MHA/BNHA Stories.

By ziakitty

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What can I say? There will be yandere. This book is mainly being made for a friend of mine on this site, KoiF... More

Home, Sweet Home.
Desk Oddities.
Little One.
Good Deeds.
July Fifteenth.
Bad Life
Three Days.
Game Of Tag
Yes, Sir.
Full Moon
Two Years.
Happy Little Accidents.
Safe Space
Purr For Me.
Snow White Queen.
Revel in the Darkness.
You Are His.
Merman or Siren?
Just a Dream.
Dealt With.
Beautiful Music.
Beautiful Mistakes.
American Heroes.
The Basement.
The Gift.
Discord Fun.
Something old, something new, and something used.
Family Again.
Pretty Mate.
Seven Days.
Self Control.
It's Time for a Change.
Teacher's Pet.
Silver Fox.
Fun Times on Discord.
Game Over.
Sweet Dreams, Sweetpea.
Father's Day.
Acceptance Letter.
New Toys.
Accidental Touches.
Birthday Surprise.
Doctor's Order.
Sacrificial Bride
Speak not a word.
Cold Touch

Childhood Relived.

640 7 0
By ziakitty

Sorry Hawks simps, this isn't an x reader. You can move along or stay.

For the last past, fifteen minutes Endeavor has been ignoring the current number two hero. His type genuinely got on the giant man's nerves. People who didn't take things seriously or joked around too much, and just hovered around him for no reason. Hawks checked off all those boxes and more.

Despite that, the pros were randomly seen together, more and more often. Especially after Endeavor became number one. The younger hero decided to put himself in charge of improving his senior's reputation. That was well over a year ago, and it seems that Enji was stuck with Keigo.

"You haven't been answering my calls, texts, or emails. Don't tell me you're pulling a Shouto on me, Mister Number One." Said the crimson winged man, who just so happened to be flying by Todoroki's office window. No reply was given but sharp eyes noticed a twitch of fiery eyebrows.

At this moment, Enji wished he hadn't opened his window or the blinds earlier. Since a certain man literally flew in and started talking. With each word, the older individual found himself losing his patience, until...

"How's your sex life?" To this Todoroki twitched again. "That bad huh. I can help with that, I can introduce you to some people." Turquoise eyes closed briefly. "Shut up."

For half a minute the other man did shut up but of course, it was short-lived. "You know the girls still want to meet you. They're hoping they'll appeal to you so one, if not all of them, can be yours. Being the number one hero's favorite girl has its perks."

Already Enji missed the sweet sound of silence. "Unless you're into guys, which is fine too. In that case, I know the perfect guy for you." Scanning the room, honey hues noticed all of Endeavor's rewards. None of them really interested him though.

However, what did catch this noisy bird's eye was the pictures on his idol's desk. There were photos of his kids with their mother. Maybe he hasn't gotten over his ex-wife. I could find someone that looks like her.

As his seemingly uninterested peepers kept roaming. They noticed another picture, this person clearly wasn't family. "That's Zia, the bookstore owner. I didn't know you knew Mommy." The second that word slipped from his lips, Takami found himself being grabbed.

A hand was used to cover his mouth. That was a slip-up. Light gems looked off to the side as their owner was easily lifted off his feet. "You've got ten seconds to explain yourself, Hawks. How do you know MY," the ginger's flames flared up, even more, nearly burning Keigo. "Lady, why are you calling HER, mommy?"

Possessive much. They're not dating from what I know but this does answer why he never wants to meet up. So he's interested in a certain neko. Endeavor was counting, each number coming out as a growl as his flames grew hotter.

"I've been with her for a while now. It's a long story..." His choice of words wasn't helping much. Any second now the blond would be extra crispy chicken.

"It started when I..."

Three years prior.

People were running and screaming, trying to get away from the danger zone as a building collapsed. Hawks swooped in, shooting out his feathers to catch anyone that wasn't fast enough to escape. There was one person off to the side, trying to dodge all the debris, it was a child. With his feathers almost gone, the hero decided to scoop the child up. Seeing someone come at him at top speed, the little boy was a bit too slow at getting out the way.

"No! Don't touch me!" Cried out the five-year-old. "Relax kid, I'm a pro hero." Normally he would be praised by whoever he was saving but this little one seemed upset. "This isn't good, now they'll get you too...I'm...I'm sorry man..."

