Chapter 27

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You wake up after a few hours. You check the time and see that it's around 6 pm. You grab your stuff and get showered before you head to the chow hall to grab some food. You sit down next to Kara who is already eating.

"You planning on staying or going home?" Asks Kara

"I got a fiancé to marry, so I think I'm gonna go home." You say with a smile.

"That's awesome! Congratulations!" She says

"Thank you, what about you? You planning on staying?" You ask

"Yeah I think gonna stay for a while." She says

"Well if you're ever home and want to go to a game let me know and I can get you and your sister tickets the next time they play in your city." You say

"She would love that! Thank you!" She says

"Of course, it's the least I can do." You say

"You planning to return to soccer too?" She asks

"I've thought about It. I've also thought about becoming a cop or maybe a recruiter. My plan is to spend time with my family and fiancé for a while and then I'll worry about what I want to do later." You say

"Well whatever you end up doing, I hope we can stay in touch." She says

"I hope so too!" You say

You both continue eating and talking until Kara decides to go take a nap. You head to find Barnes, who was in his office.

"Hey Y/n! What's up?" He says looking up from his computer.

You close the door behind you and take a seat in the chair across from him.

"I've been doing a lot of thinking and I've decided I want to go home. I think it's important that I go home and try to repair some relationships in my life." You say

"Well you have given so much for your country in the short time you've been in. I'm happy to hear you are wanting to repair those relationships. I'm proud of you kid." He says

"Thank you." You say

"Do you think you're done serving?" He asks

"I haven't fully decided yet. I'm not sure if I want to return to soccer or if I want to become a cop." You say

"I think you would do well no matter what you decide. I think you would make a great recruiter or even climb the ranks and become Drill Sargent at one of the base camps." He says

"I'll think about It. Thanks again for everything." You say

"Thank you for coming." He says

"I'll be here whenever you need me." You say

"Same goes for you. I'll make those arrangements for you now. It looks like there's a flight leaving in the morning that I can get you on." He says

"That sounds good thanks." you say

"Of course! Stay safe alright?" He says

"You too" you say as you stand up and shake his hand. He shakes It back and you exit back to the Baracks to make sure you have everything mostly packed and ready to go. You spend some more time with Kara and the rest of the unit before It gets late and you head to bed.

You had a hard time going to sleep because of how excited you were. You didn't tell Mal or your family so It will be a huge surprise to everyone.

*Next morning*

It was pretty early in the morning. You got showered and made sure your bag and the rest of your belongings are ready to go. You head to find Barnes and he takes you to where you're supposed to board.

Coming home (book 2)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora