Life Without You

By mfung84

17.2K 746 157

[23 April 2022 - This story is complete but currently going a second round of edits with improved plots and d... More

Sneak Preview
Chapter 1 - The Painful Truth
Chapter 2 - A New Life
Chapter 3 - A Difficult Birthday
Chapter 4 - Shocking News
Chapter 5 - The New Celebrity
Chapter 6 - The Press Conference
Chapter 7 - Why?
Chapter 8 - Date Out with Hiroshi
Chapter 9 - Hard to Resist
Chapter 10 - Missing Leon
Chapter 11 - Reunion
Chapter 12 - Coming Home
Chapter 13 - Beth's Wedding
Chapter 14 - Rehearsal
Chapter 15 - The Dream
Chapter 16 - Relocating Back Home
Chapter 17 - Adjusting to Fame
Chapter 18 - Andy's Birthday
Chapter 19 - Dark Days Ahead
Chapter 20 - Rising Up
Chapter 21 - Meltdown
Chapter 22 - Dread with Worry
Chapter 23 - In the Hospital
Chapter 24- Progress
Chapter 25 - Rehab
Chapter 26 - Leon?
Chapter 27 - Doppelgänger Trouble
Chapter 28 - Unpleasant Truths
Chapter 29 - Heartbroken
Chapter 30 - Toughen Up
Chapter 31 - Angel gets Married
Chapter 32 - Obsessed Fans?
Chapter 33 - Out of Rehab
Chapter 34 - The Elia Dera Show
Chapter 35 - Desperate for a Break

Chapter 36 - On to Yellowstone National Park
Chapter 37 - Lost
Chapter 38 - Reunited
Chapter 39 - Awkward Encounter
Chapter 40 - Join the Group
Chapter 41 - Campfire
Chapter 42 - Enjoying Yellowstone (with a twist)
Chapter 44 - Financial Woes & Trust Issues
Chapter 45 - Helping Leon
Chapter 46 - Depressed
Chapter 47 - Forest Cherry Hill Park
Chapter 48 - Remember?
Chapter 49 - Andy Discovers the Truth
Chapter 50 - Painful memories I
Chapter 51 - Painful memories II
Chapter 52 - Confrontation
Chapter 53 - A New Companion
Chapter 54 - Leon vs Hiroshi
Chapter 55 - The Red Story
Chapter 56 - New landlord
Chapter 57 - The New Housemate
Chapter 58 - Being Away
Chapter 59 - Surprise in Japan
Chapter 60 - I won't give up
Chapter 61 - Framing Leon
Chapter 62 - Interrogation
Chapter 63 - Ignoring Leon
Chapter 64 - Thinking of You
Chapter 65 - Knocked Out
Chapter 66 - Where's Sky?
Chapter 67 - More Company
Chapter 68 - Proceeding Alone
Chapter 69 - Beacon of Hope
Chapter 70 - Captured
Chapter 71 - Game of Life and Death
Chapter 72 - Saving Andy
Chapter 73 - Andy's Recovery
Chapter 74 - Wait for Me
Chapter 75 - His Gain, Her Loss
Chapter 76 - Being Set Free
Chapter 77 - Leaving the Dream
Chapter 78 - Reborn
Chapter 79 - Moving On
Chapter 80 - Will you?
Chapter 81 - Ever After
Chapter 82 - New Life (End)

Chapter 43 - The Reveal

102 5 0
By mfung84

Leon plopped into his bed and stared blankly at the ceiling.

Having to say goodbye to Ariel and Andy after the end of their Yellowstone trip made him feel rather despondent. The entire trip was one big mess of emotions for him. It felt light-hearted and fun because of Andy, it felt familiar because of Ariel, it was aloof because of Hiroshi and it was stressful because of Hiromi. In the end, Leon never had the solo holiday he wanted, but it did not feel like it was entirely ruined. Just different and bittersweet.

Leon stretched out for something at the bedside table, but there was nothing to grab hold onto. He turned to realise that he was unknowingly trying to reach for what would have been booze. He was astounded at his body's odd reaction, something that he did not do at the rehab!

In order to distract himself, he reached for his phone. The thought of Ariel kept popping in his mind. Now that he got her current number, should he text her, or wait for her to text him? He looked at her number, nervous at how to approach Ariel. To call or to text? Would she mind having long chats with him like they used to? Oh, how he missed those moments.

Defeated on the idea, Leon went to his Instagram instead. He noticed that Hiromi Fujita had followed him. Ugh! No way would he follow her back! But he checked her Instagram anyways. Predictably, she was so full of herself. Every picture in there was on her, about her and more of her! What other talent did she have apart from a pretty face with hideous make-up and an expensive wardrobe paid by her rich father? She was even featured on Rich Kids of Instagram.

