Notes with a smile on it // d...

By keepercheese

46.1K 1.2K 1.6K

Georges's life hasn't always been sunshine and rainbows. Divorced parents, bullies, losing friends, and more... More

Chapter 1: Nightmares
Chapter 2: Bullies
Chapter 3: Confrontations
Chapter 4: Unintended
Chapter 5: Punished
Chapter 6: Not Found
Chapter 7: Detention
Chapter 8: Why
Chapter 9: Another Day
Chapter 10: Last straw
Chapter 11: Shattered glass
Chapter 12: The Truth
Chapter 13: Solved
Chapter 15: New Number
Chapter 16: Repairing
Chapter 17: The Forgotten
Chapter 18: Unfamilliar
Chapter 19: Round 2
Chapter 20: Second Attempt
Chapter 21: Snapchatting
Chapter 22: Labels?
Chapter 23: Opinions
Chapter 24: Unanswered
Chapter 25: Darksides
Chapter 26: Party - part 1
Chapter 27: Party - part 2
Chapter 28: Party - part 3
Chapter 29: Afterthoughts
Chapter 30: Reminder
Chapter 31: The discovery
Chapter 32: Tension
Chapter 33: Dinner
Chapter 34: Almost there
Chapter 35: Talking

Chapter 14: Stepping into the Closet

1.2K 33 184
By keepercheese


- I'm sorry in advance


TWs: Swearing, underage drinking, smoking/weed


George POV: (party)

As I said before, I am not a very social person. So, going to parties isn't typically my thing. However, I was dragged to this one because of Sapnap. I'm guessing it was because I didn't talk to him a lot during the week, but who really knows.

Drinking is not something that I like to do, I've seen the bad that it can do to people. So, I tend to avoid it.

I was told that Wilbur and Tommy were already there, then apparently Quackity too. That leaves me, Sapnap, and Karl. We picked up Karl on the way there.

When Karl got in the car something seemed a little off between Karl and Sapnap.

Wow, I think I missed something.

They were acting weird not in a bad way, they seemed closer. But, there is definitely some sort of tension lingering in the air. I just couldn't pinpoint what it was exactly.

We finally got to the party.

The music was so loud, you could hear it as soon as you walked up to the house. The base could be felt in your bones, there were lights hung all around the house and outside.

As we walked around the house the smell of alcohol filled our noses.

The 3 of us finally found a spot to sit, people surrounded us in every direction.

Karl and Sap left, leaving me alone by myself, but soon enough I heard Tommy and Wilbur come up behind me.

"GOGY, you're finally here!"

"Yes, I am"

"George, Will won't let me drink"

Tommy complained

"Tommy stop complaining "

Wilbur replied

"Well he probably has a reasoning for that"

Tommy frowned and left dramatically

Wilbur looked at me, shrugged, and followed Tommy.

I stayed on the couch, Just chilling on the couch being the introvert I am when I heard a very familiar voice.

It was Dreams.

"Hey Georgie"

I sighed at the nickname

"Hi Dream"

I replied looking at his hand, he had a red solo cup that was probably filled with some type of booze. He didn't like he was too drunk.

"So, what are you doing here. I thought you didn't like parties"

"I don't Don't"

He gave a strange look.

"Sapnap made me come"

"That's nice, how's he"

"He's good or at least from what I've heard"

We continued chatting like we normally do for the next little bit. Then out of nowhere, I heard somebody yelling Dream's name. It was Sapnap, he looked plastered. Both of us got up walked over to sapnap. Except he shooed me away.

I sighed and sat back down on the couch. Dream looked at then shrugged.

He then walked off and disappeared into the crowd with Sapnap.

Now, I am currently alone at a party I didn't necessarily want to be at.


I'm sitting on the couch playing games on my phone when a random stranger comes up t and introduces himself.

He actually looked kinda cute.

"Hi, umm I'm Lukas. Sorry to bother you, but you seem rather..."

I cut him off.


"Just a little"

"Yeah, well my friend went to do something and he just hasn't come yet. Sooooo yeah"

"Could I sit with you for a bit? you seem nice."

"Yeah sure. I'm George by the way"

"That's a lovely name"

I blushed a little.