"Why are you apologizing?" Placing the unnamed child down, Keigo looked him over, noticing that he had no wounds. Good, he's unharmed by why is this kid so upset? What is he afraid of? Then it happened, the kid started to get bigger, while Takami felt weaker and weaker. With all the dust, chaos, and other buildings around, no one saw what was taking place.

When things cleared a bit, an adult stood where the child once sat. His dark brown eyes peered at the tiny hero. Hawks looked up at the man, blinked, his expression was neutral, anyone else would have been shocked. "Like I said, I'm sorry, man. Someone hit me with a quirk that changed me into a child. I'm not sure how it works but everyone that touches me turns into a kid unless they can touch me again."

Hearing that, tiny hands reached up, the blond couldn't stay like this! None of his clothes fit, right now he was sitting in a pile of his hero gear. "No way, man! I'm finally an adult again." Trying hard not to be touched by the now three to four-year-old hero, the brown-eyed man grabbed Hawks' jacket and pants, putting them on. "You can't leave me like this..."

"I can, will, and I am! Best of luck to you, hero!" Running away, with Keigo's clothes, the jerk left. Stepping on and breaking the earpiece that had fallen out of Takami's ear. The one thing that could have helped him out. At least the tiny boy had his black suit, which he was drowning in.

No one seemed to notice the lone child as he waddled down the street in oversized clothes. If they did notice they just ignored him. This was hitting too close to home for the owner of golden irises. With his wings too small to help him fly, Hawks was stuck on the ground. Other pros were coming, fire department too, surely one of them would help.

Not one person helped, they shooed the child away, told him this area was dangerous, to go back to his parents, etc. To make things worse, for some reason he wasn't about to touch any of them. Growing frustrated, he found himself being picked up, turning a bit to see who it was, he was surprised to see a teal-haired man. "Well now, you're a lot prettier than the first one I used my quirk on, guess I'll keep you instead."

"Get off me!" Growled out the little boy, kicking and biting at the much bigger male, his tiny pleas were overpowered by all the other sounds around them. Slipping into the shadows, the strange quirk user disappeared with Hawks in his grasp.

"Stop fighting it, kid, you're mine now. As long as I keep my quirk activated, you won't change back. And my quirk is always active," sniggering, to himself as he unlocked his car, they were far from the crowd now. Not a soul around. "The best part about this quirk is the fact that you can't tell anyone about yourself or me otherwise the effects will become permanent."

"What! You're lying."

"Want to test it and found out?" Yellow, tobacco-stained teeth were seen as the perp smiled. "You already know that touching or being touched by someone under the effects of my quirk passes it on. So, unless you want to be a kid forever, you better keep quiet."

Eyeing the baby Hawks, he grunted, "naw, you look like a talker, you're going into the trunk. There's a lot of perverts out there that like em young too, I'm sure to get a good price for you. As long as I hold the power, you'll be begging me to turn you back."

Thrown into the trunk of a car, Keigo Takami felt powerless but not hopeless. As the car moved, the winged hero counted each turn and stop while using his feathers to try and open the trunk. Wherever this pervert was taking him it was pretty far, most likely outside of the city. After a good ten minutes, the trunk popped open just enough for the child to squeeze out. The car was turning down a backstreet, they weren't completely out of the city yet, mainly on the outskirts.

A tiny body hit the moving ground hard, covering his head and rolling, the black suit he had on was torn up now. Cutting off the extra cloth, until the black fabric looked more like a huge shirt, little legs started to run as far and fast as possible. There was no telling when that crazed man would notice that his trunk had been opened, and Keigo needed to get someplace safe. The sky turned black as rain clouds rolled in, hours had passed already, and no help had been found.

Curling up in a dirty alley, the blond sighed to himself, this really was like his childhood all over again. Only this time around, he didn't have a shitty house and parents to return to. This isn't good, it's raining, I have a slight clue as to where I am but I can't keep traveling like this. Especially around here, it's only a matter of time before another pervert shows up.

"You lost him? Then we just need to find another kid. Hold on, I see someone..." Hanging up the phone, someone calls out. "Hey kid, what are you doing over there?"

Here we go again... Looking up at the unknown woman that was heading his way, something about her didn't seem right. Takami's instincts kicked in, his wings puffed up as he started hauling ass. "Oh, no you don't you little shit! Get back over here." Dashing out of the alleyway, with an unknown individual slowly gaining on him, Hawks rounded a corner and bumped into someone's leg.

