The Downtown Reapers

By Keryzule

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When worlds collide there is always war because everybody fears that which they don't understand. When two li... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13

Chapter 10

65 1 0
By Keryzule

Deep in a large forest far away from any civilization there are two figures standing near a large heap of grass covered dirt. With the figures was a large object covered in simple fabric. The two figures each put a flower near the heap and took a step back before looking up revealing them to be Beth and Jenny. They pulled out umbrellas as it began to rain before they finally spoke.

Jenny: H-hey professor Aizawa. Been a while huh? Uhm. Sorry we were gone so long we were kinda busy but we never forgot you.

Beth: As if we can forget the closest person to a parent we ever had.

Jenny: Yeah. We miss you. Sir

A moment of silence filled the area as they were out of words before Beth remembered the cloth covered object.

Beth: Oh! We got you a present. We had it specially made for you sir.

The two girls removed the cloth to reveal a small statue like tomb stone. The tomb stone had a wide base compared to its upper statue, on the base were words made of solid gold talking about Aizawas feats, titles as teacher and even father and more, the statue was of Aizawa in his hero outfit with gold details in a crouching position as if looking over something or somewhere. It took some time but they finally managed to place it in a way they felt really honored their teacher.

Beth: We really hope you like it.

Jenny: The golds real so it wont wash away in the rain like paint and the whole things made of obsidian. It cost a lot but wed spend all we have for you teach. Wed sell more than a kidney if it meant having you back though

Beth: But youre not coming back. Are you? No clone, no alternate dimension version of you, no revival. This is the real world.. and youre gone. Forever.

The reality of his death finally hitting not just Beth but Jenny as well caused them to nearly collapse but they could do nothing about the tears that fell. They didnt move from their spots for what felt like hours until they heard the engines of multiple vehicles approaching them. Looking at each other in confusion they faced the direction the engines are coming from to see motorcycles and cars driving towards them. The motorcycles drove at high speeds at them but moved around them before hitting them followed by more that ended up circling them. In the distance an expensive looking car slowly approached them and stopped a few feet away. A young man suddenly got out revealing a smile that seemed to be made of arrogance.

Another person followed behind the young man with an umbrella as they walked to the girls. The person was much taller and better built than the arrogant one and even had a few weapons to help with any intimidation.

Beth: Who the hell are you?

Tall man: Forgive me, this is master.. James. Son of Master Yuki Li, leader of the Shanks gang.

The tall man said that with a bow before standing straight up again much to the annoyance to James.

James: Ugh, enough Shin. Now, you two where is your boss? I want to talk to him about the two members he has that cant seem to die.

Jenny looked at Beth and vice versa before they turned back to the statue of Aizawa.

Jenny: Look man, right nows not a good time. Just leave a number or something and well get back to you.

James: You dare-! Do you have any idea who I am?!

Beth: Dead in a ditch is what you will be if you dont leave.

James: Thats it! Youre de-

He was suddenly interrupted by the man named Shin who moved in front of James and apologised.

Shin: My deepest apologies for the young master, he is young and has much to learn. Please take this card and we will await your contact.

He handed Jenny and Beth a business card and forcefully escorted a ranting James back into the car while signaling the riders to follow the car. Once the last motorcycle engine went silent so did the forest.

Jenny: .. Piece of shit.

That was the last thing to be heard for half an hour until they got back to their room to change and then stop at Jasons office that has had a clear upgrade like the stuffed shark with a pimp hat behind him.

Jasons: So let me get this straight. While giving your dead teacher a better grave the Shank gang leaders son demanded that you tell him my location so we could talk about you?.. Damn this shit is making my head hurt.

Jenny: How do you think we feel? Dude was acting like we were supposed to start licking his boots.. I wanted to punch his face so bad.

Beth: What are you gonna do boss?

Jason: Im gonna call them, see what they want. Maybe its something small and we can relax or itll be a turf war Nothing new though so not like we gonna lose much huh?

???: We wouldnt say that exactly.

The three gangsters quickly grabbed their respective weapons and aimed at the office entrance where they spotted two men of asian decent. While one was a relatively young and reminded the girls of a certain ninja with a pink streak in his hair the other was much, much older to the point that it was surprising to see him stand on his own much less alive. They were about to question the two when they were interrupted by Jason.

Jason: Ho. Ly. Shit.. Grandmaster Wong.

Jenny: you know these two?

The weapons have yet to be put down by the girls as they are wary of them men that just appeared.

Jason: Not personally. Shit, put your weapons down girls. We have a legend in front of us.

Beth: Who are they?

Jason: Not too sure about the young guy but that man right there is the old boss of the Triad. Im sure you remember hearing about them once upon a time right kids?

Wong: 谢谢你没有一见钟情地射杀我们

Jason: Yeah, he never speaks english. Im guessing that means youre his translator?

The younger man nods before speaking.

Translator: Yes, as for what he said he wishes to thank you fo- Aaaagh!

Jenny: What the fuck?!

The girls were shocked to see that Wong stabbed the man in the leg before shouting at him.

