Darling, Quiet (Fred X Fem Re...

By aFredWsimp

648K 17K 23.6K

"Darling, Quiet. Don't want to be caught now do we?" Y/n Bardot, a troubled girl swallowed in desires, proble... More

Dementor Attack
The Feast and the First Morning
The Boggarts
Ready for Hogsmeade
Hogsmeade and Black
Sleeping in the Great Hall
Truth or Dare
The Map
Going home for Christmas
Going back
"Please just go"
April 1st
End of Year 5
The Burrow
Midnight talk
The Bardot Vault
The day before tomorrow
Quidditch World Cup Part 1
Quidditch World Cup Part 2
The Attack
Heading to the Castle
Start of Year 6
Crucio and The Potion
The Tri-Wizard Champions
Opening Up
The First Task
The Yule Ball
First Time
The Second Task
The Party
Close to Talking
Easter Break
Rough mornings
The Third Task
Keeping in touch
Harry's arrival
To the Castle
Conflict in the Common Room
In the Dormitory
The Second Night
Reading Revelations
Lunch Date
High Inquisitor
Lazy mornings
Finding the room
Practice Begins
Kicked off
The DA
Together Again
The Challenge
"Darling, Quiet"
No Returns
The Plan
Summer with You
Attack of the Alley
A trip to the Castle
Keeping An Eye Out
Missing Person
Getting Worse
Days Away
The Big Event
The Haunting
-Charlotte Chantey x
A Final Wish
Moving Harry
Attack at the Wedding
No.1 Desireable
Staying Home
Keeping Ron Home
A Forever Promise
Taking The Control
Happy Valentines
Surprise visit
Eventful Activities
Being 20
"Darling, it's time"
"I'll be back"
The Last One Standing
Our Promises
The Start Of Us

In Remembrance

2.4K 43 63
By aFredWsimp

You began to feel the consciousness entering your body again. You felt dizzy, you had hit your head on something, badly.

You slowly opened your eyes to see a few people surrounding the area, then you felt the body pressed against yours, arms loosely wrapped around your body. Fred.

You flinched in pain as you tried to move, seeing the rubble that surrounded you. This explosion was set out in order to kill the person you loved the most.

"George, look she's waking up." You heard a voice say.

"Oh thank god."

The voices were somewhat echoing through your head as you tried to sit up.

You put your hand to your temple and saw blood, but that didn't matter at all. It was time to look at him. Find out if he was dead or alive.

You slowly turned your head, feeling tears already running down your cheeks.

"Oh no, no please." You begged, seeing Fred laying there with little to no life left in his body.

At that sight you felt no more weakness in your body. You sat up fully and moved, holding Fred in your lap.

He had protected you from the explosion. He was the reason you weren't dead in the middle of Hogwarts.

"Freddie, come on. Wake up." You cried, brushing your hand across his dusted cheek. You tried to find a pulse in his neck, using your other hand to find a heart beat.

"Y/n.." George came up behind you, also quite dusty and with a few cuts.

"Don't say what I think you're going to say George." You warned, looking up at him with the pain drowning your body.

You found his heart beat. It was weak, but it was there.

"Freddie please, it's not over. We're not over." You knelt yourself up tried shaking his body a little bit trying to wake him from his unconsciousness.

You had to move some rubble to clear space around him.

"Is he?" George began asking. Putting both his hands on the back of his neck and turning away.

"No. I won't let him." You replied.

You kept your fingers on his neck to keep a feel of his pulse as you tried to think of something to help. You had to act fast, his pulse was now barely there.

You were thinking back to any spells that could work here, yet they'd be dangerous you had never used a healing spell to this extent before.

"Georgie I have an idea it could be stupid and dangerous but I'm losing him here." You exclaimed, trying to calm down your tears.

He didn't say anything but looked empty as the thought of his twin brother being dead flowed through the body.

"George look at me." You ordered. He slowly looked down, "he will be okay, I will not let anything happen to him." You looked down at your promise ring and took out your wand, "rennervate." You said quietly as a red light came out of your wand and through Fred's system. You still had a hand on his chest feeling his heart beat as it began to fasten. You were waking him out of his unconscious state.

