Life Without You

By mfung84

17.1K 674 150

[23 April 2022 - This story is complete but currently going a second round of edits with improved plots and d... More

Sneak Preview
Chapter 1 - The Painful Truth
Chapter 2 - A New Life
Chapter 3 - A Difficult Birthday
Chapter 4 - Shocking News
Chapter 5 - The New Celebrity
Chapter 6 - The Press Conference
Chapter 7 - Why?
Chapter 8 - Date Out with Hiroshi
Chapter 9 - Hard to Resist
Chapter 10 - Missing Leon
Chapter 11 - Reunion
Chapter 12 - Coming Home
Chapter 13 - Beth's Wedding
Chapter 14 - Rehearsal
Chapter 15 - The Dream
Chapter 16 - Relocating Back Home
Chapter 17 - Adjusting to Fame
Chapter 18 - Andy's Birthday
Chapter 19 - Dark Days Ahead
Chapter 20 - Rising Up
Chapter 21 - Meltdown
Chapter 22 - Dread with Worry
Chapter 23 - In the Hospital
Chapter 24- Progress
Chapter 25 - Rehab
Chapter 26 - Leon?
Chapter 27 - Doppelgänger Trouble
Chapter 28 - Unpleasant Truths
Chapter 29 - Heartbroken
Chapter 30 - Toughen Up
Chapter 31 - Angel gets Married
Chapter 32 - Obsessed Fans?
Chapter 33 - Out of Rehab
Chapter 34 - The Elia Dera Show
Chapter 35 - Desperate for a Break

Chapter 36 - On to Yellowstone National Park
Chapter 37 - Lost
Chapter 38 - Reunited
Chapter 39 - Awkward Encounter
Chapter 40 - Join the Group
Chapter 41 - Campfire
Chapter 42 - Enjoying Yellowstone (with a twist)
Chapter 43 - The Reveal
Chapter 44 - Financial Woes & Trust Issues
Chapter 45 - Helping Leon
Chapter 46 - Depressed
Chapter 47 - Forest Cherry Hill Park
Chapter 48 - Remember?
Chapter 49 - Andy Discovers the Truth
Chapter 50 - Painful memories I
Chapter 51 - Painful memories II
Chapter 52 - Confrontation
Chapter 53 - A New Companion
Chapter 54 - Leon vs Hiroshi
Chapter 55 - The Red Story
Chapter 57 - The New Housemate
Chapter 58 - Being Away
Chapter 59 - Surprise in Japan
Chapter 60 - I won't give up
Chapter 61 - Framing Leon
Chapter 62 - Interrogation
Chapter 63 - Ignoring Leon
Chapter 64 - Thinking of You
Chapter 65 - Knocked Out
Chapter 66 - Where's Sky?
Chapter 67 - More Company
Chapter 68 - Proceeding Alone
Chapter 69 - Beacon of Hope
Chapter 70 - Captured
Chapter 71 - Game of Life and Death
Chapter 72 - Saving Andy
Chapter 73 - Andy's Recovery
Chapter 74 - Wait for Me
Chapter 75 - His Gain, Her Loss
Chapter 76 - Being Set Free
Chapter 77 - Leaving the Dream
Chapter 78 - Reborn
Chapter 79 - Moving On
Chapter 80 - Will you?
Chapter 81 - Ever After
Chapter 82 - New Life (End)

Chapter 56 - New landlord

103 5 3
By mfung84

Hiroshi got upset when Ariel decided to discontinue their Krav Maga lessons.

"I want more 'me' time after work" she excused. In truth, she was no longer feeling comfortable with Hiroshi like she used to.

Hiroshi observed her expression and suspected, "Is Leon's causing trouble for you? Has he been bothering you?"

"Please, Hiroshi-san," Ariel was unsettled. "It's nothing to do with him. It's me."

"You sure?"

"I just need more breaks after work."

"We can revert back to once a week if three times is too much for you," insisted Hiroshi.

"No. As in, I want to stop completely, for now."

"What? Why?"

"I've built up enough confidence through your training and I appreciate your support all this time. But I really need a break."

Hiroshi sighed, "Fine. But let me know when you're ready to resume. You know I'm always there for you."

She bowed in appreciation.

Somehow, he was not fully convinced by her reasons.


"What do you mean your house got sold?" Leon was shocked when his landlord informed him that his rented townhouse was sold without his notice.

"So sorry. The buyer was extremely persistent and even topped up an additional $1 million. How can I refuse? He'll be your new landlord now."

Leon hung up on him and cursed, rapidly tapping his fingers on the arm of the sofa and massaging the bridge of his nose between his eyes. Even the two properties he was trying to sell off were located in other states and not here.

Sky's ears held back and whined at him when she sensed he was in a bad mood.

"Sorry, girl. Come here," he patted on the empty space on the sofa next to him. Sky hopped on it and laid her head on his lap, her blue eyes staring at his face.

