You, Me & 'Charlie'

Bởi EllieP13

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"You can tell things are bad when you're kinda in love with your best friend. Then you realise it's even wors... Xem Thêm

You, Me & 'Charlie'
You, Me & 'Charlie' - chapter 2
You, Me & 'Charlie' - chapter 3
You, Me & 'Charlie' - chapter 4
You, Me & 'Charlie' - chapter 5
You, Me & 'Charlie' - chapter 6
You, Me & 'Charlie' - chapter 7
You, Me & 'Charlie' - chapter 8
You, Me & 'Charlie' - chapter 9
You, Me & 'Charlie' - chapter 10
You, Me & 'Charlie' - chapter 11
You, Me & 'Charlie' - chapter 12
You, Me & 'Charlie' - chapter 13
You, Me & 'Charlie' - chapter 14
You, Me & 'Charlie' - chapter 15
You, Me & 'Charlie' - chapter 16
You, Me & 'Charlie' - chapter 17
You, Me & 'Charlie' - chapter 18
You, Me & 'Charlie' - chapter 19
You, Me & 'Charlie' - chapter 20
You, Me & 'Charlie' - chapter 21
You, Me & 'Charlie' - chapter 22
You, Me & 'Charlie' - chapter 23
You, Me & 'Charlie' - chapter 24
You, Me & 'Charlie' - chapter 25
You, Me & 'Charlie' - chapter 26
You, Me & 'Charlie' - chapter 27
You, Me & 'Charlie' - chapter 28

You, Me & 'Charlie' - chapter 29

37 2 2
Bởi EllieP13

Well, it's been a long, long, LONG, time, but it's finally here! Sorry for the slow-ness, I had a TON of exams and shizz! Enjoy le chapter, it's near the end now, so hold on, ho-old onnnnnn, hold on, ho-old onnnnnnn! ;)


Chapter 29

George and Kate, Bree’s brother and sister, arrived about half an hour later, their clothes covered in the snow that was falling outside. They rushed in to see their mum and Bree.

“We better go.” My mum whispered. “Come on Jake, I’ll take you and Paloma home.”

I nodded and caught Mrs Turner’s eye as I walked out. She gave a strained smile and I returned one as best I could.

Jake took my hand and we walked in silence behind my mum and Paloma, who had been updating her mum for the last two hours.

“Suzy is bringing me home mum, it’s fine. Tabby and Jake are fine, I hope you left me dinner?” she asked cheekily at the end.

Typical of Paloma; thinking about food at a time like this.


No one spoke at all for the duration of the car journey on the way home. Jake kept hold of my hand, and for once, it didn’t go clammy. I was so cold.

“I’ll see you tomorrow then Tabby?” Paloma asked as she got out at her house.

I hadn’t realised we’d arrived. I thought for a moment. Would everyone suddenly know about Bree when I got back? Probably; rumours and stories spread like wild fire through secondary schools.

“Yeah.” I said faintly.

She nodded. “Okay, see you tomorrow. Thanks Mrs Westcott, see you Jake.”

My mum said goodbye and Jake waved too.

We carried on to Jake’s house. “Do you want to walk Jake to the door Tabby?” my mum asked tentatively.

I shrugged, but went with him anyway. The snowing had stopped, leaving a light dusting of it over Jake’s mum’s car and his little patch of lawn.

Jake’s mother answered the door before he’d even knocked. “Oh my goodness! Are you two okay?” she pulled us both into a stifling hug. It felt nice though, so I didn’t object.

“Don’t worry Tabby, she’ll be alright.” She said, taking my face in her hands.

How many times is someone going to tell me that?

I nodded silently.

“If you need anything, I will always be here.” She whispered. She hugged me again and left me and Jake alone.

We stand there in silence, as if we’re strangers.

“I’ll see you tomorrow.” He says. He kisses me, and I feel better, much better in fact. I even find myself grinning.

“I needed that.” I smile.

He laughs and waves one final goodbye to me before he closes the door.

I don’t remember getting home, I feel completely numb. I suddenly resurface, finding myself sitting at my desk. I had my pyjamas on, but I did’t remember taking my jeans or coat off.