It hasn't fully worked though. You had never used any larger healing spells before so it was all quite risky.

You heard people coming towards you. You raised your self up waiting for them to come around the corner.

"What's wrong?" George asked.

"I know that voice." You whispered.

"Who-" George began asking.

"Sh, come here. Hold your hand on his chest and gently use the spell rennervate okay? I'm trying to wake him up. If you feel here." You directed his hand toward his brothers heart beat, "he's alive. You can do this okay. I'll be back in two seconds." You stood up and left George.

You began limping over the rubble, towards the voices, "he's gone. We found him cold as ice near the stairs on the ground floor." A man spoke.

"Well, is the girl alive?" Another asked.

"I don't know. She got caught up in that attack I believe."

"So she should. She's a pain. All rodge ever spoke about was her and the threat she posed. Good now they're both gone."


You knew exactly who it was. One of your fathers bodyguards. You took out your wand as they began walking again.

You came round the corner and held up your wand at the men.

They both turned and instantly held their wands up back.

"Was it you?" You asked feeling your eyes burning up. You didn't want to say anything in front of George but you were losing some hope in Fred being fully revived in time. You felt nauseous thinking the people you were stood in front of, with some of your boyfriends blood staining your sleeves, could have been the reason for his weak state.

"No darling. Whatever it is you're referring to. We didn't do nothing." He teased, smiling.

"What did you call me?" You asked.

"Darling." He said again, laughing not knowing the danger he just put himself in. You knocked the man from his balance, which made his wand fall out his hand. As one struggled to move you lifted the other into the air.

The pain your felt was being reflected into the two men infront of you. They both looked petrified and helpless.

You screamed in pain as you used your force to push them both out windows, smashing some as they went through. You took a second, trying not to collapse again.

"George?" You said going back round the corner, "is he still alive?"

"Barely. But I found this y/n." He slowly lifted up a small velvet box.

"What- what is it?" You asked, already somewhat knowing the answer.

He flipped the box open, you fell to your knees beside him again feeling his heart barley beating.

"I would say yes a thousand times over freddie, you just need to wake up." You pleaded, wiping the dust of his face with the tears that fell from yours.

George had his hand around your shoulder pulling you into his chest as you cried.

"What happened here, is everyone alright?" A medic from the Hogwarts hospital wing came round seeing the almost lifeless body surrounded by rubble.

You didn't reply and just tried to find comfort in your emotional state in George's arm.

Not long after the nurse found you all a couple of stretcher bearers came round lifting Fred onto a stretcher, in hope to bring him back round.

They tried to rush off, "wait." You stood to your feet and went over to them, "I love you Fred Weasley." You pushed back some hair and kissed the top of his head as they went away again.

George was now stood up too, looking so empty. You went back over to him and embraced him in your arms, like he did to you. You could hear him crying ever so slightly, as you did too.

"We need to go Georgie." You took his hand and began walking away from the hallway.

"Y/n, do you want this?" He asked holding the box from Fred's pocket.

"No, I can't. I can't take it yet." You said refusing to look at the ring.

The fighting was ongoing still, you hadn't really seen anyone else. You took out your wand and took no hesitation to kill any deatheater that got in your way. Showing no mercy.

"What if Fred's not, you know." George asked quietly.

"He will be okay, they know what they're doing." You were somewhat lying to yourself, you had no idea on how Fred was going to be. No one did.

"I'll protect you if the worse happens y/n."

"You don't have to do that, I've been protecting you all this time I can't give up just yet. My house is yours as long as you want it to be." You told him, seeing him smile for the first time since the incident.

"I love you Bardot, for everything you've done."

"I love you too Georgie."

"Oh thank god." You were embraced in a hug by Molly, "you're both okay."

You could see into the great hall, rows of bodies, the Weasley family around one.

You ran through to reach them all. You put your face into your hands, beginning to cry again. You couldn't quite believe it.

"You idiot why would you do that to me." You said crouching down next to Fred, in hysterics.

"I didn't mean for all this." He chuckled, which clearly then caused him pain.

"I thought I'd lost you." You put a hand onto his arm and smiled while the tears fell, feeling the greatest sense of relief.

"Not quite yet darling." He smiled back.

You stood up to let George have his moment with his brother. As you looked away from Fred you saw two people who weren't ready to die.

"What happened to them." You asked standing infront of tonks and lupin.

"Both murdered by deatheaters." Arthur sighed.

"What about teddy?" You asked, knowing their son was now an orphan.

Before Arthur could answer with his opinion, Harry came into the great hall. Ron ran over seeing all his family around someone.

"Harry." You pulled him in for a hug.

"Who's dead?" He asked bluntly.

"You don't need to know that." You said trying to stand infront of his eyesight from lupin. He was the last of his close fathers friends. Now all gone.

"I've done this. All of this pain and suffering for what." He asked moving past you and standing infront of the couple.

"None of this is your fault Harry. You have to look after yourself. Just like everyone else." You stood closely next to him as he looked town at lupin and tonks together.

"Y/n can you come here dear." Molly requested.

"Stay here. And don't dwell on the lost people. None of it is your fault." You could see in his eyes he didn't believe you.

You walked back over to the weasleys, "is something wrong?" You asked looking around the family and at your boyfriend.

"Nothings wrong darling. I just needed to see your face again." Fred said quietly as you knelt to the floor.

"I'm so sorry this happened to you." You put your hand on his cheek again looking for forgiveness almost in his eyes.

"This has nothing to do with you. We were just in the wrong place at the wrong time."

"That's not entirely true." You looked up at the rest of his family for a little bit of space. They all looked confused but went away for a second anyway.


"My father ordered an attack on you. He found out we were together and got some of his men on you when I didn't agree to give him my vault. I didn't know he was doing that so I wasted my time dealing with him." You looked down in shame that your family problems could have been the reason for the love of your life to have died.

"That is not your fault." Fred grabbed hold of your hand, releasing the tiniest amount of stress.

"I love you. And I'm so glad your safe." You moved your face down to his and gave him a soft kiss, wiping some more dust and blood off his face.

"He's gone. Harry's gone to the forest." You heard Hermione say behind you.

"He's done what?" You turned around.

"He's going to give himself up to Voldemort."

Why would he do something so stupid. Harry is a smart boy, but far too ambitious. He will get himself killed- and if he dies... it's game over for us all.

You stayed sat with Fred, he had fallen asleep for a bit from the drugs in his body. Sitting down, you were surrounded by dead people. Some young some old. It was heartbreaking. No one who laid covered by a dust sheet on a stretcher deserved this cruel punishment for doing what is right. You hoped none of these people would be forgotten for their trophy to this war and would be remembered for the efforts they put in to fixed the tyranny, that was the deatheaters.

Everything was so quiet for so long, the Weasley family were in and out of the great hall checking on Fred every so often. You laid next to him on the floor- staying close to his side.

"Y/n can I ask you something?" Fred broke the silence between you both, as you rested together.

"You sound serious, what's wrong?" You asked, sitting up so you could see his face.

"Did you find something in my pocket?" He was referring to the ring.

"No, George did."

"Do you know what it was?"

"I do, I'm not accepting it yet though. You have to heal before I say yes." You stated.

"Is that so I'm more motivated to not give up?" He questioned raising one eyebrow and slightly smirking.

"Indeed it is, plus I don't want some clique proposal now, just because there's a war." You obviously wanted this, you loved him more than anything. You wanted to know your relationship was on lock, it was you and him until the end.

"Fair enough darling, come lay back down." You did as he said and said back down, feeling yourself ever so slightly drifting off to sleep.

"He's back, y/n wake up, the deatheaters are back." Ginny was nudging you and waking you up.

"What's happening?" You said sitting up.

"The deatheaters are coming back." She looked in a sense worried.

You sat up and looked down at Fred, he was still looking very drowsy as he was just waking up too.

"Freddie, I'll come back. Stay here, rest." You got up from next to him and followed Ginny outside with a group of others.

In the distance you could see the mass group of the deatheaters following Voldemort and some others.

"What is this?" You asked George as you stood directly next to him.

"I don't know, but I don't like it." He replied.

