So Much for No Strings Attach...

By Aardraghosh

340K 11.9K 1.2K

In a fit of passion Harry Potter and Lucius Malfoy have a one night stand. What will it lead to? What secrets... More

Chapter 1 Sex, Stress and Lies
Chapter 2 Yule Ball Drunkenness
Chapter 3 The Letter
Chapter 4 Unable to Resist
Chapter 5 A Meeting in Hogsmeade
Chapter 6 Surprise Parentage
Chapter 7 Decisions to be Made
Chapter 8 New Lessons
Chapter 9 Fury of the Bumblebee
Chapter 10 The Civilisation Under the Lake
Chapter 11 Secret Trysts and Lost Potions
Chapter 12 New Friends
Chapter 13 Loyal as a Dog?
Chapter 14 Potter Versus Krum
Chapter 15 The Trio Broken
Chapter 16 Consequences of a Weasel
Chapter 17 Finding the Path
Chapter 18 Family Reunion
Chapter 19 Nagini Reveals All
Chapter 20 Plans for the Future
Chapter 21 The Family Way
Chapter 22 A Healer's Appointment
Chapter 23 The Triwizard Champion
Chapter 24 The Power of Three
Chapter 25 Heart, Soul and Magic
Chapter 26 The Dark Lord Returns
Chapter 27 A Job for Lucius
Chapter 28 Reconvening the Order
Chapter 29 Meeting the Wife
Chapter 30 Family Ties
Chapter 31 A Change in Guardians
Chapter 32 Dark and Light
Chapter 33 Bad Press
Chapter 34 The Match Maker
Chapter 35 Scrabbling for Plan B
Chapter 36 Hogwarts Student Goes Missing!
Chapter 37 A Broken Family
Chapter 38 The Death Eaters Return
Chapter 39 Dirty Light
Chapter 40 Party Gossip
Chapter 41 Truth and Lies
Chapter 42 A Dead Man
Chapter 43 Informants
Chapter 44 Divorced Parents
Chapter 45 Condemnation of a Rat
Chapter 46 Dark Plans
Chapter 47 Sitting on the Fence
Chapter 48 Action Plan
Chapter 49 Deserters and Investigators
Chapter 50 The Old and Noble House of Weasley
Chapter 51 Lovers, Fathers & Babies
Chapter 52 Mothers and Fathers
Chapter 53 Turncoats and Deceivers
Chapter 54 Date Night
Chapter 55 Brotherly Woes and Forced Acceptance
Chapter 56 A Shift in the Balance
Chapter 57 Revelations, Proposals and Breakings
Chapter 58 The New House of Morant
Chapter 59 Babies and Business
Chapter 60 School Decisions
Chapter 61 Old and New Alliances
Chapter 62 Politics and Cake
Chapter 63 A Proper Birthday
Chapter 64 Quidditch Threats
Chapter 65 Consequences
Chapter 66 Awakening
Chapter 67 The Quidditch Murders
Chapter 68 Breaking News
Chapter 69 Arrest and Investigations
Chapter 70 Questions for the Weasleys (or what's left of them)
Chapter 71 Aliases
Chapter 72 The Final Nail
Chapter 73 Bad Ractions
Chapter 74 A Gilded Prison
Chapter 75 The Problem with Twins
Chapter 76 Family Matters
Chapter 77 Prewett Problems
Chapter 79 Confessions and Confrontations
Chapter 80 A Werewolf's Tale
Chapter 81 Endings and Beginnings
Chapter 82 Family Reunions
Chapter 83 An Invasion of Gryffindors
Chapter 84 A Change of Staff
Chapter 85 Therapists and Conspirators
Chapter 86 Bonding Time
Chapter 87 Elections and Realisations
Chapter 88 Confessions, Proposals and Scans
Chapter 89 Party Fool
Chapter 90 Who's Trapping Who?
Chapter 91 Wand and Dagger
Chapter 92 Life and Death
Chapter 93 Love, Acceptance and Healing
Chapter 95 Squib and Wand
Chapter 96 Therapy and Ultimatums
Chapter 97 Harry Potter: Villain or Victim
Chapter 98 Business and Friendship
Chapter 100 Meetings of a Legitimate and Not So Legitimate Nature
Chapter 101 New Teacher, Old Teacher, and the Inquisitor

Chapter 99 A Very Different Hogwarts

2.5K 90 8
By Aardraghosh

Draco found himself seated at the Slytherin table preparing himself for a very different year. It was a strange train ride without Harry Potter there. Of course, Harry and his very public relationship with Draco's father was causing Draco some trouble. Already, he had had multiple Gryffindors make comments about his family situation. Naturally, he had hexed them for those particular comments, but it did make him decide to stay with other Slytherins.

