Saving the Sons of Durin

Por hawkins_2000

9.6K 294 19

What happens when Ellia of Rivendell all but invites herself into the company of Thorin Oakenshield after ove... Más

Thand Er
Thand Tád
Thand Neled
Thand Canad
Thand Leben
Thand Eneg
Thand Odo
Thand Toloth
Thand Neder
Thand Caen
Thand Minque
Thand Nelequë
Thand Canaquë
Thand Lepenquë
Thand Enenquë
Thand Otoquë
Thand Toloquë
Thand Neterquë
Thand Yuquain
Thand Yuquain-Er
Thand Yuquain-Tád
Thand Yuquain-Neled
Thand Yuquain-Canad
Thand Yuquain-Leben
Thand Yuquain-Eneg
Thand Yuquain-Odo
Thand Yuquain-Toloth
Thand Yuquain-Neder
Thand Thirtui
Thand Thirtui-Er
Thand Thirtui-Tád
Thand Thirtui-Neled
Thand Thirtui-Canad
Thand Thirtui-Leben

Thand Rasto

265 8 0
Por hawkins_2000

~ Part Twelve ~

Ellía had all but been forced into the sparkling dress and shoved out the door by Parisa, when it came time for the feast of Mereth E-Ngilth. Legolas had escorted the young elf to the party and introduced her to many elders that wished to lay eyes upon the kin of the Lady of Light. A few hours in and the feast had gone from a very formal gathering of the high elves of Mirkwood, to quite a rowdy party.

The harps had been switched for more fast paced instruments and the wine was disappearing faster than the food. Ellía had been looking for a chance to slip away since she arrived, but Legolas had kept a close eye on her. He only left her side once to speak to the red-haired elf that Ellía now knew to be named, Tauriel.

As the party continued, Ellía began to notice how many of the she-elves watched Legolas with longing in their eyes. A few moments later, a mischievous smile appeared on her face, and she excused herself from the prince saying she wished to speak with elves closer to her age, before making her way over to a group of whispering she-elves.

"Lady Ellía." One said as they all gave her a small curtsey. "Please, there is no need for that." Ellía said with a smile and wave of her hand. The girls smiled at her and nodded. "I only wished to come over here to help a dear friend of mine. You see, Prince Legolas wishes to dance tonight, but me being so much younger than him, I am worried that I am not at the same caliber. He has done such a good job watching over me tonight and I wish for him to enjoy himself now. Would any of you mind taking my place for a few dances?" Ellía asked innocently.

Within seconds the she-elves were arguing amongst themselves as they all hurried towards the unsuspecting prince to drag him onto the dance floor. Ellía couldn't help but watch for a few seconds before hurrying away. She smiled at the guards and wished them a goodnight before gliding down the many steps, with the shimmering skirts of her gown trailing behind her. Once she was out of sight, she took a hard left and down a winding staircase. Although, no one had told her where the dwarves were being kept, she was almost certain they would be in the cells.

It took her a few minutes to get down to the level where she was hoping her friends would be. She had to hide in crevices and shadows a few times to avoid a patrol, but eventually, she made. She tiptoed towards the first cell door, with her slippers in her hand since they were making far too much noise for her. She peered through the bars to find Dori and Ori sat against a wall and fast asleep. She smiled at their peaceful faces and walked over to the next one to find Fili sitting on the floor with his head on his hands.

"Fili!" she whispered. The dwarf's head snapped up and he smiled at her. "I knew you'd come find us." he whispered and hurried to the barred door. She returned his smile and asked, "Are you alright? Is everyone else here?" as she wrapped her hands around the bars. "We're all here and unharmed. Just angry." he said quietly. Ellía sighed and looked around the cavern they were in when something popped up in her mind. 'How foolish of me to forget!' she scolded herself and turned back to ask Fili if he had seen any sign of Bilbo, only to find him looking her over.

"I know. I look ridiculous. Thranduil insisted and that elf does not take no-" she began to ramble but Fili placed a calloused hand over hers on the bar and said, "You do not look ridiculous, El. I just have never seen you dressed up like this." he told her quickly before a slight blush grew on his cheeks. She gave him a sheepish smile and was about to thank him when small hand landed on her shoulder.

She whipped her head around to see Bilbo smiling down at her. "Bilbo!" she exclaimed quietly and pulled the hobbit in for a tight hug. "Oh, uh, hello Ellía." Bilbo chuckled and hugged her back, surprised by her reaction. "I am so sorry. I should have gone out and looked for you." she whispered to him sadly. "No, do not worry. I've been sneaking around the palace and they've practically had you under lock and key. How did you sneak away?" he asked.

"I may have unleashed some lonely she-elves upon a grumpy prince." she said with a cheeky smile. Fili chuckled and shook his head at her before Bilbo stood up and said, "Come on. We're getting out of here." and held up a full key ring. "Quick, Uncle is three cells down." Fili told him excitedly and Bilbo rushed to Thorin. She the rest of the dwarves saw the hobbit, they began to cheer and Bilbo hushed them quickly. "Shh! there are guards nearby!"