I rubbed my eyes, trying desperately to come back to the present. I looked at my clock on the bedside table. 9.42.

I suddenly realised I was starving. I went to the top of the stairs. I wanted to go down, raid the fridge, but I was scared to. I didn’t want to bump into my mum or dad, or worse still the twins.

I can’t deal with this, I think.

I take a deep breath, and walk downstairs. The twins were still up, watching Ben 10 or whatever on the TV. I made my way to the kitchen. I stopped at the door; I could hear my parents talking.

“What if she doesn’t make it through Richard? What will happen then? Tabby will literally break down.”

“You heard the doctors; she has more chance of living than dying.” I heard my dad say.

“But Tabby is our only daughter, it will break her, and Paloma too. I know she doesn’t act like she cares, but she does really, all of them do.”

My dad sighed. “She’ll be fine. Let’s just let the hospital help her, and we’ll do whatever we can for Caroline.”

I walked in then, not wanting to listen in anymore. My parents turned to me and gave wry smiles. They both looked as tired as I felt.

I just looked at them, not giving anything away.

“Tabby, I know you were listening in.” my dad said, smiling a little.

I smile back. “Yeah, well, you were talking quite loud. And I know Bree’ll be okay, she’s a fighter.” I answer.

My dad laughs. “Yeah, I know, but just in case…” He begins carefully.

“Dad, can we just forget about this, just for a while?” I ask. “I’m really tired and hungry.”

He nods knowingly. “Of course.” He says.

My mum gets to work, cooking me some bacon and eggs. I eat it slowly, pondering on what to do about tomorrow.

“So, are you going in tomorrow?” my dad asked, reading my mind.

I nod immediately. “I promised Paloma.” I said simply.

“Y’know Tabby, you don’t have to go in.” my mum said, taking my plate and putting it in the sink.

“No, I want to. I want to act normally, for my own sake as well as Bree’s.” I reply honestly.

My parents give each other ‘the look’, but seem to let me be. I finish dinner and head straight to bed.

I lay in the dark for what seems like hours. I look over at my picture wall above my desk. I look at the pictures of Bree, and feel a knot form in the pit of my stomach.

I don’t cry though. I only cried when I found her due to shock and fear, not because I was sad. My heart beats fast when I think of her, wired up to her hospital bed, comatose.

I close my eyes, wishing to be a million miles away, hoping that when I wake up, everything will be alright.

Even I know that’s asking a hell of a lot.


I wake up and lay in my bed groggily. Yesterday is still freshly imprinted in my mind and I can’t help but feel nervous about school.

I get up, dress and slide my bag off the back of the door. I pack little, due to the fact it’s finally the last day of the winter term.

Elliot watches me as I amble around the room.

It feels strange, knowing that I won’t be going back to school for a couple of weeks. In normal circumstances, I would be as happy as Larry about today, but Bree’s condition is like a black cloud hanging over my festive spirit.

I pad downstairs; surprised at the fact that Elliot isn’t following me. My dad is already up and sitting in the kitchen, drinking coffee. My mum was with the twins, fixing cereal and toast.

My parents smiled at me warmly. I wonder how much they’ve told my brothers. I can’t pretend, but I smile back anyway.

“Need a lift?” my dad asked.

I shrug. “Okay, sure.” I said, sitting down to breakfast.

The advent calendar is still unopened. At least I can worry about small things like present shaped chocolate, eh?

I eat cereal silently.

“Say bye to Tabby boys.” My mum says.

“Bye Tabby!” the twins say in unison.

“Bye.” I grin.

“See you at lunchtime Tabby. Will your friends be piling around here?”

“Probably. Paloma will need feeding.” I smirk.

“I guessed as much. Okay then, I’ll get some snacks, bye!” she says, being dragged out of the door by my eager brothers.

My dad doesn’t really talk to me, so I go and watch TV after breakfast.

“You coming then?” dad said suddenly.

I realise it’s 8.20.

“Oh, yeah.” I say, getting up and grabbing my stuff.

We went to the car, dad locking up behind him. He got in and we headed off for school.

“She’ll be okay y’know.” Dad says to me.

“I know, it’s just all a bit raw at the moment. And she scared the hell out of me.” I reply.

“Drugs are a terrible thing.”