And now looking up at the new teachers he saw how much the Dark Lord had done in such a short period of time. Dumbledore was gone. They had a neutral Headmaster - Draco had hoped it would be Uncle Severus but understood that having someone less confrontational was more beneficial in the long run. Never mind the fact that after Uncle Severus' "death" that he couldn't have been headmaster even if they had wanted him to be.

There were several new teachers (and that didn't even include that Professor Sprout was the only Head of House who hadn't changed). Draco recognised Lord Crouch straight away; he had taught them well last year and now he didn't have to pretend to be a half mad Light wizard he would be even better. Then there were another eight witches, and two wizards present.

The change was perhaps exemplified by Pomona Sprout leading the sixty-odd wonderstruck first years into the Great Hall. McGonagall was still here sitting at the teachers table on Headmaster Flitwick's other side looking older than he had ever seen her look. Apparently, the revelations of the summer had really shaken her. Good, Draco thought bitterly thinking of all Harry had suffered - Uncle Severus would never have let one of his snakes be treated like that!

Although, McGonagall wasn't the only one who was looking pale and shaken. At the Gryffindor table sat Ronald Weasley who was quiet and withdrawn, although better dressed than Draco had ever seen him now, he was living with his Aunt and Uncle who weren't as poor as Arthur Weasley was. And completely isolated at the end nearest of the teachers' table with a growing gaggle of eleven-year-old's surrounding him.

And finally, with Ravenclaw Zakchaios Winogrand the Sorting Ceremony was over. Draco with his shining silver prefer badge on his chest was happy to welcome the fifteen new Slytherins to his house even if they would not be dorming with the rest of the Slytherins. Draco was unsure how he felt about that but it was the Dark Lord's idea so it must be for the best.

Then tiny Headmaster Flitwick stood up on his chair who despite that barely was at a height with Professor Sprout. Everyone looked on expectantly. Usually, Professor Dumbledore didn't say much until after the feast was over (most probably so that they were too tired and sleepy to listen properly).

'Good evening, all of you,' smiled the diminutive Headmaster. 'It is a pleasure to see you all back and to welcome our new students to Hogwarts. As I am sure you are all aware this summer the Board of Governors and our staff have worked hard to implement changes. I am sure that for many of you these changes will be strange and frightening. I can only ask that you have patience, this is all new for us as well, and if you have any concerns, you can of course come to any staff. I for one keep regular hours between half nine and half four - and as long as I am present in my offices there will be no password so you can come and see me at any time.'

Draco blinked but then smirked, 'so a Headmaster who doesn't feel the need to hide from his students.'

'Now, I think I should introduce to you the new staff and staff changes,' Flitwick continued. 'Starting with I am sure some of you are already acquainted with Professor Sprout who will be taking over as Deputy Headmistress.

'Professor Bathsheda Babbling. Professor Babbling is the new Head of Gryffindor House. And Professor Septima Vector who will be taking over as Head of Ravenclaw now that I am headmaster. And Professor Aurora Sinistra will be taking over as Head of Slytherin House.'

Draco and the rest of Slytherin house clapped enthusiastically welcoming their new head of house.

'Yes, congratulations to the four of you. Your heads of houses will be there to discuss the changes with you in a House meeting after dinner,' Flitwick continued. 'For the first years if you remain seated and Charity Burbage, your Year Head will lead you to your new common room.

'Now onto the changes in teachers. Professor Esmee Dearborn will be taking over as Professor of Charms,' Flitwick began.

'Professor Balthazar Crouch will be taking the Defence position which you should be glad to know has been cleansed of the curse on the position so we can hope to see Professor Crouch here for many years to become,' Flitwick continued. 'And our new potions professors Marisa MacGroy and Paul Karume. Professors Dhavul Thakur and Kelda Bimp will be taking over as History of Magic professors which I am sure has come only late. And our new core subject professors -Professor Virginia Orpington for English, and Professor Lucia Bancroft for Magical Theory.

