Ishq Kinara[Love Ashore] Comp...

By AimmyB

193K 18.3K 27.9K

Five people. Five lives. Five tales. Each of them is struggling through life and these struggles aren't somet... More

Character Aesthetics
1. Abay Saalo'n!
2. A bunch of idiots
3. A regular Sunday
4. Changes
5. Shift
6. Realizations
7. Conundrum
8. Friends
9. Life
10. Clear Waters
11. Not Quite A Heartbreak
12. Too Much Work
13. Heart Ties
14. November
15. Not So Normal
16. Ashore
17. Serendipity
18. Dive
19. Horizon
20. Promise
21. Epiphany
22. Crown
23. Fall
24. Aurora
25A: Someday
25B. Everyday
26. Steady
27. Ripple
28. Crashing Down
29. Decisions
30. Crevice
31. Souvenir
32. Waves
33. Echo
34. Sinking Ships
35. Losing Grip
36. Fading
37. Unsaid
38. Ships in the night
39. Far from the shore
40. Life as it comes
41. Reminiscing
42. Homecoming
43. Warm
44. The same place
45. Changes and Constants
46. Traces
47. Start Over
48. Shore to the sea
49. Fall into place
50A. Love Ashore [Last]
50B. Love Ashore[Last]
Thank you Note
Bonus: Still Ashore
Bonus # 2: Then and Now
Once Upon a January


4.1K 334 748
By AimmyB

It wasn't the first time Elaf was leaving Karachi. But it was definitely the first for her where she was actually happy to do so. Pretty excited as well. She looked around at the small group of people accompanying her. Deepak Bhai, Zohra Ma'am, her teammates, and fellow artists.

They were travelling to Lahore for the Annual Faiz Festival. Officials from the academy hadn't been invited to it before but that was before Amanta.

The play which exponentially soared through the literacy circles of the country. The first show itself was trendsetting in its own way, garnering the attention of masses interested in performing arts. First play led to the second. Then to the third and soon Elaf and her team got to perform it in front of a vast audience, people from different walks of life and she realized how true were Sarim's words when she was working on the preliminary stuff for this play.

Sarim Haider.

She smiled leaning into her seat. Her finger fiddled with the wedding ring on her other hand, caressing it fondly.

Ten months of being together. Ten months of love, companionship and so much more. Ten months where Elaf knew she was living fully. Without any remorse. Without any fear. Without any worry.

She was thriving professionally and on a personal front she had her whole world on the other side of the bed, on the other corner of the couch and on the chair next to her on the table.

Everything warm and everything hers.


"Amanta is a story woven so delicately and executed with such conviction that every woman of this country can pause and whisper to herself 'this is me'. It covers a vast span of time, the 50's charm, the 60's turbulence, the 70's change, the 80's radicalization, and the stability of the 90's. But in all this the never changing plight of the women, in different capacities, morphing into new themes and new ideas but not inching away from the core. This play and its intricacies are something that can make us all think and we should. We should think about what we have done for our women so far and what we let them do for themselves."

The presenter was in all praises standing on the podium. The people sitting in the Alhamra Arts Center were applauding and looking at the kind faces around, Elaf felt her breath hitching in her throat.

She had never even dreamed of it.

She remembered those days when theater was just her way of feeling her true self. To keep something alive within her. She never thought she would be able to do anything about it, making it her professional was something she couldn't even think about.

But here she was.

And oh, she was here.

Because that was her arena since the very beginning.

The smile didn't falter when her name was announced as the play writer. It didn't falter when she was called the new face of performing arts in Pakistan and it also didn't fade when she was called to the stage.

Clad in a long shirt with trousers, her hair in a messy bun, there was nothing extravaganza to her appearance. She was so Elaf. But her work was proof that there was everything special about her, her thought process and what she added to her plays.

She stood there, facing the people who had the same thing common with her, love for arts. Love for theater.

"Asslam Alaikum. I hope you all are doing fine. My voice is a bit scratchy. It's early winter and Lahore air is somewhat different from Karachi. I'm getting the hang of it, though."

