Coming home (book 2)

By Justagirl1723

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If you haven't read the first book I'd recommend reading It first or you'll be confused! The book is called C... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29

Chapter 5

1K 33 0
By Justagirl1723

Your pov
Next morning

I woke up with Mals head on my chest, she was still sound asleep and she was so beautiful. I kissed her forehead and that seemed to stir her awake. She shifted and cuddled back into me. She wasn't ready to get up and I didn't mind. We stayed in bed for a while longer before she was finally ready to wake up. Mal got up first and she had a sheet wrapped around her.

"Want to take a shower?" She asks and I nod my head and we both head into the shower together. After that we got dressed into some clean clothes, Mal went into the kitchen to make some breakfast and I was currently in the bathroom, I threw my hair in a loose ponytail. I had noticed she left a few hickeys on my neck.

"Babe!" I say walking out of our room and heading towards the kitchen.

"What's up?" She asks

I point to my neck and she just smirks and I just laugh.

"Hey It was payback." She says

"Fair enough." I say wrapping my arms around her waist and kiss her cheek. She continues to make eggs and bacon, I ended up letting her go and helping. I also made coffee for the both of us. I poured It into two cups and I hand her one as she hands me a plate. I set my coffee down and grab the plate with my good hand. We both stand at the island and eat.

All of a sudden I had a really bad pain in my arm. I dropped my fork and It caused Mal to look up from her phone.

"What's wrong?" She asks

"My arm hurts really bad." I say grabbing It and I had a pretty high pain tolerance but It felt like It was being broken all over again. Mal grabs my hand gently.

"Where does It hurt?" She asks

"My hand and wrist right now but it's moving up my arm, the pain feels like It's being broken all over again." I say

"Okay go put It in your brace to see if that helps, I'll call your doctor so see if we can get It checked out." She says and I walk back to our room to grab my brace. I put It on but It didn't seem to help, maybe I needed to give It time.

"She was able to squeeze us in, your appointment is at noon." She says

It was a little after 10:30 by now so we still had a few hours. I took some pain medication to try and help with the pain and I tried to do some exercises from my physical therapy to see if that would help but It only seemed to make It feel worse.

We left the apartment around 30 minutes later. We get checked in and wait to be called back. I was still in a lot of pain, now It felt like pins and needles along with some numbness. I was actually getting worried.

"Y/n Press?" Says the nurse

Mal and I get up and we follow the nurse, she takes my vitals. My heart rate was higher then normal but the nurse didn't seem to concerned. We follow her to one of the rooms and she continues to ask the normal questions that are always asked during routine doctors appointments.

The doctor will be in shortly. She says walking out of the room, I get off the bed and sit on the chair until we hear a knock on the door. The doctor walks in.

"Hey y/n what's going on?" She asks as  she washes her hands and she puts her gloves on.

"I was eating breakfast and I got this really intense pain, if starting in my fingers and went up to my hand and Up my arm. I put my brace on and took some pain medication and It doesn't seem to help. Now It feels like pins and needles with some numbness." I say

"Okay, let's take a look." She says and I set my arm on the pull out table. The doctor removes my brace and begins looking at my arm.

"It could be the nerves still healing, nerves can take years to fully heal and repair. As you know you won't get full function back due to how long your arm was broken before It was set and repaired. Let's order some scans to see if there's anything else doing on but there is a chance you might have to live with this pain for the rest of your life." She says

"Do I have any options?" I ask

"Depending on the scans we can try a few different surgical options, amputation is also another option but we tend to hold off on that until all other options have been tried or ruled out. We will know more once the scans come back." She says

I nod my head and she hands me a paper, I'm assuming It was the order for the scans.

"There should be plenty of time to get those done today. You don't need an appointment, I have rushed those scans so I'm hoping to get those in by the end of the week. I will give you a call as soon as I can." She says

"Thank you." I say

"I've prescribed some higher pain medication for you to help with the pain." She says and all 3 of us head out of the room, Mal and I head out of the building and to the car. We stopped at chick fil a for  a quick lunch before heading to the hospital to get those scans done.

They ended up doing some X-rays and an EMG to test the nerves and It was so painful. They sent those tests off and we we're able to leave. We headed to the grocery store and picked up some stuff before heading back to the apartment.  Once everything was put away we sit on the couch and watch  the vampire diaries.

Mals pov
3 days later

It's been 3 days since we went to the doctor for y/n's arm, she's been in a lot of pain even when taking medication. She hasn't been able to sleep or do anything with her arm without being in a lot of pain. We we're waiting on the doctors call to see what was going on.

