Luke Hemmings - Roommates

By xoHemmingsGirlxo

40.9K 1.3K 210

"I'll take a vodka and orange please." I asked politely but I couldn't seem to force a smile onto my face lik... More

First Day
Making the team
Josh's Party
First Game
Pillow Fight
Broken Hearts and Black Eyes
Parties and Drunk Kisses
Goalpost Nutter
Go easy on him
Girl's Night Out
I Called It
Pain is weakness
Christmas Tree
Driving Home For Christmas
Finish This In Hell
Back to Square One
Getting to know each other
Golden Oppurtunity
All My Fault
Needed Some Advice
Don't Want To Remember
Too little too late
Communication Is The Key
It's Never Goodbye
Lost Everything
New Beginning
Part Of The Family
A Life On The Road
Not your problem
Everybody has a story
First for everything
I'm All Yours
Don't want to disappoint
Don't want you to regret
Night of Nights
Didn't want to tell you
Tell Me You Love Me
Stop It
Are you sure?
Start Again
Going on an adventure
Take the first shift
One Night Only
Weaker than she looks
What Do You See?
Can happy ever after exist?
First Hello and Final Goodbye
One Final Farewell
Dear Kenzie
Not Worth It
Never Trust A Hug
Nut-job with a Gun
Any Final Words?

New Years

774 20 0
By xoHemmingsGirlxo

Michael and I decided not to tell anyone about the brother and sister thing yet. It was just like our own little secret which we were both completely fine with. Christmas Day came and went pretty quickly. We all woke up exchanged gifts, got ready, had Christmas dinner and then had a few drinks before bed. It was just a basic Christmas Day for us, just the way I like it. It was weird without having my brother there since it was my first Christmas without him but I was surrounded by friends and family enjoying a wonderful day just like I should be. The rest of break seemed to fly by before it was New Year's Eve.

Party time!

Every year we throw a massive party to ring in the New year and both of my parents invite some of their employees because unlike most company owners my parents both work side by side with employees so they were all quite friendly. I had also worked with some of them at Nissan since my dad used to let me work there on weekends so they knew me from that. Lindsey was up before all of us today to tidy, well apart from me. I don't even know why she still thinks it's her responsibility. She knows my parents don't consider her our maid anymore, they never did in the first place, but she is a very strong-headed, independant women who doesn't like accepting help.

Finally I helped to tidy and everything was ship shape ready for the party to be set up. I had been in charge of alcohol so all week I had been going out and getting a little bit more so we were well stocked. We were all known to be quite good drinkers who could hold their alcohol. Most people, if they saw how much we had, would think I had gone overboard but I can guarantee it will all get drank. After I had brought the drink in and my section was organized I helped other people. Eventually the food and speakers were sorted as well as everything breakable being put into our boxes ready to be put up in the attic which yet again was my job.

Michael decided to help me to take the boxes up the stairs since I could only carry two out of the four because anymore and I couldn't see over them to see where I was walking. I pulled the ladder down and grabbed a torch so I could see. I climbed up and Michael stood at the bottom passing the boxes up to me. Just as I stepped up with the second box the torch batteries went leaving me in complete darkness where I couldn't even see my own hand in front of my face. "Mikey." I shouted.

"Yeah." He shouted back probably louder than needed.

"Can you chuck a set of batteries up please. Or just pass my phone."

"Okay." He giggled. "I'm on my way up." I heard him enter the attic and begin walking towards me hopefully holding my phone. As he walked closer he tripped falling and landing on top of me. Luckily I landed on a bag of old teddy bears so it didn't hurt. "Everything alright up there?" Luke shouted already on his way up to see what the thud was phone in hand as he shone a light lighting up the entire attic. His eyes landed on me and Mikey who were still lying on the floor with him on top of me. He immediately stood up along with me and we stared awkwardly at a hurt looking Luke. "Well this isn't exactly what I wanted to see." Luke mumbled about to turn away from us. Oh god this is bad. This is very bad.

"Luke it's not what it looks like." Michael tried to explain taking a step towards Luke but he took a step back.

"Save it." He mumbled and before he could leave I grabbed his hand stopping him so we could actually explain. I am not falling out with him over a stupid misunderstanding. "Look if you want to be with him then just tell me but don't play me around." His voice broke and I swear he was nearly crying.

"That would just be wrong." I explained.

"Well it didn't look like that two minutes ago." He exclaimed a little louder than necessary.

"For fuck sake just let her explain." Mikey sighed holding the bridge of his nose. He knew I wanted to be the one to tell Luke so he was respecting my wish.

"He's my fucking brother." I said getting a little agitated that Luke was just jumping to conclusions. "We can talk about it later because I have two more boxes to bring up yet and we all need to get showered and dressed. Considering it's about an hour until people start arriving do you think we have time to argue?" He just stood there gobsmacked for a few minutes before leaving to get ready. I put the boxes straight away and went to get dressed not having enough time to wash and dry my hair in the little amount of time I had left myself.

I had just stepped out of the shower when the first people arrived. I didn't think I had taken that long to get showered. Probably because I was too preoccupied with Luke and Michael and what the hell I was going to say to explain everything. I hurriedly pulled on my dress and did my hair not bothering with makeup because one I was too lazy and two I was completely out of time as the second wave of people arrived. The boys were already down stairs meeting and greeting people when I walked down instantly attacked by a group of kids who all jumped on me hugging me so tight I thought I would pass out from lack of oxygen. The littler kids usually fell asleep at like eleven and I took it upon myself to look after them until that point.

