Cuddle Buddies - Niko Vilhelm...

By Myheartisahurricane

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Her best friend Tommi convinced Sofia to go to a birthday party of Niko, one of his bandmates. In a phase of... More

I wouldn't fit into those groups
Too drunk
Overthinking (is one of my bad habits)
Horrible blast
Chatting with you helps
I'm Niko
Enemies with benefits
I don't want you to feel worse again
Your boyfriend seemed to be very kind
Three coffins would be expensive
She wasn't totally wrong
We'll never end up kissing
Stupid words
How much I would give to be this man's girlfriend
Words that hit me deep
Can't you sleep either?
She always wanted me to be her son-in-law
I want to apologize
What a pity!
My sore spot
Hurt / Darling
He forgot me
You have my blessing
Mr. I-am-Sofia's-first-kiss
Love birds
So... Now we are alone
„Maybe... too... already"
A random weird dude who passionately kisses his girlfriend in public
That's it!
Look at these ugly pieces of shit!
Depends on your reaction on what I say
They'll like you
Sometimes it's not that easy
My heart will go on
Extra Chapter: I caught them kissing!
Extra Chapter: This is your boyfriend?!
Extra Chapter: Sharks Love Blood
Extra Chapter: A happy little family


528 32 65
By Myheartisahurricane

The next morning, I woke up to my alarm clock ringing. I've always been that kind of person that wakes up to the most quiet noises, thus, my alarm was a very calm melody. And even though it was so quiet, I had always been awake after the first second. Sighing, I reached out for my phone to stop the alarm before I closed my eyes again. I knew I wouldn't fall asleep again, I just wanted to rest a moment longer. As I became a little less tired and sleepy, I noticed something poking against my lower back and realized that someone has tightly wrapped their arms around me.

It took me a few seconds to remember that I couldn't sleep last night and therefore laid next to Niko who was still hugging me tightly. Well, now that I remember that, I probably also knew what poked against my back. A little men's problem. Carefully, to not wake him, up, I turned around in his arms, now facing him. As my gaze wandered from his bare chest to his slightly parted lips that looked so inviting to lay my lips on and lastly to his eyes, I noticed he was already awake. „Good morning, sleepy beauty", Niko whispered in a deep morning voice.

I already loved his normal voice that could be so soft but also extremely rough when he was screaming but his morning voice made a shiver run down my spine. Everything about this man was pure handsomeness!

„Good morning", I answered calmly. Before I could ask him how he slept, hoping that I didn't annoy him or keep him awake, Niko spoke: „I'm sorry, I don't want you to feel uncomfortable because of my... you know... bulge. If I could, I'd do everything to make it disappear right now. But unfortunately I can't. At least not without making this situation even more awkward", he smiled apologizing. Well, of course this was kinda weird to me, especially because I've never felt something like this through such thin layers of fabrics, but I knew he couldn't do anything against this.

„Hey, don't worry. You're just a man that has some men's problems and since my butt is just a tiiiiny bit closer to your crotch than usually, I definitely can't blame you for anything", I chuckled. The situation definitely was more embarrassing for him than for me, so this was probably the best way I could react to this.

„Okay. But if you don't feel comfortable anymore, just tell me. Or simply get up", Niko said and now he was giggling too. „I will", I said while my hand wandered to his cheek. Softly, I let my right thumb stroke through his beard stubbles. The stubbles pricked a little but the skin underneath was just as smooth and soft as some baby's skin.

„Don't we have to get up? You have to get your train in...", he took a look at his phone, „less than two hours and you still have to get up, take a shower, finish packing your suitcase and not to forget, you need to have some kind of breakfast", Niko asked and by his facial expressions I could see he didn't want us to get up either.

„Yeah, normally I would get up now. But this is too cozy, I don't want to get up. Let's cuddle for some more minutes and I'll hurry up later", I whispered and snuggled up to him, totally ignoring his little problem that was still pressing against my body. „Okay", he answered in such a low voice that I had problems understanding him. Niko closed his arms even tighter around me while I enjoyed listening to his heartbeat.

