A Hidden Heart

By Clichely

7.1K 443 221

No one knew that Nightmare had a brother. For five hundred years, he wreaked havoc. Until the stone in his ba... More

A/N (dreamily important)
2 - Lonely
3 - Bath
4 - Error
5 - Kidnapped
6 - Artist
7 - Babysitter
8 - Birthday
9 - Cooking
10 - Taken
11 - Swapyrus
12 - Brother
13 - Solemnity
14 - Phoenix
15 - Friends
A Very Normal, Uneventful, Boring Christmas
16 - Decoy
17 - Repeat
18 - File
19 - Not
20 - Found
21 - Cats
22 - Purpose
23 - Hop
24 - Understanding
25 - Enjoy
26 - Preparations
27 - Help
28 - Changes

1 - Break

584 27 23
By Clichely

I've come to the realization that a lot of my fics have a common series of events. Main character somehow becomes subservient to someone else and yadda yadda yadda. 

This begins that way, but I intend to make this one different ;)

(Nighty is a total brotherly tsundere).

With that said, please enjoy!

Comments are welcome and appreciated!


I wasn't sure how to feel. I had been trapped in that stone for almost as long as I could remember, and honestly, I hadn't expected to be greeted by five scary-looking skeletons who immediately laid their bony hands on me and began to drag me through several hallways. I decided to look on the bright side. I was finally able to move of my own free will! And I could see colors! The walls of the building I was in were a soft black, with some purple designs every once in a while; they reminded me of Nightmare..I wondered where he had gone. Even if he was a scary, goopy tall skeleton monster, he was still my brother..and I loved him, no matter what mistakes he had made in the past. Sure, he had..killed Mom..but he must have had a reason! Nighty never did things without reasons, and I was sure that he would tell me if I asked! The four other skeletons were dragging me through the hallways with tall ceilings to a specific room, and when we arrived, they let go of me and stood straight in front of the door, facing me..they reminded me of the village guard! I wondered if they were guards..that would be awesome!

"Hello!" I decided to be friendly.

The four skeletons didn't spare me a glance, only facing straight forward. That was fine. I decided to look around the room, finding..nothing. The room was empty! That was boring! I pouted slightly before facing the guard-like individuals. If they weren't going to greet me, I'd greet them! The first one, from right to left, was a large skeleton with one eyelight and a hole in his skull..that must have been painful. I decided not to touch the hole; it might have hurt him, and I didn't want to hurt anyone! Next, a smaller skeleton in a hood wore a red scarf  that complimented his eyelights..except he was absolutely covered in dust..I wondered if he took baths. The third one had a black and white wardrobe, along with a red scar under his right eyesocket. The last one had no eyelights, but, rather, streams of black goo falling from his eyesockets..this had to be investigated. I curiously lifted a finger to one of his cheeks, and I inspected the goo that I had wiped off. Then I ate it.

"Strawberry.." I smiled at the discovery, giggling and jumping up to grab some more goo; this was the best thing I'd tasted in..a long time..I wondered how long I had been a statue.

After three and a half minutes of eating the goop that fell from the skeleton's eyesockets, the door to the room opened, and the one whom I now knew as my brother walked in, looking at me with an expression I couldn't place when he realized that I was eating goop.

"What are you doing..?" He seemed disappointed, but there was no reason to feel disappointment at this..perhaps I was just rusty at sensing emotions.

"Eating." I replied, licking the goo from my fingers. 

"..Don't eat my men." 

"They look like monsters, not humans."

"..You know what I mean." 

"No, I don't..?"

He sighed. "..They work for me."

"Ooh!" I understood that! "Who are they?"

"I suppose you'll meet them soon enough." He looked to the skeletons. "Horror, Dust, Cross, and Killer, respectively. Boys, this is Dream."

"Question." The one called Killer spoke.


"Who is he, why was he a statue in the basement, and why was he eating me?!"

"One, his name is Dream, as I told you. Two, I don't feel like discussing that right now. Three, I have no idea."

