Bucky Barnes X Y/n: I hate yo...

Galing kay Y3llow_8utt3rfly

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Her hands were scarred of murder, her eyes, dull and glassy as she loses her luster and her soul longing for... Higit pa

Author's Note
Avengers Compound Visuals
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
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Chapter 7

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Galing kay Y3llow_8utt3rfly

I was walking down when I saw Bucky coming up and we lock eyes, we haven't spoken to each other since the mission and from what I heard from Coulson, he saved my life and got me out of the building when I wasn't able to, so until this point, it's been silent glances at each other.

When I walked passed him, I made it to the next set of stairs when I caught him looking at me again, and at this point I just grew frustrated because, I'm not about to make this last forever.

'What', I said and he stopped in the middle of the staircase and looked down at me, 'if you want to tell me something, now's the time', I suggest.

'Nothing', he replies and I nod, 'okay then', I said and when I continued to walk down, I stopped when he said my name and I glance up at him again, 'thanks for saving me', he says and I furrow my brows, 'even though you didn't need to take the bullet for me, thank you for doing it anyway', he says and I continue to stare at him, honestly I only did that because it was out of instinct for me, I'd do it for anyone and I wouldn't think twice about it.

'Your welcome', I said, because I had nothing else to say and when the moment passed, I watched him take a few more steps up until I stopped him this time, 'Bucky', I call out and watch his eyes follow back to me, 'thank you for saving me too', I said and he gives me a curt nod, 'you're welcome', he says and then there's another moment again, until he breaks it and walks back upstairs.

'And Bucky', I call out before he could disappear from my line of sight, 'Just because we saved each other, doesn't mean I hate you any less', I state and I could've sworn I saw the gleam in his eyes and his mouth switch up into a smile until it disappeared.

'That's fine by me', he says, 'I'm in the winning streak, your falling behind by four winnings', he says and I scoff and then watch him disappear, oh I can definitely catch up and will make this so very difficult, I thought then I continued to walk down.


'That's what happens when you challenge me', I said to Bucky who was all but fuming at this point and I laugh at the victory, 'next time you'll think twice about what I'm capable of', I say and then sip on my coffee like this doesn't faze me, '...I'll except your surrender now', I said and it's then he scoffs to the idea and stares at me with a fire burning in his eyes, 'that'll only happen in your dreams, you took this too far', he says and I roll my eyes, 'now I'm going to go ten folds', he warns and I'm rolling them again until I heard the doors swing open and when we look over, we see the team look over at us.

'Seriously, I thought we we're making progress', Steve says and the rest are laughing at Bucky who was all pink from the shoulders down, 'if progress means we hate each other more now, your right', I said and he shakes his head whilst the rest continue.

'We should take a picture', Sam suggest but before he could make a move to his phone, Bucky stopped him with a low growl, a warning to him, 'do it Sam and I murder you whilst you sleep', he says and then gives me one last look and walks back to his room, 'the pink panther called, he wants his clothes back', I yell after him and he only ignores me, walks down and then I head the slam of his door, whilst I smile to myself, try beating that.

I said to myself and walked down to my own room.


'Are you actually fucking serious', I said and hear Coulson sigh, 'Y/n, your language...', he begins but I ignore him, 'you do realise this is her fault right', I said and then when I wanted to continue, I looked over to the women who had just came in, 'General Hale', Coulson said and I watch her mask slip, her, I recognised her all to well, and I'm presuming she knows me too.

'Coulson', she says and walks in, 'I thought we we're having this meeting in private', she adds and he nods, 'we are, I'm just finishing up, General Talbot will be a few minutes late', he states and I watch her nod.

'We'll talk about this later', Coulson tells me when he turns back to me and I scoff, 'No, we'll talk about it right now', I said.

'Y/n', he begins and I'm interrupting him again, '...she's right here anyway, so what's the point in talking about it later', I ask and then it falls silent.

'It was collateral damage', she speaks out and I stare at her, scoff and before I can stop myself, I backhand her face so hard it sends a ripple against her cheek and then my hand is wrapped around her throat and I use my strength to lift her off the ground, 'you look like collateral damage too', I said and see Coulson step forward in the corner of my eye whilst she struggles, 'Y/n, put her down', he instructs as I peal my eyes away from her to Coulson's, 'I don't think I will', I said and tighten my hold.

