination," Ariel remembered the word Hiroshi often used during their Krav Maga training.

Still, she did not fully understand what Hiroshi meant, but she trusted his judgment that if this was business-related, perhaps it had got to do with expanding Fujita's F&B side. Maybe he wanted her to witness the operations of Fujita's other businesses to get a better feel of entrepreneurship as a whole should their F&B side expand even more. However, the idea of leaving cooking behind just to reach "greater heights" was something she never wanted.

By the end of their third week in Japan, Ariel felt more lost, confused and anxious than before. She also worried about Andy and how he was doing, so she video-called him through Rita's phone.

"Hey darling, how've you been? Oh, what's that you're wearing?" Ariel noticed Andy was dressed in cosplay.

"Hi Mum! I'm a super soldier!" Andy slid the barrel of his Nerf gun and showed off his soldier suit and helmet.

"Oh, how interesting," Ariel complimented. "Who got you that?"



"Yeah! He and Sky comes every day to play with me!" Andy smiled broadly. "Leon, come say hi to my mum!"

Leon shoved his head into the screen with a batman mask and suit. "Miss Beautiful!" He greeted with a smile and a wave with a Nerf gun in his hand.

Ariel laughed at his cosplay costume.

"Watch this, mum!" exclaimed Andy. He asked Rita to steady the phone and he began to play a shooting game with Leon, who was just as involved and childlike. Even Sky was included. The dog had red a cape around her neck and she barked and chased them around. Ariel could not stop laughing at the comical scene. They were just so funny and cute.

"What do you think?" Andy asked.

"More fun than being in Japan," Ariel said. "I miss you, darling. I'll come back with some of your favourite snacks from Japan, ok?"

"Yay!!" Andy cried in excitement with his hands up. Ariel asked to speak with Leon privately and Rita handed him her phone, while Andy continued playing with Sky.

Leon took off his mask, "So, anything happened in Japan?"

"Work as usual," she sighed defeatedly.

"You don't look happy."

Ariel yawned, "Just tired."

"I don't believe you."

"While I appreciate you keeping my son company and making him happy,  don't you think it's time you stop coming by my house every day? I'll get in trouble with my bosses because of you."

"Well, Mr. Hiroshi-ma ain't my boss and since he forced his sister into my house, he's driven me into yours," he flashed raised brows with a grin.

Ariel bit her lower lip and showed him a disapproving look.

"How long more before you're back?" he asked.

"One more week. I'll survive...I'll survive...I'll survive," the smile on Ariel's face faded. Leon noticed she started mumbling to herself again, her mind seemed focused was elsewhere.

The following week arrived and they were now in Tokyo. They had made it halfway through the week and Ariel was feeling exhausted but looking forward to going home soon.

"Ariel, it's your off-day from tomorrow for two days before we fly back home. I'd like you to meet me at 7pm on the last day at Fish Bank TOKYO at the Shiodome City Center building. It's a luxury restaurant that I'd like to bring you to."

"Sure, I'll see you then," she nodded.

She was relieved to have those days off to herself, while Hiroshi continued to be busy with overseeing Fujita Corporation's operations in Tokyo. Ariel stared down at the streets from the full-height window of her luxury suite from the top floor, looking at passers-by and observing some youths walking past in their carefree nature, singing and laughing below the bright neon signages. How she wished to be carefree and simple like them, away from the stress and complicated business dealings. The beep on her phone distracted her from her thoughts.

Leon: There's a surprise for u

Ariel frowned.

Ariel: What do you mean?

Leon: Count to 5 n u'll see

Ariel was intrigued. Maybe Leon wanted to show her something surprising he and Andy did.

She shrugged and counted to herself, "1...2...3...4...5"

Ariel: I've finished counting!

Leon did not respond to her message.

Ariel: Leon?

Just then, there was a knock on her hotel room door.

"Who's it?" she asked without opening.

"Room service," a deep male voice said.

"Wrong room, I did not call for any room service."

"Yes, you did. Room 1802, isn't it? For Miss Ariel Lee."

Ariel opened the door. Standing before her was a tall man in sunglasses with his black hood up. He rolled back his hood and removed his sunglasses and fake moustache.

Ariel dropped her jaw and widened her eyes, "Leon! H-how?"

"Told you I'll find you, Miss Beautiful," he flashed that charming smile with bright eyes, without revealing that he hired a private investigator to locate where she was and got Vinny to book him at the same hotel and the earliest flight on a rented private jet.

