剣 - SᗯOᖇᗪ || Naruto x BNHA

By Feethecracker

74.1K 2.9K 392

°°° Momochi Zara had died in battle; drowned in the sea of Mizu-no-kuni. As she slipped into the deep blue... More

Author's note
1 - Waves
2 - Come closer and I'll stab you
3 - Don't bullshit me! Where the hell is that supposed to be?
5 - Let's start with a training match.
6 - There's a homeless guy at the door!
7 - Give me three good reasons against it.
8 - Oh Kami, I miss my life as a rogue
9 - Did you kill someone?
10 - You don't have to go to school, they said.
Pic's of Zara
1K - Special: File
11 - Don't tell people how to deal with their problems
(another) A/N (I should stop writing these)
12 - Less talking, more fighting!
13 - Take care of the kids, I'll handle this.
14 - You couldn't handle it. (Also I'm very sorry)
15 - You remind me of someone
16 - Under one condition
17 - This is going to be so much fun!
18 - I have a man to kill.
50K - Special: Mall

4 - Have you been living under a fucking rock?

4K 190 17
By Feethecracker

Have you been living under a fucking rock?


"So, where are you from? Answer correctly this time or our deal is off. And it looks like you really need my information." I closed my eyes demonstratively and sighed in exasperation as I realised he was right. I should have just killed him at the beginning, then my life would be a lot easier right now.

"Kirigakure, Land of water," I replied. The birdman snorted.

"And you said I shouldn't mess with you. My ass, what are you babbling about?" Again was acting ignorant, analysing me in the process. It was getting on my damn nerves. Couldn't he just be an idiot who underestimated me, untied me, told me a lot of things and then I ended up killing him?

"My turn," I declared. "Why didn't you kill me? What use am I to you?"



"That...was two questions." I groaned loudly in resignation before I stared him down with cold eyes until he raised his hands in helpless surrender.

"All right, all right. But honestly, how could I kill you? I don't know where you're from, but you don't just go around killing people around here." he grinned as if expecting me to start laughing, but after a moment he spoke again.

"Hmmmm, how...did you get here?" I smiled slyly. That was a silly question.

"dunno" I confessed completely truthfully. He scoffed and crossed his arms.

"I meant how -" at my admonishing look he broke off rolling his eyes and gestured for me to ask my question. I had to think for a moment. But as I eyed him, something immediately occurred to me.

"Why do you have wings?", now he looked at me like I was stupid. Why? I mean, winged people aren't normal. Are they? By now I was doubting a whole lot.

"So?", I repeated myself.

"That's my Quirk." I stared at him, my eye twitching. This guy was going to take me for a complete fool!

"Your what?", I asked so dangerously calm that he flinched for a moment. But he regained his composure pretty damn quickly.

"Ah, ah, ah, rule." he fluted, "What happened in the last...say ten minutes that you remember before you fell from the sky? Your last memory?"

"Water.", I said, falling silent for a few seconds and then continuing a little hesitantly.

"I was on my way home and I was attacked by a guy in an orange mask," now the blond looked genuinely interested because he leaned forward in his chair. "We fought, and yeah, the bastard wasn't bad at all," I sighed, my eyes fixed on the ceiling."Hm, then...I don't know, probably locked me in a genjutsu or something-" Genjutsu. The word brought my thoughts to an abrupt stop. Oh shit, that couldn't be true. Was this all just a giant illusion? I shot up, snapping the straps around my torso.

It was about time I started moving properly again. Hawks jumped and moved into a defensive position, but I ignored him completely.

Almost excitedly, I formed two finger signs. Mi and Tora. (Snake, Tiger)

"Kai! (release)" Nothing happened. I tried again, concentrating all my chakra. Absolutely nothing. Bloody hell. Resigned, I let myself fall backwards against table.

A few minutes passed and I just lay there, calming my breathing, before I straightened up again, slower this time. I glanced at Hawks who hadn't moved, he was still in the same defensive posture.

"What are you looking at?", I sneered. My mood had just deteriorated beyond belief. The blond slowly lowered his defence but remained tense as he looked back and forth between me and the torn straps.

"What...what was that?" he brought out. By now I had realised that I was to expect nothing from him.

"I was trying to release the genjutsu, you idiot!"

"Gen....Jutsu?". I slapped my hand on my forehead so hard it popped loudly.

"Oh Kami! Have you been living under a fucking rock?"

"What are you even talking about?" within a second I was standing in front of him, pulling him down to me by the collar.

"Who are you kidding, chicken, huh? Your presence is too weak even for a civilian, so you have to be suppressing your chakra. And that's not something you just learn."

"Chakra? Suppressing? Stop spouting crappy nonsense, sword girl!" we stared icily at each other. I pierced his eyes with mine, looking for some sign of a lie in his gaze. But there was nothing. I let go of his collar and took a small step back.

"You really have no idea."

"Oh my God, you've noticed!," he grumbled sarcastically. Exhausted, I leaned back against the wall.

"Jeez, where have I landed? Not a bit of chakra! Nothing at all! Die, you damn masked man," I muttered under my breath. A soft clearing of a throat sounded. I looked up, the birdman grinned, I cursed.

"May I ask how you broke the shackles? What's your Quirk?"

"I might tell you if you explain to me what in Kami's name a fucking Quirk is." Hawks groaned.

"A Quirk is... Hmm, an ability you're born with. It forms around the fourth year of life. My Quirk is called Fierce Wings! I have super sharp eyes, can fly and control the feathers telekinetically. However, if I shed all the feathers, the wings shrink and then they have to grow back" That...was weird. Was he trying to gain my trust? Why was he revealing his weakness to me?

"Ah" I said.

He looked at me in feigned shock.

"What? No 'oh my god, super powers? Like superheroes!' I was expecting something like that" Was it my imagination or...was he pouting? Ridiculous.

"Well, it doesn't sound super to me. When you runs out of feathers, you're out of fuxking luck," I explained simply and he sweatdropped. The birdman pointed his head in the direction of the couch I had destroyed in question.

"Energy. I channelled energy into my arms," I explained. It wasn't a lie so that should satisfy him. And besides, there was nothing he could do about it anyway, should I deliberately not want to tell the truth.

"So that's your Quirk. Useful. What else can you do?" Slowly I should make more demands, I realised, and a big grin settled on my face.

"I'll show you once I get my sword back." He eyed me scrutinisingly.

"Then I have a suggestion: we go to the training facilities. There you'll get your equipment and explain your skills to me in return." This guy had figured out how to make good deals. I nodded at him with a satisfied expression.

"Agreed, pigeon.", I said grinning slightly.

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