Finally! I should be able to turn back into an adult now. I did touch someone, and whoever this person is, I can help them later on... However, nothing was happening, the hero wasn't changing back. "Are you okay little guy?" Kneeling, the rain stopped falling on his body as an umbrella was held over him.

Taking off her jacket, she wrapped it around his tiny frame. Doing her best to warm him up. "You're soaked, shivering, how long have you been out here, and what happened to your clothes?" Just then the woman that had been chasing him showed up.

"Oh!" Looking at the two individuals, she faked a worried expression. "You found my son! Thank you, Miss. I've been looking all over for him. Naughty boy, you know it's not safe out here. Don't run away from mama."

Speed walking up to them, she stops in front of them. "This boy is your son?" She has golden tresses, black and red eyes, slightly more tan skin. His hair is blond, eyes gold with tiny black markings, cute little wings too. Maybe he looks more like his father?

"Yes, he is mine." Reaching out for the boy, she gave a strained smile. Something about this doesn't feel right. Look at him, even if he ran away, why did he run? How long has he been missing? And why doesn't his clothes fit at all?

Mini hands touched brown cheeks as the other woman nearly grabbed Keigo. The look in those large gold pupils showed confusion. "It's okay, honey, your ma is here." Handing the child over, who immediately started to struggle, the tan-complexioned woman sighs happily.

Hugging the small boy closely, in a way that anyone would think was loving but it was far from that. Turning away, obsidian and ruby gems stared cruelly at their prey. Taking a few steps, she didn't get far before a voice called out. "Miss, please take my umbrella, you wouldn't want yourself or your child to get sick."

"Oh no, that's okay, we don't live too far from here."

"No, no, I insist..." Knowing that if she didn't take the stupid umbrella that the shorter woman wouldn't leave and would think it was sus. The creepy lady turned around only to be knocked out. A punch was thrown, full force, it connected with her jaw.

"No way in hell that's your kid, lady!" Hawks' eyes widened. "Even if he is yours, no fucking way would I really give him to you. Just look at him! Cold, wet, most likely hungry, and scared. Not to mention his clearly oversized clothes, who would even let their kid go anywhere like that?"

Crouching down, dark blue, almost black in color, eyes locked onto his frame. "My name is Zia Lee, what's yours?" You can't tell anyone about yourself or me otherwise the effects will become permanent. That's what he said but he also said that anyone that touched me would be changed. Nothing happened when these two women held me, maybe it only works on men?

"Did you know this woman, is there someone I can call for you, honey?" Shaking his head no, he says, "Keigo, my name is Keigo, Miss." Frowning a bit, vivid tresses swayed as their owner nodded. "Alright, let's get you to a police station but first, food, clothes, warmth." At the thought of food Takami's stomach growled.

"Haha, so cute. Let's go, honey." Fishing out her keys, she unlocks her car door. "I know it must be scary getting into a car with a stranger but..." The small child said nothing as he wiggled free and sat in the backseat. Lee blinked a few times before helping the boy with his seatbelt.

Getting into the driver's seat, she too buckled up and drove off. "Anything you like to eat or dis-"


"Well, that was fast, haha. Alright, let's get you some chicken then." With the heat on, a comfy seat, and a feeling of safety, Hawks found himself fighting to stay away.

Waking up to something that smelled wonderful, a small hand rubbed at its owner's eye. Suddenly the blond jumped up, body tense senses on full alert. Where am I? The room was dimly lit, the t.v was on a news station, which was covering the events from earlier today. Humming was coming from another room, it sounded like a woman.

That must be the woman that helped me earlier. So she did take me home. My clothes were changed too, not sure how to feel about that but this feels better. Maybe she has a child since these are children's clothes. Pulling on the shirt a bit, the flaxen-haired boy laughed a bit.

His soft giggling grabbed Zia's attention. Swift yet light footsteps could be heard coming to the living room. "You're awake, you must have been tired, you passed out shortly after getting into the car." Seeing as he was staring at the clothes she had picked out, Lee spoke, "sorry if you're not an Endeavor fan, they were out of All Might."

"No, it's okay. I really like Endeavor."

"Well, good. You're well-spoken for a child, how old are you?" Hawks looked up at his savior. I can't tell her that I am much older than she thinks and that I am a pro hero. Good thing everyone says I act like a carefree child... "I'm four," he says while counting his fingers.

