Chapter 16

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Christen's pov

It's been a couple days since we arrived at the safe house and everyone was already over It. You can only watch so many movies before It gets boring.

"You okay babe?" Asks Tobin snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Yeah." I say

"I know that look, talk to me." She says grabbing my hand.

"Y/n seems off since we got here. Somethings not right." I say

"She's probably just processing everything. She thinks this is all her fault. We can tell her it's not but we can't silence her thoughts or make things better." Says Tobin

"She's the youngest out of all of us, and yet none of us can protect her." I say

"I'm sure she sees It as a need to protect us at all costs. It was her job and I'm sure it still feels like it is."  Says Tobin

"She's been through so much, she's come back from so much, I just don't want to see her hurt anymore."  I say with a sigh

@She'll get through this, we all will." Says Mal sitting on the stool at the counter.

"How are you holding up? I can imagine the toll this is taking on you." You say

"I'll be fine once this is over and y/n is finally free." She says

"How is she today?" Asks Tobin

"She's distant but I'm sure she's just processing everything. I'm giving her a bit of space, even though I don't really want her to be alone." Says Mallory

"Maybe we can take turns looking after her. That way she doesn't feel suffocated with you." Says Tobin

"Where is she now?" Asks Christen

"Showering I think." Says Mal

Your pov

I was finally able to get Mal to leave me alone for a bit. It's killing me to be so distant with her but I need to be alone for this to work. I sit down on my bed and get a phone call. Thankfully It was on silent so It just vibrated in my pocket. It was the same number as before. I answer and put It to my ear.

144 S Avenger Rd. one hour, come alone and no cops. Await further instructions.

I grab my laptop and quickly search the address, It was an empty lot not to far from the house, which made me believe they knew where the safe house is.

I grab a oversized sweatshirt and a baseball cap putting both on. I grab my gun and holster covering It with my jacket. I had already written notes to everyone. I left them on my bed and climb out of the window. After watching the cameras I noticed there was a small blind spot that I could get in and out. I keep the hood on and start jogging in the direction of the address, trying to get away from the house as fast as I can without looking suspicious, thankfully there was a 2 minute break for the shift change of the officers stationed outside to watch the house.

As soon as I reach the empty lot, my phone rings. I hold It to my ear.

See that grey car in the lot?

"Yes." You manage to say

Get in and follow the gps instructions, leave the phone, you won't be needing it anymore and remember no cops.

The call ends and I toss my phone into the tall grass before getting in the car. I look around for the keys and find them in the glove box. The car was cool so I knew It wasn't here long. I turn the car on and directions automatically start to what looks like the middle of some warehouses.

I follow the directions and get a call through the car.

Park inside the warehouse and close the warehouses door behind you.

I get out and do what they say,  the warehouse was pitch black, the only sunlight was from that open door and now it's gone.

Suddenly the lights turn on and there's about 15-20 people holding AR's and pointing them right at me.

I feel a gun to my head and some girl forces me to my knees and takes the gun from my holster.

"The bitch is clear." she says  grabbing me by the hair forcing me to stand and shoves me forward.

"At least we she can follow instructions." Says a man

I look up only to be punched in the face by him. I do my best to hide my pain.  I manage to look up at him again to finally see his face. He looked different then the intel the police had on him. They were told he was an identical twin of Carlos but they didn't look the same at all.

"You know my brother was alive after he got shot? He survived  14 minutes, before your friends finished him off." He says

"I wasn't there, I was to busy fighting for my own life after he shot me in the chest twice and left me to die and he knew he was caught. " You say

"They were there to save you, so it's all your fault." He says

"So what? You want a life for a life?" You ask looking up at him.

"I had my sights on your sister, the one who also plays soccer. I mean It would only be fair to take one of your siblings like you took mine from me." He says

"Don't" you say but he cuts you off

"But then I saw your pretty little girlfriend  and thought maybe that would hurt your even more. Well I guess she's not your girlfriend anymore, she's your fiancé now right? Awesome proposal by the way." He says

"You gave me your word that they would be safe!" You yell trying to get up but two of the men hold you down.

"And they will be safe. I can't say the same for you though." He says

"Let's get It over with then." You say

"Oh no, I'm not killing you today. You've caused way to much pain for us to end this today." He says

"Take a look around y/n, these are all people who cared for  Carlos when you're friends shot him. You'll meet all of them very soon." He says

"Your brother put me through hell for 3 years. He had multiple chances to let me go and I wouldn't have said a word about him to anyone. He dug his own grave." You say staring straight at him.

"He told me you were strong. It will be so much fun breaking you down into nothing. You'll be begging me to end your life." He says grabbing my face hard forcing me to look at him.

Before I can even think what I'm doing I headbutt him in the nose causing him to fall backwards before breaking from the two guys holding me, who loosened their grip.

I'm not free for every long until I'm forced back onto my knees. With my arms painfully pinned behind me.

"If you think 3 years is was bad, youre going to have a rough time." He says punching me in the face.

I get lifted up and dragged into a room and shoved into  a chair before I'm strapped down. I could tell the room was padded so no one would be able to hear me even if I did scream. I know I need to conserve my energy, fighting now will only make It worse for me.

"Fuck her up." He says
Whoops sorry  for the cliffhanger, writing the next chapter now and don't worry! No huge time skip or anything.

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