Is this real love? [Tom Kauli...

By AyoTokio

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Jazmine is a girl who lived in Halle and she had no friends. Her dad is offered a new job in a new town.. Lei... More

New Town, New school life...
New love awaits for me.
Can't stop thinking about you.
Wait, what just happened?
What is happening to me.(Tom)
Let's start a career
Talk with music managers and start recording
Jazmine, here I come.
Feels good to be home.
Goodbye Tom.. (I don't want you to leave)
Years pass, they remain in touch.. What will happen now?
This will be an exciting week.
More great days of this week.
Friday.. Day of concert, what will happen?
Is the feeling real?
Months go by...
My love is stronger now..
Stay with me forever.
Love is in the air.
Everything is coming together.

Final moments...

450 5 14
By AyoTokio

Monday, October 27, 2008

People wouldn't stop staring at me. They would ask for a picture and/or autograph. I was like a total celebrity. Not sure if that is what I want right now. I wanted to just spend time with Bill. No fans, no paparazzi, no one. Just him and me. I had the feeling we wouldn't get a lot of time alone.

Other than the people, the flight was pretty good. It was shorter than I thought it would have been.

I hear the captain start talking,

"Meine Damen und Herren ist dies spricht Ihr Kapitän. Bitte schalten Sie Ihre elektronischen Geräte, da wir an der New York City in Kürze sein wird. Bitte stellen Sie sicher, dass Ihre Sicherheitsgurt ist sicher. Danke."   (Ladies and gentlemen this is your captain speaking. Please turn off your electronic devices, since we will be at the New York City in shortly. Please make sure your seat belt is secure. Thank you.)

I looked out my window, all I could see were clouds. Fluffy white clouds. Everywhere!

*10 minutes later.*

"Hallo meine Damen und Herren, wir machen uns an den Abstieg in die John F. Kennedy Flughafen. Bitte stellen Sie sicher, dass alles sicher ist."  (Hello ladies and gentlemen, we are making our descent into the John F. Kennedy airport. Please make sure everything is secure.)

I could feel the plane slowly drop. My stomach filled with butterflies. Slowly but surely, the plane wheels open. They touch the ground and I jerk back in my sit.

"Vielen Dank für das Fliegen Air Berlin. Wir hoffen, Sie haben Ihren Flug mit uns genossen."  (Thank you for flying Air Berlin. We hope you have enjoyed your flight with us.)

The plane was now moving into the gate. We waited until the the seat belt light came on. Then first class were aloud to leave first. I grabbed my bag and walked off the plane.

I hear the roar of the plane behind me as I walk through the hallway. I made it to the end. I opened the door and I saw a lot of people standing in the middle. Some people came up to me and asked for pictures and autographs. I gave some. 

After that, I made my way downstairs to the baggage claim. It took about 10 minutes for me to find my bag.

I to an elevator back upstairs, to the front entrance. A limo driver was standing there, holding a sign with my name on it.

"hello. My name is Jazmine."

"ah, ms.Jazmine hi. My name is Sam, and I will be your driver. Is there ant place you want to go before we go to The Sentai Fifth Avenue?"

"no, thank you. I really just want to go to the hotel."

"ok, let me get your bag."

"thank you."

 Sam puts my bag in the trunk and I hop in the back of the limo. I take a look around and I see a note underneath the cups. I read,

"Hey Jazmine, when we meet in New York, I want to talk with you. I need to get some things off my chest about you and me. I don't like the way we have been acting towards each other. It needs to change. Can't wait to talk with you

Love, Tom."

I think to myself, 'what could he possibly talk to me about? I know he still loves me, so what is there more to say?'

This bothered me for a while...

We arrived at the hotel and Sam opened my door. I stepped out and the streets of New York were filled with cars. Sam grabs my bag and we slowly start walking into the front doors of the hotel. Girls, holding up signs waiting for Tokio Hotel. They know me, so they start running towards us. Sam and I make a run to the front desk. The woman behind the desk hands me the keys to the room, 379. Sam and I quickly run to the elevator, I push the button, before the door closes we could hear the girls screaming, trying to get to the elevator. The door closes just in time. Sam and I catch our breathe. The elevator stops on the 4th floor.

We walk out and turn right. The room is 2 doors from the elevator. I put the key in the door and open it. We walk in.

"you can just put my bag down by the window, thanks."

"is there anything I can get you?"

"no i'm okay thanks."

"Well, here is my number if you need a ride of something."