'Then onto our new optional subjects Elizabeth McKendrick who will be taking Duelling. Rafaella Vane who will be teaching Healing. Eveline Toots who will be taking Wizarding Politics and Introudction to the Wizarding World for our younger years.'

Draco clapped politely as each teacher stood up as they were introduced. Draco was feeling rather excited by what the new year would bring with new teachers and classes. It was amazing what the Dark Lord had got accomplished in only a few months.

'I am sure your Heads of House will talk to you all regarding your options with the new subjects on offer,' Flitwick said. 'Additionally, I would like you to welcome Madam Umbridge of the Board of Governors who will be conducting investigation into the running and teaching of Hogwarts. I implore you all to make Madam Umbridge feel welcome whilst she is with us.'

'Somehow I think he's less happy than he's acting,' muttered Theo.

'Of course not,' sniffed Daphne. 'Everyone knows she hates non-humans.'

'Father and Harry told me to keep an eye on her,' Draco whispered. 'They're not happy that she got the job.'

The Slytherins all nodded seriously.

And then Umbridge stood up and hem-hemmed. She was only slightly taller than Flitwick standing on the chair. Pansy sneered at her lurid pink robes whose only place was a party not a professional setting.

'Ah, and it would seem Professor Umbridge would like to say a few words,' Flitwick said politely hopping off his seat.

'Thank you, Headmaster,' Umbridge smiled like a viper, 'for those kind words of welcome. Well, it is lovely to be back at Hogwarts. And to see such happy little faces looking up at me.'

'How old does she think we are?' asked Pansy sniffing.

'I am very much looking forward to getting to know you all and I'm sure we'll be very good friends,' simpered Umbridge.

Pansy sniffed, 'who does she think she is?'

'The Ministry of Magic has always considered the education of young witches and wizards to be of vital important, the rare gifts with which you were born may come to nothing if not nurture and honed by careful instruction. The ancient skills unique to the wizarding community must be passed down to generations lest we lose them for ever. The treasure trove of magical knowledge amassed by our ancestors must be guarded, replenished and polished by those who have been called to the noble profession of teaching.'

Professor Umbridge paused here and made a little bow to her fellow staff members like she was some kind of stage actor at the Globe. Naturally, the staff were too dignified to bow back even if they wanted to which given their looks, he doubted they would have even if they were so inclined.

'Every headmaster and headmistress of Hogwarts has brought something new to the weighty task of governing this historic school, and that is as it should be, for without progress there would be stagnation and decay. There again, progress for progress's sake must be discouraged, for our tried and tested traditions often require no tinkering. A balance, then, between permanence and change, between permanence and change between tradition and innovation because some changes will be for the better, while others will come, in the fullness of time, to be recognised as errors of judgement. Meanwhile, some old habit will be retained, and rightly so, whereas others, outmoded and outworn, must be abandoned. Let us move forward, then, into a new era of openness, effectiveness and accountability, intent on preserving what out to be preserved, perfecting what needs to be perfected, and pruning wherever we find practices that out to be prohibited.

'As we all know we have a new headmaster and deputy headmistress, due to the previous administration's incompetence that has led to the drastic falling in standards. A time of change like this is always a time of much strife. And only time will tell what kind of changes they shall bring. I hope that we shall work closely to ensure that Hogwarts will once again before the noble institution it once was.'

Flitwick's smile was rather forced, 'thank you, Madam Umbridge, for that explanation. Now on with our feast.'

'Well, nothing we didn't already know,' Draco said helping himself to a helping of venison.

'What's the plan?' asked Greg as he poured gravy over his lamb.

Draco shot him a dark look. They should not be discussing anything sensitive where anyone could be listening in. Just because Dumbledore was gone didn't mean there wasn't Light-siders here - McGonagall and Weasley were still here. Draco was going to call a meeting of the juniors tonight.

'Not here,' Draco hissed.

- - - - - - -

Draco was waiting in the common room for Aurora Sinistra to arrive. It was going to be strange for them not to have Professor Snape as their Head of House. And whilst Sinistra wasn't a Death Eater, she had maintained neutrality throughout the war so she probably wouldn't look the other way at some things. It meant that they would have to be a little bit more careful.

Sinistra walked through the common room tall, handsome and wearing glorious emerald robes in house pride, 'good evening, Slytherins. I welcome you back for another year at Hogwarts.'