The easygoing tone. Her trademark.

"But that's where the differences end. I've gotten the same love and acceptance from all of you here."

She smiled, pushing her hair behind her ear.

"The love Amanta is getting, it's something I never ever dreamed of. My journey towards being a theater artist never let me to be quite honest. I was never a conventional drama student, far from it. My path was always carved ahead of me. Get into an engineering university and then find a stable job. That was it. Theater was my passion for sure but it wasn't something for me or that's what I believed. It was just a sanctuary. Maybe that was the reason I never realized what I could do with what I had in me."

The people were all attentive to what she had to say. Her story wasn't of a theater artist alone, it was of a person who fought, fell, stood up, and then made a path for her passion.

"This is why Amanta was written the way it is, after the true realization of my potential. I gave it my everything, every recess of my imagination and every emotion I felt surging through me as a woman."

She remembered the days and nights she spent weaving the whole setting, pulling in characters who were akin to the faces we see on a daily basis around us, giving substance to the women donning the shroud of Amanta.

"I don't have any glorious back story to tell you all here. I will be answering the questions regarding this play and its execution. But what I do want to add about my personal journey is, please, let your kids embrace who they truly are. Let them shine the brightest with the light of their passion. Something that is home to them. That comes naturally. It does wonders to their overall self esteem and self worth."

The somber tone soon changed into the one where happiness was the most profound emotion.

"I have people in my life who played key roles in shaping my life's play. They pushed me forward, told me that I was doing it wrong by suppressing my true self. I'm forever thankful for those people, for what they did for me. But not everyone is as fortunate as me. Not every lost child out there has hands reaching out to stable them. So, if you see a child getting shadowed by the expectations of the society, getting crushed by the weight of the choices they deem right, never stop yourself from intervening. You don't have to save them. Sometimes just telling them that they could do it. That they had it in them is enough."

That was her opening speech. The discourse about the themes in her play were yet to start but she had already won the house.

That was Elaf Daud.

In her element.

Living her journey and cherishing her destiny which was so bleak yet so crystal clear.


Hesham picked up his mug of coffee and leaned into the couch looking ahead. On the sofa in front of him, Atif and Zonish were engrossed in a discussion about a case.

It wasn't surprising for him how Zonish and Atif had instantly hit off, both of them had a quite similar way of looking at the details and when Atif sought her out for a case, she was more than happy with help with her sources and and her understanding of what went around in elite circle.

She didn't even fit in his life but with his family as well. Their visits to Baig House were a daily occurrence now. Atif and Bisma were more than happy to have them around. A complete family, as Bisma often liked to call it and Hesham also loved the feel of it. Him, his Dad, Bisma and Zonish.

Bisma who was totally a tea person was sipping from her cup and a very disapproving scowl was set on her face.

"They again brought work home."

She mumbled and Hesham agreed wholeheartedly.

"Tell me about it. You won't even find me slipping this way. Work stays in the office and home life stays in home."

"As it should."

Bisma laughed and that made Atif and Zonish attentive towards them. Bisma's scowl was telling that she wasn't finding this work from home arrangement amusing and Atif was no fool to not pick on it. He closed the file and shrugged his shoulders and Hesham was once again in awe of the communication between Bisma and his father.

But it wasn't as shocking to him because he himself was now building the same bonding with someone where they'd understand each other by just facial expressions. It was a thing about being in love and having the needed understanding. Hesham couldn't give any other explanation for this.

Zonish was now talking to Bisma about something, nothing work related, in fact it was about this new boutique they all were planning on visiting. It always left Hesham in awe at how good Zonish was at it. Even though she always refrained from socializing, even called herself not a people's person but here she was now. It often left Hesham with the conclusion that Zonish had lots of love inside of her but she was selective with whom to shower it upon. He was glad that he and his family were those people who were getting it exclusively.

Even though she was engrossed in a very engaging conversation with Atif and Bisma, she still sensed his gaze and looked at him.

And instead of a scowl she just smiled.

