Marrying The Alpha (Under Edi...

By NinaMarie13

252K 2.4K 519

SEQUEL TO MEETING THE ALPHA!!! Sarah Bratcher is engaged to the most wanted guy in high school. She loves him... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7 (Part 1.)
Chapter 7 (Part two.)
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12

Chapter 3

24.3K 296 71
By NinaMarie13

So.....It has been awhile, huh????? It is not like I meant for my uploading to get so our of hand. I honestly feel sooooo bad for making you guys wait sooooo long for this upload. But I am here now, and I can promise you, that I will never take this long to upload again. :)



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“Lance? What’s going on?” She asked.

“Nothing. Sorry I snapped at you. I’m just tired.” I told her, pulling her into my arms.

“Lance? Are you sure?” She asked, hugging me.

“I’m sure.” I told her.

She nodded and held onto me, but I didn’t mind. I was perfectly fine with holding her as well. She was my mate and I had learned to accept that fact. Like I had told myself before, I was done trying to ignore my feeling. I just let them come, and I accepted her. I loved her.

Chapter 3

(?????'s Pov)

A man in what looked to be a gray coat, walked into the house, gracefully without a hint of agitation in his step. He seemed to be content with the way he was walking. As long as no one notices who he was, then he saw no point in being discreet about what he was doing. Or who he was going to see. The trouble was, he had no exact idea where he was going. He just knew he had to meet, Jane in the parking lot alley behind the school. Why? Well, that was why he was going, was it not? But he was sure that he would find out soon enough.

As he made his way through the alley, he caught a faint musky smell, that was obvisouly from earlier today. Why else would the aley smell of beer and smoke? He figured it was beacuse some highschool jocks, who were full of themselves thought it wwould be funny to smoke in they alley behind the school, that some people actually used for kore important matters. Like tonight.

"You came." A gentle, yet seductive female voice rang in his ears.

He turned around to see, Jane leaning causually against the wall, that was covered in grafitti, probably from kids who had nothing better to do then grafitti walls everyday.

"I came." He replied.

"I need your help. It is for very important purposes, and I am afraid that I can not do this without you."

The man looked at her, and found that she was smiling in a flirtatious way. Was she really trying to talk him into this by flirting ith him. He felt appaled. No one, that desperate, persuaded someone, by flirting with them. Unless..... They were really desperate. Well, then things would be different. He did not need some blonde highschool chick to flirt with him, in order to get him to help her. He just needed her trustworthiness. That was all he needed.

"And what, may I presume, is this very important purpose?????" He asked, her, raising his eyebrows for emphasis.

"A competition." She answered, striding forward in her 3 inch heels, as if she thought she was the prettiest female there was.

"Oh????? And what, might I ask, is this competition all about?????" He asked, her, looking down at his fingernails, half bored.

"A werewolf competition." She said, grinning.

"Nice." He said, grinning. This had to be good. A werewolf competiton, was something he would never miss out on. Not if he had any say in it.

"Yes. But here is the deal. There is a girl. I need her out of the way, so that I can take back what is rightfully mine?"

"Ah. This would not have anything to do with Lance Stevenson, or Sarah Bratcher, would it?????" He asked her, gently.

"How do you know who they are?????" She asked, her eyebrown scrunching together, as if pondering on somethign she had never thought of.

"I am not stupid, Jane. You obviously know that, considering you asked me to help you."

"Yes, well. I am sure you will help me. In fact, I have a reason you have to help me."

"Oh????? And what, might I ask, would that reason be?????" He asked her, his interest in this conversation, eventually peaking.

"Your mate."

"My mate?????" He hissed, glaring at her.

Since when did she have the right to mention his mate????? No one, and he meant no one, ever mentioned his mate. Especially to him. He would do anything to protect his wife. And no one was going to stand in the way of that. Not even Jane.

"Oh. Are you interested now?????" She asked, in mock innocence.

The next thing he knew, he had her against the wall, faster then she had time to blink. He knew that the chances of her ever mentioning his wife, or mate again, were slim. He would do anything to keep her safe, that was what his job was all about. He did this for her. So that the chances of anyone ever finding out about her, were impossible. So for her to even mention her to him, irked him.

"I suggest you tell me what you know about my wife, or mate before you serisouly regret it." He hissed, looking her staright in the eyes, his gaze never once wavering from hers.

"Are we talking about the same person here????? Or are your mate, and your wife two different people?????" She asked, smiling, as if what he was doing to her, had no effect one her.

"The- Of course they are the same person! My wife is my mate, and my mate is my wife. Do you understand now, or do I need to make it any clearer????? If I were you, I would tell me everything you know abou my mate." He ground out between his teeth.