Y/n was currently on the couch on her laptop. I was in the kitchen making some lunch. I made a turkey sandwich with lettuce, mayo and provolone cheese and toasted in a panini maker. I head to the couch and sit down next to y/n handing her the plate. She took It with her good hand.

"Thanks love." she says looking up at me giving me a soft smile.

"How's your pain level?" I ask

"It's a constant 9/10, if I'm not moving It." She says

Hopefully we will get answers soon. Do you need your pain medication? I ask

"I think I still have a few hours before I can take It again." She says

I look over at her computer and she was looking at amputation.

"Are you wanting them to amputate?" I ask

"If I have to deal with this pain for the rest of my life, yeah. I'll never have full function of It either" I could always get a prosthetic. She says shutting her computer and taking a bite of her sandwich. 

I lean over and kiss her cheek.

Just looking at all my options and starting to do some research, nothing has been decided yet. She says softly and wraps her good arm around me, kind of pulling me closer to her.

"You're right, better to start looking now then rushing into It. I support your decision no matter what." I say

We both finish our lunch and we watch more vampire diaries. It was around 3pm by now and I had practice at 4 and I didn't really want to leave y/n.

"Do you want me to skip practice today? I can call coach and explain the situation." I say

"I should be okay, I'll call if I need too." She says

I get up and go and get ready for practice. I grab my bag and come back over to the couch.

"I'll be home in a couple hours, call me if you need me. I love you."  I say kissing her softly.

"I love you too babe drive safe." She says kissing me back and getting up from the couch. She walked me to my car and opened my door for me. I get in and turn the car on and roll down the window.

"Promise me you'll call?" I ask

"Promise love." She she's

She kisses me one last time before backing up so I can back out of the parking spot.

"I love you!" She says.

"I love you too!" I say before pulling out of the parking spot and heading out of the apartment complex towards the field.

I park in my normal parking spot and head to the locker room. I get ready and head out with the rest of the girls.

Y/n's pov

I was sitting on my couch still researching some options when I got a phone call. I noticed It was from my doctor so I answered right away.

Hey y/n, Marin here. I just got your X-rays and scans back, are you able to come in right now? She asks

"Yeah, I'll need to go get Mal, she's at practice right now." I says getting up from the couch.

"Awesome, I'll see you soon. Just tell the front desk your here and she should send you right back." She says

"Thanks Marin, I'll see you soon." I say

I grab my keys and head to my car, thankfully my car was adapted so I could drive with one hand. I headed to the stadium and tried calling Mal but I'm sure she was still practicing. I park in the parking spot next to her and head into the locker room and onto the field. One of her teammates saw me and got her attention. She turns to me and jogs over.

"What's going on?" She asks

"Marin called, she asked me to come in right now." I say

"Okay once sec." She says as she jogs over to her coach, she talks with him for a few minutes before returning to me. We head to the locker room so she can grab her stuff and we head to her car. She drives us to the doctors office and we head inside, the front desk automatically sends us back and Marin was waiting for us.

"Y/n, Mallory, thank you for getting here so quickly. I was looking over your scans and I saw something alarming. It looks like your nerves are actually starting to die, we are unsure why until
We can go in and actually look at the nerves to see what's going on. It could be because of scar tissue. It could also be unhealthy nerves, if that's the case we would cut away the unhealthy nerve until we see healthy nerves and then we would be able to reconnect It. There are some complications that can happen but It does look like we need to surgically repair this." She says

"How soon until It can be repaired?" I ask

"I'm  completely booked for the next 2 months. But I have moved you to the top of the list so if there are any cancellations you will automatically get their spot." She says

"That should be fine, I do have trial on two weeks though so I won't be available for at least a week, maybe 2 weeks depending on how long the trial is." I say

"Let me see if I can switch out a surgery for early next week. I'll be right back." She says walking out of the room.

About 20-30 minutes later she comes back in the room.

"I wasn't able to move any surgeries around, Im normally only in the office on Tuesdays, the rest of the days I'm normally in surgery. If any of my surgeries fall through I will give you call so please be ready if you can. I'd be prepared to stay a few days in the hospital for monitoring as well." She says

"We will, thank you." I say shaking her hand.

We head out of the office and back to the stadium so I could grab my car. We both drive home and head inside. I made some chicken and veggies for dinner and we both ate at the island.  Once we finished our dinner, I rinsed the dishes put them in the dishwasher, Mal ended up doing the bigger stuff that I couldn't wash or hold with one hand.

Mal was on the couch and I was in our room getting my hospital bag ready incase we had to go in as early as tomorrow, that way we can just grab It and go. Once I got everything packed I headed back out to the family room and cuddled with Mal watching the vampire diaries until It was time for bed.


Thanks for reading!

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