"Oh my gosh!" Ariel covered her mouth in shock. "But aren't you worried that you may be followed?"

Leon leaned his arm onto the door frame, "I've my doppelgänger, Brent to stand in for me. Andy wants Sky so I left her there. I trust he'll take good care of her. But you, you really need some company, that's why I've come all the way for you. I'm also staying in this hotel."

Ariel broke down in tears and embraced Leon without hesitation, taking him by surprise. He was not sure if he should hug back, but she was crying and he couldn't hold back. He wrapped his arms around her and caressed her hair, relieved that she did not fight back. Her cry sounded like she had been lost and exhausted for days.

"'s okay," he hushed her and wiped her tears off with his sleeve. "Let's go out for some fun, shall we?"

Ariel nodded with a keen smile. She disguised herself with her sunglasses and put on a scarf around her mouth, and wore casual jeans, a jacket and white sneakers, and followed Leon out of the hotel.

They took a stroll and relished in the interesting sights of the city, having a good chat and lots of laughter. Ariel was smiling more so than ever. She had not felt this relaxed since the start of the trip.

At night, they arrived at the vibrant Ameyoko street food market that was lit up with colourful neon signages everywhere. Food was abundant and the aroma of freshly cooked Japanese cuisine filled the air. The crowd was thick and there were many tourists around, but no one seemed to recognise Leon and Ariel. Ariel was delighted to focus on food and be absorbed by the weird and wonderful food culture of Japan. Like curious youths, Ariel and Leon tried portions of food here and there, and posing together with their delicious food and making silly faces for their cameras. No discussion of work or heavy-hearted talk, just pure fun. Leon was even impressed by Ariel's ability to converse in basic Japanese when asking for directions or ordering food for them, and asking vendors not to include teriyaki sauce in his food.

Towards midnight, they headed back to their hotel, tired but happy. Leon accompanied her up to her room.

"This is the most fun night I've had in a long time!" Ariel leaned against her room door, her face lit up with glee.

"And I've a full stomach," Leon patted his bloated belly, making Ariel giggle. 

"Thanks, Leon. I feel quite alive tonight," she looked at him tenderly.

He curled his lips upwards.

She yawned, "Let's have fun again. Good night." She waved and went back inside her room.

"Good night," Leon wreathed in smiles and danced back to his hotel room.

The next day in the morning, they met up in their disguises. They rented bicycles from a bike-share system and went on improvised sightseeing of Tokyo - from exploring the castle to visiting the key landmarks and stopping by for local food on the streets and eateries. It was a budget way to explore the city but they were not doing it based on budget, rather to try something fun and simple like their summer holiday at Yellowstone.

Ariel and Leon parked their bikes to end their tour. Ariel and Leon could feel their legs tired from cycling. It was almost evening.

"Oh dear, my phone went dead," said Ariel when she wanted to browse the GPS of where they were.

"Don't worry, mine's cool," Leon checked his.

They briefly removed their disguises to wipe their sweat away and enjoyed the evening breeze cooling their faces. Unbeknownst to them, there were a few passers-by who stopped and observed them.

"アリエル·リー ですか? (i.e Ariel Lee?)" said a young man.

"レオンワルツ (i.e Leon Waltz)?" said a young woman.

More and more people gathered around.

"いいえ! 私はアリエル·リー はありません! (i.e Nope! I'm not Ariel Lee!)" Ariel shook her head and waved her hands in denial, but it was too late. Some people gasped in astonishment while others began to take out their phones.

Leon grabbed Ariel's wrist and thry ran away as fast as they could from the scene. A few people ran after them and screamed. They ran through tight street corners, through alleys and through open spaces before reaching the base of Tokyo Tower and hid behind one of the legs. They remained hidden until those who ran after them gave up their chase or ran in other directions.

"Did you see that?" Leon chuckled. Ariel nodded and laughed along, while catching their breath from the running.

Leon looked above at the massive structure of the red Tokyo Tower, "You remember this place?"

Ariel lifted her head upwards and replied, "Yes."

He observed her expression while she looked up. Ariel was smiling and chuckling at the memory. She looked so radiant and refreshed with that smile. Leon swiped some hair from her face. Surprised by his touch, Ariel caught his wrist.

"Just taking away something off your face. Don't worry, not doing that you," Leon took his hand away.

Part of Ariel wished she could be more receptive, but she remained apprehensive and somewhat unsure, of him, of herself, of what her bosses would think.

"You know, I'm really trying here, Ariel," said Leon.