"Ah. But you see, if I did that, then there would be no reason for you to help me, now would there?????" She answered, pulling away from his tight hold on her.

"Fine! But if anything happens to her..... And I mean anything at all, Jane..... You will regret it." He hissed, making sure It was low enough in her ear, that she could hear the threat in his tone.

"Now, now. Let's not be hasty."

"Oh. I am not being hasty. I am just telling you, the facts, hon." He told her, walking away from her.

"Be back her at 7:00 pm, tomorrow night!!!!! That is when we get down to business!!!!!" She called after him, as he walked futher into the street, never once turning back around.


(Sarah's pov)

I laghed as I watched Lance absentmindedly playing with my hair. He wrapped his finger around a strand of my hair, as he smiled softly at my expression. He had been doing that a lot lately. He seemed, as if he was hiding something from me, or as if he was trying to keep me from finding out. I was not going to pressure him to tell me what it was, but I did not really like waiting for him to tell me what it was, either.

He pulled me loser against his broad chest, and kissed along the side of my neck, sending the shivers up my back, and all the way down to my toes.

"Lance." I said, trying to pull away.

"No." He growled, pulling me closer to his chest, and then he spun me around so that I was facing him, before he crashed his lips firmly onto mine.

I tried to pull away, but his tight grip, only made it that much worse to even attempt to pull away, so instead I just wrapped my arms around his neck, and kissed him back with as much force as I could muster,

He pulledme closer, and he asked fro entrance into my mouth. I was not exactly sure what to do, so I followed his lead and allowed him entrance into my mouts. He groaned in the back of his throat, before pushing me up agianst the wall, of the hallway, in c hall, at school. It was almost as if it was de ja vu. I had seen him do this exact thing to, Jane. The only difference this time, was that it was me and not her.

"I love you." I whispered, running my hands along his chest.

"I love you, too." He whispered back, trailing his hands all the way down my back, and enclosing at my waist. He pulled me ever closer, before he crushed his lips to mine, once more.

Before long, we were both gasping for air, because of the intimacy of the kiss. It was not like all of our other kisses. Well, at least not for me anyway. The desire to have him, to be with him in every possible way, only grew stronger everyday. And I knew, that for him it was much worse.

"We should get to class." I whispered, leaning my head on his shoulder.

"No." He whined, wrapping his arms, securely around me, as if he never wanted to let go. But I could not blame him. His desire rose, stronger than mine, and I know he fought it everyday.

"Lance. I have to pass midterms. I want to graduate before the year ends. So please, can we go to class????? I promise we can kiss more after school." I tld him, entwining our hands, as I pulled him along the hallways.

"Fine." He sighed, pulling me against his side, and wrapping an arm around my shoulder.

"Good, boy." I told him, smiling at my own remark to him.

"I am not a dog, Sarah." He groweled, quietly.

"Not in that sense, maybe." I said, snickering at the idea of it. He may not be a dog, all of the time. But a werewolf, counted as a dog, did it not?????

"That was not nice, Sarah." He said, pulling his bottom lip out, and making it look like he was really pouting.

"Aw! Come one! It was ajust a joke!" I cried, punching him in the arm playfully.

"That was not e very nice joke." He laughed, running his fingers up and down my arm, slowly.


"Lance! There you are man!" Nathan called from behinf me and Lance.

I turned around, followed by Lance to reveal an out of breath lookinf Nathan, with Lilly in tow.

"What is it?????" Lance asked, sternly, all seriousnes, replacing his playful tone. This was not my Lance. This was alpha Lance.

"Austin." Nathan ground out between his teeth.

Lance stiffened beside me, and I glanced up at him, as if he was crazy. He did not even know Austin, and yet he seemed to tense everytime he was mentioned or everytime he saw him. It was almost as if Lance knew something I did not.

"Lance????? Did you hear me????? It is about Austin."

"What happened?????" I asked, looking at Nathan and Lilly.

"He struck a fight with Luke. He said some things about Luke's mate that he should not have, and now Luke is mad. You are the only one that can calm him down, Lance. If you do not, something is going to go down and we are all going to be exposed."

"Lance, please." Lilly said, quietly.

"Okay, okay. Nathan, come with me. Sarah, Lilly, I want you to both go home. Now." Lance ground out, his tone harsh.

"But, Lance, I-" I started.

"Now!!!!!" He hissed, before turning on his heel and striding off.

I sighed, and grabbed Lilly's arm as we both made our way to the double dorrs at the end of the schoo, where everyone usually cam in at. We walked outside, and noticed instantly where Luke and Austin were.

Luke was shaking violently, his whole body looked as if he were about to explode, and as if he would shift at any moment. Austin was standing across from him, with a smirk plastered across his face.

"Sarah????? Come on." Llly whisperedm, quietly as she tugged on my arm.

