Chapter 17

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Mal's pov

It's been a while since y/n went to shower, and it's unlike her to take a long shower, she's normally in and out quick. I decide to go check on her. The shower wasn't on and It didn't even look like she had gotten in yet. I see a stack of notes on the bed and one on my pillow. The room was empty and cool, the window was slightly opened. 

"Guys!" I yell loudly

"What is It?" Asks Tobin and Christen at the same time, the rest of our families right behind them.

"She's gone to meet with him on her own." Mal says

Christen pulls her phone out and dials a number before putting it up to her ear.

"I'm calling Barnes." She says

I pull my own phone out and call Y/n, it rings but they don't answer.

Officers and Barnes appear in minutes.

"What's going on?" He asks

"Y/n left to go end things with him on her own. She left you these two notes." Says Mal as she hands him the notes. He reads both of them quickly.

"Get packed we need to move you guys. Team one with me, team two and three stay with the family." He says before rushing out of the room and heading outside.

Barnes pov

Damn It y/n! Why couldn't you have just let us handle this

I try calling her phone, It rings but no one answers It. I grab my radio

"I need a tracker on y/n's phone now."  I say

"We got It, sending you the location now. It last pinged two minutes ago and is showing no movement." Says the dispatcher

The officer pulls out of the driveway and drives to its location. We end up in a empty lot. I get out and call her phone more before I hear It ringing. I find It in some tall grass.

"Got the phone, no sight of y/n." I say

"Got fresh tire marks over here" yells the officer

"There's cameras across the street, see if we can get any leads on what direction she went."  I say

We drive back to the house to help transfer everyone back to the police station.

I check her phone and don't see anything out of the ordinary, until I get a video from an unknown number. I click play and it's a video of y/n tied to a chair being beat by multiple masked people. I quickly turn It off and hand It over to the team so they can analyze It and see if they can get anything from It.

"We pulled the camera footage. We're tracking the car she got into but it's no longer showing on the cameras. It's been 2 maybe 3 hours at most. " Says the officer

"Lock down the city and Search every building within 50 miles from the last camera she was seen on." I say

"50 miles?" He asks

"Last time we didn't search far enough and she was gone for 3 years. I'm not letting this happen again." I say

He radios it in and a city wide search for you starts. They weren't going to get out of the city easily. I just hope we weren't to late.

I join the teams in searching the abandoned warehouses. We had photos of what y/n was wearing as well as the car and we began showing It to everyone in the city.

Somehow the news caught wind and social media began to blow up about It.  I see a young boy waving over at me.

What's up little man?" I ask crouching down to his level.

He points to the picture and I show It to him.

"I saw that car." he says

"Really where?" I ask

"I don't remember." He says

"I need you to really think. Do you remember if It was going this direction or that direction?" I ask pointing each way to try and jog his memory.

"This direction." He says pointing ahead of him.

"Did the car to left or right or did It continue straight? " I ask

"I think It go right. "He says

"You did great buddy! Thank you for your help. I say before grabbing my radio. 

"I got a possible lead, I have a witness who saw y/n turn up ahead. They are unsure if it was right or left, but there are a bunch of abandoned warehouses on both sides, let's get teams formed and search those areas." I say to the radio.

"On it" the dispatcher responds. 

A cop car pulls into the parking lot.

"Want a ride?" Asks the officer.

I get in the passenger side and we head out of the parking lot onto the road up to the intersection.

"You really want to follow a lead on a little boy?" Asks the officer.

"A lead is a lead." I say

"Do you think she's alive?" He asks 

"Y/n's a fighter, she survived 3 years of torture. Shes only been gone a few hours and I have a feeling he wouldn't just kill her. Hes been hunting her down for a long time." I say looking out the window. 

"let's just hope they haven't gotten out of the country yet." He says

Multiple team and search parties begin in searching for you. The sun was now setting and it was getting dark. 

"Let's call it for the night, to dangerous to pursue at night, since we don't know if he's alone or not, we could end up in an ambush situation." Says one of the lead officers. 

We all head home for the night, I head to the station where y/n's family is at and give them an update before heading to the hotel to sleep. 

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