Yeah, exclusive. Hesham called himself a lucky bastard not for nothing.


"I'm not freaking cutting this!"

Ibtihaj's whining was the loudest in the coffee house as he was made to sit in front of the cake which was prepared just in his honour.

"Now, don't be a brat. You love the attention."

Ibsam urged him on. Maryam wasn't behind.

"Sure, I do but I'm not cutting this."

Izaan rolled his eyes at the twin's banter. But the smile on his face wasn't faltering.

Ibtihaj had gotten a job outside of Karachi. It suited well with his ongoing Ph.D so he was moving out.

Memoona and Shoaib were so happy for him and so proud. He was the kind of kid who had always brought a balance. He wasn't a rebel like Ibsam and he wasn't an ideal son like Izaan as well. He had his own charm. This was his success and the whole family was with him in this new venture.

The idea of celebration was, of course, Safwa's. That too in the coffee house which was slowly turning out to be a family place for all of them.

"Okay, I'm going to cut the cake but know that It wasn't my choice."

Ibtihaj declared and among his family's smiles he cut the cake baked specially to celebrate his success.

Izaan saw the beaming faces of his family. Abba, Mamoona, Shoaib, Ibsam, Ibtihaj and Maryam. The happiness that was in the air like confetti and then he sought her out. The person who had a huge role to play in it. The way she had made his family hers in no time and the way she had just love to give them, Izaan didn't know where he would be without her.

As if on cue, warm fingers held his and she stood right next to him, watching the family with a smile akin to his. Izaan's hold on their hands was as comforting as ever. Safwa leaned into his shoulder.

The Ansaris were having the time of their lives.

Celebrating one of them. Not at all sad at the prospect of him leaving them because he was going to build himself in the process.

They were finally a family they always deserved to be.


Taking off her shoes, the heels of which had given her an ache which was going to stay for a while. Stick to flats and don't listen to Safwa ever again. She made a mental note and placing the Duppata of her dress on the couch, made her way inside. It was almost evening and since the car was on the porch, she was sure Sarim was home.

And she was right. Standing in front of the fridge, with his sleeves folded and the coat hanging on his arm, he was taking out chilled water. On spotting Elaf, he gave her a warm smile which she reciprocated with a hug.

"How was the supper party?"

Sarim asked as he poured water for both of them.

"The same old. But it wasn't as boring as the last one."

"That's because you were there with Safwa."

Elaf nodded as she took a sip of water from her glass.

"Could be it. But I'm tired. The heels almost killed my feet."

That would explain her bare feet. Sarim shook his head. Both of them walked towards their room. They were talking about their day. Elaf settled on the bed leaning on her arms while Sarim put his coat in the wardrobe as he loosened his tie. He was aware of his wife's gaze on him and that made him smirk.


"Come here."

Here we go.

He shook his head as he took off his tie and sat next to her on the bed. She immediately snuggled into his side making them both fall back.

"I missed you."

Sarim kissed the top of her head.

"I was sure I wouldn't but guess I also did."

Elaf snorted. She knew he would. Her trip to Lahore had been the first time in their married life that they were apart for more than a week. She had gotten back home at the beginning of the week and since then they were making up for the time apart but with their professional and social lives coming in the way, that also was going in instalments.

She raised her head and gave him a knowing look. Sarim held from the back. And their lips met in the familiar touch, all consuming and still soothing, the feel of it inscribed on the back of their minds.

His hand slowly traveled up and rested on her nape, right at her scar. The protectiveness of the touch made Elaf pull apart, taking a shuddering breath.

The way she glanced his way was telling of so much. How his touch on the jarred skin was her way of ensuring herself that this wasn't a dream. She pulled him closer once again and this time, the union was more passionate.

"You said you were tired."

Sarim whispered when he knew this was going beyond. The air between them was too charged for it to not proceed further.

"I'm not!"

She almost whined at the lost touch. Sarim laughed lightly and stayed there looking at her.

"You're. So, let's freshen up and eat something. Come on."

"I was at a supper party! I ate!"

