Natasha Romanoff OneShots

By romanoffxwanda

424K 9K 2.3K

(cover by @rxmqnvff) Requests Open! Fluff/Angst Also includes Flo/ Yelena More

Hoodie - NR
Photos - NR
Snuggles - NR
Sea Cows - NR
Rain - NR
Time - SJ
Texts - NR
Enough (1) - NR
Enough (2) - NR
failure - NR
pressure - NR
preferences - NR
fireworks - NR
uno - NR
under control (1) - NR
under control (2) - NR
no where to run (1) - NR
no where to run (2) - NR
no where to run (3) - NR
halloween preferences - NR
new haircut - FP
candles - NR
protective - NR
red - SJ
she needs you there - NR
momma Nat - NR
momma Nat (2) - NR
bipolar - NR
bipolar (2) - NR
for her - YB
relationship strain (1) - SJ
relationship strain (2) - SJ
I loved her so much - YB
c.h.r.i.s.t.m.a.s - NR
quicksand - NR
that mom right there?- NR
that mom right there (2) - NR
that mom right there (3) - NR
sick - NR
anxiety - SJ
ghost of you - NR
girl next door - NR
starry night - NR
starry night (2) - NR
dance - NR
incorrect quotes - NR
cooking with flo - FP
midnight - NR
back in time - NR
my baby - NR
headcannons - NR
my warrior - NR
my warrior - NR (2)
spiralled - SJ
jealousy, jealousy - NR
duckies - NR
duckies - NR (2)
kitty kitty - NR
back in time - NR (2)
lazy mornings - NR
Disneyland - NR
night rides - NR
squeak squeak - NR
so close yet so far - NR
promises - NR
so close yet so far - NR (2)
cactus - NR
i will rescue you - NR
double the trouble - NR
wattpad - NR
Double The Trouble (2) - NR
so close yet so far - NR (3)
double the trouble - NR (3)
lost in the fire - NR

fluff alphabet - NR

4.8K 100 22
By romanoffxwanda

idea credits go to kejh05  because I loved the idea! So all credits to them, but I did try to make my own headings.

- Affection
Nat constantly showers you in affection when you're alone together. She's always telling you how much she loves you, and when she's not telling you she's showing you. Sneaking kisses or wrapping scarves around you to keep you warm, she's always making sure you're safe and protected, no matter what. It gives her a sense of comfort knowing you're ok.

You've both always wanted to have children. Nat's dreams of carrying were crushed by the Red Room, but you knew how desperately she wanted a daughter. When Pepper announced she was pregnant with Morgan, you often found Nat crying into her pillow over the fact she'd never have a daughter. You asked Bucky to be the donor, and you got pregnant, surprising Nat with the positive pregnancy test. She burst into tears and held you close, knowing that her dream of having children would come true. She became very overprotective of you during your pregnancy, but when you gave birth to your baby girl, she was the best mother. Of course she was.

You both absolutely love cuddles. In the early stages of your relationship, Nat was apprehensive about cuddling you in front of the team in fear of being judged and laughed at. But over time she slowly got over that and she now is constantly cuddling you whenever you're sat together. There's never a lack of chairs as you're always sat on her knee, fingers intertwined and her chin resting on your shoulder.

Believe it or not, Nat is a dog person. She fell in love with Fanny, so you bought her her very own puppy as a surprise for her birthday. An 8 week old doberman puppy called Diego. She spoils that dog so much, and sometimes you think she would choose it over you, no matter how much she denies it.

You were both so in tune with each other that you would know what the other one was feeling just by looking at them. You knew when Nat was sad and you would go over to her and pull her into a hug without any words being exchanged. You understood each other on a deeper level than anyone could understand, but it just made you more in love every day.

Being introduced to her parents was very scary. Having the only Russian Super-soldier and an ex Widow sitting opposite you at the dinner table, each holding a bottle of vodka they took sips from every now and then was very intimidating. Nat said they were fine, a bit hot headed but softies really. But you couldn't see how these stony faced people could ever be considered a softie. Yelena had instantly taking a liking to you as you took her to a bowling alley in order to get her to like you. She hasn't threatened to shoot you yet, which is a bonus. Alexei showed you his action figures of himself and talked a lot about his "glory days", which you patiently listened to. He liked that you let him talk, as the rest of the family just ignored him. He was always asking when you were coming around, just so he could get all his latest stories ready. Melina was the hardest to crack. She was very tough, constantly asking questions and quizzing you. You broke down to Nat one night, saying that all you wanted was Melina's approval to date her daughter. Nat was comforting you, but Melina was stood outside the door listening in. She realised she was being harsh as she saw how happy Nat was with you, so the following day she made you breakfast and showed you her extensive collection of technology and weaponry, which was her way of saying "welcome to the family".

You love spoiling each other. Every week you'd show up with a fresh bunch of flowers for Nat, and she would always buy you your favourite snacks. But every so often, she'd cover your eyes and press a box into your hands. The first time this happened you opened it to find a gold necklace with a ruby encased in gold. You started crying as Nat clipped it around your neck. The red represents her hair and gold was your signature jewellery colour. Nothing will every beat that gift.