Scrolling past the comments of his last post of Yellowstone, Hiromi Fujita had written a creepy comment:

@HiromiFujita: Miss our times together 

Many people replied to her comment and connected the dots based on her recent Instagram posts that she was in Yellowstone around the same time as Leon. The internet was abuzz with speculations, but thank God he refused to take any picture with her otherwise she would have shown off to the world and embellish the narrative.

As he scanned the comments, @CherryBerryKiss was at it again with another comment:

@CherryBerryKiss: Finally, the #real Leon Waltz is back

Bingo! She was spot on! Leon opened his mouth in disbelief.

In another photo of him against the backdrop of stars in Yellowstone, he proposed a bit of fun with his fans by asking them to write a poem about the start. He scrolled past his fans' attempts at poetry, just to see if @CherryBerryKiss wrote anything. 

There it was again:

@CherryBerryKiss: Let the stars be our upward trajectory, to our dreams in unity, may our love soar high above, like freedom renewed on the wings of a dove

The poem sounded familiar. It had to be from someone he knew. Leon tried hard to recollect from his memories but none came to mind.

This was getting uncomfortable.

If Avon's PR team could not bother investigating who @CherryBerryKiss was, Leon would have to think through a strategy on how to weed her out himself.


"Really? You guys finally met?" Camila clapped her hands in excitement. She had flown back from Los Angeles for a weekend stay.

"Yes," Ariel admitted to meeting Leon at Yellowstone.

"And how are you feeling about it?" asked Rita.

"Well," Ariel shrugged. "Just like that. Now Andy wants to see him regularly."

"See? Fate's bringing you two together," Camila sang.

"Camil, that's not appropriate," Rita reminded.

"Sorry, my bad," Camila covered her mouth with a soft giggle. "But at least we all can be friends now without stepping on eggshells on either of you when it comes to mentioning each other's names."

"Yes, something good comes out, I guess. Not right to be forever enemies, right?" said Ariel. "Have a healthy relationship. But honestly, I'm still apprehensive about it."

"Don't over worry. You're taking the right step," Rita encouraged. "Especially you're doing it for Andy."

"Still, I've to be cautious being seen with Leon," sighed Ariel, knowing how strict the Fujitas were with her public image.

"That's the thing I still don't get, why your bosses insist that way," Camila shook her head.

"Well, I'm sure once his reputation heals, he'll gain a good impression again," added Rita.

Ariel rubbed her forehead.

"Anyway, Beth's housewarming is tomorrow. Man, I'm looking forward to it," said Rita.

"I still can't believe our dear Rita finally got her wish upon a star!" Camila rejoiced.

"Yes! I'm officially taken!" Rita gushed with her hands to her cheeks after she revealed to her friends recently that Evan and her admitted their feelings towards each other.

"Happy for you all," Ariel smiled, knowing that all her friends were no longer single except her. She felt a sense of loss, not because she felt left out but because they no longer gathered as much as they used, now that her friends preferred to spend more time with their significant others than each other.

"So, you gonna be alright tomorrow?" asked Rita, for Leon had accepted Beth's housewarming invitation too.

Ariel let out a sigh, "I'm still a bit nervous, dunno why.."


Leon was donned in one of his many Cody disguises that Camila had premade for him, and had Rico drive him to Beth's and Theo's new house in a regular Ford that was rented for the day.

"We're reaching soon," said Rico as he looked at the GPS.

The suburban middle-class neighbourhood was at the fringe of the city. It was quiet and peaceful and abundant in greenery, with many low-rise landed houses that were an hour's drive from the city. They finally arrived at a modest two-story house with slanted grey roofs, light blue panel sidings, a wide white garage door, and little rows of red and white roses that greeted the front. The exterior of the house still smelled of fresh paint.

Leon stepped out of the car and Rico drove off. He rang the bell and was greeted by an enthusiastic and happy Beth.

"Thanks for the invite. Very nice and cosy house," complimented Leon.

"Why, thank you! Ariel and Andy are inside. Come on in, I've prepared brunch," Beth gestured him to follow her.

"Alrighty," Leon removed his disguise, feeling a bit nervous meeting Ariel again.


Andy could not stop giggling at Leon's jokes. They were seated next to each other on the big dining table, where Ariel, Rita, Camila and their hosts, Theo and Beth sat. Ariel sat next to Andy on the other side, not feeling at ease being seated next to Leon.

