Chapter 18

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No ones POV

Police are still looking for y/n.  It's been 3 days and  no ones really slept. Mal being the worst out of everyone. It was lunch time, tobin and Christen were in the kitchen making dinner while Mal sat at the counter staring down at her opened water. Tobin and Christen noticed how run down and tired she looked. 

"Mal you should get some rest." says Christen breaking the silence that filled the room.

"I'm fine." She mumbles back, her eyes still glued to the water bottle.

"Y/n would want you to rest and take care of yourself." Says Tobin.

"Well y/n's not here, is she?!" Mal says as she slams her fist onto the table, causing a loud banging sound.

"Mal I know your upset." Says Christen slowly trying to deescalate the situation.

"Upset? No no no, I'm past upset! I'm pissed off that she left to fight this on her own knowing she would probably not make it back to us. After EVERYTHING we have gone through together, she throws it away by handling this herself.  Sure, she went through hell ever since she came back home, but you know who never left her side even after all the doctor's appointments, therapy sessions, physical therapy, surgeries and all the other shit she's been dealing with since she got home? Me."  Says Mal getting more and more worked up.

"I know, that's a lot of pressure and stress to be put on you and I'm sorry we weren't around to be more help to you." Says Christen

"It's not about the pressure or the stress! It's the fact that I was there for her every single day, dropping everything to be there so she wouldn't be alone. She wants us to get married and then she makes stupid decisions like this." Says Mal now getting emotional. 

"We know." says Tobin putting her hand on Mal's shoulder gently.

"No, you don't know! None of you do! " She says pulling away from Tobin and walking out of the room but Christen grabs her hand gently. 

"No! Let me go!" She says 

"Let her cool off, pushing further won't help." Says Tobin

"Lunch is ready!" Yells Christen

Mal's door was shut so Tobin left a plate of food on the ground outside the door and knocked lightly. 

"I left a plate of food for you outside the door, please eat." Says Tobin before returning back to the kitchen to make a plate of food for herself.

Meanwhile, Barnes and the rest of the law enforcement are still out looking for you. They search each of the warehouse's inch by inch, making sure they don't miss anything.  They pull open one of the gates to the warehouse and see something big under a tarp. Barnes lifts it and it's the same gray car you drove. He pulls the flyer out to check the license plate and it's a match. He picks up his radio.

"Found the car, no sign of y/n." He says

They clear the warehouse, and these seems to be no sign of you. 

"We have to be close now." Says the other officer. 

"I hope so." He says.

Your POV

 I lost track of time so I'm not sure what day it is or even what time it is, if its nighttime or daytime. When Omar and his friends aren't in here beating me the room is pitch black. Thankfully it hasn't been too bad, it's still painful but they are defiantly being careful not to hurt me too severely.

I've been able to time when they come in, which is every couple hours. Speaking of which, they should be coming in any minute. The door opens after a few minutes. 

"Look who's awake." He says with an evil grin while smoking a cigar. 

You stay silent, deciding not to waste your breath on talking back to him, because it will just be worse for you. 

"No talkback today? Thats a first for you." He says sitting down in a chair across from me.

You continue to stay silent, which pisses him off. 

He gets off his chair and presses his cigar onto your arm hoping to get a reaction from you. You do your best to keep quiet but end up letting out an angry groan. 

"Oh did that hurt?" he asks before pressing it to your skin again. 

"Fuck you." You say with gritted teeth. 

"That can be arranged." He says while winking at you. 

"Gross." you think to yourself.

"Let's give her stomach a break today, chain her to the wall." he says

My legs felt like jelly from being locked in the same position for so long. Two of the guys had to hold me up so I didn't fall down. Once I felt like I could stand I headbutted one of the guards, I could hear their nose break, this caused them to let me go. I grab his gun and knock him out and open the door and grab the nearest girl putting the gun to their head. 

"Baby" says the girl causing Omar to turn around. 

"Well shit." He says with that same smile on his face.

"It's over Omar, unless you want me to kill her." You say.

"Go ahead, I know you don't have the balls to do it. " He says simply.

"You have no idea what I'm capable of." You say cocking the gun loading a bullet into the chamber.

"If you kill her now; you'll never find your precious fiancé." He says 

"You're lying, you don't have her." You say

"You know she shouldn't have gone looking for you." He says

"Prove it" You say

He pulls out his phone and plays a recording. 

"No! Let me go!" says Mal on the recording. 

You could tell it was really her and your heart sinks. You let the girl go and let the gun drop from your hands.

"I'll do whatever you want, just please don't hurt her." You say.

"Breaking you was easier than I thought. " He says

He waves his hand and I feel strong hands wrap around my arms as I'm led back to the room. They chain me to the wall and leave me alone. I left to protect them, especially Mal. Now shes stuck here just like I am.  This is all my fault.

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