"No. Wait. I want to see this." I answered, as I watched Luke shout something at Austin, that wiped his smirk off his face and replace it with a frown. Or at least, that was what I deciphered it as.

"Sarah..... Please." Lilly said, pleading with me, to listen to her.

"No, Lilly. Come on, do you not want to see this?????" I askec, her.

"Well..... Lance said we should go home."

"Come on, Lilly. He will never know." I told her, grabbing her arm and leading her over to a nearby bush, as we watched the scene before us unfold.

"You need to leave, Austin!!!!!" Lance hissed, as he made his way over to Luke and Austin.

"Aw, look. Lukey had his alpha come to the rescue." Austin said, in a fake childs voice.

"I will show you, who needs to be rescued." Luke ground out, advancing on Austin.

I had never seen Luke so mad. It irked me just exactly how, it angered him. He was furios beyind imagination and it frghtened me. Luke was the sweet one. He was sooooo calm about everything, and it was awkward that one thing said about his mate could set him off.

"Luke!" Lance hissed, grabbing ahold of his arms, to holdhim back from hurting Austin.

"No. Let him go, Lance. He should be angry with me. He is right where I want him."

"Are you crazy?????" Luke hissed, looking at Austin.

"No. I just like making you mad." Austin answered, a smirk playng at his lips.

"Go, home, Austin." Lance said, quietly.

"Or, what????? Are you going to have your little fiancee beat me up?????"

I watched as Lance's eyes went from to calm to anger, in just a matter of seconds. All because he had said something about me. I was groing used to the fact that, when a werewolf said something bad about another werewolfs mate, it set them off. It angered them.

"What did you just say?????" Lance ground out, through his clenched teeth.

"I said, what are you going to do????? Get your little fiancee to beat me up????? Or do you think she can even do that????? She looks weak to me. She probably can not even-" Austin's sentence was cut off, when Lance's fist collided with his face.

"If you EVER say anything about her agai. I will do more than that to your face." Lance said, before grabbing Luke and leading him and the others off of the field.

"Nathan!!!!!" Lilly cried, before jumping out of the bush and throwing herself into Nathan's arms.

"Lilly!!!!!" He cried, back, hugging her tightly to him.

I watched as the made their way off of the field, before I slowly crawled out of the bush. I knew Lance was going to be angry with me, for not listening to him. But I am not just goign to stand by, and do everything he says, everytime, something goes wrong.

I made my way down the sidewalk, hoping to get home safely.

"Hey!!!!! Sarah!!!!! Wait up!!!!!" I heard, Austin call from behind me, and then I heard his faint footsteps on the distance, as the neared me.

I quickened my pace, hoping he would get the memo and just leave me alone. He had said some bad things about me, and I was still angry at him for that.

"No!!!!! Go away!!!!!" I called back to him, as I turned the corner, on broad and 5th street.

"Aw, come on. I was just kidding when I said those things about you." Austin explained, but I could hear the hint of amusement in his voice.

"Do you find this funny????? Messing with peoples feelings?????" I asked him, spinning my heel so that I could face him. His green eyes were shining with amusement, and I could see the faint outline of a bruise, where Lance had punched him, rimming the side of his right eye.


"Then, why would you do it????? Because, let me tell you something, Austin. It is NOT funny, and whoever told you it was, was wrong. So why do you not listen????? Why can you not leave us alone, instead of irritae us?????"

"It is fun." He said, smirking.

"Get over yourself." I answered, walking off, not wanting to hear anymore of what he had to say.

"No, Sarah, wait." Austin pleaded, his voice a lottle more sincere, but there was still a hint of amusement in it.

"What?????" I asked, turning back around.

"It is just..... Well, I am new here and everything and I really do not have any friends. Do you think maybe you cold show me around????? I realy am sorry, for what I said." Austin said, looking down at his feet, an innocent look crossing his features.

"Okay. Fine. But you have to promise me, that you will stop being mean to people..... And you also have to promise me that, this stays between us. Lance or any of the other can find out." I told him, pulling the strap of my backpack, further up onto my shoulder.

"I promise. Do you forgive me?????" He asked, taking my hand gently in his and kissing my fingers, before he let og of it and it fell loosely at my sides.

"Yeah." I told him nodding, and before he could answer I walked away.

This was going to be a long year.

So. I hope this comes out to 4 pages. I am sooooo sorry for the long wait, guys. I promise I will never take this long to update again!!!!! I will be uploading I am his wife, he loves me, who what is with the new girl????? Tomorrow!!!!! So be prepared!!!!! I wanted to wite moer to this one, but it is 2:02 am, here and I am tired, so I will upload to this one soon!!!!! Bye!!!!! :) Also, who do you guys think, the mystery guy is?????



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