Just then, the doorbell rang.

"Vinny, can you see who's that?" he ordered her to check on the visitor.

Vinny went out of the main door and upon verifying who it was, she opened the gate.

"It's the new landlord," she announced.

"Just in time," Leon muttered and when he got up, he was lost for words to see Hiroshi walking in.

"So, you're the one who bought this townhouse?" he narrowed his eyes at him.

"Yes, it's a pretty nice townhouse," Hiroshi scanned the inside and patted the sturdy wall. "I like it."

Leon clenched his fists, knowing the real reason why Hiroshi was doing this. "Don't think that you can take me away from Ariel like this."

"Well, I can," Hiroshi plopped into the sofa and put one leg across the other. Sky growled at him. "Come here, Sky!" Leon commanded. Sky got down from the sofa and went to Leon.

"What a good dog. If only you can be as good as her," said Hiroshi.

"What did you say?" Leon bared his teeth.

"Oh, such similar expressions. You know I'm just kidding," Hiroshi chuckled as both dog and owner flashed their teeth at him. "Since I'm the new landlord, you've two options. Leave the premises within the next thirty days, or pay the new rent price at twice the amount of the old."

"WHAT?" Leon gasped in disbelief. "But I only just moved here."

"Business is business, my friend. I ain't a charity."

"And I ain't your friend," Leon replied. "I'll just move to another one nearby."

"And I'll keep buying the ones you move into until you are at least 5 miles in radius away," Hiroshi smirked.

Leon glared at him, "You cunning little fox."

"I give you three days to decide. Meanwhile, be good, like Sky," he smiled and walked out, leaving Leon to fume even more.


Ariel could not believe the message Leon sent her, notifying her that Fujita bought over his townhouse and put him in a difficult spot to choose between paying double the rent or moving out. She decided to confront Hiroshi about this.

"Hiroshi-san, why?" she asked. "Why did you take over Leon's townhouse?"

"Why not? It's part of Fujita's investment into real estate," Hiroshi replied while typing away on his laptop.

"There are other townhouses you could buy. Why his? Don't you think it's cruel to double his rent knowing he's not in a good place financially?"

"It's just business. Besides, he can find somewhere else within his own means. He shouldn't be living in such a posh area if he's facing financial difficulty."

Ariel knew very well Hiroshi's intention behind such a decision.

"Please don't do this," she begged.

Hiroshi stopped typing and closed his laptop screen. He looked up at Ariel, "Leon's nothing more than a loser who can't get his life back on track."

"Don't call him that! He's gone through a lot more pain than you can imagine," she defended, disgusted by Hiroshi's insult.

"After what he did to you and to so many other women, are you so blind to still have a soft spot for him?"

Ariel bit her lower lip, "He's my friend. I don't turn my back on friends."

"Why are you still this stubborn after all we've explained to you?" Hiroshi got annoyed.

"Look, don't think I don't know the real reason why you're doing this. It won't win me over. I can't give you what you want."

Hiroshi stood up from his seat and walk over towards her. She got nervous at his intense expression.

"You don't appreciate what I do now, but you will in future," he said.

"I'll take my leave," she bowed and left the office briskly, leaving Hiroshi even more dismayed.


"No! This can't be! It's gotta be Emily!" Ariel fumed over the phone.

"As I've said before, it's pig's blood. No human fingerprints were found on this box except yours. Without concrete proof, we can't be certain this is from the woman you describe as Emily. It seems to be a case of mischief and we get such complaints from celebrities all the time. So we're closing the case," the police officer explained.

Ariel could not believe it. 

When she had informed Hiroshi and Mr Fujita about the scary gift, they dismissed it as a crazy fan's attempt and assured her that with bodyguards, there would not be another repeat of the gala night incident. 

Even Leon did not take her claims seriously, and now the police.

Deep down, she was not 100% convinced that she continued to sleep with her bedside lamp on. She also worried for Andy.

"Are you okay?" Rita asked.

"I feel like I'm going crazy!" Ariel lamented.

"Aw....poor you," she comforted. 

Just then, Rita heard the familiar ice cream truck jingle from a distance.

"I'll be right back!" she dashed out to Rossi's Happy Ice Cream truck.

"Ciao, signorina Rita (i.e Hello, Miss Rita in Italian)! Nice to see you again!" greeted Paolo.

"Ciao, Paolo," smiled Rita.

"Let me guess, dark chocolate, right?"

"Yes! How you know?" Rita was surprised.

"I remember all my customers' favourite flavours, that's why they're happy when they see me," Paolo smiled with pride.

Rita laughed. She ordered another ice cream of lavender honey flavour.

"For your housemate?" asked Paolo.

"Yes. She's in a bad mood so I hope your happy ice cream will brighten up her mood."