She was unsure what to say.

"Sorry," Leon changed the subject. "This place does give some nice memories, didn't it? Com'on, let me treat you to some delicious dinner."

Nodding with a smile, Ariel followed him to a restaurant upstairs in the tower.

Meanwhile, at Fish Bank TOKYO restaurant, Hiroshi was dressed in his formal best and seated at the area where it had the best view overlooking the city. It had been a long time since they went on a date. Hiroshi felt that loss of warmth from Ariel since she stopped their Krav Maga classes. He was hoping that this dinner would be casual, relaxed and bridge the closeness they once shared.  

Hiroshi looked at his watch again, as he had been doing so multiple times for almost an hour. Ariel had not shown up and did not reply to any of his texts. Her phone was off. Was she alright? Was she sick? He had been waiting for so long. The appetiser on his table had grown cold and he was worried for Ariel that he lost his appetite. He called her hotel but she was not in her room. Where in the world was she?

Frustrated, Hiroshi decided to stop waiting. He headed back to the hotel, hoping to find out what happened to her.


While having a nice, peaceful evening stroll after dinner, Leon and Ariel were taken aback by the thundering sky and the falling drops of rain that they quickly hid under a nearby shelter. Instead of taking the cab back, Leon thought about something else.

"I used to play in the rain when I was a kid, how bout you?" he asked.

"I sure did," she responded.

"Don't you sometimes wish to be a kid again?"

"What are you suggesting?" Ariel noticed that cheeky expression on his face.

"Let's try to be like kids again!" he pulled her out of the shelter.

"Leon!" Ariel protested.

"You're gonna love it!" Leon insisted. He dragged Ariel and they both walked under the rain, dancing and going about like playful teenagers, chatting and joking with peals of merry laughter. He sang awfully on purpose freely under the night sky and Ariel could not stop her guffaws. Famous singer Leon Waltz singing out of tune on purpose, it was just all too funny.

Their clothes were getting wet and their shoes were getting soaked, but they did not care.

"It's awesome to be free!" Ariel said out loud with her head lifted up and her arms raised to the sky, feeling the rain pour down her face and hair.

"Care for a dance?" Leon offered his hand with his other hand at his back and bowed.

"はい(Hai i.e yes) !" Ariel bowed back and slid her hand in his hand.

Leon began twirling her around as they danced in the middle of a park. It was peaceful and quiet, and they could act however they wanted since there were very few people walking under the rain with their umbrellas. While holding hands, Ariel got up to the ledge of a fountain and walked on it.

"Here, water's good for you," Leon splashed the water from the fountain at her.

"Argh! Why you!" Ariel shrieked and splashed water back at him. She started chasing after him and he ran around the fountain and onto the other side of the park, laughing and teasing her.

Ariel was fast and managed to grab his jacket, "Caught ya!"

Leon tripped over and they both fell on the grass together upon impact. She proceeded to tickle him.

"Stop, please stop! I give up!" Leon belly laughed. "Wanna fight, huh? Tough woman?" He tickled her back at the sides of the waist and Ariel fell on the side. "Stop, stop!" She burst into unrestrained laughter, and swiftly grabbed his wrists and locked his arms crisscrossed on his chest, finding herself sitting on top of him, "Gotcha!"

"You win!" Leon ceased in his struggle. Ariel released her grip. They continued their wholesome laughter. It had been so long since Ariel had this much fun and it really made her feel like a kid again. Even Leon realised how great it felt not to need alcohol in order to have fun.

Gradually, their laughter dissipated but Leon kept his eyes glued to her despite the rain getting in the way of his vision. Unable to restrain himself, he stretched his hand and swiped her wet hair off her forehead. Realising what he was doing, Ariel looked back at those attractive eyes but this time, she could not stop him, for the fiery sparks could no longer be contained. Leon cupped her face and got closer till their lips locked.

Ariel closed her eyes and wrapped her arms around his neck, feeling his intense kiss melting her away under the cold, pouring rain. She felt his gentle kisses on her cheek and on the side of her neck. Suddenly, the thunder roared and startled them. The thunder sounded like Hiroshi's firm voice and it broke Ariel from the spell. The joy and pleasure she had were now replaced with anxiety, guilt and fear.

Ariel quickly got up and wiped her face, flustering about, "I'm sorry, I can't! I'll get in trouble! Resilience...determination.." 

Leon noticed she was muttering to herself the last two words and repeating them over and over with her hands covering her ears and her eyes winced shut.

