Chapter 20

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Barnes arrives at the station to update your family. Mal was still sound asleep with her head on Christen's lap.

"I think this is the first time I've seen her sleeping." He talks quietly.

"Shes been out for about 4 hours, she had a rough afternoon." Says Christen

"Well, I have an update." He says

"I'll go get the others." Says Tobin as she gets up carefully to go get the others. 

"Should I wake her up?" Asks Christen

"What's going on?" Asks Mal as she rubs her eyes and slowly sits up. 

"Hey Mal, I just had an update on Y/n." He says.

"You found her? Is she here? Where is she?" Asks Mal as she starts to get up off the couch. 

"Mal." Says Barnes.

"What? Where is she?" She says looking around the room taking in everyone's faces knowing it wasn't going to be a good update. 

"Shes gone, isn't she?" Asks Mal

"We haven't found her yet." He says

"There's something you're not telling us." Says Christen's Dad.

"We got Omar and his group. They are in custody. He says

"So, let me get this straight. You found them but you didn't find my daughter?" He asks

"We are still searching for her." Says Barnes

"How do we know she's still alive?" Asks Mal

"Or if she's even in the country." Says Tobin

"Guys they are doing the best they can. We need to stay positive, not only for us but for Y/n. Shes strong." Says Christen.

"We will find her." Says Barnes.

"If they are captured, can we help in the search?" Asks Mal 

"I think its best if you all lay low for a few more days. The media has been all over this and once word is out that the bad guys have been arrested, the media presence will be even stronger." He says

"Thank you for the update and for trying so hard to find my daughter." Says Mr Press.

"Were close to finding her, I feel it." Says Barnes.

Barnes leaves to go rest and everyone else heads to their own rooms to rest. 

"There's an extra bed in our room, you're more than welcome to come sleep with us so you don't feel alone." Says Tobin

"Thank you." Says Mal

Christen and Tobin get ready for bed and an hour or so later Mal comes in and lays down on the extra bed. It takes a while, but all three of them fall asleep.

Meanwhile you're still stuck in the room chained up, wondering why no one has come in like they normally do. You were tired physically, mentally and emotionally. You tried your hardest to stay awake, but you were too tired. 

It was the next morning; Barnes was up early searching the warehouse they arrested Omar and the rest of his crew in again. He shined a flashlight and noticed a shimmer. There was a huge cart on wheels, so we decided to take a closer look. He bends down and picks up the item, it was a ring.  He takes a picture and sends it to Christen, Mal and Tobin. 

*photo attached*

Barnes: Does this ring look familiar?

Mal: That's her engagement ring! She never takes it off! 

Barnes: I'll keep you posted. 

Barnes puts his phone away and decides to take a closer look at the cart. He moves the cart and realizes there's a hidden door. He tries to open it but its locked. With some force he kicks the door in. The room was pitch black. He finds the light and turns it on. 

"Y/n!" He yells running over to you before grabbing his radio.

"I need paramedics where we searched yesterday." He says into the radio.

"There's heavy traffic, going to take at least 20 minutes." Says the dispatcher. 

He unchains you making sure you don't fall to the ground. He lays you down gently and begins accessing your injuries. He checks your pulse and notices its slower than it should be. 
Another unit pulls up to assist. 

"Can you drive us to the hospital?" Asks Barnes.

"Yep, you need a hand carrying her?" Asks the officer.

"I got her if you can grab the door." Says Barnes

The media is already outside, we might want to cover her face until we can get in the car." Says the officer.

Barnes takes his jacket off and puts it over your head and stomach before picking you up and running to the police car. The officer opens the door for Barnes and he gets in the back of the car with you. Once he's in the officer closes the door and begins driving to the nearest hospital with his lights and sirens. Barnes pulls his phone out sending a quick text to Mal telling them to head to the hospital. 

"Hospitals already on standby to take her once we arrive." Says the officer. 

"Thank you."  He says

Once the car comes to a stop, Barnes gets out and lays you down on the gurney so the doctors can take over. 

"Y/n Press, she's 21 years old, I found her chained up in a dark room, she's been unconscious since I found her." Says Barnes

"She's in good hands, we will do everything we can to help her." Says the doctor before they disappear down the hallway with you.

Barnes waits for your family to arrive to the hospital, of course the media was already all over the hospital. 

"How is she?" Asks Christen

"Where did you find her?" Asks Tobin

" I found her ring in front of a cart that was on wheels, I moved it and found a door, she was inside unconscious but breathing." He says

"She probably dropped her ring on purpose so she would be found." Says Mal

"The room had padding all around it making it soundproof so no sound would have come out if she had yelled.  if she hadn't dropped that ring, we probably wouldn't have found her in time. He says. 

"Was she hurt badly?" Asks Mal

"Not that I could tell. Just bruised for the most part, I didn't spend much time accessing her injuries, I wanted to get her here as soon as possible." He says

"Thank you for finding our daughter." Says Mr. Press.

"I'm sorry it took so long." He says

I'm going to go get some coffee, does anyone want any? Asks Tobin

"I'll help you carry the drinks." Says Channing

"Me too" Says Tyler

The pair leave and come back 10 minutes later with coffee for everyone.

Mal sat in a chair, her knee was bouncing up and down nervously and her eyes were glued to the floor. Barnes gets up from his seat and walks over to her. 

"Mind if I sit here?" He asks

Mal nods and he takes a seat.

I wanted to give this back to you, I'm sure she will want it back. He says handing Mal your engagement ring. Mal holds it tightly in her hand.

"She'll be okay." He says pulling Mal into him. 

"Thank you again for saving her." She says while hugging him.

Soon enough the doctor that took Y/n when you first arrived walked out. 

"Y/n Press?" She asks

"Over here." Says Mr. Press

"Oh wow big family." She says

"How is she?" Asks Channing

"Shes stable and does not have any major injuries. A few cracked ribs and some minor cuts and bruises, none required stitches. All should heal within the next couple weeks. She is very dehydrated though so we would like to keep her overnight, just to ensure she gets some fluids and food in her. Sometimes the stomach can get upset if food is eaten to quick after not having anything in her system for too long. We want to make sure there are no issues before she goes home." Says the doctor

"Can we see her?" Asks Christen

"Normally we have a 3-4-person policy, but we will allow all of you to visit her. Only two people can stay with her tonight though. Let me know when you are ready, and I will take you up to her room." Says the doctor

The doctor leads everyone to your room, where you are sitting up talking to one of the nurses. One by one they all greet you with hugs. But you notice someone is missing from the group. 

"Where's Mal?" You ask

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