He knew that. But he could tell she was exhausted and this wasn't the right time for it. He got up and before he could turn away, Elaf held his hand.

"So, you're actually refusing your wife? Do you know it's not allowed and it's definitely not moral."

Pulling morals here? Only Elaf. She also got up smoothing out her clothes and gave him a challenging look.

"Okay, as per your wish. But keep it in your mind that I'm off limits for the next whole week now."

"What the fuck?"

"A woman gotta do what she gotta do."

3, 2, 1

Here we go.

She hadn't taken one step towards the door when she was pulled back to his arms and a laugh escaped her lips.

They knew not only how to lift each other up but also how to push the wrong buttons and more. They were a perfect match.


When Irma got promoted, she didn't know her family and friends would make such a big deal out of it. She also wasn't expecting a celebration gathering hosted by her father where all of them would be invited and she definitely wasn't expecting them to show up.

But here she was. Surrounded by her people and getting congratulated on such a massive achievement. Nauman and Sarim's proud smiles, Farwa's teary one, Elaf's 'you are the boss' hug, Zonish and Hesham, Safwa and Izaan, Minahil, Aqsa. And they brought so many baked goods from the coffee house. The living room was decorated with bold Congratulations Irma letters and last but most important, Zimal's fairy dress and her telling everyone that it was her Mama's party.

Irma didn't know it would hit her so full force how important it was to be celebrated this way. To have people close to you tell you that they were so proud of your growth and achievements. She wiped her tears quite a few times. No one stopped her. After all this was her success and she got to decide how she was going to react to it when she was overwhelmed.

It was in the middle of the party, when all of them were gathered on the couches, talking about everything and nothing when Zimal almost ran towards her mother and perched herself on Irma's lap.

"Seems like my baby's tired."

Irma smoothed out her hair and in doing so, her puffy eyes shocked her.

"Did you cry?"

Zimal's answer was a small nod.

"Why would you? Did you fall? Did you hurt yourself?"

Zimal shook her head. Dodo was now sitting closeby and the furball was looking between the mother daughter duo.

"I prepared a speech for you."


Irma prompted her to say more because she was again on the verge of crying.

"I wrote that and my teacher made correction but there were so many big, complicated words she added and when I tried to memorize it became a mess and-"


"I forgot almost all of it when I was supposed to start with it just now."

Irma was touched by her effort. It was no news that Zimal's mother was her hero but to have her almost seven years old daughter dedicated towards letting her mother know how much her achievements mean to her was heart touching, not only for just Irma but also for every person sitting around.

"I was crying and then Elaf Mami said that big words don't matter. I should just go and tell you that you are the best mother in this whole world and no offense to anyone but yes, you are the best mother in this whole world. Also, you are my super hero and I know you don't have any superpower but I will bend the rules here. Superpower or not you're the strongest and I love you so much, Mama!"

Back in time, when Irma was trying to navigate her way through life, she hadn't had it easy. The society, above everything, made it look so difficult for her, making way as a single mother who didn't want to marry again. Who was trying to live on her own. But then she knew that one day, when small chubby hands would hold onto her, all this would make sense, all this would feel like a cakewalk and now was the very moment Irma had envisioned years back.

She hugged Zimal close and kissed her forehead.

"Thank you, Baby. Mama loves you the most."

Zimal got comfortable in her mother's warmth, like she always did whenever she was upset over something. Irma looked around and almost every eye in the room was directed towards them. Every face was smiling and some were teary too, just like hers.

But when her gaze fell on Elaf, she smiled the brightest and Irma nodded in her way, acknowledging how she had made it so special for her by a little prompting for her child.

Elaf wanted to tell her that it was okay. That she needed to hear this from her beloved daughter. But she didn't because she had an idea that Irma didn't need telling this at all.

Nauman had seen the whole exchange and once again, he was in awe with how Elaf had always had a way of making the people of this family so happy by her action. He patted her head in a perfect fatherly manner and Elaf couldn't stop the tears in her eyes.