„Sofia, you have to get up, we slept in!", I suddenly heard Niko's voice. We slept in? Fuck. Maybe I shouldn't have closed my eyes while being in such a cozy place, also known as Niko's warm body. „Just one more minu...", I tried to convince him, but without success. „No, Sofia, your train will take off in about an hour!", Niko said while he loosened our hug and got up. As soon as I couldn't feel his warm body around me anymore, my bed didn't feel comfortable at all. „Well, guess I don't have another choice", I groaned and lifted my thick blanket. „Yep", Niko answered while getting on his black jeans and shirt.

„If we had more time, I'd ask if you want to take a shower here, too, but since we now have to hurry up, I guess you won't find the time to do that", I apologized. „Oh, I wouldn't mind joining you and taking a shower together. You know, saves water. And time", Niko winked at me and grinned widely. I was not a hundred percent sure if this was just a joke or he meant what he said considering he had already made such jokes in the past but we both knew I wouldn't want that now. That's why I simply chuckled and shook my head.

Niko tried to fake cry which made me add an ironic „Next time." I grinned, winked at him and turned around. „Now I'll go take a shower alone and you make sure to not forget to pack in your hoodie. My parents don't want to find your cloths when they enter my room. If you're hungry, just take something from the fridge. My parents should be at work, so you won't accidentally run into them. But in about 15 minutes I'll be ready to have breakfast, too. If you can wait, we can have breakfast together", I explained while I took some clothes out of my wardrobe and went into the bathroom. „Yeah, I won't forget my hoodie and I'll just use the time you shower to prepare some breakfast for us", I heard him saying before I closed the door behind me.

As I stripped down my pajamas and entered the shower, I couldn't stop thinking about Niko's words. „I wouldn't mind joining you and taking a shower together". Even though I didn't feel comfortable in my body and therefore didn't want anyone to see my naked, the thought of taking a shower with him had something I liked. I imagined how his hands would caress my skin, touch places no-one had ever touched and I couldn't deny these thoughts in my mind and pictures inside my head had an effect on me. But I had no idea whether I should like that effect or not. Well, of course it definitely was a positive effect he had on me but I knew he didn't want what these thoughts made me want. I sighed. „Why does life have to be so difficult?!"

Twenty minutes later, I had taken a shower, gotten dressed and tied up my wet hair to a messy bun and now sat down on one of our kitchen chairs. „Perfect timing", Niko said as he turned around and handed me a cup of tea. „You said you liked tea better than coffee, right?" he asked and I nodded. „You remember that?", I asked irritated. „Of course", Niko smiled at me and took a sip out of his own cup which was filled with a liquid that looked like coffee. Wow, find a man who seems to remember everything you tell him!

I had no idea how, but somehow Niko had managed to prepare us some breakfast sandwiches. Not only enough for us to eat now but according to him even enough for my ride to Helsinki! „Awww, Niko, thank you so much!" I stood up to hug him tightly. „You know you didn't have to do that, right? I could just have bought something in a shop near the train station." „You're welcome, Sofia! I'm sure this will taste better and it was cheaper as well", Niko smiled and hugged me back after he placed his mug on the table. Again I realized I had so much luck to have this man as a friend...

Of course, Niko's sandwiches were amazing! Although we didn't have too much time before I had to go to the train station – which luckily was only about 5-10 minutes of walking away – we could enjoy having breakfast together. Before we left, I quickly checked if I had packed in everything and as soon as I was sure nothing was messing, especially not my big pillow without which I could hardly sleep, I got on my jacket and my shoes. „You packed in your hoodie in your backpack?", I asked Niko who nodded as an answer and smiled. „All my stuff I had at yours the last night is where it belongs", he assured and got ready to bring me to the train station.

About ten minutes later, we arrived at the track at which my train was taking off. „I don't want to but I guess I have to say goodbye now", I said as I saw my train coming closer. Niko nodded and closely wrapped his arms around me – as good as possible with the huge backpack I wore on my back. „Goodbye, Sofia. Take care of yourself! And don't forget: You can always text me if you need someone to talk. If it's urgent, just call me. I'll be there for you, even in the middle of the night. And if I can't help you from Oulu, just give me your address and I'll come to Helsinki to make sure you are okay. Okay?", he whispered and moved one of his hands from my back to my cheek to caress it.