Leon got up, worried and upset, "Ariel..." 

"I'll be fine. I'll be resilient..."

He could not say anything further, frustrated at Fujita's stronghold on her.

The thunder roared once more and the rain got even heavier and the wind got colder.

"Com'on, let's head back," she said and they hurried back to the hotel which was not far away.

Meanwhile, at the lobby of the hotel with his bodyguard, Hiroshi remained worried sick for Ariel. None of her bodyguards saw her as she dismissed them early from their services. The downpour was heavy with the never-ending rumbles of thunder. Where could she possibly be? He even sent her bodyguards to search for her. He called her again but her phone remained off.

Just then, Hiroshi heard some laughter, especially that of a familiar female voice. He turned around and saw two people drenched and leaking water from their clothes, laughing and talking.

One of the hotel staff approached them and offered them towels. The two bowed in gratitude with the words, "Arigatou (i.e. thank you)!" and wiped themselves.

"Eeew! There's soil in my hair and it's so cold!" the lady giggled and shivered, ruffling her wet hair with the towel.

Immediately recognising she was Ariel, Hiroshi was overwhelmed with relief. But who was that man next to her? Was it one of her bodyguards?

Hiroshi raced towards them, "Ariel-san! Where have you been??"

Ariel was surprised to see Hiroshi, "Hiroshi-san! Were you waiting for me?"

"You were supposed to meet me at the restaurant, remember?"

Ariel gasped with hands to her mouth and went white, "Sumimasen (i.e Sorry)! I forgot!" She bowed profusely a few times, in disbelief at her carelessness. She had never missed a meeting with Hiroshi before.

"You guys were supposed to meet tonight?" Leon interrupted.

Hiroshi was shocked, flabbergasted to see Leon standing before him!

"How on earth did you get here?" he interrogated.

"Why can't I be here?" Leon replied casually without care while drying himself.

"What have you done? You're all wet and dirty! You put shame to our name!" Hiroshi scolded Ariel.

"Sumimasen, Sensei (i.e teacher)! Please allow me to explain," Ariel begged.

"After all that I've taught you, am I still your sensei? Don't call me that anymore but address me formally as Hiroshi-san, UNDERSTAND?"

"Y-yes," Ariel bowed again, holding back her tears.

"Hey, it's not her fault! I was the one who dragged her into this," Leon defended. "If you want to blame someone, blame it on me."

"I'll deal with you later!" Hiroshi ranted. He grabbed Ariel by the hand and dragged her into the lift to bring her back to her room. Leon followed after them but Hiroshi's bodyguard pushed him away from the lift. Leon cursed under his breath and took the other lift to head back to his room.

After he got himself cleaned with a nice, hot shower, Leon saw a message by Hiroshi on his phone.

Hiroshi: Meet me at the pub in the lobby. Let's sort this out man-to-man

Leon was not liking this, but he was not going to let Hiroshi go lightly either for bullying his woman!

Leon: Ditto

Before he went down, Leon messaged Ariel.

Leon: Sorry what happened to u. It's not your fault, ok? I'm gonna deal with Hiroshi on this at the bar. Sleep sweet

She did not respond. Leon sighed, assuming she was in a bad mood.

He went down to the pub and saw Hiroshi sitting at the bar alone. They were the only two customers there since the pub was near closing time. The bartender poured two glasses of red wine for them at Hiroshi's request.

"I'll have water instead. Mizu, arigatoū (i.e water, thanks)," said Leon. The bartender switched the drink to a glass of water for him.

Hiroshi lifted up his glass to Leon, "乾杯 (Kanpai i.e. cheers)".

"Kanpai," Leon clicked on Hiroshi's glass and they both drank.

Hiroshi chuckled with a shake of his head, "Strange that you'd cheers with water. What are you, a kid? You've always been known to be a good drinker. I remember that gala night, you drank glass after glass after glass, while ignoring your then-girlfriend, Jasmine". He swirled his wine in his glass.

"I decided to be healthy," Leon excused. His eyes raked at the alcoholic collection at the bar.

"Following Ariel, huh? Just to impress her?" Hiroshi said curtly.

"Ariel? Oh, she's a great example of good health and discipline," Leon praised.

"You're something, aren't you? Sneaking all the way here and trying to take Ariel from me."

"Of course," Leon sipped on his water like wine. "Just like how you kept her under wraps for three months while I was trying to find her before you revealed her to the world."

Hiroshi's eyes never left Leon's while he sipped on his wine.