Sarim had brought so many beautiful relations in her life. As beautiful as he was as a person.


"So, do you like it?"

Elaf turned to Yusra and Daud to know their opinion about the place. Sarim was standing close to the window and he also was waiting for their approval. The house was spacious and comfortable, something Elaf was specifically looking for knowing how open fresh air was necessary for Daud and how Yusra didn't like congested places.

She had gotten a place for her parents.

It was always in the works, as soon as she started earning a decent amount from her various plays and writings. She had made it her top priority and now here she was, fulfilling this one dream of hers. She would one day buy one for them too but getting a more than decent place on rent in a metropolis like Karachi was also an achievement in itself.

Yusra was looking around with wonder written on her face. Daud was also in awe. They were surprised because Elaf had kept it a secret from them and only when she brought them here, they got to know what this was all about.

"It's very airy."

Yusra's first comment of approval came.

"It is. Weren't you tired of dingy places, Mama?"

Yusra was.

"And Baba, what do you think?"

Daud's liking for the house was written on his face. Sarim was watching it all from the sidelines with a smile on his face. He was proud of his wife. She was such a good daughter. It was his pride shining in his eyes.

"I like it. In fact I love it. How can I not? My Elaf has chosen it for us."

Daud's fond voice was quivering due to the emotions contained in it. It made Yusra tear up as well.

"Oh, come on! Not the water works! You both!"

She pulled them both in a hug and rested her head between them. There was contentment on her face and also there was happiness. But more than there was love she felt so deeply for her parents. Just like they did for her.

She was going to make their lives as beautiful as they had made hers all her life. It wasn't her paying them back. It was her loving them just like they had always loved her.

She smiled in Sarim's way as he came closer to the trio. Her hand was in his as they stood with Yusra and Daud as they started telling them about the parts of the house they loved the most.


The stinging on his forehead was hurting like a bitch and it also didn't help that his knuckles were also bruised. The chase and catching of this suspect had surely left a mark on Hesham Baig. He didn't feel it that much. But that was before his wife opened the door to their apartment and one look at his state and she was ready to give him two or three from her side too.


Hesham whined as she took her time bringing the first aid kit.

"I'm dying here!"

No response.

"You really don't want your sexy, cute, funny husband to be in such an agonizing state now do you?"

She finally appeared out of their room with the first aid kit in her hand. Hesham immediately shut up. She pushed his leg aside and before Hesham could whine on this as well, settled herself in his lap.

Her face was so close to him but her usual playfulness in any such position wasn't there. Instead she was angry and Hesham could feel the sheen of tears in her eyes as well.


He started when she hit his arm.

"You are away for two days!"

"I told you, it was going to be a difficult one, Zoni."

"And your phone was out of reach."

"The area that fucker decided to flee to was remote."

"You are just an ass."

She shouted and started dabbing his wounds. Her body language might be hostile but her hands were gentle. She was trying her best not to hurt him more than he already was.

"I'm sorry."

The silence was too heavy for Hesham. Also, he didn't like it when his wife was angry with him. Also, she was generally upset with this whole situation and Hesham wouldn't let her get up from here until she was smiling at him.

"You never mean your sorrys."

Zonish mumbled as she covered the gash on his forehead with the gauze.

"Now that's a lie and you also know it."

"You are one to talk."

She was done with her stuff. Putting everything back, she tried getting off him when he held her from her thighs. Zonish tried prying his hands away but the way his thumbs were now making soothing circles there, she changed her mind and just stayed there.

"I'm sorry, Zoni and I mean it."

"Promise me that you will tone this down. I don't know how but you will. You almost gave me an attack today, Hesham."

He brought her closer and Zonish rested her forehead against his.

"I promise. I will try my best to stay as out of trouble as I can. I will tone it down."

"I'm not asking you to stop being a lawyer. No. I just...I just don't want to see you gone for days and then once you are back you are hurt. It's not easy for me."

"I know. I would feel the same way if I were at your place."

"Exactly. So, please just be a bit more cautious. Just a bit."