As they got closer you saw Hagrid holding an extremely limp body.

"Is that..?" George began asking.

"I fucking hope not." You walked out further with him.

"Harry Potter is dead!" Voldemort shouted.

"No! No!" Ginny screamed trying to get to Harry.

"Silence! Stupid girl." Voldemort ridiculed.

You stood in shock and disbelief, you never thought for a million years that this was going to be the outcome of this war. With Harry dead in hagrids arms. The wizarding world run by deatheaters.

"Harry Potter is dead. From this day forward, you put your faith... in me." He turned and walked back to his followers, "Harry Potter is dead!" And eruption of laughter was heard. "And now is the time to declare yourself, come forward and join us, or die."

No one budged, everyone was happy enough to stay put on their side. Preferring death over being a death eater.

"Draco." Lucius was trying to get malfoy back over the their side, it was obvious he was reluctant and battling the right thing to do in his mind.

"Draco." Narcissa said softly, he was now steered by her. It was clear his loyalties laid much more with his mother than father.

"Well done Draco, well done." Voldemort said, somewhat hugging him.

"I feel bad for him you know." You said quietly as everyone stood in anticipation.

"Malfoy?" George questioned.

"Yeah, he wasn't as lucky as me. He's still with his toxic family."

"I would hardly say you were lucky y/n, do you think your dads here? The infamous Rodger Bardot."

"I guess you could say that." You reached under your jumper and took out his wand from your waistband. 

"What's that?" He asked, looking at the wand.

"I'm the only Bardot now Georgie." You explained.

"May that fuck rest in peace then." He slightly chuckled. The realisation of what was happening struck you both at the same time, you clutched onto George's arm and looked back out again.

Your attention quickly diverted as you heard limping coming out from your crowd, was someone else joining them?

Over the people you saw Neville walking towards the deatheaters, he was either crazy or had some sort of crazy plan.

"Well I must say I had hoped for better." Voldemort said, making his way towards Neville. The deatheaters erupted into a state of laughter again, clearly just trying to appease their leader. "And who might you be young man?"

"Neville Longbottom."

"Well Neville I'm sure we can find a place for you in our ranks." He teased.

"I'd like to say something." Neville exclaimed.

"Well Neville I'm sure we'd all be fascinated to hear what you have to say."

"It doesn't matter that Harry's gone."

"Stand down Neville." Seamus said.

"What is he doing?" You asked George.

"I have no idea." He replied.

"People die everyday. Friends, family, yeah. We lost Harry tonight. He's still with us, in here. So is Remus, tonks all of them. They didn't die in vein, but you will. Because you're wrong. Harry's heart did best for us, for all of us. It's not over." Neville pulled the sword of gryffindor out of the sorting hat.

You noticed Harry pushing himself out of hagrids arms, "this isn't good."

Harry threw a spell at Voldemort and his snake, "Georgie I'm going back inside." You ran back into the great hall to go and tell Fred what was happening and the danger he possibly could be in.

"Freddie." You shouted running through the great hall to reach him, he turned his head.

"What's happening?"

"Well we all thought Harry was dead but turns out he was faking it and he's alive but now Voldemort's pissed and I'm scared they might start fighting in here so we might have to move you."

"Slow down darling. It's alright. Everything will be okay." He moved his hand onto yours and smiled.

"I love you."

"I love you too." He was clearly still in pain but trying to keep on a brave face, "but I'm not moving."

You swiped your hand off from his instantly, "are you insane? They'll kill you."

"I might be insane, but I'm not going anywhere. If these are my final moments I want to spend every second of them with you. The last standing Bardot." He winked, queezing in pain straight after.

"Okay, let me think." You were trying to come up with the best way to keep you both safe and away from the fighting. The shield. You remembered the shield you could conjure in a similar way, one no spell could break through easily. You zoned out of your surroundings trying to focus, lifting your hands up to create a bubble around you and Fred. You heard a slight crowd coming close to you before, silence.

"I did it." You smiled seeing the slight iridescent shield around you, "now I have only done this a few times so I'm not quite sure how it works, but I don't think you can touch it from the inside, it will collapse."