Its a very common sight to see you and Nat hugging. Usually they subtle, with Nat standing behind you with her arms loosely wrapped around your waist and her chin leaning on your shoulder. But sometimes you both need the comfort of each other. So they'd be huge bear hugs, with your head buried in her chest and you arms squeezing her waist tightly. Her arms would be securely across your back and her head would be on top of yours. You could stay there for hours, feeling safe and warm in each other's embrace. And the reunion hugs are the best. Whenever Nat came home from a huge mission, you would run straight onto the quinjet landing platform and run into her arms. Tears would he streaming down your face as she scooped you into her arms and you both span around. You would hold onto her so tightly to reassure yourself that she's there. Everyone loved watching those hugs.

You idolised Nat long before you dated her. She was strong, powerful and determined. She never let anyone tell her what to do and she was kind to everyone she met. She loved her family and friends and would do anything to protect them. You admired how fiercely protective she was over her loved ones. Wishing that one day she would be that protective over you. She was the best agent and you loved watching her when she trained. She was ruthless but graceful, defeating her opponents with a dancer-like beauty. You almost fainted when Fury told you that you would be trained by her. She was a goddess, regal and breathtakingly beautiful. And now you can call her your own.

You both have a jokey side to your relationship. But it's adorable. You love having flour fights when you're trying to bake cookies and the kitchen always ends up in a mess. If you're sharing a bath together, you would place bubbles on Nat's head and face to make beards and little hats. She loved how childish you were; it gave her a break from the seriousness of her job. Sometimes you would even run into her room with a nerf gun and shoot her to wake her up. She would run after you and catch you in her arms, causing you to melt to the floor as she attacked you with tickles, both of your laughs filling the compound.

Constantly sneaking kisses. Morning pecks on the lips, sometimes turning into full blown make out sessions. Subtle kisses on the cheek as you pass each other in the kitchen. Neck kisses when she hugs you from behind. Kissing bruises and cuts after missions to make them better. Kissing her head when she wakes up from a nightmare. But the best ones are during lazy evenings in your shared room. Full of love and happiness as you lie there in her arms.

-Love language
Nat's love language is touch. She always wants to be touching you in one way or another to reassure herself that you're there. Her way of protecting you. In meetings she has her hand on your thigh or her fingers are tangled in yours under the table. During movie night you are lying between her legs as her hands play with your hair. She always wants to hold you in bed to protect you. Not that you need it, being a trained assassin yourself. But it gives her a sense of comfort knowing you're safe with her. To calm her when she's nervous you let her braid your hair. She constantly makes little braids and takes them out, braiding over and over. It keeps her fingers busy which calms her a little. Once, she was unconscious after taking a hit to the head during a mission. You never left her side and kept your hand in hers, knowing that she'd want to feel you when she woke up. When she did wake up, she gripped your hand so tightly your fingers started to go blue, but you didn't care. She was safe and so were you.

Your favourite memory is the first date you ever had with Nat. She asked if she could take you somewhere and of course you said yes. She showed up at your door with a bunch of flowers and the biggest smile on her face. You both climbed into her black mercedes g wagon and she drove you to the bottom of a hill. You climbed up and the top displayed a stunning view of the city. It was nighttime so the lights lit up the world below you. She had set up a blanket and pillows everywhere, with fairy lights strung through the trees. It was magical. You both sat there and talked for hours, munching on the fruit and snacks Nat had brought. You both snuggled under a huge thick blanket and watched the city alive below you. It was so calming and peaceful, just what you both needed.

Neither of you are the best sleepers. You're an insomniac and Nat is constantly plagued with nightmares, so some nights you just abandon the hope of sleep. So you both head to the living room and put on a movie, snuggling close to each other. Steaming cups of hot chocolate are placed on the coffee table as well as a packet of cookies. Nights like these are when you're both the most honest. You spill your thoughts and feelings, the weight of the day lifting off your chest as you speak. Nat is an amazing listener, and she gives you her best advice, which always works. You listen to her when she needs it, which she really appreciates. You both eventually fall asleep on the couch, wrapped in a blanket and laying on top of each other.

Nat was never the most open person. She preferred to keep her thoughts and feelings to herself, never asking for help. Until she met you. You made her feel safe, a place she could call home. You listened as she spoke, stroked her back as she cried and were always there to help when she had a problem. She became more relaxed and carefree and Clint thanked you for that as he hadn't seen her this happy in a long time.

Apart from Nat, the only thing you couldn't be without was your phone. You were constantly taking photos of you and Nat. You loved documenting your day in photos and Nat learned to live with it. You took cute mirror selfies as you both brushed your teeth, selfies as you were both wrapped in the sheets in bed. Photos from date night, christmas and birthdays covered your wall as the years went on. But your favourite photo wasn't even one you took. It was one of the very few that Nat took. You were both chilling in your room on the bed, just lying around watching movies. She sat up on the end of the bed opposite your huge floor to ceiling mirror. You straddled her lap and brought the duvet around you both as you leaned down to capture her lips in a kiss. You had your eyes closed so you didn't see Nat pull out her phone and snap a quick photo in the mirror. It soon became your favourite photo as it captured a moment that summed up your relationship perfectly.