I said as I looked away.

After that, Lukas and I sat on the couch talking for a little. Lukas is actually a really sweet person and not to mention attractive. He has shaggy brown hair and distinct cheekbones. He's a little taller than me and a little muscular.

I didn't realize how much time had passed until Tommy came up behind me with all of my friends behind him. He yelled something about it almost being midnight and suggesting to play truth or dare. Tommy was clearly drunk,

Lukas said he'd play if I play, so I did.

Dream POV:

I felt bad leaving George by himself.

Shrugged and walked in Sapnap's direction. We exited the house and entered the backyard. The scent of weed in the backyard was overpowering. Besides that, there was just a bunch of people chilling.

Sapnap dragged me to the corner of the yard.

"Sooooooo, Dreammm howw arrrre youuuuu"

He slurred, clearly too drunk to process anything. He's definitely not gonna remember any of this tomorrow.

"I'm fine Sapnap, are you okay man?"

"I"m fineeeee"

"Do you want some water?"

"I'll go get some after we talk okay"


"I'm just gonna say it, I know you're the secret admirer"

He drunkenly spoke, when he finished speaking my jaw dropped in shock.

I mean it makes sense. When we were all friends I'd put smiley faces on everything. Quite frankly I'm surprised George hasn't clued in yet.

"Please don't say anything"

"Don't worry I won't, but just don't hurt him okay?"

I nodded, he may have been completely wasted, but you could still hear the sincerity in his voice.

"I don't plan to"

He looked away and then glanced back at me with a smile.

"Yo man, I knew you liked him. Even before y'all were way too sus"

I blushed a little bit and playfully punched his shoulder lightly.


"Oh, come on. I didn't hit you that hard"

He just smiled and we both started laughing way more than we needed to. It wasn't even funny.

We talked like how we did before all drama after we had our little laughing fit.

I got Sapnap some water cause he obviously needed it.

Sapnap and I ran into Karl and Quackity, we then talked with them for a bit.

Some time passed and we were all still outside talking when Tommy approached of us with Wilbur slowly trailing behind him. Wilbur was out of breath probably from chasing Tommy.

Before anything could happen Tommy took of laughing for absolutely no reason.

Wilbur then looked at all of us and sighed.

"I'm done chasing that child, he's too energetic. Plus, the alcohol in his system doesn't help."

With that Wilbur flopped on the couch and relaxed. We all laughed. The Sap spoke up.

"Wait, I thought he wasn't allowed to drink"

"He isn't"

"Then why-"

"I don't know, but now it's my issue, so yay me"

Wilbur replied sarcastically.

Tommy eventually came back, but this time had a request.

He wanted to play truth or dare and wanted all of us to play.

Truth or dare isn't a game I typically like to play, but I figured why not. So, I agreed.

Everyone else did too, Wilbur was a little hesitant at first. But, we all convinced him to.

Yet, there was one thing that I was forgetting.


George is still inside

I felt instant guilt.

"Guys, we should go find George, maybe he wants to play"

"OOOooooh, yeah. Let's go find Gogy"

Tommy then ran inside looking for George leaving us on the deck.

We all followed him inside.

I walked inside and Tommy was already there.

George was talking to this random dude.

I like to think that I'm not the jealous type.

But, after seeing him laughing at something that seemed completely stupid made jealousy course through my veins.

I wanted to say something and I was. But, sapnap grabbed my wrist and shook his head.

I glared at him and relaxed.

Tommy gathered a few more people and brought them to the living room.

We all sat in a circle and the game started.

George POV:

Lukas sat across from me and Dream was beside him.

He looked very tense for some strange reason.

Tommy decided he wanted to go first so he asked Wilbur.

"Wilbur truth or dare"


"I dare you to take 2 shots of vodka"

"Fine. George, you're driving us back home"

I nodded

"WOOOO. Let's go Wilby!!"

"Did you just call me Wilby"


Tommy said quickly. Wilbur got up and went to grab the alcohol in the kitchen. When he got back, he sat took his shots and he asked some girl I didn't know.

A few rounds passed and it seems that Sapnap is very drunk again.

It's now Tommy's turn.