"He tastes like strawberries." I said; I liked strawberries.

"I do not!" Killer huffed. 

"Yes, you do!" 

"That's enough of that." Nightmare cut us off. "Boys, what is said in this room will stay in this room, understood?"

"Yes, Nightmare!" The skeletons saluted in unison. 

"..Dream is my.." He took a deep breath. "Brother.."

"Woah, woah, woah, you mean your brother was a statue in our basement?!" The one known as Cross questioned.

"Yes..and now he isn't."

"How'd you know he was gonna break out at that exact moment?" Horror inquired.

"..It was a reasonable estimate that he would break out exactly five hundred years after his imprisonment."

"What?!" I nearly screamed at the large number; I was in there for five hundred years?!

"You were trapped in stone for five hundred years; much has changed since you last saw the outside world."

"..Does that mean you're older than me?"

"Yes, I am five hundred years older than you are, but that is not the point of this."

"What is?"

"You are here because I want you here. You are going to work for me as a servant."

"What's that?" I hadn't heard that word before.

"...You will be responsible for keeping the castle clean, along with several other duties that you shall recieve at a later date."

"This is a castle?" I smiled at the thought.

"Yes..did you hear anything aside from that?"

"Of course! I can hear you loud and clear, brother!"

"That's another thing.."


"Don't call me that."

"..Why not?"

"Because you stopped being my brother a long time ago."

"No, I didn't!" I would have known if I had done something like that!

"Yes, you did."


"You did."








"I hate you."

I gasped. "Brother, language!"

"'Hate' is far from a bad word." Nighty scoffed.

"Mama said it was really bad! You're being naughty!" I crossed my arms.

"I'm an adult."

"That's not a free pass! Now say you're sorry!"

"I will do nothing of the sort."

"I'm telling Mama!"

"She's dead."

I found myself unable to respond..Mama was dead. Nighty had killed Mama..

"Why..d-did you kill Mama..?" My voice was smaller than before..

"None of your concern." Nightmare replied. 

I began to cry, trying to hug Nighty on instinct, but he made one of his squiggly things push me back; why did he do that? 

"Dream, stop crying; you're acting like a child." He rolled his eyelight.

"I'm still six!" I sobbed; I wanted a hug!

"You had better grow up quickly."

I continued to cry, and Nightmare continued to prolong my crying, until I stopped, maybe two hours later.

"Are you finished?" He was being impatient and cruel..I wanted Nighty back.

"Uh-huh.." I frowned, nodding.

"I believe that you should know that my ultimate goal here is to turn you into a negative spirit. Your positive nature will not be tolerated here; it is downright suffocating. When you become a negative spirit like myself, we will speak further. For now, you will simply do as you're told. Is that understandable?"

"Mhm." I didn't like the sound of that..but if it was what Nighty wanted, I supposed that I would abide; he was the older brother now, and he obviously knew best..this was just for my own good.

"I will show you around the castle. Boys, you are free to leave."

"Yes, Nightmare." The four other skeletons left.

"Brother?" I addressed, as I was led out of the room.

"Call me Nightmare." He ordered.


"What is it?"

"Killer tastes like strawberries."

"I don't care."

"..Do you taste like anything, Nightmare?"

"No, and don't try it."

"Where are we going?"

"Our first stop is the dungeon."

"..You have a...dungeon?"

"I do, and you will be in charge of feeding the prisoners and keeping it neat."

"Are they mean prisoners?"


"Are they criminals?"


"Why did you lock them up if they aren't criminals?"

"Because I'm the criminal. Now stop asking questions."

"Okay.." I looked up. "Your ceiling is really high up."

"Shut up, Dream."

"Why are you being a meanie?"

Nightmare didn't respond. Any further questions or comments were ignored. It eventually became silent until we reached the door to the dungeon, at which point, Nightmare spoke once more.