You both loved each other's quirks. Nat loved how you would always sleep with a stuffed animal under your arm and how you hated it when people squirted ketchup on top of your fries and not next to them. You couldn't do anything until you had brushed your teeth as you hated morning breath, and how you hated hot coffee, only drinking it if it had ice in it. You loved how Nat would wake up before you but refuse to get out of bed until you were awake. She had to fly the jet whenever you went on missions as she'd get stressed if someone else was doing it. You loved how she secretly hated mushrooms but didn't want to admit it to anyone and how her favourite movie was Ice Age.

You were convinced that if you didn't do your morning routine in the exact same order every morning, then the day would be shit. So Nat decided to do it with you to help. You would have to get out of bed at 7:45 and then immediately brush your teeth. Then once that was done you could pee (because everyone pees when they wake up, and if you don't you're weird). Then you both made your bed and threw on a hoodie before going downstairs to get coffee. Yours would be iced and Nat's would be black. Only when your coffees were finished could you do whatever you had planned for that day. And Nat secretly loved doing it with you and watching your face as you finished your coffee as you knew the day was going to be good.

-Self love
You taught Nat how to love herself. After years of being treated like a disposable weapon and being told she's not worthy of love, Nat found it hard to love herself. You constantly showered her in compliments and you meant every word. Every day you would stand her up in front of the mirror and ask her to tell you one thing she loves about herself. And she wasn't allowed to say the same thing twice. At first it was hard, and it ended in tears. But as time went on she relaxed into it more, and some of the things she came out with warmed your heart.

You trusted Nat more than anyone. After being let down and disappointed by so many people in your life, you were hesitant to let her in. On missions it was a big thing for you to let her help you, as you were always scared people were going to turn on you and betray you. But you started to learn that Nat wasn't like that. She actually wanted to help you and it went against everything you knew to let her do that. But as time went on you started to trust her and she always thanked you for it. She knew how hard it was for you, and she felt honoured that you had chosen her to be that person.

You were both laden with a huge amount of guilt. Nat was obsessed with wiping the red out of her ledger and you couldn't get over the number of innocent lives you had taken whilst brainwashed. You both were very private, not sharing much about yourself to anyone. But you were similar in the way you handle guilt. Hours were spent in the gym taking anger and frustrations out on those poor punching bags. Eventually you started sparring with each other, and that's where you both found out how similar you were. After every session you would find yourselves talking about the past, and you would both listen and understand what the other was saying. You had this unspoken agreement that nothing was said to anyone else, but it was comforting knowing you didn't have to bottle it up anymore b

Nat HATES feeling vulnerable. She rarely gets close to people because she doesn't want enemies to be able to get to her that way. She had very little prized possessions and she keeps her contacts to a minimum. But you are an exception. She loves you with all of her heart, and will do anything to keep you safe. So when you were kidnapped, she was distraught. Her emotions were running wild and she wasn't thinking properly. She felt exposed, knowing that the one time she cared about someone, they were put in danger. She was ruthless, and she didn't stop until you were safe. She knew she'd gone against what she believed when she started dating you, but Nat was willing to risk her life if it meant bringing you home safe.

-Wings (i'm sorry about this one)
When Nat died, you were crushed. She was everything to you. Your light, your world, your safe place. You felt empty and stuck without her, no real motivation to carry on anymore. You would sit by her grave for hours at a time just talking to her, praying she was listening. One day you went to her grave and there was a box you had never seen before. You opened it to find a necklace with a pair of angel wings on it. There was a small handwritten note and it said "to my angel. If you're seeing this then you know I've gone. But you're strong. I love you Y/N with all of my heart. You'll see me soon angel. I love you. Wear these wings and I'll always be in your heart. Love Nat xx". Since that day you never took the necklace off. She was with you all the time, and you missed her so much but you stayed alive for her. You soulmate.

-Xoxo (no 'x' lol)
That's how you would sign off your texts to her. It's also the symbols you use in the many games of tic tac toe you would both play in Fury's boring meetings. (no offence Fury, i think you're cool)

Nat was your yellow. She was the light in your life and she always made you smile. Her laugh warmed your heart and she was always there to give you cuddles and kisses whenever you needed them.

Your favourite place to go to unwind. You two would just sit and watch the animals all day when you had days off and it was your favourite place to relax. Just watching the animals going about their daily lives brought a sense of normality into your lives, and seeing all the children running around filled your heart with happiness. And every time you went, Nat would buy a cup with a random animal on it, claiming that she needed to complete her collection. You thought it was strange, but if it made her happy then that's all that mattered.

Did I cry whilst writing this? Yes I did. Because this relationship is all I want! With someone!!! The single life is really hurting hard. I'm taking applications. Any gender. Please and thank you 💖

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