Bilbo quickly began unlocking everyones cells and gathering them together. "Ellía you might want to go change, very quickly. The dress is beautiful but not exactly made for the escape I have in mind." Bilbo told her as he unlocked Fili's door. "Where should I meet you?" she asked as she began to pick up her skirts so she could run up the steps. "In the cellar!" Bilbo called as he ran to let the last few dwarves out.

"I will go with you." Fili said and moved to follow her, but Ellía stopped him. "You must stay with your Uncle and brother. There's a high chance that someone will see me and we can't risk the heir of Erebor getting caught, now can we?" she told him with a smile and hurried up the steps. "She is right, brother. C'mon. Ellía can handle herself." Kili said as he dragged Fili away and with the rest of the company


Ellía had safely made it to her room and was changing out of the dress and into the clothes she had arrived in, which thankfully had been washed, when her door swung upon. She clutched her tunic to her chest and was about to yell at the intruder to get out, but she saw that it was Parisa. The girl quickly pulled the tunic on and began to lace up her leather corset. "Parisa, please, do not try to stop me." Ellía begged as she began to pull on her boots.

Parisa just shook her head as she carried something wrapped up in a piece of cloth. "In this short time I have known you, I have learned that it is no use to try and sway your mind when you have made a decision, Ellía. All I can do now is return what belongs to you." Parisa said quickly as she laid the bundle on the bed and unwrapped it.

The young elf gasped as she saw her swords and daggers sparkling in the moonlight. "How did you-" Ellía began to ask but Parisa cut her off. "No time for that. You must hurry. Whatever plan you have made with the dwarves will be discovered soon." Parisa said as she helped Ellía strap the swords to her back and hurried to fetch her cloak from the wardrobe. "I'll take you to the servants' hallways. They lead everywhere in the palace." She said and draped the cloak over the girl's shoulders.

"Why are you helping me? Surely King Thranduil will punish you for this?" Ellía whispered worriedly as she clasped her cloak. "I was the lady's maid for the late queen and her dear friend. I all but raised the prince once she passed. He would not dare lay a finger on me." She told her with a wink. "Parisa, I do not know how I will ever be able to thank you." Ellía breathed as they hurried to the door. "Just keep your spirit, hína. It is much like that of the late queen's. That will be thanks enough." Paris whispered before shoving something into Ellia's arms.

She looks down to see a beautifully crafted bow and a full quiver. "What is an elf without her bow?" Parisa said with a wink before silently leading Ellía to a hidden door. "Which way towards the cellars?" She asked quickly. "Take the first right and the head straight. It will lead you all they way. Novaer." Parisa whispered before shutting the door behind her. Ellía gripped her new bow tightly before securing the quiver's belt around her waist and swinging the bow over her shoulder. Ellía sprinted down the hallways, hoping the company hadn't left yet.

She cracked open the door and peaked out into the cellars. She saw some guards passed put at a table and heard a loud creaking sound. She hurried out to see a bunch of wooden barrels roll out a trap door and drop with a splash. "Bilbo!" she hissed out at the hobbit who was holding the lever. "Ellía! Thank goodness. We were worried you had been caught. Now, hurry, we have to follow them." Bilbo explained as he let go the lever and the trap door closed. "And how exactly do you plan on us doing that?" she asked with an arched brow.

"Oh umm... That is an issue." he whispered as he realized there were no more barrels and no one to pull the lever for them. "Where is the keeper of the keys!" Ellía heard Tauriel shout with many footsteps following her. "Hurry!" Ellía whispered as she dragged the hobbit onto the trap door. "Hurry!" the captain of the guard yelled. "What do we do?" Bilbo asked with fear as he gripped onto the elf's arm. "We fall, Master Baggins." Ellía sighed as she walked backwards, holding on to the hobbit as the trap door tilted open with their weight.

Their feet slid backwards and once they reached the edge, Ellía pushed off the door and twisted forward so she could lightly land on the rocky shore below. Bilbo had not been so graceful and crashed into the water below. "Oops. Sorry, Bilbo!" Ellía called, embarrassed she had not taken the hobbit with her. "Well done, Master Baggins." Thorin called and Ellía turned to see all the dwarves waiting for them in their barrels. "Ellía! Lass, were happy to see you got out!" Balin Called to her with a smile. "Got tired of playing princess, aye, El?" Kili called with a smirk as they started to drift down the river. "I think I'm becoming more partial to life in the wild." she called back with a smile and winked at Fili how was grinning at her.