Wong: 白痴你先自我介绍表示一些尊重

The translator bowed to Wong while ignoring the pain in his leg.

Translator: I apologize master Wong. It will not happen again.

Wong helped him back up and turned him to the three reapers.

Translator: Forgive my rudeness. As you know this is Grandmaster Wong of the Triad gang that was shut down by Wong himself. I am Lee, his translator. Please do not think ill of master Wong as I must learn if I wish to continue working under him.

With that over with the room was quiet and rather awkward as nobody knew what to say now, except for Jason.

Jason: Ahem, so to what do I owe the pleasure of your visit?

Wong began speaking in mandarin while Lee translated every word to english.

Lee: The infamy of the Downtown Reapers have gained my interest but so has the Shanks but unlike you the Shanks have my attention for another reason. They once were like the Triads and had a level of respect for others and themselves but some time ago they have become nothing more than thugs with no regard for their actions while you have so much potential, more than what they had. With this known I wish to offer any assistance I can.

When they stopped speaking Jason, Jenny and Beth sat down to process what was said. It was hard to believe, the ex-boss of the Triads just waltzed in the room and offered his knowledge on making a gang a force to be feared. But even though this was all amazing there had to have been a catch.

Jason: This is great and all but. Whats the catch? No offense but what youre offering isnt something that is just given freely.

Wong just smiled and began speaking in mandarin along with Lee who spoke again in english.

Lee: The fact you are cautious even in the face of such an offer proves I have made the correct choice. As for the catch, you are correct. What I want is money as my own funds are shrinking, I want my thoughts to be heard in any decisions as well as to hear future plans and finally, I want to be there to see the end of the filthy Shanks gang.

Beth: Wait, you want to see the Shanks disband? Why?

Master Wong looked down in sadness before Lee took a step forward and cleared his throat.

Lee: Grandmaster Wong was once friends with Yuki Li, current boss of the Shanks back when Master Wong was still boss of the Triads. That friendship was broken when it was discovered that mister Yuki Li had. Killed master Wongs dog.

Jason: Oh my god, not Chichi!

Wong: Yes, Chichi.



Jenny: you can speak english?!

Grandmaster Wong only smiled and nodded.

Lee: Master Wong is quite fluent, he just prefers not having people hear him.

Jason: . I see. Well, we will have to go over the details of how much you will be getting, where you will be staying, any info you can give us on the shanks. Oh and girls, youre dismissed. Go rest up or do, whatever it is you two do.

The girls nodded and left Jasons office.

Beth: Looks like we have the Triads top dog on our side now.

Jenny: And to think, none of this would happen if we didnt get kicked out of Unitian.

Beth: Yeah. Oh, almost forgot I got you something.

Beth tossed a square shaped object at Jenny who fumbled with it for a few seconds before catching it. She glared at Beth for a moment before looking at the square and suddenly jumping around in excitement.

Jenny: Holy shit B! You got this for me?! Are you serious right now?!

In her hands was an album from her celebrity crush Ashton, an album that was said to be sold out the moment it hit shelves.

Jenny: How?!

Beth; Just gotta know the right people to bribe. Or threaten. Mostly threaten.

Jenny: Youre the best bitch another bitch could ask for!

Beth: .

Jenny: What? Too affectionate?

Beth: .

Jenny: Ay! You still in there?

Beth: Do you see what I see?

Jenny turned to look where Beth was looking and noticed a kid sneaking around. Normaly thats pretty normal, kids picking pockets or hiding from people chasing them from a bad pocket picking session. This kid was different though because most of the kids here sort of wear rags which is why they pickpocket in the first place, this kid seemed to have high end and expensive fashion on and they looked new. We watched the kid for a few seconds when we saw it, a tuft of white hair sticking out of his hood. Looks like Whitely decided to give us a visit.

Whitely was hiding behind a car that had its tires replaced with bricks and trying to look in the church he remembers walking out from the last time he was here. The reason he came here was simple, he enjoys the company of gangsters more than his own family as he felt he could just be a kid in their presence, that he could be happy so he grabbed anything that looked like street clothes from his wardrobe and snuck out through the workers exit. While hiding he hadnt noticed the two shadows that appeared behind him and were growing larger until two figures were right behind him.

Beth: You want some canned tuna?

Whitely: Aaaaagh! Preservatives!

Beth and Jenny couldnt help but laugh at Whitelys reaction while he opened his eyes and pouted at the two girls who were laughing at him. They eventually stopped laughing and helped him up.

Jenny: Hey kid, what are you doing here? And what the hell are you wearing?

Whitely: Well, I cam to visit you. And whats wrong with what Im wearing? I think I look spiffy.

Jenny: God is dead.

Beth: Kid, never say spiffy again. And the fact you called yourself that kinda explains why that is weird. Look since you came all the way here to see us well treat you to lunch and some new clothes.

Jenny: .. Well B since this is your idea, you can pay.

Beth: Ill pay for the kid then, youre on your own.

Jenny: Whatever.