Leon continued, "You may try all sorts of tricks to keep her away from me, including pushing your sister down my throat, but I'll have Ariel in the end." 

Hiroshi gave a lop-sided smile, "Isn't my sister such great company? I think you two are great."

"No thanks, not my type. She'll be happier staying with you instead!"

Hiroshi chuckled with a shake of his head, "Says the one who has a reputation of being a womanising playboy."

Leon tightened his jaw.

"You think you're good enough for Ariel? You broke her heart, remember?" Hiroshi reminded.

"And you broke her spirit!"

"Broke her spirit?" Hiroshi laughed at the absurdity. "Look at you right now. Pathetic. Losing everything after such a scandalous reputation. That's why we dropped you. Ariel will drop you too. What I can offer her, you can't."

Leon narrowed his eyes at him with a tense smile, "Yet, she and I can be such...wonderful friends. Not everything in life revolves around money."

"Tell that to Ariel. I doubt she'd work for you again since your pay's quite low."

Leon's smile faded. Hiroshi smirked and finished his glass of wine.

"ウイスキーおに杯お願いします (U~isukī o nipai onegaishimasu i.e Two glasses of whiskey, please)!" Hiroshi ordered from the bartender.

"はい(Hai i.e yes)!" The bartender poured the whiskey in two glasses with ice cubes. "どうぞ(Doūzo i.e Here you go)."

Hiroshi slid across the table the glass of whiskey to Leon, "My treat."

"No, thanks," Leon passed it back.

"Still rejecting my gift? Do you know that rejecting a gift in Japan is considered offensive?"

"Well, I'm not Japanese."

"But you're in Japan. When in Rome, do as the Romans do," Hiroshi slid it back to Leon. He observed in secret delight at his perturbed expression as the smell of smooth, oaky whiskey started to tempt him. Leon glanced at the glitzy collection of wine bottles at the bar and then looked back at the whiskey. It used to be one of his favourite go-to drinks and it was now calling his name. He had not touched a single drop of alcohol in months and suddenly, the desire to take a drop was stronger than his desire to keep sober. He felt the cold glass of whiskey with ice in his hand, realising he could not stop lifting it up.

As the glass got nearer to his lips, Ariel who was freshly showered, suddenly dashed in and interrupted them.

"Oh, how nice to see you guys here! For me? I'm thirsty!" she snatched the glass of whiskey out of Leon's hand and downed the drink before he could stop her. Almost immediately, she coughed and beat her chest as the strong taste and stench of alcohol hit the roof of her mouth. She had never tasted anything this strong and toxic before that she felt like she was being suffocated.

"Ariel, no!" Leon took the glass from her hand and patted her back. "You okay?"

"Ariel, Ariel!" Hiroshi patted her back too. "大丈夫 (daijōbu i.e Are you alright)?"

"水, 水! (Mizu, mizu i.e Water, water!)" she said in between coughs and winced, her face reddening from the alcohol.

Hiroshi hurried the bartender for water, and he rushed to pour her a glass.

"Here you go," Hiroshi raised the glass to her lips and she gulped the water down. It took a while before she finally compose herself with a few blinks.

"Why did you do that?" Leon got upset.

"I really thought it was apple juice," she replied. The response did not make any sense, and Leon knew the truth that Ariel did it to save him. Silly girl! Or, silly him! If he had not tried to drink the whiskey, she would not have done that.

"Let me help you back to your room," said Leon, holding her shoulders to steady her.

"I'll take you back," said Hiroshi. He gave a generous amount of cash to the bartender. "変更を保持 (Henkō o hoji i.e Keep the change)." The bartender bowed and thanked him.

Hiroshi took her by the waist, but Leon pulled her from the other side. The two men glared at each other, like they did back at Ariel's house after sparring.

Feeling her body being pulled apart in two directions, Ariel freed herself from them, "I'll go back up myself. this what they call being tipsy?" She felt her head getting lighter and rubbed her headache spot, almost missing a step as she tried to walk.

"Ariel!" the two men came to help her again. They knew her tolerance for alcohol was low since she was not a drinker. She relented and let them help her up.

All three of them made their way out of the pub and into the lift and helped her up to her room.

"I'll be fine," said Ariel, although her face was still redder than usual. "Don't worry, I won't forget to make it for the flight tomorrow. Good night." She went inside her room and shut the door behind her.

Hiroshi narrowed his eyes at Leon and Leon glared back.

"This is not over," Hiroshi warned.

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