I had one on my back and one in my arms as we all ran up the stairs and into my favourite room of the house. The playroom. It had a corner sectioned off for the kids to sleep, a ball pit, an indoor play frame as well as a slide. The kids were thrown into the ball pit and before I knew one of the boys had ran up behind me and dived in as well. He finally came back up into sight and I saw it was my boyfriend Luke. "How come I didn't know about this room?" He asked a smile on his face as he pulled me in. More kids flowed in in a steady stream until all the usual were accounted for. Luke and I were quite enjoying ourselves running round with the little kids who ranged in age from three to ten. "You're a natural with kids you know." Luke whispered as I put the first sleeper into the corner pulling a blanket up to cover them.

Slowly throughout the night they all dropped and fell asleep until the last one finally went at half ten. That left only Kylie. She was older than the others, fourteen years old, but she usually liked to come up and help out with the little kids. She seemed a bit preoccupied tonight though as she sat on her phone not paying any attention to what was going on around her. Luke and I took a seat either side of her and she instantly locked her phone. "What have you got to hide?" I smirked.

"Nothing." She stammered and I knew she was lying.

"Ooh is it a boyfriend?" She didn't answer as she went a deep shade of crimson. "Oh my god it is."

"Kenzie calm down." Luke chuckled at my childishness. "If she doesn't wan't to talk about it then leave her alone."

"What's his name and how old is he?"

"Calum and my age."

"Huh that's one of our roommates names." Luke remarked listening intently in on the gossip.

"Invite him over." I suggested. "My parents won't mind and if his parents are okay with it then he can come." I knew what it was like to be her age texting your boyfriend on New Year's Eve when all you wanted was to see him and get a little drunk together. Been there done that. "Do you want me to?" She nodded sheepishly handing me her phone. Within five minutes it was all organized and he was on his way over. Finally my job was done and all I had to do now was enjoy the party. We went downstairs and found the boys mixed in with some of the younger Nissan employees playing beer pong. We decided just to leave them to it as we walked into the kitchen retrieving drinks for ourselves.

A song came on that Luke recognized and I saw a slight twinkle in his eyes as he pulled me towards him turning me around so my ass was against his crotch. Nobody seemed to notice as we blended in with the crowd as his hands came to rest on my hips guiding my movements. Next thing I knew his lips were attached to my neck gently biting and sucking the skin. I turned around to face him doing the same to him as he had just done to me. "That's so that the boys know you're mine." He whispered into my ear. He quite clearly hadn't gotten over the Michael incident before.

"Luke I'm yours and nobody elses." As the night wore on we got progressively more drunk as we downed drink after drink before moving onto shots. Somehow we had managed to work our way into a beer pong game and I wasn't even sure what half of the cups were filled with. It was some sort of concoction of alcohol and that was all I cared about right now. I'll deal with my hangover in the morning.

Next thing I knew everyone was counting down from ten. It couldn't be time for the countdown already. Could it? I guess I don't have the best of time keeping skills when I'm more focused on alcohol than reality but I was enjoying myself. "10, 9, 8. 7. 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1!" Everyone started cheering around me as I turned to Luke our lips connected in an instant. They moved in sync perfectly before we had to pull away for breath. "Happy new year." I whispered against his lips.

"Happy new year baby." The rest of the night was the same as the first half. Alcohol, food, dancing and repeat. I don't remember going upstairs, or getting changed, or getting into bed when I woke up but luckily I did. Memories of last night flooded my brain taking away some of the pain my headache was causing. I rolled over trying to cuddle into Luke only to find he wasn't there. I grudingly rolled out of bed and walked downstairs only to find he wasn't there either. I checked every room until there was only one left to check. The playroom.

I walked in and was bombarded with balls from the ball pit by four boys looking a little worse for wear. I guess they were just trying to deal with it the same as me. Nobody wants a hangover but its even worse if you do what most people do and sit around all day doing jack shit. I dived into the ball pit with them and we all just sat there. In complete silence. Nobody moving and nobody talking it was peaceful. That didn't happen often around us. It was never quiet so we were taking the opportunity to relax now. "So how was the party?" I asked finally getting bored of the quietness.

"Those boys can drink is all I'm going to say." Cal mumbled throwing his head back and resting it on the side. Well I could have told him that.

"Aw can poor Cal here not handle his drink." Ashton mocked and we all chuckled.

"I can but, Jesus, how did they not pass out."

"Well I enjoyed it. It's even worth the hangover." Ash smiled.

"Same here." Mikey agreed. Once again silence descended but this time we didn't bother to break it. There was a list of things needing done. I needed to tidy, put all of the rubbish in the bin, wash everything down since I know people would have spilt stuff and put everything back in its rightful place. Right now though that's not important. There will always be a tomorrow for tidying but there might not be another moment like this. We all cuddled into each other still all tired from the previous night's party as they all started dropping back into sleep.

I stayed awake as long as possible remembering as much as I could from the party, smiling at what I could remember because it had been one hell of a wild party. Eventually though I became a victim of tiredness and succumb to the power of sleep cuddled into the boys two on either side of me. These are the moments in life that will always stick with you and I'm glad I'm sharing them with these four boys. I mean I can't wait to be telling my grand kids about the fact we feel asleep in a ball pit when I'm older and they ask about what I did when I was  younger. Who wouldn't?

Not the best chapter ever I guess this one was just a little filler because the one I was going to post today I decided I didn't actually want to post yet since I think it will be better being posted later on and in all truth fullness I wasn't happy with it and decided it needed more work. Anyways I promised I would update today so I quickly wrote this. Like I said not great but it is just a filler so I had something to post so it will get better. Please vote, comment and check out some of my other works. Love all you guys.

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