He hands me his card and then leaves.

I take my phone out of my pocket and call my mom. I tell her I made it safely and that Tom wants to talk with me tomorrow. She seemed worried....

I took my clothes off and threw them on the ground. I put on some shorts and a tank top. I layed down in bed, holding my phone, trying to get some sleep.

* 2 hours later..*

My phone starts ringing. It's Bill

"Hello?" I say with a sleepy voice

"hallo, honey, were you sleeping? Sorry I didn't mean to wake you."

"oh, it's okay, babe. What's up?"

"I wanted to tell you we made it to Philadelphia half an hour ago. We will go to the venue late, so about 20:00 (8:00 PM) we will be in New  York with you in the hotel. I love you."

"glad you made it. Can't wait to see you tomorrow. I love you."

"Goodnight, honey."

"Goodnight, babe."

I hung up the phone and set it on the night stand. I got under the covers and fell asleep.


Tuesday, October 28, 2008

 Noon. I stay in bed for a little while. I grabbed my phone. No missed calls. No new messages.  I got up and took a shower. Then I slipped on my purple and black veiled dress. I wrapped my wet hair up, and put some make-up on. I walked out the bathroom and opened my suitcase. I grabbed my black flats, I grabbed little socks, sat on the bed and put them on. I layed my shoes my the bathroom door. My phone started ringing......... Bill was calling.

"hallo?" I said

"hej Jazmine, det Anna."  (hello Jazmine, it's Anna.)

"Ah, hej Anna. Är allt okej? Du normalt inte kalla mig." (Ah, hello Anna. Is everything okay? You normally don't call me.)

Jag antar det ... Tom pratade med mig och jag vet inte vad han sa. Det var något om dig eftersom han sade ditt namn. Kan du översätta?"  (I guess so... Tom was talking to me and I don't know what he said. It was something about you because he said your name. Could you please translate?)

"lämna honom telefonen." (Hang him the phone. )

She shouts 'TOM!' in the background, I here him say 'what?'


"Hi Tom, it's Jazmine. Anna was telling me you were talking to her, and she had no idea what you were saying, and she said you were talking about me? What were you talking about?"


"Hallo? Tom??"


"What were you talking about to Anna about me?"

"you already know. and tonight when we talk in person, like I said on the letter, you will know."


he hung up the phone. I called back.

"Hej Jazmine, vad Tom sagt?" (hello Jazmine, what did Tom say?)

"Han sa att han skulle prata med mig ikväll personligen." (He said that he was going to talk with me tonight in person.)

"Verkligen? Eftersom han sade mer än så, jag bara inte förstår." (Really? Because he said more than that, I just didn't understand.)

"Det är allt han berättade, då han hängde upp telefonen."  (That is all he told me, then he hung up the phone.)

"OK tack, och vi kommer att se dig senare." (ok thank you, and we will see you later.)

"du är välkommen. Se er senare." (you're welcome. See you guys later.)

"adjö." (goodbye.)


I hung up the phone.

I started thinking about what Tom was talking about... 'what will I know?' My stomach turned, just by the thought of it. 

I lay down, trying not to think of what was saying...

*3 hours later..*

That was one of the longest 'naps' I ever took. I get up and walk to the bathroom. My make-up was smeared all over my face. I washed it off, and applied more.  I grabbed my purse, and went into the elevator. I stepped out and walked into the front lobby and look at the window. where I saw waiting. I walk to the front desk and ask,

"how long have the been there?"

"They never left ever since you came here."

"wow." I say

I slowly walk out the door. Fans start screaming in my ear. Some of them start grabbing shirt. I start to run away, only a few followed me.

I went to do some site seeing for about an hour.

Then I went shopping for 2 hours. 

I still had an hour left before the guys would be here. I went to the corner of the hotel and grabbed some pizza. I went back to the hotel, and went to my room. While I was finishing the pizza, I dropped  my shopping bags next to my suitcase. I went to the bathroom, brushed my teeth and combed my hair. I sat on the bed and checked my phone. Text message from Bill. I read,

"Hey babe, I wanted to tell you we are about 20 minutes away from New york. Can't wait to see you.

Love, Bill."  

I had another message from Tom,

"Can't wait to meet with you in my hotel room later.

Love, Tom."

 Oh crap. What has Tom is planning...