As Ellía turned to gracefully make her way down the jagged shoreline to scout ahead, she missed Kili begin to tease Fili and earning himself a slap to the back of his head by Thorin. "Uh oh..." Ellía said as she stood at the end of the cave and saw what was ahead. "Uh oh? What do you mean uh oh!" Dwalin called annoyedly. "Um... You might want to hold on!" She called as the dwarves drifted towards her quickly. Not even a second later, the dwarves all tipped over the edge and down the short waterfall and into the rapids.

Ellía stayed where she was, watching for the hobbit's head to appear. If he did not, she would be going for a swim... Thankfully, she saw Nori clutching onto Bilbo as they bobbed down the river with everyone else following. She quickly made her way down shore, staying close to the company. Just as they came with in sight of the gate, they heard a horn ring out. "Nuuta! They're closing the gate!" Ellía yelled. They watched as the guards on the gate quickly pile the lever and shut the gate before anyone could slip past.

"NOO!" Thorin yelled out angrily and Ellía notched an arrow and pointed it at the guard by the lever. "Let us pass." she demanded, but no one moved. Just as she heard more guards approaching behind them, the guard in front of her, fell into the water with an arrow in his back. An orc appeared behind him and screeched. Within seconds, more orcs appeared and began to kill the guards. "Ellía!" Thorin yelled and she turned just in time to shoot and orc between the eyes that had snuck up on her.

More and more began to appear and Ellía was beyond grateful to Parisa for returning her weapons. She continued to shoot orcs down but soon it became a close contact fight and she watched to her swords. She was so focused on not tripping on the rocky terrain while she fought, that she had not noticed that Kili had climbed out of his barrel and was fighting his way up the bridge until she heard Fili shout his name desperately.

"KILI!!!" Fili screamed and Ellía whipped around to see the young dwarf crumple to the ground with an arrow lodged in his thigh. She quickly spun around and stabbed the orc that she had been fighting in the gut and kicking him into the river before dropping her sword and nothing an arrow. She let it fly through the air and pierce the orc about to attack Kili.

Ellía was about to kill the next one, when an arrow zipped past her ear and she turned to see Tauriel. The older she-elf nodded at Ellía as she collected her swords. Ellía returned the nod, surprised for her help before hurrying towards then gate to help Kili. As she jumped over boulders, she saw Legolas and more elves appear from the brush and begin to help fight off the orcs.

When she ran up the stone steps, she saw Kili weakly grasping the lever and pulling it down, effectively freeing the company. "Come, Kee." she whispered as she slipped an arm around his waist and pulled has arm over his shoulder so she could help him stand. "Kili! Ellía!" Fili shouted from below them. She looked down to see he had gripped onto the shore beside him and held an empty barrel for his brother. Ellía stumbled forward with the injured dwarf and lowered him into the barrel, causing the arrow's shaft to snap off and drawing cry from Kili.

"Jump Ellía!" Fili yelled to her holding out a hand. She shook her head at him and called, "Go! I will cover you!". Without sparing the dwarves another look, spun around and began to pick off as many orcs as she could with her arrows. She found herself fighting side-by-side with Legolas and Tauriel as they made their way over the gate and chasing after the dwarves and orcs. She noticed that the other elves had followed their prince and joined the chase.

"Watch out for Bombur, lass!" She barely heard Bofur yell over the roaring river. She ducked just in time to dodge Bombur hurtling over her head. Ellía picked up her pace to go help her friend, but the dwarf popped up and stuck his hands through the beaten barrel with the weapons he had collected from the orcs. Ellía almost laughed at how he spun around, cutting any orc down that drew near him.

After taking down a few more orcs, Bombur ditched the worn barrel and ran and jumped in an empty one as it drifted past with the other dwarves. As she gained on the dwarves, more orcs appeared. A particularly large one tackled her to the ground and she let out a cry and dropped her blades. She quickly reached for one of her daggers and cut its throat. As she tried not to gag due to the orc blood dripping on to her face, she pushed its body of and got to her feet quickly.

Ellía began to run once more, making up for lost time. When she jumped over a large boulder that had been blocking her view of the dwarves, she looked to see Legolas balancing on Dwalin and Dori's heads as he shutdown ors. "Oh I beat they're fuming." Ellía quipped to herself as she shot an orc down the other side of the river.

"Tir-eth, Legolas!" the young elf yelled once she saw an orc sneaking up on the prince, who had just jumped to shore. As she notched an arrow to slay the orc, an axe flew forward, lodging itself into the orc's chest. She may not be overly fond of the elf prince, but she did not wish to see him be cut down.

Ellía scanned the area for anymore orcs before glancing back to find the prince staring at her. Movement behind him caught her eye and she looked in the distance to see more orcs hurrying towards them. She sent him an apologetic smile and a small bow before chasing after her friends once more.

~ Elvish Translations ~

Mereth E-Ngilth - The feast of starlight

Hína - Child

Novaer - Goodbye

Nuuta - Damn

Tir-eth, Legolas! - Watch out, Legolas!

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