„Okay. Thank you so much! I can't put into words how thankful I am to have you in my life", I whispered and smiled at him genuinely. „I want you to be happy, I gladly do this", Niko answered and gave me a kiss on my forehead before he loosened our hug a little. „You have to go..." I nodded and looked at him, trying to ignore that I started to tear up. „See you soon!", I whispered before I turned around and got on the train.

But before I could take a step further, I felt a grip around my wrist. „Wait", Niko whispered and as I looked at him, he moved closer until our lips touched again. They were connected only for a second but it was enough to make me smile widely to the feeling of his soft lips on mine. „Now you can leave. For a short time", the man that managed to confuse me again said and left the train he had got in to kiss me. I saw him waving at me but before I could answer to his words or wave back, the doors between us closed. „Goodbye", I whispered to myself and went through the train, trying to find an empty place to sit. My backpack was heavier than I had expected it to be but I thought if I had packed in something I didn't want to pack in at first, that wasn't a big problem. Better I took something with me that I didn't want to take with me than to forget something at home...

Two hours later, the grandma I had chatted with the first part of my way had to leave the train. She was quite nice and we had a great conversation about university and jobs, so my ride wasn't too boring. Bit now that I said alone in the train compartment, I was bored and looking out of the window unfortunately didn't help at all. That's why I decided to listen to music and get to know some more Blind Channel songs.

But as I opened my backpack to take out my headphones, I found something I was sure I hadn't packed in myself. On the top of my stuff, there was something made of thick fabric. Confused but also curious as I was, I pulled it out and as it unfolded, I recognized it. The fabric I was holding in my hands was nothing else than the hoodie Niko had worn the day before. I shook my head. No way he had given me his hoodie. I told him to not forget it in my room and pack it in his backpack but this idiot took the wrong backpack!

I decided to text him because I didn't want him to search for his hoodie in his backpack and have no idea where it was. „Hey, haven't you told me you had put your hoodie in your backpack after I had asked you? You mixed up our backpacks, your hoodie was in mine. So, don't search for it for an eternity! xD", I texted him. Luckily, it took him only a few seconds to answer but his answer confused me just as much as the kiss he gave me this morning after again telling me he didn't want something that was called love.

No", he wrote. I frowned. „No? How, no?", I asked but his answer didn't help me at all. „No. It was meant as written: No." „Explain", I answered because I had no idea what this man wanted to tell me. How, no? I was sure this was his hoodie, there couldn't be a no. This time, it took him quite long to answer which left me in confusion for an even longer time.

„I didn't tell you I put it into my backpack but where it belongs. And that is your backpack. In case you can't sleep in Helsinki. This night, you can't simply come to me, snuggle up to me and I'll help you fell asleep. I can't be with you tonight and probably also the next nights. So I thought, maybe my hoodie could help you. I know, it's not as good as me, it's not that good looking and not as funny as I am, but it keeps you warm and maybe it also smells a little like I do. At least I hope so."

Well, this was definitely not what I had expected. Actually, I hadn't expected anything but even if, it wouldn't have been something this cute. I could feel my eyes tearing up because of this sweet act. He really secretly packed in his hoodie for me to sleep better. What an amazing man. With tears in my eyes and a huge smile on my face, I pressed the black hoodie against my chest. „Thank you", I whispered even though he, needless to say, couldn't hear me. „I don't know how I deserve you", I answered before I took a photo of me with the hoody pressed against my chest, not caring about the tears you could see in the photo at all, and sent it to him. „I'll take care of it. And maybe it will also take care of me", I added to the picture.

Finally, I'm back with another chapter! I'm still quite busy but now I'm at home and if I find some time, I'll be able to use it to write. I hope I'll manage to post at least twice a week again but I can't promise. For now I just hope you like this chapter! Thanks to all of you who keep me motivated during these days, especially to IamLizziet and MyVictim ! Love you guys <3

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