“Yeah. I wished she’s talked to me.” I say, full of regret.

“She was in a tough place. Calvin was clearly her only saving grace.” Replied dad.

“I hate him.” I muttered bitterly.

“I know.” My dad said sympathetically, patting my knee.

I sigh, but quietly.

We carry on driving in silence.

“Well, here we are.” Dad announced.

“Thanks dad.” I smile, getting out of the car.

“Anytime. Have a good day!” he said.

It’s nice to have some sort of normality after everything that’s happened.

I wave goodbye and go into school.

I’m at a loss on where to go, music, the form room? Oh my lord, I was so confused.

Music, I’ll go down to music.

I made my way to the music block, hoping to see someone I knew; I hadn’t seen Paloma or Jake, or anyone. I WAS ALONE.

Music was open, so I went in, hoping to find someone.

I walked into each classroom; empty.

I sat down in the final classroom and sighed.


I jumped a little, but turned to see Jack standing in the doorway.

“Hey.” I said vaguely.

“You alright? I heard about…everything.” Jack said, coming to sit next to me.

I rubbed my eyes. “I suppose. As best as I can be. How many people know?”

Jack shrugged. “Most of the year probably, Bree’s mum obviously explained it to the head and everything.”

I nodded; actually happy people knew now what crap she’d been going through.

“Here, you can’t hang here all day. Come back up to the main building with me?” Jack asked, getting up.

I follow him silently.

More people are here now, and some are looking at me, not badly, just with faces full of sympathy.

“TABITHA!” Paloma jumped on me as soon as she saw me.

“Please let go of me, I can’t breathe.” I gasp.

She laughed. “Sorry. How are you today?”

“I’m fine.” I say simply.

Paloma nodded. “Good.” She said.

Jack and Paloma talk to each other for a while. I just stand there. People passed me and looked again. I smiled at one of them.

She came up to me.

“Tabby right?” she asked.

“Yeah.” I answered sceptically.

“Sorry, I don’t really know you. I’m Faye. I have Maths with Bree, and I heard about what happened.” She said.

“Oh.” I say, unsure of what else to add.

“Look, I bet everyone won’t shut up saying this, but I hope you guys are okay, and I’m really sorry about what happened.” She smiled genuinely at me.

I couldn’t help smiling back. “Thanks.” I say.

She nods and carries on with her friends.

“Who was that?” Jake says from somewhere behind me.

“One of Bree’s friends. She was saying sorry about what happened.” I say.

“That’s sweet. How are you?” he asked.

“Fine Jake, we’re all fine.” I say.

He grinned sheepishly at me. “Sorry, I’ll shut up about it now.”

“Good, I’d rather not think about it too much.” I said.

Trouble was though; I couldn’t stop thinking about it.


The assembly we had was about drugs and their dangers. I sat at the back, sliding right down my seat so no one could turn around and look at me as Mrs Kilmer told us how a student had recently overdosed.

Me and Paloma were trying to lie low, but already about fifteen people had asked how we were. Matt didn’t care, he loved the female attention.

“And I just want you to be aware, drugs can kill. No matter how bad things get, you must talk to someone, because there will always be someone there for you.” Mrs Kilmer ended the assembly.

I was ready to run. “Let’s go, quick.” Paloma hissed at me.

“Slow down. Jeez, I’m still dizzy.” Matt whined as we legged it out of assembly.

“Matthew, Tabitha, Paloma?” Mrs Kilmer called.

“Agh. I don’t want to talk about it now.” Paloma whispered.

“Guys, I just wanted to know…” Mrs Kilmer started.

“We’re fine Miss.” Paloma said exasperated.

She surprised me by laughing. “I suppose you’re sick of being asked that, but I just wanted to tell you, you’re very courageous.”

We all blushed. “We just had to help our friend.” I said.

“I understand. If you need anything at all, please don’t hesitate to call me, okay?” Mrs Kilmer smiled at us all.

“Thanks Miss.” Matt answered.

“Anytime. Watch that head Matt. Off to class then guys.” Mrs Kilmer waved us off.

“I can’t wait to go home.” Paloma muttered.

“I can. My mum thinks I’m incapable of standing up unaided anymore.” Matt snickered.