'Tell your agent to stand down Coulson, Now', she gasps and I look back at her and put my other hand up to Coulson to silence him, 'You know Hale, there may be certain things I don't remember', I start, 'But the one thing that is clear to me, is you', I said and watch her eyes open and pin onto mine.

I think she knew what I was talking about, because her skin begins to pale and her eyes go wide, 'why don't you tell Coulson who you really are', I said.

'Coulson, get this lunat...', she begins but I don't let her finish when I whip around and throw her against the wall, then I take the metal pole out of my hair and click the button, allowing the dagger to come out and I stalk towards her, 'you have ten seconds, Hale', I warn and she gasps and gets to her knees, '...or else when I've reached one, you won't have a beating heart anymore', I said.

'Y/n, stop, and tell me what you're talking about', Coulson says and when I stand behind her, I take a fist full of her perfect blond hair and pull her head back, 'why don't we let the general speak', I said as my only reply and hold my dagger tighter, 'you have no idea...', she begins when I pull harder and stare into her eyes, 'ah, ah General', I said, 'that's not the right words is it', I say and move the dagger against her throat, 'eight seconds', I said and watch her eyes turn to Coulson in a plea, 'Coulson...', she begins but I dig deeper, 'five seconds', I warn and when she wouldn't submit, I go for other measures.

'You don't tell him, I find your daughter, put her infront of you and kill her', I threaten and it's only then her eyes meet mine, 'two seconds', I said and I could practically feel my jaw tick, 'times up', I said, 'I'll find your daughter and make sure she suffers too', I said and when I'm ready to give her a taste of pain, she's quick to grab my hand, 'I'm a Hydra leader', she spits out and I release her, 'wasn't so hard now was it', I said and look at Coulson who was shocked as well as all the team and General Talbot who I just realised came in.

When she stood up, her eyes fall back on me and everyone else, 'she's one of the last Hydra leaders left', I state and look at Coulson and Talbot, 'I know because I met her a few years ago, not face to face, but a place where all the leaders we're and she was amongst them', I explain.

'General Hale, I suggest you start speaking, or else we will detain you', Talbot warned, '...is she telling the truth', he asks and she looks at him, 'I think you already know she is', she replies and a set of soldiers come in, 'General Hale, you will be stripped of your ranks and will be questioned further on the matter', Talbot begins, 'As for now, you will be held in a cell', he finishes and one of the soldiers cuff her.

Before any of them make a move to leave, I stand infront of Hale again, 'your daughter will be next Hale', I tell her and she looks back at me whilst I smile, 'what, just because you told them, doesn't mean I'll stop, she'll be next, and I'll make sure the both of you don't see the light of day again', I warn her and she scoffs, 'you won't find her, no one can', she says and it's my turn to scoff, 'that's where your wrong Hale, I know exactly where she is', I said and it's then she pauses for a moment and then charges towards me, but the soldiers stop her, 'I'll kill you', she warned and I nod, 'good luck with that', I said and watch her being dragged out by the soldiers.

'Who is her daughter', Coulson asks and I look at him again, 'Ruby Hale', I reply, 'I'll give you the location and you can detain her', I said and they both look at me.

'She would only be a child Y/n, what's so special about her', Coulson asks.

'Have you heard about a man named Dr Werner Reinhardt', I question and I watch them shake their heads, 'Reinhardt was a high ranking officer of the Nazi Schutzstaffel during the second world war', I begin to explain, 'Whilst a ranking officer, during the war, he would collect unknown mysteries artifacts for Hydra and worked under the command of the Red Skull', I said.

'Anyway, he was the one who tasked Hale to produce an heir so if and when Hydra fell, this heir could rise out of the shadows and into the light', I say.

'Hydra', Coulson and Talbot said in sync and I nod, 'Yeah, Hale's daughter, Ruby, is the second secret weapon to bring Hydra back on top', I said, I was the first, but I left that part out, it wasn't important anyway, 'she won't be more then seventeen to eighteen years of age, but you need to take her in so there won't be any damage from this point on', I explain.

'We'll get on it', Talbot says and I nod, 'Ruby won't be an idiot, she's highly trained and her weapon of choice is the Chakram, so I'd air on the side of caution when you approach her and I'd let the agents know to', I said.

