Saving the Sons of Durin

By hawkins_2000

9.6K 294 19

What happens when Ellia of Rivendell all but invites herself into the company of Thorin Oakenshield after ove... More

Thand Er
Thand Tád
Thand Neled
Thand Canad
Thand Leben
Thand Eneg
Thand Odo
Thand Neder
Thand Caen
Thand Minque
Thand Rasto
Thand Nelequë
Thand Canaquë
Thand Lepenquë
Thand Enenquë
Thand Otoquë
Thand Toloquë
Thand Neterquë
Thand Yuquain
Thand Yuquain-Er
Thand Yuquain-Tád
Thand Yuquain-Neled
Thand Yuquain-Canad
Thand Yuquain-Leben
Thand Yuquain-Eneg
Thand Yuquain-Odo
Thand Yuquain-Toloth
Thand Yuquain-Neder
Thand Thirtui
Thand Thirtui-Er
Thand Thirtui-Tád
Thand Thirtui-Neled
Thand Thirtui-Canad
Thand Thirtui-Leben

Thand Toloth

272 8 0
By hawkins_2000

~ Part Seven ~

"Hold still, lassie!" Oin grumbled as Ellía flinched away for the hundredth time. "It's fine, Oin. I'll heal it once we get some more distance between us and the pack." She said, trying to move away from his rough hands that were cleaning the gash on her back. "Just let me redress it and I'll leave it alone, deal?" He huffed. Ellía rapidly nodded her head before the dwarf wrapped a makeshift bandage from a strip of Fili's undershirt.

Ellía apologized profusely when Oin demanded him to handover some strips of his shirt, since he had the least filthy one. The young dwarf reassured her that it was fine, but Ellía still vowed to replace it. Just as Oin was helping the elf pull her cloak back on, Bilbo came sprinting out of the trees and towards them.

"How close is the pack?" Thorin demanded. "Too close. A couple of leagues, no more. But that's not the worst of it." Bilbo said breathlessly. "Have the wargs picked up our scent?" Dwalin questioned, gripping his battle axe a bit tighter. "Not yet, but they will. Look we have another problem." The hobbit tried again. "They saw you?" Gandalf asked. Bilbo pinched his nose in frustration and said, "No."

"What did I tell you. Quiet as a mouse. Excellent burglar material." Gandalf said proudly to Thorin. "Will you listen, please! I'm trying to tell you there is something else out there." Bilbo hissed at the group. Ellía's eyes went wide at hearing this as she glanced at Gandalf to see he was thinking the same thing.

"What form did it take? Like a bear?" The wizard asked lowly. "Y-yes but bigger, much bigger." Bilbo answered surprised and the company looked at the wizard weirdly, but Gandalf was looking towards Ellía. "You knew about this beast?" Bofur asked him, but the wizard remained silent and walked to the elf's side while the dwarves debated whether they carry on or double-back.

Ellía looked at the wizard's face and saw hesitation before he asked, "Would you be safe?". The young woman's hand subconsciously ghosted over one of her ears before saying, "I believe so." The wizard smiled at her weakly before calling out, "There is a house. It's not far from here Where we might, uh, take refuge." "Whose house? Are they friend or foe?" Thorin questioned the wizard, known for withholding information.

Gandalf glanced at Ellía who was busy pulling her hair into a simple braid, uncovering her ears. "Neither. He will help us... or he will kill us." He said. "Very optimistic Mithrandir." Ellía quipped as she flipped her braid over her shoulder. "What choice do we have?" Thorin grumbled, just as a loud roar sounded in the forest, quite close to them. "None." Gandalf said with a sigh. "Quickly now! Ellía, lead on!" The wizard shouted and the she-elf took off and the company quickly followed.

As they sprinted down the mountainside and to the meadows below, the sun peaked over the mountains, giving them more light than before. "Faster!" Gandalf called, as he and Ellía jumped across a stream. They were running through the last of the trees when the roar sounded much closer behind them. She glanced over her shoulder but could see nothing yet. "Bombur, let's go!" Ellía yelled. as she grabbed him by the beard and started running again.

As they broke out of the tree line, the house came into view. "To the house!" Gandalf shouted. Everyone was in awe when Bombur began to run faster than anyone. Once the first dwarf reached the gate, Ellía and Gandalf stopped just inside and looked back to the trees. "Get them inside. I will do what I can." The elf said as she began to unfasten her cloak and unbuckle her swords.

"Be careful, Nin hiríl. Please." Gandalf pleaded as she handed him her things. She gave him a quick smile before turning around and beginning to walk back out into the field. "Ellía! What do you think you're doing! Inside, now!" Thorin yelled as he grabbed her arm when she walked past him. A loud roar tore through the air. "Remember when I said that eventually you would have to trust me? Well, I'm asking you to start." She told him and placed a gentle hand on his much larger one.

"Uncle! Ellía! It's almost here!" Kili yelled and pointed to the forest where birds were flying away quickly as trees were shaking. With an angry grumble Thorin let go of her and stomped over to where Gandalf was waiting. "Ellía my dear... Your ears..." The wizard called gently. "What?" Thorin asked as he looked back at the girl. Fili had just run up to drag the three into the house as she let out a shaky breath.

The Ellía tucked the fly away hairs behind her pointed ears and muttered some words in elvish. A second later they watched as her pointed tips disappeared and were replaced by scars. "Her ears..." Fili whispered as the girl turned around and made her way into the field. "A story for another time. In the house, all of you!" Gandalf demanded and herded them inside.

"We aren't leaving her out there! She's still injured!" Fili yelled as his uncle locked the huge door. "Ellía is still out there?!" Oin exclaimed. Soon all of the dwarves were yelling and moving towards the door to go get the girl but Thorin shouted, "ENOUGH!", silencing them all. "She asked us to trust her and that is what we will do." He told them firmly before adding, "No matter how reckless it is." and cutting his eyes at Gandalf.

The tension was interrupted when they heard the roar right outside and all ran to the windows. They saw Ellía standing in the middle of the field with the giant bear charging towards her. "I can't watch!" Dori exclaimed and covered his eyes. The others watched on in fear as the beast drew closer to the unarmed elf.

Ellía took a deep breath and reached a hand out in front of her. "Beorn, nin iar mellon! Mín foeg cin baw hyanda!" she called. The bear dug its paws into the earth and came to a skidding halt just in front of her. Ellía held her breath as the bear growled and bared its razor sharp teeth. The bear brought its giant head closer to her face and sniffed for a moment. The elf closed her eyes and tried to keep her heart from beating out of her chest.

A tense second later, the bear huffed in her face, making her loose stands of hair fly back behind her ears. The bear leaned forward more and gently touched its nose to a scarred ear before turning around and stalking back into the trees. Ellía's feet were frozen in place until the bear glanced over it shoulder and let out a huff, beckoning her to follow. She let out a breath of relief and a smile grew on her face as she hurried after the beast.

~ Elvish Translations ~

Nin hiríl - My lady

Beorn, nin iar mellon! Mín foeg cin baw hyanda! - Beorn, my old friend! We mean you no harm!

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