She wasn't the kind of person who'd show her vulnerability like this but she was showing her this side to him because he was too special for her. Hesham wasn't the kind of person who would bring his loved ones to this point where they had to plead him for something and here the person in question was his wife, whom he was madly in love with. So, why wouldn't he listen to her? He had made up his mind. He would take up cases but he wouldn't go out there putting his life in danger for those, in fact he would be more mindful about it now.

"I will be, Zoni. For you, surely."

She smiled and Hesham cupped her face. He never wanted to see her dejected ever again. Dropping a chaste kiss on her forehead he made sure that she also knew this and she did. She knew it already.


The rays of the November sun were falling into the room from the open window. Safwa blinked her eyes open and her first instinct was to look at her side. The empty sheets welcomed her and she took a deep breath.

Getting up, she pulled her hair in a messy bun and found the man she was in search of standing close to the wardrobe, ready to leave for another hectic day at the hospital. She came close to him. Izaan looked up from the task in his hand which was setting the collar of his shirt. Safwa rested her head on his shoulder as she did the task for him.

"Good morning."

She just nodded at him, making him chuckle.

"I really can't believe how you are always up so early and so fresh. Look at me! I can't even open my eyes."

Izaan could see that. But he didn't blame her. It was a given. Safwa saw that on his face and immediately swatted his shoulder away. Yeah, she wasn't that well functioning the morning after. Sue her. It wasn't on her alone anyway. He was as responsible for this but look at him, ready to conquer the whole hospital.

He was infuriating. But she loved him to bits.

His residency was just about to conclude this month and that left him very occupied. Safwa understood the nature of it all and was as supportive as she could be, but what was more surprising was, he never missed when it came to taking time out for her even though he was very much busy. He never left any chance to tell her how she was beyond anything in his life, above everything he was surrounded with and his top most priority.

This made her feel special. And what is a better feeling than that? That too from the person you are in love with? Who also happens to love you the same amount? It was pure bliss.

Their married life was going as smooth as this ride could be. Nine months into it Safwa discovered many aspects, some of which were laughable like their tendency to argue over silly things. Some were swoon worthy, the fact that Izaan Shoaib's tendency of handling her like she was made of everything soft and gentle, his every touch on her skin was a reminder of that and what was more surprising, it always left her yearning for more and he never hesitated from giving her that.

And some were as clear as the sky, the fact that they still communicate by just looking at each other, that their understanding had reached a new level and they were always looking out for each other.

Life with Izaan Shoaib was more beautiful than loving him from afar.

And Safwa was glad that she was in his life and he was in hers.

"Another long day?"

She asked and Izaan nodded.

"Residency is finishing next week and I'm really stuck in so much."

"Good luck! You'll do just fine!"

She said as she saw him ready to leave their room. But instead of going outside and having his breakfast, he pulled her into him and the kiss that he left on her waiting lips was going to be the highlight of Safwa's day.

"Yeah, good luck to me."

He mumbled and giving her his best smile, was out of their room.

"Get back to sleep. You really can't function properly now."

"And whose fault is this?"

Safwa asked and the only answer was him shaking his head.


All are taken [Aka Abay Saalo'n]

Izaan: So.

Hesham: No


Izaan: You wouldn't even let me say anything?

Hesham: It's a freaking group chat. Just dump everything on us.

Sarim: What's wrong?

Izaan: You guys know that my residency got completed.

Hesham: You are yet to take us on for the celebratory dinner so I'm stalling the believing you part for some time.

Sarim: Yeah, we know. What about it? Is everything okay?

Hesham: Sarim, stop being sensible. It gives me a headache.

Sarim: You're a headache.

Izaan: I was hoping to give Safwa a surprise. Any ideas on that.

Hesham: Get a six month leave

Sarim: And waste the whole purpose behind this residency completion?

Hesham: He said ideas. He didn't specify what kind.

Sarim: I'm sure he didn't mean ideas that belong in a trash can. Zimal can do better than you, Hesham.

Hesham: Just because you are her superior Mamu doesn't mean you have to flex that.

