From A Wish To Reality (Sans...

By SpiritWolfNura

7.2K 301 99

A new town. A new house. A new life. She'd never felt so lonely. Her only 'friends' were the skeletons that a... More

Dropping By
A Revelation and A Tour
Your Time with TimeKid
Attempting to Help a Depressed Dead Guy
The Anime Marathon
A Classic Tale
A Brush with Death
Alpha Vs Reaper
A Normal Kid
A Winged Protector
A Gift from a Royal Scientist
She Knows
A Different Perspective
Alternate Ending- Jumping into a Video Game
Alternate Ending- Vibing with Epic
Alternate Ending- A Life with the God of Death
Alternate Ending- Sky High
Alternate Ending- TK's Mom
Alternate Ending- Living with a Ghost
Bonus Chapter- Death's Life
Bonus Chapter- Little Ghost
Bonus Chapter- No Way Bruh
Bonus Chapter- Riley's Egg
Bonus Chapter- Classic Cliché

Taking Flight

340 16 3
By SpiritWolfNura

As soon as realization set in, Raven was the first to move. The moment he was out the door, he took flight. It was always easier with a birds eye view. Classic was most likely organizing the rest of the group. The joys of being the original.


Riley woke up in the woods. Deep in the woods. Her arms and legs were covered in scratches from branches and other sharp woodland plants. Her hair was a nest of tangles, twigs, and leaves. Her feet hurt from walking. "How didn't I wake up!?" She covered her mouth. Who knew what predators were out there listening. She took a breath. "Where am I anyway? The entire town is surrounded by woods.." Which way was home. She tried to keep from panicking. It never does anyone who is lost any good. Still a knot formed in her stomach. She had nothing to protect herself with. Only the clothes on her back for supply and no clue where to go. She couldn't start wandering. She most likely get even more lost. She swallowed thickly. "Don't panic, don't panic, don't panic.." She reminded herself quietly. She sank down on the spot, looking around once more, hoping to spot anything familiar.


One thing Raven noticed. There was a lot of woods around here. Which meant there was a huge chance that that's where she was. Even in the Underground, the woods were a dangerous place. If monsters were positive magic, then wraiths were negative magic. Soulless beings who appeared out of nowhere, it was a sentries duty to keep them away from town along with searching for humans. They lived mainly in Snowdin's woods. What kind of creatures lurked here? The thought had Raven flying a bit faster, skiing past the trees so he could see the forest floor.


The longer she waited the more overwhelmed she became. What if nobody found her? Did anybody even care? How could she help the guys get back home if she was dead somewhere in the woods? Were they looking for her? Did they even know she was gone? Did they think she left to get groceries? Did they think she was coming back? Tears gathered in her green eyes. The panic she tried to hold back was setting in fast. She was lost, scared, and alone. She choked back a sob as those words swirled in her head.










F o r e v e r.


Raven glanced at his watch. He'd been searching for 3 hours. She was probably awake right now. Scared. His soul trembled a little. He didn't like this one bit. That human.. Riley.. She'd been so generous since they got to this world. Sharing everything she owned, playing with TK, caring for everyone. She was even trying to help them get home. Even a blind monster could see that she was lonely. No friends ever came over. No family either. It was just her. She must have been so happy to finally have company, yet they were going to be leaving again. He had to, they had to. They had lives outside this world, important matters to deal with. Not saying that her matters weren't important, but- he stopped. He could see someone down there, sitting on the forest floor.


Riley cried softly, face tucked in her knees. She didn't here Raven land over her panicked thoughts, she didn't here him approach. "oh kid.." He sighed, shrugging off his jacket and dropping it on you. She sniffed and looked up. "R-raven..?"
"'s ok now. i've gotcha." He picked her up, which looked a little awkward because she was taller than him. Then they were in the air. She clung to Raven tightly, not exactly used to flying. She'd never even been on an airplane. She sniffed again. She was found. She wasn't lost anymore. Raven found her.. no.. they all found her. She'd been lost a lot longer than today and they found her, the night that they've arrived.


Seeing her on the forest floor like that had been.. painful. He didn't want to see her like that again. The sheer relief on her face was soul breaking, she thought she was going to be stuck there forever. He glanced at his passenger. She looked worse for wear. She was a dirty mess. But she was smiling. He wondered what was going on in her head right now. "so.. a sleep walker huh?" She nodded. "It's hereditary.."
"and tk knew."
"He followed me one time.."
"guess someone's gonna have to keep an eye on ya while you sleep." She blushed. He did too. "uh.. or get better locks on your doors.." She nodded silently. "It's nice up here."
"yeah.." He agreed. "it is."


When Raven put Riley down in front of the house, they both sighed in relief. "Thank you so much." Raven shrugged, playing at nonchalance. "what are friends for if not helping one another out." She blushed and took off his jacket. "Uh.. and thanks for this." He took it back, nodding. They went into the house. It was full of nervous, anxious skeletons. "if he can't find her..." Alpha muttered. "he will find her." Reaper stated. "raven has the best chance at it, being able to fly and all." TK agreed. "she'll be ok. she has to be." Classic concluded. "i feel horrible for losing her in the first place, bruh.." They were all worried. About her. How many times has she blushed today now? "Aw. You guys are so sweet." And just like that, she was in a group hug. "i'm so, so, so, so, so sorry bruh!" Epic cried. "It's not your fault that I sleep walk."
"we're so glad you're ok, kid!"
"we missed you a lot riley!"
"if something had happened.." Reaper, who couldn't join in on the group hug for obvious reasons, walked over to Raven. "where'd you find her? she's a mess."
"the woods. she was scared." Reaper flinched. "no doubt. i'm glad ya found her." Raven quirked a brow. "even you, huh?" Reaper turned away. "tch." Yes. Even him.

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