'Thank you, Professor,' the Slytherins chorused easily.

'Now, I am not going to rehash what was said about the changes in your letters or what Headmaster Flitwick has said tonight, instead I am going to ask if you have any questions?' Sinistra asked.

Theo placed his hand up in the air, 'what if we want to keep going with your three current optional subjects and continue Astronomy?'

Sinistra nodded smiling, 'you will have to choose which subjects you would prefer to take. Nothing will stop you from studying on your own, of course, but remember doing so might affect your other grades if you put too much time and energy into doing so. Naturally, I would recommend you continuing with Astronomy. But I would recommend you to go to the introductory sessions that will be useful in getting information on the uses for the different subjects.

'And I will be meeting with all of you individually over the course of the next week to discuss your options, as well as anything else you may wish to discuss - these conversations will be completely confidential.

'Now before I hand out second-year timetables I know that my predecessor allowed a lot of behaviour which is unacceptable. The rest of the school despises us because we are Slytherin - we do not give them reason to do so - that is only fuel to the fire. Outside our common room we do not voice things other houses will find morally questionable. And ff I find any evidence of Slytherins starting fights unprovoked I will be assigning detention immediately.'

Draco smirked reading between the lines what she was saying. She was not saying that they couldn't defend themselves or even that they couldn't defend themselves or even that they couldn't start fights, just as long as there was no evidence. Hell, she wasn't even telling them to change their beliefs - just be smarter about it. If there was any proof that she was a Slytherin it was that!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Charity led the wide eyed eleven-year-olds up to the third-floor corridor where the entrance to their new common room was located. After, the Board had put forward the motion to trial not separating the houses it was up to the teachers to try and find a place big enough to room sixty eleven-year-olds.

It was Minerva who suggested the dungeons that hadn't been used since Albus' philosopher's stone debacle. Over the last few weeks, it had been converted so that there was now a nice wooden staircase leading down from the trapdoor to the large stone room below that had once been used to store Pomona's Devil's Snare and Filius' enchanted keys.

It been changed into a common room which was decorated mainly in the purple colour of the Hogwarts crest but also had banners from all four houses. The seats were a mishmash or red, yellow, blue and green and there was a thick purple carpet. Aside from the colour scheme, the cosy common room lit by candlelight and magic reminded her of her own Hufflepuff common room.

At the end of the common room was a corridor which led to the dorm rooms. The boys were the on the left and the girls on the right (with both enchanted against the other gender). There were seven girls and eight boys due to their being a handful more boys than girls. Due to their not being perfect numbers there was a couple of girls dorms with two Hufflepuffs and no Gryffindors, and a boys' dorm with an extra Gryffindor.

At the end of the corridor was another door leading to room filled with desks and bookcases which was used to be used as a study room as several students had mentioned in their reviews that they found it difficult to study in the noisy common room (and Charity felt having a Ravenclaw as the Headmaster this was happily remedied). Naturally, this was likely to be underused in their first year; but should this become a permanent thing it would be very useful in years to come.

'Okay, everyone take a seat,' Charity said.

Charity waited as everyone took a chair. Charity was pleased to note that not all of them took a seat of their house colour and they weren't necessarily grouped into their houses. Maybe, this would lead to a decline of the age-old rivalries that both Albus and Severus (amongst others) had done nothing but encourage.

'Okay, first of all, I will reiterate what our headmaster said and welcome you to Hogwarts,' Charity said warmly. 'I am Charity Burbage, Professor of Muggle Studies and your year head, so if any of you need anything at all my office door will be open as long as I am not teaching. My usual office hours are on the notice board behind you. I will also be holding monthly meetings with you all independently to help you settle in - I am sure many of you will find it difficult being away from your homes and family. You will find the time of your first meeting on your timetables which I will be giving out presently.

'Through the corridor behind you, you will find your dorm rooms. They are all clearly marked. And at the other end of the corridor there is a study room - talking is allowed but I do ask you to respect each other's needs.

'Secondly, as I am sure you heard from Professor Flitwick there are many changes occurring this year which is why you are dorming with your year mates. This is to aim to improve your time at Hogwarts - if anyone has any concerns about this or anything else, I can only reiterate that you are able to come to me at any time. Does anyone have any questions?'

There was silence.

