Chapter 11

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Your pov

I wake up to the sound of my alarm. I reach over Mal who was cuddled in my arms to turn It off. I kiss Mal's head while she starts to wake up and u lay there and rub her back for a few minutes.

"What time is It?" She asks

"6:00, our flight leaves at 10:00 so we should probably aim to leave at 7:30 ish so we can have enough time to get through security for our flight." I say softly

We slowly get out of bed and Mal hops in the shower while I go make us some breakfast. Once Mal is out she comes out and eats and I head back to to our room so I can shower.

I think I'm more excited for camp then Mal is. I'm excited to get back into training and seeing the girls again. I want to get back to focusing on soccer and my future with Mal. I want to put my past behind me and move on. Thankfully my doctor cleared me to play and Jill said how much I play will depend on how I do since I haven't been able to train until the last couple weeks or so.

Once I'm out of the shower I get dressed and I make sure I have everything packed. I also grabbed Mal's bag and set It by the door.

"Uber is on its way, they said they will be here in about 15 minutes. You better eat now if you're planning on It." Says Mal as she walks past me to go get her water bottle.

I sit down at the island and eat my eggs and avocado toast. I rinse my plate off and stick It in the dishwasher. I grab my water and empty It out so I can fill It after getting through security.

"Can we grab coffee at the airport?" Asks Mal

"Of course we can love. Is the Uber here?" I ask

"That must be her." She says as her phone dings.

"I'll grab the trash." I say pulling the bag out of the garbage can. I tie It and head out to the dumpster while Mal grabs our bags and locks the door behind us.  I walk back and grab our bags and put them in the trunk before getting in the back of the car with Mal. Mal holds my hand and we talk quietly while on the way to the airport.

Once we get to the airport we get out and get our bags checked in. After our bags are checked we head to security before heading to our gate. We stop at Starbucks on our way to our gate so we can both get some coffee. I also got some ice for our water bottles so we could have cold water. Soon enough our flight is called and we board our flight.  Mal and I watch a movie and I end up falling asleep for a bit.

Mals pov

Y/n fell asleep while we were watching 17 Again. She has her head rested on my shoulder and we we're still holding hands. I tried to stay as still as I could so I didn't wake her up.  We still had about an hour and a half  until we landed so I changed the movie to Catfish.

Y/n ended up waking up about an hour later and she watched Catfish with me until we were about to land. We pack everything up and wait for us to get off the plane.  We head straight to baggage claim to grab our bags before heading to the suv that was reserved to take us to the hotel.  The driver takes our bags and puts them in the back and y/n and I get in the back.

"You nervous?" I ask

"Yeah a little bit, but I'm ready at the same time." She says keeping a firm but gentle hold on my hand.

"I know you are. I can't wait for you to take field and get back to what you love. No matter what your gonna do great." I say squeezing her hand reassuringly.

"I'm excited to get focused again. I'm ready to put my past behind me." She says

"We've arrived, let me grab your bags." Says the driver.

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