"Karl truth or dare"


"I dare you to kiss the cheek of the hottest girl in this room"

Karl gave Tommy a confusing look.

"Ummmm... does it have to be a girl?"

It's now Tommy's turn to be confused.

"No, why? Wait your gay?"

everyone smacked their foreheads.

"No, I'm omnisexual"

Karl giggled, then Sapnap spoke up.

"Tommy, he's literally already told us this"

"Oh yeah!"

Wilbur sighed in disappointment

"Tommy this is why you shouldn't drink alcohol"

Tommy rolled his eyes.

"Anyway, do your dare. Kiss the hottest person in the room."

Karl got up and walked towards Sapnap. He sat down in front of him and gently kissed his cheek.

The blush on both their cheeks was as bright as a tomato. Both of them tried to hide it but failed.

There were a few more rounds until got involved.

The dare I got was from Sapnap.

"George, truth or dare"


"Oh come on, don't be a pussy"

"Fine, dare"

"Yay, I dare too..."

He paused to think about it, then seconds later a light bulb lit up above his head.

"Do 7 minutes in heaven with Mr. Dreamie over there"

He said pointing in Dream's direction, I glared at him trying to figure if he was playing or not.

He wasn't.

I sighed and stood up and walked over to Dream grabbed his hand and pulled him to the closet.

"Let's just get this over with okay"

I Sapnap yelled at me from behind

"Why so eager Gogy?"

I flipped him off before I shut the closet door.

Somebody from outside the closet yelled that the timer had started.

I could faintly see Dreams outline from the light the was shining through the crack of the door.

The closet was very dim and when I looked up I faintly see the grin on his face.

"Oh shut up"

"Oh, it's okay. Just didn't know you were so eager"

As he replied the grin on his face grew wider and wider.

I rolled my eyes even though he couldn't see it.

Nobody said anything after that, it was just pure silence.

"Well, umm I don't know what we're supposed to do in here"

The silence was getting too loud I had to say something.

"You could kiss me"

I was shocked at Dream's bluntness.

But, it was clearly a joke, so I went on with it.

"I could"

Dream shifted a little bit.

"But, I'm not going to"

Just then the door to the closet opened.

It was Sapnap.

"Get out the closet lover boys, times up"

"We didn't even do anything Sapnap"

"Sure, Gogy. Whatever you say"

I ignored him and went back to sit in the circle.

Lukas was still playing he had been dared a few times, but they weren't very hard.

More rounds passed and it was my turn again.

Except for this time I was dared by one of Lukas's friends. I think his name is Fundy or Floris. I'm not sure.

"So, George. Truth or dare"

"Dare. Why not"

Dream decided to say something

"Wow. Georgie being brave"

"Oh shut up Dream. Anyway, what's my dare?"

Fundy looked in Lukas's direction and smirked.

"I dare you to do 7 minutes in heaven with Lukas"

Lukas's face turned a shade of red as he glared at Fundy

"well, here goes round 2"

I then shut the closet door and we both sat criss-cross apple sauce on the floor of the closet.


he said nervously

"Hi Lukas, how are you"

"I'm good"


More silence filled the air as the awkward tension floated in the closet.

Lukas finally broke the silence.

"George, can I say something?"


"I think you're really cute"

I could feel my cheeks start to burn.

He scooched forward and rested his hand on my knee.

"I mean I know we just met today, but I already know I want to get to know you better."

By now my cheeks were burning, I look down at my lap and fiddle with my fingers.

"For the record, I think you're pretty cute too"

He smiled and moved forward more.

Lukas lifted my chin and locked eyes with me.

"George, can I kiss you?"

He moved forward, to the point where I could feel his breath on my lips


His lips locked with mine and we stayed for a few seconds

Next thing is that the door to the closet is opening. We immediately separated and I saw Dream.

He was standing jaw dropped and eyes wide.



Y'all this chapter was supposed to come out 2 days ago.

I had trouble writing it, but I finally got it done.

so enjoy

and what do you think of Lukas?


One more thing, while I was planning this with my friend I kept on referring to Lukas as Liam-Lukas-dude cause I hadn't decided the name yet.

I just think that it's worth noting

- Keeper

Word Count: 2214

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