Natasha Romanoff OneShots

By romanoffxwanda

426K 9.1K 2.3K

(cover by @rxmqnvff) Requests Open! Fluff/Angst Also includes Flo/ Yelena More

Hoodie - NR
Photos - NR
Snuggles - NR
Sea Cows - NR
Rain - NR
Time - SJ
Texts - NR
Enough (1) - NR
Enough (2) - NR
failure - NR
pressure - NR
preferences - NR
fireworks - NR
uno - NR
under control (1) - NR
under control (2) - NR
no where to run (1) - NR
no where to run (3) - NR
halloween preferences - NR
fluff alphabet - NR
new haircut - FP
candles - NR
protective - NR
red - SJ
she needs you there - NR
momma Nat - NR
momma Nat (2) - NR
bipolar - NR
bipolar (2) - NR
for her - YB
relationship strain (1) - SJ
relationship strain (2) - SJ
I loved her so much - YB
c.h.r.i.s.t.m.a.s - NR
quicksand - NR
that mom right there?- NR
that mom right there (2) - NR
that mom right there (3) - NR
sick - NR
anxiety - SJ
ghost of you - NR
girl next door - NR
starry night - NR
starry night (2) - NR
dance - NR
incorrect quotes - NR
cooking with flo - FP
midnight - NR
back in time - NR
my baby - NR
headcannons - NR
my warrior - NR
my warrior - NR (2)
spiralled - SJ
jealousy, jealousy - NR
duckies - NR
duckies - NR (2)
kitty kitty - NR
back in time - NR (2)
lazy mornings - NR
Disneyland - NR
night rides - NR
squeak squeak - NR
so close yet so far - NR
promises - NR
so close yet so far - NR (2)
cactus - NR
i will rescue you - NR
double the trouble - NR
wattpad - NR
Double The Trouble (2) - NR
so close yet so far - NR (3)
double the trouble - NR (3)
lost in the fire - NR

no where to run (2) - NR

3.6K 130 29
By romanoffxwanda

part 2

warnings: sh, depression, suicide attempt
word count: 2.3k

Several days passed and Nat ignored me like I never existed. She stopped making me breakfast in the morning and even made Yelena drive me to school. Peter was still out to get me, but he had limited it to snide comments and subtle kicks under the table, so he wasn't caught. Not that anyone would believe me anymore.

I'd never felt so isolated before. The days seemed to drag and my arms became scattered with silver lines. I no longer felt like I belonged anywhere. I was completely numb, only coming out of my room to go to school. I didn't talk to anyone, I barely ate anything and in meetings I was barely listening. It had gotten to the point where I didn't see any point of living. There was nothing for me here. My own mom hates me, my brother is committed to making my life a living hell, and I just felt stuck in a vicious cycle.

I tried to end it, but never got close enough. The several failed attempts just made me sink deeper into the depression. I stopped going to school, only leaving my room to attend S.H.I.E.L.D meetings upon Fury's request.

Which brings us to now. I was sat on a leather chair in the meeting room with the other Level 6 agents. Fury was stood at the front delivering another training presentation and everyone was busy taking notes. But I just stared at the table in front of me, my notebook empty and my pen lay untouched beside it. This meeting had been going on for what felt like forever, but realistically it had only been an hour and a half. My mind was empty, but I still couldn't bring myself to listen. I didn't even realise that everyone had left until I felt a hand placed on my shoulder. I shot up, seeing Fury seated next to me with a concerned expression and I froze in place.

"Take a seat Romanoff. We need to have a chat." I flinched as he said my old last name, and Fury being Fury, he noticed. "What's going on with you? You're one of my best agents, I thought you'd be promoted to Level 7 soon, but you've been distant lately. I'm not stupid kid, you're the youngest agent I've ever had in Level 6, but I expected nothing less coming from your mother. So what's going on?" It felt weird having someone asking how I am, and the fact that it was Fury made it even weirder.

"I'm ok. Just tired." I replied, wanting nothing more than to leave the meeting room.

"Y/N. I'm the director of an organisation that trains spies and agents. Don't think I can't read you, because I can. Now tell me what's going on."

"It's nothing, I promise. I've just not been sleeping the best that's all."

