Chapter 29

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5 YEARS LATER (I know I'm sorry 😂)

Your pov

You were in the kitchen, making a smoothie while Mal was upstairs working on a last minute project in the nursery when all of a sudden your water breaks!

"Hey Babe!" You yell from the kitchen.

"Yeah?" She says as she walks down the stairs, into the kitchen to where you are.

"I think my water just broke." You say looking up at her, slightly leaning on the counter due to the contractions.

"Oh shit! Did It really? Holy shit we're gonna be moms! Oh god okay! Let's get you in the car, I'll grab our hospital bags and we will call Chris on the way." She says as she helps you out to the garage and into the car before running back in the house to grab your bags, putting them in the back of the car before getting in the driver seat and heading towards the hospital.

Tobin and Christen managed to beat you guys there and were already waiting at the entrance.

"I'll park the car!" Says Tobin as Mal and Christen get you out of the car and into the wheelchair before they wheel you inside.

Mal had called ahead so there was a doctor already waiting for you. They get you checked in and bring you up to a private room. You're hooked up to the monitors and doctors and nurse's periodically check on you. Mal never left your side and 6 hours of pushing later you gave birth to a beautiful baby girl.

"Congratulations it's a healthy baby girl. Do you have any names picked out?" Asks the doctor

(You give them the name you picked out)

"You did so good baby" says Mal as she kisses your forehead.

You can hear the crying of the baby and you relaxed more when the doctor said she was healthy. You were tired but It was worth It.

Once the baby was cleaned up and dressed, the nurse hands her to you. You hold her in your arms and can't believe this tiny little human is now yours. Mal wrapped her arms around you.

"She's got your eyes." Says Mal smiling.

"I can't believe we're moms." You say

"You're gonna be the best Mom." Says Mal

"You too." You say before yawning.

"Get some rest I'll hold her." Says Mal as she takes the baby from you gently rocking her. You end up falling asleep quickly after that.

After 3 days you get discharged and It was time to head home for the first time as a family of 3.

You pick the baby up from the crib and gently get her buckled into her car seat. She was tiny compared to It.

"You ready to head home?" Asks Mal as she wraps her arms around you from behind.

"Yep, let's do this." You say

You were still very sore so Mal talks the car seat. You head down to the lobby. Christen and Tobin went ahead and grabbed the car for you guys.

They were going to stay with you for a week or so, just to make sure you and Mal were all set. You we're thankful for their help.

A few weeks later Your parents and the rest of your family, along with Mals side of the family visit and finally get to meet and hold the baby.  You guys wanted to take things a bit slow since the baby was still so young. Even some of the girls got to meet her. Everyone commenting on how much you guys looked alike and how cute and beautiful she was.

11 months later Mal gives birth to baby girl bringing your family up to a family of 4! Each baby looked like a miniature versions of you both along with similar features since the babies had the same sperm donor.

Mal continues to play soccer and you end up working as a recruiter at the local high schools for the next couple years before you decide to be a full stay at home mom. You still travel with Mal whenever she goes out of town and you wouldn't trade It for the world.


Sorry this is a bit short! Thanks again for taking the time to read this book! I hope you liked It!

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