Love Me Right| Trevor Jackson...

prettygirlramsey द्वारा

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Priest, a drug lord, who is on his way up to the top of the drug game. On his way to the top comes with a lot... अधिक

All About Me
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Author Notes


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prettygirlramsey द्वारा

POV: Trevor "Priest" Jackson
Day: Thursday, April 16,2020
Time: 2:30 AM

"Is these all your bags?" Asking her.

Yelling from her room, "Yea!"

"Well come on we have to get going to the airport!" Standing by the front door.

"Give me one second!" She yelled.

Checking the time, "You have 1 minute or we gone be late!"

Walking out her room, "Here I am!"

I stepped out the door and she locked it behind us. We walked to the car and the driver loaded our bags up as we got in the backseat.

"How does your lil boyfriend feel about you leaving the state with me?" Nudging her shoulder.

Smacking her lips, "Last time I checked I am grown and I do what and as I pleased."

Checking my phone, "Right! I know what that means!"

"What that means?" Eyeing me.

Shaking my head, "Oh nothing!"

INNER THOUGHTS: She should know by now how well I know her. Whenever she say that it means they aren't on good or talking terms right now. It's funny cause something's NEVER change. Oh well looks like I could get back in good with her and make her mines again.

"Anyways...What part of Cali we going to?" Asking me.

"Palm Springs!" Winking at her.

Staring at me, "Ouuuu sounds like luxury!"

"Of course!" Looking out the window.


"Zae come on our ride here!" Standing by the road.

Walking towards me, "Thank you girl!"

"No problem!" Ole girl said.

Putting her purse back on, "She was soooo nice!"

"What you had her doing for you anyways?" Asking her.

Swiping through her phone, "Take my pictures!"

"Why you ain't ask me?" Opening the car door for her.

Getting in, "Cause you prolly wasn't gone take them right or do some petty bullshit."

Getting in behind her, "What I was gone do to be petty?" Confused.

Putting her seatbelt on, "I don't know but I just know you would've did some petty bullshit!"

"I wouldn't wanna do anything so your lil boyfriend could get mad." Laughing.

Smacking her lips, "Not too much on him!" Getting defensive.

"Ohhhh! My bad let me stopped before you beat my ass." Surrendering to her.

Showing me her phone, "Is this cute?" She asked me.

" know you be looking good at least 75% of the time." Looking at the picture.

Jerking her phone back, "See what you not gone do is try to play me when that perm is looking real tired over there." Mushing the side of my head.

Rubbing my hair, "Ohh now the perm tired but it wasn't when..." Pausing, "Never mind!" Checking the time on my watch. Looking back up at the driver, "How long til we get to the house?"

"It's about a 30 minute driver sir." He said.

Cracking my knuckles, "Okay well could we stop and get something to eat."

"Yes sir! What would you like to eat?" Asking me.

"Five Guys is fine!" Telling him.

He nodded his head and turned the music up just a lil bit. We both put in our headphones til we got to Five Guys to get something to eat. Lucky for us it was 5 minutes from where we was staying at. Normally I'll get us a hotel room but this time around I thought it was best for an AirBnb. Also it's just a safer way to protect ourselves well mostly me since I am the host of this trip. The house was nice on the outside and I hope to say the same about the inside. The driver brought our bags inside and I gave him a tip before he left. I put him in a hotel not too far from us so whenever we call he could as always be right here within a reasonable time. Locked up the house before going to settle in and eat.

"I thought you said we was gone be staying at a hotel room." She asked me.

Putting the food on the counter, "We were but somethings came up and so I had to change it to this. Is that a problem?" Looking back at her.

"Of course not!" Faking smiling, "So what is the mission this time around?" She asked me.

Taking a sip of my drank, "We basically have to keep an eye on this woman out here!"

"I hope not one of your hoes!" Side eyeing me.

Shaking my head, "Nahh... I wouldn't be doing this I'll pay somebody to do that for me. This for Scat and what he say goes!"

Nodding her head, "Okay! As long as I am getting paid and gifts I'll do it!"

Rolling my eyes, "Of course!" Eating some fries.