Charity nodded, 'okay, then lessons will be beginning on Monday the ninth of September - a week from tomorrow. This is to allow you time to get settled in before classes start.'

It was more to allow the House Heads time to talk to their OWL and NEWT students many of whom would likely be changing courses due to the new subjects now being offered. Charity knew that Pomona had been stressing about how she was going to talk to all her students whilst teaching as well. Filius had decided to hold off on starting lessons to give the teachers and students time to talk. Charity too was going to use this time to have meeting with her first years.

'In this time there will be several clubs operating that you are more than welcome to join,' Charity said. 'You will find advertisements and times of meetings on the noticeboard.

'Okay, I am going to assign you to your dorm rooms - as I call your name come up and receive your timetables. Female Dorm One - Georgina Antema, Iris Beasley, Augusta Beringer and Luned Bloxam.'

Charity handed out the last set of timetables and then looked at the expectant faces, 'goodnight. I hope that you find Hogwarts as enjoyable and instructive as many of your predecessors. Curfew is nine o'clock - if anyone is not in their dorm rooms by that time the wards will let me know.'

And with that Charity left them to it.


Ron was seated in the common room when Babbling, the new Head of Gryffindor came to see them. Ron was seated far away from the rest of his year who on the train ride had made it quite clear that he was not welcome. Neville probably wouldn't have said anything, but as he was in the same cabin as Dean and Seamus both of whom were disgusted with what he had done to Harry that was moot point. The girls had made comments about if he was willing to drug Harry for money what was to stop him for doing the same to them. Ron had spluttered at that, but it was looking like it was going to be a very lonely year with no Hermione or Ginny, and the rest of his year treating him like a monster.

Never mind his Uncle had made it clear to him that he was already on thin ice with the school if anything happened, they would probably expel him so to be on his best behaviour. With everything Ron was almost glad that he wouldn't spend his weekends at Hogwarts. But underneath that all he was worried ... what would happen if he was expelled?

'Good evening,' Babbling said bright eyed. 'First things first to those of you who do not take my class I am Bathsheba Babbling, Professor of Ancient Runes, and the new Head of Gryffindor House. As you are aware there are many changes going on this year as evidenced by the absence of the first years in the House dorms.'

A blonde seventh year proudly wearing her Head girl badge put up her hand, 'what does that mean for the Head boy and girl, and the Prefects?'

'That is a good question, Miss Baldwin,' smiled Babbling. 'You will still be a person of authority that they can come and ask you questions and direction. I encourage you to make yourself known to the first years.

'Now, we get onto subject changes. Firstly, second years - English, Magical Theory and Wizarding Studies are being introduced as core subjects, whilst Astronomy has been changed to an optional subject - if anyone wants to take it in third year, they are more than welcome to do so. Does anyone have any questions?'

A black-haired girl put her hand up, 'do we still get Friday afternoons off?'

There was laughter at that point.

Babbling smiled, 'your last two periods on Friday are still free.'

'Oh, good,' a boy with chestnut hair said.

There was laughter and nods from the other little second years. The rest of the years just rolled their eyes.

'Yes, quite,' agreed Babbling. 'Okay, onto third to fifth years - English and Magical Theory are now core subjects. But you can also choose Astronomy, Duelling, Healing or Wizarding Politics on top of your normal subjects. It does mean that you may wish to change your subject choices. To help you with that the next week is free with the various subjects both new and traditional holding introductory sessions - the times are on the noticeboard. And I will be endeavouring to speak to you all individually to help you decide what you might be interested in - these meetings will become a termly event and your individual times will be posted to you.'

Neville very shakily put his trembling hand in the air.

'Yes, Mister?' asked Babbling.

'Longbottom, ma'am,' Neville said voice wobbling. 'Do you ... do you really ... really think that ... that ... us fifth years will ... will be able to pass new subjects, ma'am?'

'That is a very good question, Mr Longbottom,' smiled Babbling encouragingly. 'I would like to remind you all that you do not have to change your options. If you wish to take a completely new subject, then it may be the case that you take your OWLs in sixth or seventh year. If you have been tutored or have studied independently then doing your OWLs at the end of fifth year should be possible. Are there any other questions?'

Nobody answered.

'Right, on to sixth years - if you have already taken your OWLs in the new subjects, you are more than welcome to sign up for the NEWT course. If there those of you who have limited or no experience then you can, of course, sign up for the OWL course. And you are more than welcome to come to the introductory sessions. Any questions?'