"Then why did you flinch when I said your mothers last name? I know you changed it Y/N. JARVIS alerted me. So why don't you explain why?"

"Because she doesn't talk to me. She barely even acknowledges that I'm around. It was all fine until she adopted Peter. Since then she's just forgotten all about me and I can't take it anymore. Peter makes my life hell but no one believes me when I tell them. I don't know how much I can take of it Nick. I don't want to do this anymore." I was crying by the end of that, pouring my heart out to my boss.

"JARVIS, can you pull up any camera footage of Y/N and Peter from the past 6 months please."

"Certainly Sir. Should I include audio too?"


"Retrieving files now"

"Nick what are you doing?" I was totally lost with what was going on.

"JARVIS records footage in each room for safety reasons. No one has access apart from Stark and I. This will prove if Peter was hurting you or not."

My mouth dropped open. This could be all I need to make Nat believe me and get rid of Peter for good. The huge presentation screen flickered and a playback of the day when Peter wrecked my room suddenly showed up. The picture was clear and his voice rang out. My body immediately went tense and I felt my hands start to shake. My chest felt tight as I could see his hand wrapped around my throat. My mind instantly felt the fear that wracked my body in that moment, but I didn't want to show it in front of Fury. I watched his face as the video played. It stayed emotionless the whole time and as the video ended he turned back to face me. Before he could even speak, I immediately started talking.

"I can't spend another day with him. Please don't make me watch it again. I hate it Nick. I hate it. I don't care what you have to do, but I can't stay here. Please Nick Please!" I was begging at this point, tears streaming down my face. That video resurfaced everything I'd bottled up over the past few weeks.

"Ok. We've got a safe house in Switzerland that you can stay in for a couple of days, just until I sort this out. But I don't want you going alone. Choose 2 people to take and I'll get the quinjet ready for you."

"Thank you Nick. I'll take Yelena and Wanda. They're the only people who actually sympathised with me this whole time." I felt a warm glow inside me as I thought about leaving the compound, even just for a few days. Fury nodded and dismissed me. I ran straight to my room and began packing.


The flight to the safe house was peaceful. We all did our own thing. Wanda was sketching in her notebook, Yelena was playing Candy Crush on her phone, whilst humming along to 'American Pie' and I just put my airpods in and listened to some calming music.

The actual safe house was a cute little cabin in the woods, which had a nice garden and a hot water spring behind the house. We all gasped as we saw it, stating that we would spend the afternoon in it. We all quickly unpacked and raced downstairs. I felt so carefree away from the compound, surrounded by people who cared about me.

Wanda was stood in the kitchen with her bathing suit over her arm. She glanced up to see Yelena and I walking down the stairs. Yelena had her bikini on with a pair of shorts on and you had an oversized hoodie with a pair of sweatshirts. With all the scars on my body, I didn't want them to see just yet.

"How about we go skinny dipping? There's no one around" Wanda said, frowning at her bathing suit before abandoning it on the kitchen table.

"Oohh yes! The water is warm and no one's around so we won't scare them" Yelena skipped over to the door, her blond hair wavy from the tight braids she was wearing. I hung back slightly, loitering at the bottom of the stairs.

"Are you coming Y/N?" They both shouted as they walked out the door. I nodded even though they couldn't see me and walked after them.

The spring was bubbling as the sunlight slipped through the trees, creating a multitude of different blues in the water. The girls were sat on the rocks, dangling their feet in the water. Yelena turned around and beckoned me over. I hesitatingly walked towards them and I pulled my sleeves over my hands to try and distract myself from the low ache of anxiety gnawing in my stomach.

"Y/N, I just want to say that we know what happened. Fury told us everything yesterday. You don't have to be scared or ashamed of anything. We love you and we will always be here to talk about anything. This is our girls getaway. So let's have some fun." Yelena pulled me into a hug and Wanda squeezed my hand. I sniffled as a couple of tears escaped from my eyes.

"Thank you guys. I honestly don't know what I'd do without you. I'll come in but could you please turn around as I'm still a bit uncomfortable."