Even though he assured Beth and Theo that he was alright if they drank in front of him, the sight and smell of red wine were starting to irk Leon that he tapped repeatedly on his fork with his finger. Everyone was given a glass of wine, except for him, Ariel and Andy. How he wished he had a strong will that Ariel had and not be tempted by that familiar smell. He remembered the delicious soups that Beth used to give him at the hospital that were effective in curbing his cravings.

"By the way, Beth," said Leon. "Do you remember the soups you gave me, while I was at the hospital?"

The ladies exchanged quick glances at each other. Ariel tightened her lips.

"Erm, yup?" Beth hastily put her fork and knife down.

"Can you tell me where that shop is located? I really need those soups again."

"Oh," Beth gave an uncomfortable smile.

"Soups?" Andy asked. "How do they taste like?"

"Well, they kinda have a strong herbal smell. Then, there were some soups that were mild too," replied Leon.

"Strong herbal smell? Like Chinese chicken herbal soup, beetroot veggie soups, those kinds?" Andy recalled and it struck a chord with Leon.

"Yes! How do you know? I never told you any of these."

"My mum made those soups!" Andy was excited at his guess.

"Huh?" Leon knitted his eyebrows together.

Ariel placed her hand on Andy's arm, "Andy, there's no need to-"

"Yup! Mum wanted you to be well after she heard you were in hospital," Andy continued excitedly. "So she woke up early in the morning every day to make those soups for you and sneak them out. Too bad we weren't allowed to see you cos' Hiroshi said so, right ma?" Andy turned to his mother.

The room went quiet. All eyes fell upon Leon and Ariel. Ariel stiffened under Leon's shocking gaze at her.

" guys lied to me," Leon gave Beth and the other ladies a look.

"Don't blame us. It was her idea," Beth pointed at Ariel.

Ariel admitted, "Yeah, it was me. Nothing to do with the ladies. I had requested them to keep it a secret."

Disbelief was marred on Leon's expression. Ariel was not sure what to make out of his expression. Was it just disbelief, or anger or disgust, or a mix of three? He definitely did not look thankful. Afraid that he would explode like she used to see him do, Ariel excused herself.

Soon after Ariel left, Leon got up, "Excuse me."  He left the table and followed after Ariel.

"Wait, I'm coming," Andy tried to get up but Beth sat him down.

"Just let them be. Shall we continue?" she said.

"Yeah," Camila smiled and exchanged happy glances with the ladies.

They resumed their brunch.


"Ariel!" Leon followed after her to the backyard garden of the house.

"What is it, Leon?" she spun around to him. He still carried that confusing expression.

"Are you going to explode like I've seen you many times do?" she speculated.

He shook his head, "I try not to."

"Yeah, right," Ariel gave out a short, mirthless laugh.

"But tell me, why?" he anguished.

Ariel let out a sigh, "Because I did not want you to die."

"You saved my life twice, you know that?"

"You don't have to thank me. I just did what any other human being would do."

"Not just any human being," Leon was still trying to process the new revelation. "Why didn't you tell me it was you? Why do you keep hiding secrets from me? You should've visited me in the hospital if you really cared so much for me."

"I really wanted to. But I wasn't allowed because of -"

"Hiroshi?" Leon finished her sentence. "He's the one who stops you from seeing me, huh? Like what Andy said."

Ariel squeezed her arms tight with downcast eyes.

"I knew it. I knew he's up to no good!" he took a deep breath and held it, trying not to vent outrage carelessly. So, he squeezing his hands instead.

Ariel noticed his attempt at restraining once more, "I see you're trying."

"Trying what?"

"Trying to contain yourself."

"Really? Was I really that mean before?" Leon reflected.

"Yeah. Pretty difficult and scary to live with, to be honest."

Leon sighed and tilted his head backward with his hands behind.

"Well, what's past is past. Seems like you're happy again," Ariel tried to change the topic.

"I'm not happy. Are you?"

Ariel was speechless. Hardly anyone asked her that question before. She did not know how to answer that question herself.

"I don't think you are," Leon concluded.

It triggered her.

"Right, like I really need to divulge my personal life to you too? Why does everyone wanna know, how I look, what I dress, how I behave, how I talk...just leave me alone, all of you!" she vented and covered her ears, lips quivering in short breaths as she brooded over the reminders of prying cameras, screaming fans, violation of her privacy, vicious gossips and cyberbullying.

Leon looked at her troubling expression intently with concern, for it was all too familiar.

"Sometimes, I'd rather be someone else than me. Be in another world," she groaned.

"Ariel..." Leon wanted to hold her badly so he went nearer towards her.

"Guys, are you done? Your food's getting cold!" Beth called out, distracting them.

"Yes, we are," Ariel replied. "Shall we?" She walked back into the house, leaving Leon crestfallen for a while before he dragged his feet back into the house.

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