"This is the entrance to the dungeon." He stated. "You will feed the prisoners once a day, and you will clean whatever needs cleaning. Is that understandable?"

"Yes, Nightmare." I nodded.

"I will show you around it."

The door opened to a flight of stairs that went down. Occasional torches were the only things keeping the staircase from being entirely dark, and even then, I wasn't always sure of what I was stepping on. I almost fell twice, but Nightmare caught me both times; he must have still cared for me, since, if he didn't, he wouldn't have caught me! At the bottom of the stairs was a small stone room with a metal door; Nightmare opened it. On the other side were cells. Some of the cells had only one person, while others had up to ten; I wondered where all of the prisoners came from..some of them made their distaste for Nightmare clear, while others seemed worried about..me?

"Where are you going with that kid, Nightmare?" One of them asked. 

"Ignore them." Nightmare sighed. "Your only task is to feed them and clean this place up, not to socialize."

"Let the little one go!" Another prisoner shouted; these people didn't seem all that bad, really.

"You jerk!" Okay, maybe a few  of the prisoners were a bit mean.

"I'm hungry." I said.

"There are several kitchens upstairs in which you can make a meal for yourself." Nightmare responded. 

"I'm hungry now.." I whined.

"Deal with it."

"I can't..I haven't eaten a proper meal in five hundred years!"

"You can wait a few more hours."

"No, I can't.."

"Shut up."

"Stop saying that!"

"Silence your vocal chords." Nightmare's tone was lower than before.

"What are 'vocal chords'?"

"..." Nightmare fell silent again. 

Well, I was hungry, and since Nightmare wouldn't feed me, I had to improvise. I stealthily moved a hand over to one of his squiggly things, and I took a bit of the goop that dripped from my brother's body. Well, Killer's goop tasted like strawberries..I wondered what Nightmare's goop would taste like. I brought the unidentifiable substance up to my mouth, and I tasted it. 

"Nightmare!" I giggled. "You taste like blueberries!"

The entire dungeon lost its previous chatter. Some of the prisoners looked at me as if I was tying chipmunks to lanterns, while others began to..laugh. Nightmare just stared at me in confusion as I ate some more of his goop. The texure was a bit weird, but the taste was perfect! 

"Stop it." He demanded, glaring at me.

"But you're tasty!" I couldn't help myself..I had always loved blueberries!

"I am not a foodstuff."

"Then why do you taste like one?"

"Just keep walking."


I walked, and on my way past Nightmare, I scooped up more of his goop; it was very tasty! We soon left the dungeon, and Nightmare took me to a place he called my "quarters"; I didn't know what quarters were, and he didn't answer my question when I asked. Our destination was a room behind large double doors, which Nightmare opened. It was a bedroom - a big one. The defining characteristic of this room was that it was purple; the walls were purple, and so was the ceiling. The floor was a soft purple carpet. The first thing I noticed aside from the color was the bed; it was huge, and it was also purple. The room had a dresser, too, along with a couple bookcases, but the one thing that didn't fit the color scheme lay in the corner: a bed. It was smaller than the other one, and it was yellow, but..I liked it. Walking over to the piece of furniture, I sat down on it, finding that it was a very nice bed; I liked it.

"You may rest tonight, but in the morning, I expect you to be at work; you will find a list of daily duties at your bedside for the first week." Nightmare explained. "After one week, you will be expected to simply remember. Is this clear?"

"Very." I replied. 

"Good night, Dream."

"Good night, brother."

"I told you not to call me that."

"We're alone..does it make so much difference if we're alone?"

"..." Nightmare sighed. "You may only call me that when we are alone, understood?"


"Go to sleep."

"Okay, brother!"

I wondered what this new life would hold for me.

~~~chapter end woot~~~

Dream bean is wake!

I've always wondered what would happen if Nightmare was present when Dream broke out. 

Guess we'll find out ^v^

Okay but seriously if anybody knows of a fic in which this happens please tell me because I wanna read it ;-;

Thanks for reading my breaking writing!


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