"Of course angel. We don't want you to do anything you don't want to do." They both turned around to give me the privacy I requested. I quickly pulled off my sweatpants and hoodie, before folding them on a rock and slipping into the water. It was warm, instantly relaxing my tense muscles. I called out to the others and they joined me, splashing around like children.

We stayed in the water for 2 hours, chatting, swimming, just generally relaxing. I was exhausted, the last 6 months finally catching up with me. We had all gotten comfortable with being naked around each other, so I climbed out and lay down on the soft grass. The sun was beginning to set and the sky was turning a beautiful peachy-orange colour. Yelena came running over, throwing herself down next to me as she also stared up at the sky. My eyes were beginning to get heavy as I closed them, only intending on shutting them for a minute. But I soon fell asleep, the warmth of the water and the presence of friends relaxing me even more.

Yelena POV:
Seeing Y/N so much more relaxed and carefree made my heart warm. Fury had told us everything and I was horrified. That wasn't the Nat I knew. She would never do something like that, especially not to her own daughter.

As Y/N fell asleep on the grass, Wanda made her way over, carrying Y/N clothes in her arms.

"I brought her clothes over in case she wanted to get changed. There's a breeze and I've got goosebumps." she said, rubbing her hands over her arms after she placed the clothes down. "She's just fallen asleep Wands, but she's shivering a bit. I'll slip her joggers and hoodie on whilst she's sleeping."

I quickly pulled her joggers onto her legs and then moved her hair out the way to slip on her hoodie. But as I moved her hair my eyes caught sight of something on her neck. I quickly grabbed Wanda's arm and pulled over down next to me.

"Wands, I've just seen something on her neck. And I'm scared incase it's what I think it is." She looked at me and I stared back, not wanting to confirm my suspicions. Her hand crept down to Y/N's neck and slowly moved her hair back again. She gasped as she revealed a thick red mark on the side of Y/N's neck. It looked like a rope burn, and judging by the scars on her arms, this isn't a coincidence.

"No! She- she- I-"

"Hey Yel, breathe with me. In and out. There we go. Y/N wouldn't want you to get upset. Fury explained what had happened, and we've got to be there for her. Let her come to us when she's ready. We don't want to overwhelm her." Wanda rubbed her hand up and down my back and I managed to get my breathing under control. She quickly slipped Y/N's hoodie over her head and picked her up, carrying her into the house. I quickly followed, grabbing our clothes from the bench we'd left them on.

Seeing the bruises, scars and rope burns on Y/N's body made me want to protect her, seeing as my sister did a terrible job. She's only 15! And yet she's been abandoned by her parents, ignored by the woman who adopted her, and abused by her adopted brother. She's felt so much pain in such a short amount of time and all I wanted to do was hold her close and never let go.

Wanda has laid her down on the couch and lit the fire, so a warm orange glow lit up the room. Y/N was still asleep, cuddling up to the blanket that had been laid on top of her. Wanda walked into the room with 2 mugs of hot chocolate and we sat on the couch opposite, just looking at how peaceful little Y/N looked.

"I want to help her Wands. But I don't know what to do or where to start."

"Fury didn't tell you this, but I think you should know. Y/N changed her last name." I glanced up at Wanda as she said this, my eyes going wide. I knew Y/N hated Nat, but I didn't realise it was that bad. "Do you know what she changed it to?" I asked.

"Yeah" she smiled.

"Soooo are you going to tell me maximoff or just keep this little secret to yourself?" She smirked even more and turned to face me. I looked at her with one eyebrow raised.

"Well, let's just say there's 2 Belovas now."

My mouth flew open. "What?! She- wait. She used my name? When?" I was absolutely speechless at what's just been said. Y/N really wanted to be a Belova? If that's what she wanted, then that's what I would give her.

Looking over at the sleeping teenager on the couch, I spoke again. "Do you think I could adopt her? Natasha doesn't even look at her anymore. And I want nothing more than to look after her. She needs someone Wanda. And I want to be that someone."

"We can ask Fury when we go back. But that girl needs someone to give her the love she's been missing. And I think you'd be great Belova."

I knew from then on that I would do whatever it took to keep that girl safe. She's a Belova now. And Belovas stick together.

This isn't proof read sorry!
I also slightly changed the ending as I wanted a slightly happy ending!

Requests are still open if you want!

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