Izaan: Can we focus on my problem here?

Hesham: We were getting to that. I'm thinking.

Sarim: And that makes me uncomfortable for some reasons.

Hesham: Your presence does the same to me.

Sarim: Presence of brain is often a red flag for brainless entities.

Izaan: You know what? Never mind. Bye

Hesham: We also didn't mind. Goodbye!

Sarim: You don't have a mind.

Hesham: You wanna take it outside?

Sarim: No, it's getting cold.

Venting wives and Irma [Husbands! look away]

Safwa: Izaan's residency got completed

Elaf: You are telling us this for like...15th time.

Zonish: 16th*

Elaf: Never said I was good at maths.

Zonish: Never said I didn't notice it.

Irma: So, Safwa, you want to do something for him?"

Safwa: Thank you, Irma and carry on Elaf and Zonish. But yeah, precisely.

Irma: A gift?

Elaf: That sounds nice.

Zonish: But aren't you yourself the best gift for your husband?

Elaf: Here she goes

Irma: Zonish, tell us you're Hesham's wife without telling us you're Hesham's wife.

Zonish: Geez! That was just a suggestion.

Safwa: A very suggestive one. I appreciate the thought but anything else?

Elaf: A shirt? You guys have history with those.

Zonish: Yeah when you stole one of his and kept it in your closet for years.

Safwa: I'm aware of the details, Thank you!

Zonish: I was just trying to tell Elaf that shirts are a pathetic idea

Elaf: You would so no shirts sound better. Mark my words, she'll say this.

Irma: Stop bickering! Safwa, yar, you know Izaan's taste hun? Also you both are more of a gesture kind of people than material things. So do something according to that. I hope it helps.

Safwa: It does. I think I will see what I can do. Thank you, Irma. I'm going now.

Elaf: She didn't even thank us.

Zonish: I wouldn't as well if people were this useless to me.

Elaf: Fair enough


The first drizzling of the winter had blessed the city in its full bloom. Safwa got out of her car and the short distance from the parking lot to the inside of the coffee house drenched her completely.

She got inside not before pulling the CLOSED card over the entrance. She couldn't afford any customers when her house staff wasn't even here. She was alone and she had baked a whole batch of cookies before going home to get ready. Too bad her work on herself now had the hints of rain with her damp here and clothes.

She was giving the last touches to the cookies. The same cookies Izaan loved. The cookies both of them had shared during his study break, sitting on the counter of the kitchen in Kirmani House. It was so long ago but the effect was still the same.

She heard the mild sound of a vehicle stopping in the parking lot and sure enough, after some time an as drenched as her Izaan was entering inside. Safwa saw him safely tucking the package in his hand. The outer covering still had rain droplets on it so, the first thing Izaan did after coming towards the table was getting rid of it.

A laugh escaped Safwa's lips.

A Strings Album cassette.

They were so predictable.

They were so wholesome.

Izaan had seen the cookies on the table behind her and the same smile was now on his face.

As they came towards each other, diminishing the distance between them, their whole journey roamed in front of their eyes like a film reel. Somewhere it all had started from these cassettes and cookies.

Izaan pulled her into him and Safwa melted there as always.

Their lips met and the destiny got completed between these two.


Yusra ran a hand over the fabric of the dress in her hand skeptically. Elaf saw the moment and immediately held her hand in hers.

"Mama, don't be so doubtful. It will be fine."

She was here to convince Yusra to accept this deal from a boutique who loved her stitched clothes. Yusra was working on this since they were in Sukkur and with the passage of time she had only gotten better at it. This was a support to Elaf when she was struggling with money and changing jobs. Yusra kept on working and now, when she was finally getting somewhere with this, Elaf could see she was hesitating.

"I've learnt this lesson from life, Mama. Never be afraid of taking the plunge. It might look scary and daunting, but often taking the risk takes us to somewhere we could only dream once in our life. They have contacted you. They like your work. Do not second guess yourself. I want you to have this stability in your life. Where you will be proud of yourself and your accomplishments as Baba and I are going to be of you."

