To Keep a Promise

By KateEliseTee

1K 94 37

Is it possible to keep a promise when you start to question your mission? Eve is a soldier, trained up by th... More

The Cast


161 6 15
By KateEliseTee

'Your Highness, we are arriving at the kingdom borders soon, you may want to be awake'

My eyes fluttered open, having been lulled to sleep by the carriage's gentle sway. I stifled a yawn with my gloved hand as the young woman across from me awoke with a small smile that looked positively serene. 'I will be so glad to see Mother and Father'. The girl's maid nodded toward the woman sitting beside me, and I almost elbowed her in the stomach before remembering the company we were in. 'Estelle, we are arriving'.

Estelle jumped awake beside me and was alert almost instantly. At this the other ladies in the carriage giggled. I simply smiled at her and pat her arm affectionately, grateful to have someone along with me. The carriage slowed to a halt and I looked out the window. The fields that stretched for miles were covered in a layer of crisp white, causing a shiver to run up my back. I was not made for the cold.

'State your business' the call came from the guard at the gate, who must not have recognised the royal seal on the side of the carriage, or he would not have spoken to the driver like that. The girl opposite me winked with mischief and popped her head out the window, ignoring her maid who desperately tried to pull her back in. 'Oh come now Gus, it hasn't been that long has it?' an audible gasp followed her phrase before the sound of the gates clanging open filled the air. 'Princess Aria, please forgive me'

I didn't have to look out the window to know that the guard, and surely all the other men standing outside in the freezing cold, were bowing with their faces low to the ground. Aria stifled a giggle, instead being gracious. 'Never mind. It would be nice to go home though'

The carriage began to move once again, and Aria sat back down in her seat. 'That was fun' her eyes sparkled and her cheeks were red from the cold. 'Careful, your Highness, or you might catch your death' her maid, Hannah, looked concerned, and I held back the urge to roll my eyes.

'I'm so glad you decided to accept my invitation Eve. I do not know what would have done without you!' the subject changed seamlessly and the maids warning was disregarded. 'Of course Aria! We are friends' the words felt unfamiliar on my tongue, perhaps because I had never really had friends before. It all was foreign to me.

Her gaze had turned to look out the window and I followed suit. The town began to pass by and houses appeared, which would have looked cheerful had they not been covered in a layer of snow, just like the fields. I held back a sigh.

Aria reached forward suddenly and grabbed my hand 'I have to confess that having someone else around while my brother meets every noble woman from the countryside will be a relief' the tone in which she spoke was mocking, causing a sharp laugh from beside me that Estelle quickly disguised as a cough. A smile crossed Aria's face.

'I am sure it won't be that bad'

'You have no idea what it's like Eve, having an 'eligible, handsome' brother' she sat back once again and trained her eyes back to the window. I sighed in something like agreement but kept my thoughts to myself.

I was saved from answering by a delighted whinny from outside. The horses picked up speed and rushed under a large bridge. I watched as we approached large black gates, opening up for us without any hesitation. Of course the royal guards here recognised the seal.

We drew to a halt in front of the Palace, my mouth wide open enough that Estelle had to nudge me in order for me to shut it. I could not help it though. Right before me was the royal palace of Corisan, bigger and more imposing than any artist's rendering of it. My breath caused fog on the glass of the window which I quickly wiped away.

Aria noticed my expression and gave a soft shrug. 'It's not much, but it's home' the mock seriousness on her face caused me to laugh out loud, and not in a very ladylike manner, earning me a shocked look from Hannah and a gleeful one from Aria.

Seeing that the door would be opened soon by a footman, Hannah passed us large navy capes that were lined with fur, instructing us to put them on before we left the carriage or we would "catch our death". Aria winked at me with a giggle before turning her face solemn and pulling the capes hood up over her head. I did the same thing, grateful for the warmth.

A sharp rap on the door signalled for us to be ready and as soon as it swung open I pulled my cape tighter around me. Hannah stepped out first and then Aria, me, and Estelle trailed behind us, carrying her small travelling bag that she kept beside her because, in her own words, she 'did not trust footmen'.

We were led quickly up the palace steps with little fanfare into a foyer where the doors shut quickly behind us, keeping the cold air out. Once inside our hoods all came off and Aria and Hannah began untying their capes. I could tell that Estelle was just as reluctant as me to take it off, considering the castle was not much warmer than outside.