"I mean you be doing it anyways so might as well break those pockets." Winking at me.

We sat down and ate our food with some small talk. I guess you could say we was catching up with each other. It's nice having her back in my company even though I know I did her wrong. Yea I know she wasn't my girlfriend but I treated her as if she was plus that's what everybody knew her as in a way. I mean not my girlfriend but my main girl outta the rest of them. I already had females calling me a dog before the situation blew up but now they tread very carefully and question my every move when it comes to me partying with their group of friends. Plus the only reason everyone know about the situation is cause India big mouth ass went and told everybody. On top of that the fight they was supposed to have but she maced Zae. Anyway none of the new females I mess with brings their friends around me. I honestly stopped spoiling and buying every girl with all these gifts. Something I should've been stopped doing a long time ago. On top of all of that for some reason they think me and Zaylee still mess around. And that I be sneaking her in the house whenever they not around but I haven't she just never came got her clothes she left at my house. So it's in my closet with all of my clothes and every time they go in there they just see her clothes just sitting there. Which for some reason causes arguments especially since I make sure they take all they shit and leave nothing. I guess you could say I have a wishful way of thinking just in case we get back to the old us.

Zaylee Airport Picture:

Mystery Girl Picture:


POV: Zaylee "Zae" Ramsey
Day: Saturday, April 18,2020
Time: 4:21 PM

I don't know why this nigga got me trying to be friendly with this girl. What if this hoe is DANGEROUS and we don't know especially dealing with Scat ass. The only good thing is that I am getting a full body massage and that is anyone I want.

"Good Evening Ms.Hex! I have you checked in already and Mrs.Liam should be out in the next minute or so. You could go over to the waiting area and she'll be out to come get you." The receptionist said.

I looked up and give a lil smile towards her. She didn't do it back so I thought she was being a bitch but when she got closer she smiled at me. I was just scrolling on my phone til it was time for my massage.

"Zaylee!" The woman called out for me.

Getting up and grabbing my purse, "Here I come!" Walking towards her.

"Ouuu I love your purse!" Ms.Hex said.

Turning to smile at her, "Thanks my boyfriend just brought it for me last week."

"We love to see a man spoiling a gorgeous woman." Smiling.

I smiled back and went to the back to get my massage. I really deserve this cause all the shit I been through these last couple of months baby. Especially now since he want me to risk me life out here with his ass. He owe me doubled this time around.


"How was everything?" The receptionist asked me.

Smiling, "Awesome! I feel like a new woman."

"Okay well everything is already paid for! Would you like to leave a tip for her?" Asking me.

Nodding my head, "Yes uhmmm $50 is good! Is that everything?"

"Yes!" Smiling.

Getting ready to leave, "Ohhh thank you!"

"Ouuu silly me...almost forgot Ms.Hex told me to give you her contact information and/ or you could leave yours up here with me." Making me turn around.

Smiling, "I'll just do both! Do you have a pen and paper I could use?"

She handed me a pen and piece of paper so I could write my information down for her. After I did that I grabbed the paper with her information on it and stuff it in my purse before walking out. The driver was outside waiting for me so I got in and he drove me back to the house. This is seeming a lil too easy for me. What if she know I'm spying on her. OH MY GOSH! What the fuck did I get myself into. Anyways we gotta keep going with this.

"Thank you!" As I got out the car.

Nodding his head as I closed the door behind me. Unlocking the door so I could go inside and tell him about the progress I made.

"Tr..." Walking in the house.

Clearing his throat, "I'm in the bathroom." He yelled out.

Walked to where he was, "Well we got each other contact information so now all I have to do is wait for her to contact me."

Smiling at me, "So proud of you! How was your massage?" Asking me.

"It was good!" Nodding me head at him.

Combing his hair, "So I've been meaning to talk to you."

"About?" Concern.

Fixing his hair, "The situation."

"Yea! No! I rather not talk bout that." Walking away to the kitchen.

