The Cursed. (Thranduil Fanfic)

By CabbagePineapple

45.1K 1.3K 373

"What happen to me?" Thranduil felt something in his chest, bubbling in his blood. A terrible desire washed o... More

The nightmare begun.
Encounter with the dragon.
Encounter with the dragon-Part 2.
❇The discussion❇
✖Bitter Truth✖
My nonsense note...
Longing (Part 1)
Longing(Part 2)
The sweet...
Turn Out.™
Who are you?
Lurking in the shadow.
I came to collect you~
I came to collect you~2
◀Dark Reveries▶
Twisted Lie.
Journal( Part 2 )
Journal (Part 3)
Journal(Part 5)
Journal (Part 6)
Journal(Part 7)
Elves of Lothlorien
€ Depart €
Welcome to Dale
Not an update! Chasing
Not an update!!!!
Mischief Manager part 1
Mischief Manager part 2
Mischief Manager part 3
Mischief Manager part 4
I miss you~
The answer
Dol Guldur
not update
One shot
my precious
At his end...
What if...
Never doubt I love you


407 17 8
By CabbagePineapple

The captain of the guards carried my with his strong arms. I snuggle a little to him and I can felt his chest vibrating when he chuckle. I look up to him and look in his eyes. He stop chuckling and give me a smile. A genuine smile.not pitied smile. When we arrive at the healing room,he laid me on the bed. He then walked out the room. I got scare.

"Are you leaving me too?" I ask sadly.

He look at me with a confused face.

"Too? No,I'm going to call the healer."
"You're coming back again right?"
"Yes Thranduil"

He spoke the truth,he coming back with a healer. After healer finished treating me, the captain of the guard sat on the empty chair beside my bed.

"I'm sorry for making you staying here. You can get back to your work please."
"No,it's fine. Luckly it's my free day today. I can company you for a while."
"Thank you...can I ask you something?"
"Yes,what is it child?"
"Can...can I call you Adar?"

I turn my face quickly,ashammed about what I just said.

Laeg P.O.V(Captain of the guards)

"Can...can I call you Adar?"

I'm quiet shock hearing what this elfling just said to me. He..,he is a prince. I don't deserve to get this such honor. I know that he got not mother. The queen died when he just a baby. He must be craved for the love of mother,not a father. The king is still live. He sure love his heir. The best gift that his wife can gave him.

"But why may I ask?"

"A...adar doe-doesn't love me...he-he hate me"
He answered me with a shaky voice. I know he already crying. I pat his shoulder.

"Why would you said that? Your Adar surely love you."

Now he face me with a teary face. How it'crumble my heart to see he crying. A elfling like him should be happy,not this broken. Thranduil sure a cute elfling. His face smoothed my heart at the first sight.

"He-he said I-I I'm just a bad elfling. I-I kill N-Na-Naneth! He-he already dis-discard me as his son!"

He crying harder. That explained why he's not acting as an elfling but a mature one. Oh Valar! I can't believe that Oropher would do such things. But an elfling wouldn't lie. I hugged him. He snuggle closer to me. Seekong comfort. I wonder how long he ever got a embrace from Oropher. The king is sick when her queen gone. Now he abandoning his one and only heir. Thranduil is still small. He a need a comfort from his parents. He's still growing. It could be a bad effect to him.

"I'm so-sorry if I'm asking too much.."

"It's okay ion-neg (myson)"

He stiffen when I addresed him like that. He clutched tightly to my shirt and crying. Repeating 'I'm sorry'.
I draw a circle on his back and sing him a lullaby my mother used to sang for me. His cry turn to a sob and soon he drifted into sleep. I kissed his forehead and carried him to his room.

He is the best child I could ask for.

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