I sit on my bed, waiting for them to come. I start hearing girls scream on the top of their lungs. I look out the window and I see their tour bus come up. The doors opens and the girls start screaming louder. I see the boys running toward the front door.  I open the front door of the room, and looked at the elevator. I heard the "ding" and saw Georg and Gustav walk out. They run up to me and hug me. They go to their room and close the door. I see Bill walk out. Then Anna, and then Tom. Bill runs to me as fast as he can. He gives me a giant hug and kisses me. He goes and puts his things in the room. Anna comes up and hugs me. Tom comes up to me and whispers in my ear,

"Come with me." 

I pull away from him and he goes to his room. I tell Bill, 

"Tom said he wanted to talk with me about something.. I will be with you in a few minutes."

"alright. I love you."

"I love you too."

"hej, Anna, Tom vill prata med mig om något, kan du gå och prata med Bill."  (Tom wants to talk with me about something, you can go and talk with Bill.)

"ok, Låt mig lägga min grejer först." (let me put my stuff down first.)


I walk into Toms room and sit on his bed. He closes the door, and checks to see if the connecting doors are locked..

"why did you check to see if the door was locked?" I asked

"So that no one can come and ruin, what i'm about to do."

"wha? What are you going to do?"


He runs towards me. He kisses me. Pushes my body against the wall. He starts kissing my neck.

"Tom!!! No no!! Tom stop!! Stop it To... Tom... oh Tom!! Stop!!"

he stopped

"why did you stop?"

"you just told me too."

"Let's sit on the bed for a minute."

We sat.

"I want to say, That...

"Yes, I totally agree we should get back together." He says

"that's the thing. I kind of want to but........ Bill."

"who cares? Bill can have Anna. I never really liked her anyway."

"But I kind of still like Bill."

"Maybe this will change your mind."

he starts kissing me again. I wanted him to stop, but it felt so right. I still liked Bill... Or maybe I just liked Bill, because I still liked Tom and I was afraid to tell him.. 

* Minutes later..*

"Tom, did we just-"

"yup, and it felt so right. I really did miss you. I'm sorry for sleeping around with those other girls. I don't know what came over me. I guess the thought that I might have had the chance to be with you again."

"but what about Bill? What do we tell him?"

"we say nothing."

"we have to tell him something! He really does love me.. I think.."

"well I will ask him if he does. Right now."

He opens the door to where the rooms connect. I couldn't hear that well, so I moved closer, so that they still couldn't see me."

"hey Bill, do you still love Jazmine?"

"well, kind of.. She seems kind of distant. And when we were on tour, she would only call you. That seemed kind of weird to me."

"So if you and Jazmine broke up, would you be sad?"

"Yea, but I would get over it. Hey maybe I could go for Anna."

"yes, please go for her. I don't like her. I still love Jazmine."

"alright, let me go break up with her."

I run to slip my dress back on, and I sit in the bed. Bill starts to walk in.

"Hi, Bill."

"hi, Jazmine. I need to tell you something."

"ok, what's up?"

"I have been having this feeling and-"

"you wanna break up with me?"

"yes.. Sorry."

"it's ok. If it wasn't meant to be, then it wasn't meant to be."

"alright, bye Jazmine."

"Bye Bill."

He walks out. Tom calls my name.

"Jazmine, tell Anna what just happened."

"Anna, Tom gillar inte dig längre. Han älskar mig fortfarande. Bill och jag bröt bara upp, och vad sägs om du går till Bill?"  (Anna, Tom doesn't like you anymore. He still loves me. Bill and I just broke up, and how about you go to Bill?)

"ok, bra. Jag hade en känsla av att han inte tyckte om mig längre. Bill var den jag ville ha." (ok, good. I had the feeling he didn't like me anymore. Bill was the one I wanted.)

"Bill, Anna wanted you all this time." I say

"awe, that is so sweet."

"sade han aww brinner så söt."  (he said, awe thats so sweet.)

I grab my shopping bags and Tom grabbed my suitcase. Anna grabbed her suitcase and put it in Bills' room. I put my stuff in Toms' room. We lay in bed.

I think to myself, 'does this make me a slut?'


Friday, October 30, 2008

Time for the concert. The guys get ready and then we head to the venue.

They play the concert. It was amazing until, A girl from the crowd jumps onto the stage and grabs Tom. That moment scared us both. We get on the bus and head back to the hotel. We go up to the rooms and I lay down.

"Tom, I leave on the 7th."

"I know. I don't want you to leave."

"I don't want to leave either, but I have to go to school."

I lay my head onto his chest. I dose off into slumber..