"Oh, poor thing!" Paolo put his hand to his heart. He scooped up the ice creams onto their waffle cones and placed them into a cardboard ice cream cone holder packaging. "Here you go, with free extra scoops for each as promised. Plus this extra cone with raspberry vanilla and cookie dough for that little boy. Name's Andy, right?"

"Yes!" Rita was impressed and took out her wallet. "How much?"

"Pay only for your share. The other two are all on the house because it's Cheer-Up Day today!" 

"No way! Cheer-up Day? How did you come up with all these special days?"

"Oh, who likes the words Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday? Makes no sense to me. Each day is different, that's why I like to give them unique names based on my customers' preferences. Each and every day should be a special day! Last week, I had a customer who love strawberries so I gave him a free scoop of strawberry ice cream cos it was Strawberry Day. Another time, I met a little girl who's obsessed with the moon, so I gave her a free scoop of mango ice cream on the same day that would show the full moon. Why? Because it's yellow, just like the moon, on Moon Day!"

"'re soo sweet and generous and kind, you know that?"

"I'm the ice cream man, that's my job. I'm happy when someone is happy, that's why Rossi's ice creams are the happiest on earth!" Paolo gave out a hearty laugh.

Rita handed over her cash. "Here you go Paolo. Keep the change. Thank you so much!" She took the ice cream cone holder packaging with the ice creams and headed back into the house.

When she reached home, Rita smiled at the thought of Paolo's generosity.

"Wait, how did he know I've a housemate and that Andy's her son?" She thought it odd for a while. "Oh, yes! Who doesn't know Ariel and Andy?" She shrugged off and could not wait to surprise them both with their comfort foods.


Ariel was not close to Hiroshi anymore like she used to be. Now that Krav Maga classes had been halted, she hardly spoke to him like they used to except regarding work matters. She even rejected his recent invitations for a few friendly outings, giving a lot of excuses. Hiroshi was getting more frustrated, very sure that Leon was taking away all the attention from his woman! What's more, Leon refused to pay double the rent and insisted he would stay put even after the thirty days were over.

Hiroshi closed his eyes and massaged his forehead, unable to focus on his work on the computer screen. He then took out his phone and looked at the picture of him and Ariel in Tokyo Tower that he had saved in an album.

"兄 (Ani ie. brother)! I can't stand お父さん(Otousan i.e father) anymore!" Hiromi barged into his office and complained.

Hiroshi got irritated at his sister disturbing his peace, "Can't you knock?"

Hiromi was dressed in high ankle boots, a white mini skirt and a pink blazer. She plopped into the chair with her hands folded. "I can't do what I want without him interfering or nagging at my choices!"

"You know Otousan, Hiromi. Just bear with it," he sighed.

"I hate living with him in the same mansion!" She kicked a tantrum. "I miss the independent life I had when I was in the UK!"

"Independent?" he shook his head at her. "You had a housekeeper and a cook who took care of you in that rented two-bedroom posh apartment in London. When I was studying in Canada and in the States, not once has Otousan spoiled me with the conveniences he gave you. I had to do everything myself, even working part-time to pay my own holidays."

Hiromi ignored those same words that he had repeated before. She went on, "Ever since returning to the States, Otousan refused to buy a place for me to live on my own. I want to move out! Can I live with you?"

"No," he replied. "I treasure my own privacy."

"Or can you buy me a house?" she pleaded.

"I earned my way to pay for my own house. It's time you do the same. Otousan never bought me a house, and neither will he do for you. So either you earn your way out or rent somewhere."

"But I've not started a job. How am I supposed to afford rent?"

"Then find one. Or work for Fujita."

"What's there to work for Fujita? I graduated from fashion design, not Business Administration like you. My dream is to work for high fashion brands. I've sent out my CVs and portfolio but none has replied."

"Then go for any other job," said Hiroshi as he continued typing into his laptop. "My first job was waiting on tables. I even earned extra doing side jobs like carpentry repairs and cleaning the toilets. I had to start from the bottom when I first worked at Fujita after graduation."

"Any job?" Hiromi snubbed. "It has be high fashion, nothing less. I won't work for something I don't like. As a social media influencer who showcases my high life. I CAN'T wait on tables or clean the toilets or do any of that kind of icky stuff!" She remained adamant. "Even the brand endorsements I get from time to time are not enough to cover my expenses."

"Then too bad. I can't help you."

"Ani!!!" Hiromi started to mock cry. "I need to move out! Otherwise, how am I going to learn independence that you guys keep drilling in me? Besides, I'm still getting over my ex and what you guys are doing to me is of no help!"

Hiroshi shook his head at his sister until her last words suddenly popped up an unconventional idea in his head.

"Say, Hiromi. Would you like to live with a superstar? If you're okay with it, I won't make you pay rent as long as you stay in the same house with him."

"What do you mean?" Hiromi tilted her head in confusion. "Who?"

"An old friend from our Yellowstone trip. I think he needs good company."

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