Elaf's words were meaningful. The hand Yusra had on the fabric took and she saw the patterns and designs she herself had embroidered on it.

It was her hard work.

So what was the harm in taking the plunge?

She looked up and gave a nod to her beloved daughter and Elaf could see this panning out so well. She could feel it in her bones.


Elaf had started some aspects of her work life away from her organization, on her own and starting a theater academy for theater enthusiasts for any age was her top agenda on the list.

She didn't want any person out there to struggle through what she had. To become lost in their life and it whirlpools so much that their passion gets out of their hands.

She shared the idea with Sarim and he was more than happy to go on with it. Few colleagues and people from work were also interested. It started with just Elaf and now they were all a team. Everyone was coming with their ideas and Elaf was taking notice of the whole plan they had formulated.

But when the question of a building came, Safwa came forward with the keys of Kirmani House.

Elaf was taken aback by the offer but it made sense. This was Safwa. The best friend Elaf always called herself lucky to have.

"This house has kind of lost its purpose after both Phupho and I found ours and Nusrat Aapa left. I want you to use it for yours, Elaf. I want this house to be a place where dreams get fulfilled. And you can make it like that."

Tears were shed and both the best friends hugged each other.

But that day Kirmani House turned into The Amanta Academy.


"It's literally getting cold. We are such fools."

Elaf mumbled as she snuggled into Sarim. They were at the terrace of their house and even though it wasn't that cold by Karachi's standard, the always low tolerance of Elaf towards this weather was making her complain and sigh.

Sarim had suggested going downstairs many times but she refused that as well. The sky was clear and she was in his hoodie. The weather was mild and they were together. There couldn't be anything better than this.

"I remember the last time this sky was so clear just like it is now."

Elaf mumbled.


Elaf looked away from the bright sky and then at him.

"The night you left for the USA."

She saw his eyes telling of his shock. She shook her head, smiling.

"I was sitting on the terrace. I knew your flight schedule already. It was literally opened on my phone and then your text made it clear. That night I cried looking at the sky."

"And I kept on hoping that you'd be right behind Safwa at the airport."

"I couldn't come."

"I couldn't stay."

They said at the same time. Their arms were around each other and it was an indication of where they were and how far they had come.

They had crossed major life changes to get to each other.

And here they were now.

Her in his hoodie.

Him in her eyes.

No where else to look.

Nowhere else to go.

Them and theirs.





"The countdown is just beginning!"

Someone shouted and all the friends came to the balcony of Hesham and Zonish's apartment.


Irma thought of all that she had achieved this year and that left her so content. She was walking the path she had carved for herself and no one could take it away from her.



Zonish held onto Hesham as they stood facing the fireworks which were about to start. A year where they reached a major milestone of becoming life partners from partners in crime. Fell in love and that too hard and right now they were where they never knew they would be but from where they would never want to get away.



A year where Elaf hadn't thought she'd get so much. A year where she didn't know she would get two biggest realities of her life back into it. Where she had no idea a man she once loved and then never stopped would come back and mess up everything for the better. Sarim always knew coming back to Pakistan would change his whole existence but to this extent and this beautifully? The woman in his arms was the first love of his life and now she was his companion, his wife. A reality he never dreamed of. They both looked into each others' eyes and saw the same reflection of love they were now so used to.



Safwa wound her arms around this man who was always around her and on her mind. Who would've thought that this year would make them cover all the distances, break all the barriers and be one? Izaan also had no idea he would fight with his own insecurities and fears in such a way that he'd end up with the woman he loved more he was capable of but was never fortunate enough to keep in his life. Their arms were around each other and they were shining brighter than the city lights outside.




"Happy new year!"

Embracing the people who had been both the journeys and the destinies, they all wished and prayed that this year would be as fulfilling as the one they had just left behind. They'd get to write new stories, with each other and with an ending that would never have a full stop, but a comma, and that too with just happiness scattered around.

Because love was ashore. And it was never getting away from its shore. 

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