Maids rushed around us in a flurry of taking our bags and capes when I reluctantly let it be pulled from my shoulders. Aria quirked her eyebrow at me 'I know I know, you told me to wear something warmer. I should have listened' I knew the princess enjoyed being right, and I let her have it for the moment, not wanting to explain that this was actually my warmest dress, and I had not had time to order dresses made for colder weather.

The bustling around us ground to a sudden stop at the sight of a party approaching from atop the staircase. The people parted easily to make way for a woman, who could be no one else but the Queen judging by the way she held herself. If I was unsure, Arias cry of 'Mother!' beside me would have cleared up any confusion.

She rushed forward and practically leapt into the arms of her waiting mother. The Queen said something to her but it was so soft that I could not hear it from a distance. The way she pulled in Aria for a hug made me long affection like that.

Another nudge from Estelle warned me that my emotions were on display and I quickly took a breath and shuttered my face to be pleasant and warm. Aria gestured to me and I stepped forward, subtly straightening the skirt of my burgundy gown. 'Mother this is Eve Davenport' her eyes took me in curiously while I curtsied deeply. 'Thank you, your Majesty, for extending the invitation for me to visit your home' I rose at the touch of her hand on my shoulder.

'We are very glad that Aria could bring back a friend to spend the winter season with her' the Queen's voice was soft, her eyes kind, and the affection she had for her daughter shone in the way she looked back at Aria. My swallow was hidden by my nod and smile.

'Is Mason returned? And Father?'. The Queen signalled for us to follow her and grabbed Arias arm in her own while we walked, followed closely by Hannah and Estelle at the correct distance for the ladies maids.

I had to lean closer to hear the Queens response but her affirmation was clear. 'Mason will begin reviewing the noblewomen tomorrow'. I detected a weariness in the Queens voice, 'Come now, they are in the large ballroom reviewing plans for tomorrow evening but will retire to the study'

The hall we walked down did not look to be going towards a study though. I subconsciously counted flights of stairs we took and remembered the pattern of our turns until we came to a wing that held the bedchambers.

'You girls will freshen up for tea and Miss Wales will inform you when to come to the dining room,' the Queen continued. 'I have made the arrangements for Lady Eve to take the room beside you Aria, and if you need anything just ring the bell for service'. She gave Aria a quick squeeze on the arm, shot a smile my way, then took her leave of us. I curtsied at her departure before turning to Aria.

'She is lovely' there was simply no other way to describe the Queen. She could not be more different than I had imagined. Rather than being imposing and rude, the Queen was kind, her gold flecked eyes contrasted delicately with her dark hair, and her small stature reminded me of my sister, Ingrid.

Aria's eyes shone at the compliment to her mother, making her look even more like the Queen than before. 'She is the best Mother, and a great Queen'. Hannah cleared her throat delicately. 'Your Highness, if we could, you and Lady Davenport are in need of changing out of your travelling garments before dinner'.

Aria followed her to her own bedroom door, gesturing for me to go to mine 'I will come through the connecting door in 30 minutes, that should give you enough time to change, and then we can go down to tea together'. Estelle agreed and pushed me toward my own room 'Very well, don't be too long' I joked with a wink.

When I stepped inside the room I stopped suddenly, causing Estelle to run into me. 'Eve, move' she grunted at me, before pushing past. I couldn't move, because the room before me was so delicately beautiful. Before me the sitting area was decorated tastefully with rich wooden furniture contrasted with light colours that looked almost sheer. To my right was a room with high ceilings and an ornate bed taking up most of the space.

On the left side was the ladies maids bed, which was quickly rumpled by Estelle throwing her bag on top. 'The servants should deliver our bags at any moment'. Her voice warned me to stay alert as always, but I ignored her and walked around the room, touching the soft fabrics and picking up ornaments and books that were placed around lovingly.

A knock on the door pulled me from my reverie as Estelle went to answer it. 'Thank you' was all she said as she took the bags from the footman with no effort. He stared at her in surprise, no doubt wondering how a woman of such small stature could hold such heavy bags. 'You're welcome' he managed to stammer it out before Estelle closed the door in his face.

'Well, Eve. It seems that we should be getting you ready for dinner'

I stood in front of the mirrored vanity in the corner of my room. Estelle looked at my reflection and caught my dark blue eyes, her own steely with determination. 'Yes. It seems we should'


Oh my goodness the day is finally here! I am so excited to be uploading this story that I have been working on for a LONG time!! 

After today's triple upload, chapters will be uploaded every Thursday and Monday, until we get to the end. Comment and let me know what you think, and don't forget to vote!

Thank you!! 

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