I laughed. “Yeah. Any anyway, it’s the last day of term, let’s at least try to enjoy it?” I added.

Paloma looked at me like I had five noses or something. “You’re right.” She finally said.

“Well duh.” I giggled, poking her arm.


Y’know what? I actually managed to enjoy my final day of term before study leave.

Everyone knew about the incident, and I mean everyone.

We had people that I didn’t even know coming up to us and asking how we were doing and telling us it would be okay.

It made it all the more bearable really.

“I didn’t even know half these people existed.” Jake spoke into his lunch, his mouth full of chips.

“Ew.” Max remarked.

Jake grinned, throwing a chip at Max.

“I didn’t even know all these girls existed.” Matt snickered.

Paloma just rolled her eyes. “Just because you hit your head and you have all the girls in year eleven swooning over you. Pfft!”

“Jealous?” Matt wiggled his eyebrows.

“No.” Paloma scowled at him.

I giggled.

But then I felt bad.

No, shut up Tabby.

Lessons finished at lunch, so we all got to go home early that day.

“WOOH. NO SCHOOL FOR AGEEEESSSS.” Paloma skipped out of the gates as we all walked normally behind her.

“God, what the hell is wrong with her?!” Max joked.

“I heard that!” Paloma chirped.

“She’s just happy we got early study leave.” I grinned.

“And also happy about the fact it’s Christmas, DUH!” Paloma added as we caught up with her.

“Of course!” Max smirked, taking her hand.

“Ew. Tabby, don’t go off with Jake and leave me alone like they are.” Matt wrinkled his nose, watching them.

I laughed. “Aw, poor ickle Matt all alone.” I grinned, nudging him playfully.

He just rolled his eyes, then winced.

“Come on, let’s get you home.” I said, taking his arm.

“God, you sound just like my mother.” Matt moaned.

I just snickered, feeling better.

About everything.


Saturday morning, Mrs Turner called me.

I was shocked.

“Hello Tabby.” She whispered down the phone.

“Uh, hello.” I replied, not really knowing what to say.

“I just wanted to tell you that I came home today. I’ve been with Bree.”


Mrs Turner laughed, which astounded me. “Yes, crazy, I know, because there are so many great doctors at the hospital, so I needn’t worry.. But because I’m not there, I just thought you’d like to go in and see Bree.”

I digested the information.

“Is she awake?” I asked.

“No, but they said talking to her would be good.”

I nodded at the suggestion.

“Yeah, I will, thanks.” I said.

“Great.” She answered.

I didn’t know what else to say.

“Well, bye.” I said.

“Yes, see you.” Mrs Turner hung up.

“Who was that?” my mum asked, passing me in the hall.

“Mrs Turner. She said I should go and see Bree.”

“Good idea. If you want to?” mum gave me a sceptical look.

I didn’t need to think about it.

“Yeah. I want to.”

“Okay, give me five minutes.” My mum smiled.

I nodded, running to get my coat.


“Hey Bree.” I said chirpily, as if she could hear.


I sat down in the chair next to the bed.

I looked out of the window a while, watching the December rain pelt the windows. The snow had melted, making steely puddles in the car park of the hospital.

I looked over at Bree.

She lay there, her chest slowly raising up and down, her heart beating in rhythm with her rising and falling chest.

She looked better, they told me she was getting better, but she was still ill.

I took her hand.

“You missed the last day of school. We put tinsel up in form.” I whispered, not knowing what else to say.

This awkward silence was driving me crazy.

I didn’t know what to tell her.

I sighed.

“I miss you.” I finally said. “Like crazy. I, I just don’t know what to say.” I shrugged as if she could see me.

“I don’t know what to say to you. Just get better, alright? We have a lot to talk about. Plus you owe Matt. I’ll tell you why later.” I giggled quietly.

I sat there for ages afterwards, not knowing what to do with myself, occasionally saying something to the unconscious Bree.

I finally let go of her hand reluctantly.

“I’ll see you soon, alright?” I said as I got up to leave.

I began to walk away.

I turned back, and went back over to her. “Bree, you have to get better, okay? Promise me.” I rubbed my eyes.

“Just please,” I whispered to her finally, “don’t die.”

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