"You're so adorable, ugh." Letting out a small laugh, she smiled at him, "come on, let's eat. I hope you like Oyakodon." Leading the way to the dining room, Lee helped her guest into a chair. "This isn't going to work huh, you're just a bit too small, and I don't have any booster chairs."

Thinking for a moment, she shrugs, "I guess we're eating in the living room tonight. We can watch t.v too." Nodding, Keigo slips out of the chair and waddles back to the other room. Taking a pillow from the couch, little hands pushed at it until it felt just right. Settling down at the coffee table, he sat on the pillow and waited.

Less than two minutes later his hostess came back with a tray. Delicious smells teased his nose, making his stomach growl again. Placing a meal and drink in front of him, she joined him. "Anything you want to watch?"

"This is fine, I like watching the heroes." Such a strange child. I guess it's not that strange, most kids like heroes but this is just the news. Unbeknownst to Zia, Hawks was observing her as well as the television. There was no telling how long he would be like this.

Taking a bite, then another and another, small wings fluttered happily. "Haha, I take it that it's good. I am pleased."

The weather wasn't letting up at all, in fact, it was getting worse. When Lee called the police, Keigo had heard the conversation, no one could come out at this time. He would have to stay the night here but that was okay, the blond knew he was safe now.

When morning rolled around, it looked like nighttime, it was still storming hard like mother nature was pissed off and refused to forgive her children. On top of that, a certain winged hero was still a four-year-old. Am I stuck like this forever? I better not be... I will kill that guy once I get the chance no matter how long it takes.

This went on for a few days, every day his current guardian checked in with the police. There were areas being flooded, and most people were out helping with that. Hawks found himself wishing he too could help. "Can I just stay with you?" That question was asked by a sleepy birb boy.

"For as long as you need to but I am sure your family is looking for you. Surely someone is out there looking." Indeed, there were people looking for the young hero, while also helping citizens. His sidekicks, a few other unknown heroes, in hopes of making a name for themselves. "What if," a small hand gripped his shirt.

"What if no one is looking, Miss?" The thought never really came to mind. How many kids were out there like him, lost, alone, abandoned. "I'll take care of you." Perhaps being stuck as a child, having my Childhood Re-lived isn't a bad thing. "Thank you."

It has been five days since Takami was changed into a kid, so far things have improved for him greatly. The person that saved him was kind and took good care of him. On the way to the police station, they stopped to get more clothes for Keigo. While heading into the changing room to see if everything fit, he bumped into someone else.

The young man yelled but soon stopped, his eyes widened as he came face to face with the pro he had changed into a child, indirectly. Right as the brown-eyed man was about to run, his body changed. Hawks was an adult again, slipping into a nearby changing room, red feathers were used to keep the jerk away from him.

"You ran off and never came back, I should do the same but I am not like you. Now, give me your cellphone so I can make a few calls." The look in his eyes, Hawks looked like a real bird of prey, fearsome. "My phone is in my pants pocket." More feathers were used to discreetly bring them both clothes.

True to his word, Takami Keigo made a few calls, checking in with his agency, and the hero commission. Giving them a slightly truthful explanation, telling them all about the strange quirk user. Saying he was out there looking for him, penetrating his circle to fish out the other perverts. Telling them how the teal-haired person's quirk worked from what he understood of it. Knowing that their leader was alright, Hawks' sidekicks changed their search to this unknown man.

Lee was starting to worry about her little ward, how long did it take for a kid to change? Heading to the backrooms, she was just about to call out when little hands tugged at her clothes. An adorable little boy smiled up at her with his big golden eyes. Bushy brows, black markings at the corners of his eyes. "You're all done, you certainly took your time."

"My wings kept getting stuck..." He looked down, crimson flutters doing just that, fluttering. "Ah, sorry about that. I forgot about that. We can just cut a hole in the back, it's what I do for my tail."

"You have a tail?"

"Mhm." Her tail unwrapped from her waist, the tip was used to boop his nose. Making him go cross-eyed for a second. "Can I wear this out?"

"Sure, honey." Paying for the outfit, and a few more, they stopped to get a snack before setting off again. I can't believe they didn't find any relatives, birth certificate, or anything. It's like this boy doesn't exist. Could it be he is from another country? His parents lost him here but no missing person cases were reported or they were killed?