Saturday, November 1- Thursday, November 6, 2008

*They spent a lot of time together. Now Jazmine is starting to pack her bags.*

"Stop packing please Jazmine."

I stood up and hugged him.

"this is hard for the both of us."

I sat back on the floor, continuing to pack my bag.

"almost done, could you hand me that bag over there?"


"thanks, Tom."

I stuffed the bag in my suitcase and zipped it up.

"now we just have to wait until tomorrow."

"I don't want tomorrow to come."

"I know, Tom. I don't either."

"Let's go out and have dinner. Hopefully the fans won't follow us."

"I hope not. Let me grab my purse." 

We walked out and no fans were waiting outside this time. We rode to the best Italian place in New York.


When we got back to the hotel, we were in the elevator with Anna and Bill. She was kissing all over him. I just looked at Tom.

We walked the room and took my make-up and dress off. I slipped on Toms' shirt. It was so perfect to sleep in his shirt again.

We feel asleep...


Friday, November 7, 2008

The day I leave. I got up and took Toms' shirt off. I jumped into the shower. When I walked out, Tom sprayed his shirt with a little of his cologne.

"I want you to wear this when you leave."

I slipped on the shirt. You could barely see my jeans.

"are you coming to the airport with me?"

"of course! I wouldn't miss it for the world."

I call up Sam, and he is already waiting downstairs. Tom grabbed my suitcase and brought it downstairs. He put it in the trunk, and we sat in the back. I layed my head on his legs and looked up at him. He started to play with my hair.

"Tom, don't forget to tell the guys I said bye."

"ok, sweety pie."

He kisses my forehead. 

We arrive at the airport. I hug Sam and said, "thank you for everything."

Tom gets my suitcase and walked me in. We got my ticket and he walked me until the security. I hugged him, and kissed him several times. I didn't want to let him go, again.

"Promise me you won't sleep around with other girls."

"you can trust me this time. I swear I won't do anything, until we meet again."

I slowly walked away from him. This was it, for a while. I hope he keeps his promise.

I get passed security, and walk to the gate.

"ladies and gentlemen, we are now boarding first class people on plane 768, to Dusseldorf."

I get up and walk there. I get on the plane and kind my sit. I check my phone one last time, then I turn it off. Not very many people were on the plane.

"ladies and gentlemen, welcome aboard to flight 768 to Dusseldorf, Germany. Please make sure all electronic devices are turned off. Thank you." (Meine Damen und Herren, willkommen an Bord in die Flucht 768 nach Düsseldorf, Deutschland. Bitte stellen Sie sicher, alle elektronischen Geräte ausgeschaltet sind. Danke.)

This flight was going to be much longer...


Saturday, November 8, 2008

*we are now back on German time.*

The plane landed..

"Vielen Dank für das Fliegen mit Air Berlin." (thank you for flying with Air Berlin.)

I turned my phone on. I had 20 missed calls from Tom and 3 new voice mails. I will listen to the on my way home. I went to baggage claim to get my bag. I went outside and found my mom.

"hallo mama! I missed you."

I gave her a big hug.

"I missed you to honey. Did you enjoy your trip you have to tell me everything."

"ok, let's get in the car."

I threw my suitcase in the back, and got in the front sit. We started driving off. 

I started listening to Toms' voice-mails. He said the same things over and over again.

"Jazmine, I love you. Don't forget to call me back. I love you. I promise I won't sleep around with other girls. I love you."

I deleted all the messages and told my mom what happened.

"I knew you still liked Tom. But I still like Bill better."

"ok, mama."

*7 hours later..*

We finally make it home, and I grab my suitcase for the trunk. I went upstairs and put it next to my dresser. I told my mom that, I brought her and dad something. I went through my suitcase and pulled out a tea set for my mom and My dad some coffee.

I closed the top of my suitcase and took my pants off. I layed down in my bed. I call Tom.

"hallo Jazmine."

"hi To-"

"Jazmine, hi it's Bill. I just wanted to tell you Tom didn't sleep the whole night. He really misses you."

"I miss him very much to. Could you hand him the phone?"

"ok, bye."


"Hallo Tom."

"Hi Jazmine. I miss you very much. I love to hear the sound of your voice."

"the sound of your voice is very calming to me."

"well, we will chat later. Let's get some sleep. Goodnight Jazmine. I love you very much."

"goodnight Tom. I love you oh so very much."

I hung up the phone. The shirt still smells like him, which makes me cry a little bit.

After a little while I fall asleep. I had a lot of fun...


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