A black haired sixth year witch, raised her arm, 'Professor, do you really think we'll be able to do our OWLs in two years?'

'The OWL subject will still be in a sixth year slot,' Babbling said. 'So, you will have twice the lesson time than you would in third to fifth year.'

'Finally, seventh years, if you have never studied the subjects before I would not recommend you starting now - one year is not really enough time to learn. However, if you have already achieved your OWLs either through tutoring or self-study you are more than welcome to sign up for the NEWT level course. Any questions?'

'What happened to McGonagall?' Ron asked suddenly.

'Professor McGonagall will be retiring at the end of the term, so we are in a period of transition,' Babbling said calmly.

Ron was sure that Professor Babbling was purposefully not telling them everything. Ron was sure that because of McGonagall's closeness towards Dumbledore she was being forced to retire. Ron was sure that He Who Must Not Be Named was going after every Light affiliated witch and wizard and with the Ministry of Magic on his side he could do it without killing anyone and with Dumbledore murdered there was no one who could stop him.

'Before, I say anything else,' Babbling said seriously, 'I have a zero tolerance, policy where bullying is concerned - any form of bullying will result in an immediate detention and fifty points will be taken. Do I make myself clear? Professor Dumbledore has far too often shown favouritism to his former house, and I am here to say that this ends here! Does everyone understand?'

Nods rounded the room.

'Good,' Babbling said. 'Second years I have your timetables here - as for third years and above due to the timetable changes, they will not be handed out until Sunday.'

- - - - - -

'So, what do you think?' asked Dean casually.

'Duelling will be cool,' declared Seamus brown eyes brimming with enthusiasm.

'So, are you changing subjects?' asked Neville nervously.

'I-'Ron began.

'Of course,' Seamus said dismissively. 'Divination is an utter waste of time. And duelling is wicked.'

Dean nodded, 'well I've given up Divination and Care - if I wanted to get burnt there are easier ways to go about it. And, yeah, duelling sounds brilliant and politics will be useful - I didn't grow up in your world like the rest of you.'

'That's fair,' Neville said. 'My gran will want me to take politics and I've studied it in the summers. She'll also want me take duelling, but I'm not sure how well I'll do at it. What do you think the girls will do?'

'Well Lavender and Parvati will keep Divination, not sure if they'll change care or not,' Seamus said.

'They liked Professor Grubbly-Plan's lessons,' Dean said.

'So did I,' agreed Seamus.

Neville nodded.

Ron scowled, 'Hagrid's great.'

He was ignored.

'Maybe, we'll get her back if the teachers are being inspected,' Seamus said.

'I hope so,' agreed Neville.

Ron scowled, 'of course, they're going to fire Hagrid like Professor McGonagall is being forced to resign - they're going after everyone close to Professor Dumbledore.'

'Yeah, well maybe there's a good reason for that,' Neville said coolly. 'He kidnapped, abused, stole from and hurt Harry again and again.'

Seamus nodded, 'and you helped him. He was supposed to be your best friend.'

'He's a monster!' Ron snarled.

'Well, I for one can only see one monster here,' Seamus said coolly.


'After he tried to kidnap him!' Seamus said. 'So, what do you think about Harry being pregnant with Malfoy's brother? It's something I never saw coming.'

'It's disgusting,' muttered Ron.

Dean nodded, 'I can't believe that's legal. My mum and step-dad were horrified when they found out that that is legal.'

'Yeah, my dad's the same,' Seamus said.

Neville shrugged, 'it's mainly due to the elite wanting to marry their children off especially in times of war where securing the next generation may be the difference between your line surviving and dying.'

'Doesn't make it right,' muttered Dean.

Neville shrugged, 'from all sounds of it this scandal is getting the child protection laws re-looked at. Lord Slytherin especially seems very interested in it.'

Ron snorted, 'I doubt he would care. Probably, quite happy that his bloodline is assured.'

'You must have read a different interview than I did,' Seamus said. 'I'd say that he really hates it!'

'I just hope he's happy,' Neville said.

Dean and Seamus nodded which made Ron burn with anger. All of these people wished well for Slytherin whilst condemning them all for protecting him. They should hate them for what they were doing but they didn't.

'I'm going to bed,' Ron declared.

The End

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