'I will', Talbot says and turns to Coulson, 'I think we should postpone the meeting until all of this is resolved', he tells him and Coulson nods to the suggestion, 'I think that'll be a good idea', he says and when Talbot shakes his hand and walks out, Coulson looks back at me, 'For a moment there, I thought you'd kill her', he says.

'I was', I admit, 'But I'm not going to let her get off that easy', I said and he shakes his head a little, 'remember', he says, 'you promised not to kill anyone', he adds.

'I promised not to kill anyone I don't see as a threat, everyone that do, dies', I said.

'It goes for both', he says and I refrain from scoffing to the idea, 'it goes for one or the other, I won't do both', I state and he shakes his head again.

'If you knew about Hale, why didn't you say anything', he asks and I shrug my shoulders a little, 'I knew her face, I didn't know her name, that's why I never said anything until now', I reply and he begins to understand whilst I press on the button to my dagger and let it go back into a metal pole.

'You never showed me that', Coulson says and I look at him, 'where did you get it from', he asks.

'I didn't get it from anywhere', I tell him, 'I made it', I said, 'I got bored, so I made it, there's only two in existence, one on me and the other is in an undisclosed location', I explain.

'Let's see', he says and I pass it onto him and watch him observe it, 'impressive', he says and clicks the same button and when nothing happened, I smile a little, at least that answers that question, 'I think it might be broken', he says and I shake my head and take it off of him, 'it only works by my hand', I said, clicking the button at the hilt and let it go into a dagger and then back into a pole, 'I made it for my use only, I'm the only person who can activate the full potential of it', I said.

'What's the full potential', he asks.

'Dagger', I said when I clicked on it again, 'walkie talkie', I say when I moved a piece of the metal to the other side, 'it tracks twenty thousand kilometres', I explain, 'I'm putting a new tweak on it so it picks up every walkie around the world', I said and then slide another piece, 'EMP button, knocks power out in a twenty foot radius', I finish.

'I'm putting some other features on it, as for now, it does what it's supposed to do', I said and move my eyes back to Coulson, who looked more then impressed the entire time, 'does the EMP button work, or is that just there for...', he begins but I shake my head, 'No, it's real, watch', I said and demonstrate it to him, which knocks out all the lights in the room and I'm guessing the whole compound too as well as the systems and the holographic Coulson.

When I pressed the other button, everything turned back on again and Coulson reappeared, 'Y/n, you really need to let me finish my sentences, I wasn't asking for a demonstration', he says and I only shrug, 'I needed to show you how it worked, demonstrations are key, besides I fixed it anyway', I said and watch him chuckle with the team whilst he shakes his head.

'Okay, put it away, before you get more ideas', he says and I do it whilst I see a holographic image of someone familiar, 'Coulson we're ready', he says and looks at me with a bright smile on his face, 'Y/n, how are you, girly', he says.

'I'm fine', I reply, 'and you', I ask.

'Fantastic', he says and I smile to myself, Tripp became one of my best friends when I joined Coulson's team, at first I just saw him as someone I work with, but then it progressed into a friendship like no other, we liked the same things and had similar interests, one of the main thing being vintage collectables, we'd always geek about it and it was nice to have someone to talk to.

'Guess what I found', he says and plucks something out of his pocket, 'I found it when I was cleaning stuff out for my mom', he adds and I look down to see a pipe, 'It's a pistol concealed in a pipe', he explains and I begin to understand, 'really, where did you get it from', I ask and take it out of his hands to observe myself, 'my grandad, remember', he responds and I look at him again.

'Right, I keep forgetting he was one of the Howling Commandos', I said and he chuckles, 'the best Howling Commando', he says and I shrug my shoulders, 'agree to disagree', I said and he laughs again, this time with Coulson as I hand it back to him.

'Who was your grandfather', I heard and look over at Steve who looked at Tripp, 'Gabe Jones, Sir', he replies and Steve shares a bright smile with him, 'I remember Jones well, you look like him', he says.

'That's what my mom tells me too', he says, 'I've heard a lot about you Sir, my grandfather spoke very highly of you', he adds.

'Call me Steve', he suggest and Tripp nods, 'how is your grandfather', he asks.

'He passed when I was young', he replies and I see a sad smile on his face, 'I'm sorry for you loss, Jones was a good man', Steve tells him and he nods.

'Thank you Sir, and yes he was', he says.

'It's Steve', he corrects and Tripp nods, 'sorry, force of habit', he tells him and they're all laughing.


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