I went to grab a bottle of water and some chips to snack on til dinner later. After grabbing my snacks I went to my room and watched tv. I hate that he always wanna talk about that at the wrong time or whenever he sees me happy and content. I think it's his way of triggering me but I could be wrong. With him you just never know his thought process. Ughhh but I don't know it is always the worst timing. Plus it happened almost 2 years ago so it doesn't bother me as much as it use to. Especially since I got my lick back on India ass a couple of months ago.

*Flashback To A Couple Of Months Ago*

POV: Zaylee "Zae" Ramsey
Day: Saturday, February 15,2020
Time: 8:32 PM

"Get out the car bitch!" Walking up to her car. Ignoring me, "Nahh bitch you been ducking me for too long but talking bukoo shit." Showing the live her.

"Girl you is pressed behind a nigga you don't even fuck with. Your delusional hoe!" Cracking the window.

Laughing, "Ohhh I'm the delusional one but you out here chasing behind niggas that don't want you." I said.

"NEVER!" Smacking her lips.

Pulling on the door, "Get out the car hoe!"

"GET THE FUCK OFF OF MY DOOR!" Screaming at me.

Smacking her lips, "Bitch just get out the car and dawg this hoe. She doing all this just to get beat the fuck up." Ivanna said.

"Hoe stop playing with me for I spit on this hoe!" Still pulling on the door.

"India whoop this hoe right now!" Ivanna boosted her head up.

It took this girl 5 minutes to even wanna get out the car to wanna fight me. As soon as she stepped out I spat on her and ran into her shot. I had my cousin, Tiffany, recording and letting the live see. We fought prolly for like 5 minutes. The hoe had a nice ass grip on my hair. It was so bad to the point I had a headache afterwards and I lost some hair but oh well. She'll learn not to play with me no more.

*End Of Flashback*

For some strange reason I felt a glimpse of sadness come over me. Just so he wouldn't see me I went to my room and sat on my bed. Next thing I know I have tears rolling down my eyes fast.

INNER THOUGHTS: Levi really broke up with me a couple of months before our 1 year anniversary. How could he do this to me? What made him come to this decision outta the blue? Was it my fault? It couldn't be because I gave him nothing but love and everything I had to offer. I thought we were meant to be. Maybe we are and he just need space from me. Was I being too clingy? I can't think of any reason he would dump me especially in the way he did. He acted like I was nothing and meant nothing. And that this past year well almost year didn't mean thing to him. Love sucks so much at times! UGHHHH!

Knocking on the door, "Are you okay?" Asking me.

Clearing my thought, "Yea!" Wiping my face.

"Could I come in?" He asked.

Rubbing my hands across my face, "Uhmm sure!"

The door creaked opened, "I'm sorry if I hit a soft spot and opened the wound back up but I thought it was the perfect time." Coming sitting on my bed next to me.

Shaking my head, "It wasn't a soft spot it's just I NEVER in a million years would've thought you would go that low to hurt me. Even if it wasn't intentional it's just the fact that it kept going on behind my back. So all those times I was getting calls about y'all going shopping and hanging out together...was it y'all dates?" Asking him.

Nodding his head, "Yea!"

"Why didn't you tell me when I first introduced y'all to each other?" Asking him.

Shrugging his shoulders, "I thought you would've left and I wasn't ready to give you up."

"I wouldn't have especially if you would've told me the situation of her blackmailing you. I could've kept my mouth close til then but you kept it going on for months afterwards. What made you decide to tell me about this?" Asking him.

"Eddie really got in my head about it and made me realize the fucked up situation I was in. If I didn't tell you then someone else would and it could've been way worst. Plus one of your friends saw us together at a party!" Telling me.

Fixing my hair, "Ohhh wow! You finally listened to what Eddie said. And let me guess Jazz!" Shaking my head.

Laughing, "Yea!"

We talked a lil bit before I got a message from an unknown number. I answered it and turns out it was Ms. Hex. She wanted to invite out to breakfast and pool party tomorrow with her. I agreed with to meet with her and he updated Scat bout the situation. Man tomorrow finnah be nerve racking. But I'm happy he ended up leaving afterwards so I showered and cried my self to sleep. It's definitely not a good idea but hey I rather let it out before I hold it in.

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