Whitely: Please dont fight

The girl turned to Whitely to see tears begin welling in his eyes.

Jenny: Woah, woah, kid we arent fighting. Sure arguing but we arent trying to hurt each other.

Beth: Not even when we spar. You could say we are just. Really honest with each other. We are willing to say what we dont like and listen to each other but still accept each there faults

Jenny: Yknow what we need? Some dimpled damsels!

Beth: Oh hell yeah!

Whitely: Whats. Dimpled Damsels?

Jenny: Heaven. And youre about to meet god kid. Hey B, lets roll.

Beth: you got it shades!

The girls dragged Whitely to their car and had him put on some of their clothes like a hoodie, beanie and a bracelet just to not stick out too much. They drove to a restaurant with a neon sign of a woman in a large dress looking like she was lifting it while the words Dimpled Damsels were circling her. They pulled Whitely out, who felt odd in the very baggy clothing on him and into the restaurant to a nearby table before a woman in a familiar large dress gave the three a menu each then left.

Whitely: . Uhm, whats the etiquette for a place like this?

Jenny: The what?

Beth: I think he means manners and shit.

Whitely: Not how I would put it but yes. Should I ask for a napkin for my lap or-

Jenny: Im gonna stop you there kid, clearly this whole rich, sophisticated family life thing messed you up. So Ill put it as plain as possible, in a place like this, you relax. Look around you, how many people are using both a knife AND a fork for anything but a steak?

Whitely did as instructed and immediately noticed a big difference in a place like Dimpled Damsels and the restaurants his parents made him go to often. With his parents he had to be quiet, kind to all, small portions, smile always, look proper, etc but here everyone seemed like they didnt care about a thing. There were people with food stains who knew they were there but just kept eating, there was a fight going on in the back of the restaurant, the food was massive and it was all new to the boy.

Whitely: Nobody. Nobody seems to really care either.

Beth: Thats cause they dont Whitely. They come here to eat and thats their only focus, nothing else. Now pick something to eat and theyll make it.

Whitely: Ok but what do we do for the wait time?

Jenny: Usually we just talk about what we will do after eating. Sometimes we will check over our ammo so we know what to get. Sometimes we check social media to see our influence but five minutes is never really enough time.

Whitely: What do you mean five minutes isnt enough time?

Jenny: just that, a five minute wait for the food isnt a lot of time to really plan stuff.

Whitely: Wait, wait, wait. The food here takes five minutes to be made and brought to the table?

Beth: Uhh. Yeah? How long does the food take at the restaurants you usually go to?

Whitely: About half an hour to an hour.. sometimes longer.

Jenny and Beth let out a long whistle to show they were impressed.

Jenny: Damn, thats a lot of food. Bet its expensive.

Whitely: Not really. With the exchange rate from lien to the new currency Credits the fancy restaurants food would cost ten thousand Credits per plate.

Beth: Holy shit how loaded are the Schnees?

Jenny: Again, thats a lot of food.

Whitely: Not really. The food is usually less than that thing on that ladys plate, the thing with a bun and meat.

Beth: Rich people get scammed a lot.

Jenny: you fucking think? Whitely, that ladys whole plate cost like. Fifty credits.

Whitely: .. Fifty?

Beth: Yes.

Whitely: For all that?

Jenny: Yes.

Whitely: Oh.

Beth: Yeah. Well just order anything kid, I got the bill

Jenny: But if you dont know what to get then I suggest the Dimple meal. Its a good start.

Whitely: Oh then Ill have that. And to drink I uhh. Beth?

Beth: Yeah kiddo?

Witely: Is it alright if I get a milkshake? I always wanted one but. Parents.

Beth; Yeah kid, go nuts.

With that the Lady from before now recognized to be the waitress returned from where ever she was and took everyone's order. Even though Whitely was informed of how long the food would take he was still amazed that it was about five minutes before it arrived at the table. Eating fast food was a learning experience for the Schnee as old habits tried making him eat the burger with a knife and fork, the girls were fine with him using those for his fries but using them on a burger was out of the question.

They were all having a good time while half way through their meal when the girls noticed Whitely really focused on someone. They turned to see who has Whitelys attention and they saw a boy with what looked like tanned skin. He seemed pretty normal and wore a beanie, jacket and they assume jeans.

Jenny: You know him?

Whitely: Kind of, We met at a few fancy restaurants while he was with his aunt.

Beth: Whos his aunt?

Whitely: That would be Officer Crest, his name is Coltrane Crowley.

Jenny: Isnt she that ballbusting police chief lady? The one willing to arrest heroes?

Whitely: Yeah, shes no joke. Her training is hell, I over heard a part of it and I pity anyone that works for her.

Jenny: Damn, that bad huh? We should probably be careful of her then.

Beth: Yeah But if hes aunt is officer Crest, whats he doing here?

Jenny: Maybe the same as Whitely? Just enjoying a not fancy meal in a not fake envirement.

They watched as he took the final slurp of his soup and put the spoon back in the bowl before making a strange hand movement.

Coltrane: Good soup

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