Thinking to herself as Keigo rested on her chest, they were back at her home. Laid out on her indoor hammock. She watched as he snuggled into her chest more. Pulling the blanket over his tiny frame, Zia hummed softly. If nothing is found by the end of this month I will adopt him but it's surprising they just let me take him back home...

The weekend came and went with the two of them having fun, listening to music, playing board games. Before long another two weeks had already passed. "Nearly a month and I am still a child, not that it's a bad thing..." He murmurs to himself while looking through Lee's phone. It was hidden behind a book the blond was currently looking at.

Keeping in contact with his agency, Keigo smiled when he got a text saying that the strange quirk user was finally found. "Has anyone seen my phone?" Asked the multi-streaked creature. Sending a quick reply, and setting his plan into action. Takami deleted all evidence before sneaking over to Lee.

"You left it in the restroom, Mommy."

"Oh, I-" Zia.Lee.exe has stopped working. Shit, that slipped out... Using his shirt to cover his mouth, while rising a hand, the young boy didn't expect what would happen next. Soft brown hands scooped him up, "ugh, that's it, I love you, I love you so much." Gently rubbing her cheek against his, much like any loving cat does to its human.

The vivid maiden smiled, then pecked Hawks' forehead. A bell chimed, someone had entered the bookstore, setting him down, she gave him a head pat before going off. There was a small section of the shop that was turned into a kiddy corner. Bean bags, books, toys, and coloring books. Going back to his little corner, the blond kicked himself mentally, this was going to make things more difficult.

Later that day a call came in, a distant relative was found. Learning of this Lee felt a bit down, a certain chicken-loving bird (birb) had grown on her. They would be in town tomorrow to get their little cousin. Finding someone that looked close enough to him was harder than Hawks thought it would be but he found someone.

A young woman showed up, she had sandy blonde hair, fair skin, golden eyes, with the same markings. Standing before them, the unnamed individual looked around, all she had to do was act like some kid's guardian and she would be rich. Once everyone was there, and it was time to go, Zia asked the other woman a few questions.

Her answers weren't good enough but there wasn't much the shorter female could do. Giving a hug to little Keigo, she ruffled his hair, threatened his new guardian, while smiling lovingly. "If anything happens to him, I will know, and I will take him back. After making you both into a blood Eagle." She growled out, making the young lady shiver and nod. Then watched as they got into a car.

In the car, was another child, a boy, around the age of five, most likely this girl's little brother. Takami used a phone to wire enough money to this random girl to keep them quiet. After slipping on clothes that were clearly too big for him. Reaching out the winged hero ruffled the kid's hair, with that he was turned back into an adult.

Now back at his home, Hawks got ready for work, there was a certain creep he needed to beat the hell out of. "It feels good to be back in my older body, and hero gear." Taking off, once he was on the balcony, his prey was hunted down. Needless to say, that perverted bastard was begging for his life, it's doubtful that he was allowed to keep it.

It's been two months since Lee has seen little Keigo, the shopkeeper seemed down still, which made Takami feel bad. At least a couple of times out of the week he flies by, checking on her but never interacting, staying out of sight. Leaving random gifts, signed by Keigo.

Today was different, there was a knock on the door but instead of a gift, there was a young man. His face, back, and hair were hidden away by a hat, shadows, and a big jacket. Sus... "Can I help you?"

"Yes, you can, by not slapping me or knocking me out when I do this." Swiftly he crouched down until his head was just under her bosom.

Shaking off his hat, all too familiar hair and hues peeked up at her. Immediately the image of that little boy she saved came to mind. While staring into those eyes, she blinked, Hawks' back moved a bit, lifting the jacket so Zia could see his red wings. Stepping back, the door was opened wider, "Keigo?" Standing back up, he smiles, grabbing the bags that were beside him. "I have a story to tell you, also," his stomach growled. "I brought everything needed for you to make Oyakodon."

Current times.

The number two hero mentally smiled at his memories, the ones that he hadn't shared at all with Endeavor. Speaking of which... "Zia is a nice woman, a good one. Very maternal."

"Tell me something I don't know, Hawks." To this, Takami grins, "her breasts make great pillows, and she's soft ALL over." 

4410 words. I was very excited to write this, for a few reasons. One being that baby Hawks lives in my mind and heart rent-free. Two, because a friend of mine roleplays and relates to Hawks and I'm the motherly figure in the group.  I love Kadeart, not mine, they signed it. 

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