"In good time too." He was lifting his head at the mass amount of people rushing through the doors.

"Let's just try to relax, forget what's happening out there." You said laying down next to him again.

"You know if this little bubble wasn't see through we could have finished what you wanted to start last night."

"You little dirty mind comes at the worst times Fred Weasley."

"You know you love me, and everything that's included." He smirked and relaxed his body again.

You didn't fall asleep though, you couldn't. You had to keep some sort of focus on what you were holding up. Fred was almost snoring while in a deep sleep, healing his body and mind. You were being left with the guilt of how different his outcome could have been, and even yours if he hadn't have shielded you.

The deatheaters were coming up trying to run or break through your shield, it was quite entertaining seeing them failing and blasting back in the great hall.

You felt bad though seeing the other Weasley's fighting, you wanted to break the shield and let them in but deep down you knew the more people you let in the more of a target you would have become.

"Fred, wake up look." You pointed over to Molly, stepping up onto one of the tables in front of bellatrix.

"Is she insane?" He asked with a slight croak in his voice.

"I don't know if I can watch." You said as you watched the two beginning to fight each other. Molly was at first blocking the spells being thrown at her, not in much control, but then out of no where she took dominance over the small battle. She was throwing never ending spells at her, making bellatrix stumble. Until it was done,bellatrix got hit, her waist cinched in before her body turned into a pile of dust, "Fred your mum just killed bellatrix lestrange." You told him slightly shocked.

"You what?" He got up slightly and turned to see his mum getting down from a table, all the weasleys were looking over.

The fighting continued, you stayed sat in your bubble trying to keep as much focus as you could. Being surrounded by dead bodies on stretchers. Mostly children that deserved a better life.

Being in this bubble did have some downfalls, you had absolutely no idea how Harry was, he was fighting quite an experienced and powerful wizard alone with you having no indication if he was dead or alive still.

The deatheaters in the great hall were very much running low on numbers. Many knew they couldn't win and fled. They were all cowards, none of them knew what they were really getting themselves into and just used the excuse to go around killing a bunch of people, because they felt entitled or as if someone had done them wrong in the past.

Fred was sound asleep, his bruises were properly forming on his skin, he had some cuts and grazes places and still was covered in dust and dirt from the walls. There were no words as to how grateful you were that he was alive, but how guilty you felt that your family brung him to this. This was the whole reason you never told them about Fred, because of the danger it would bring him- and you were right.

It was almost too quiet after a while, everyone had fled or been killed. It felt safer, at least safe enough to drop the shield. You lost the concentration and watched as the shield disintegrated into nothing. Instantly, you walked over to the Weasley family and hugged them all, apologising that you didn't protect them too.

"Don't be silly dear, you're the whole reason my son is alive right now." Molly said.

"And also the whole reason he was almost dead." You said quietly in shame.

"Slightly offended you didn't let me in there with you two Bardot." George huffed from behind his sister.

"Really Georgie? You jealous that he might be my favourite twin." You teased.

"He wishes." He scoffed, crossing his arms.

"Y/n look out?" Ginny shouted as a deatheater came running up behind you.

You used your force, which was extremely strong, to push him miles away hearing his scream becoming more faint as he flew.

"You're so cool." George said in awe.

"I know." You smiled.

The family went back over to Fred to see if he was slowly healing.

"He did it, he killed you know who!" A child was running and shouting up and down the great hall.

"What?" You ran past everyone and pushed past to see Voldemort slumped in front of Harry, slowly disintegrating into the air. The crowd of people roared into cheer at his success. You continued to run over to him and embraced him in a sister like hug.

"Woah y/n, are you alright?" He asked, overwhelmed by your hug.

"More than alright, are you?" You asked, kissing the top of his head and inspecting his bleeding face.

"Never better." He smiled, looking over your shoulder to his friends.

Days later...
Fred was now nearly healed, he stayed laying on your couch as you treated him like a king. George was also staying, now kindling a growing romance with a past friend, Angelina. He thought he was being cool and low key about it but you saw the letters- it was a shame though, he wasn't exactly the friend you were expecting him to be with.

"You feeling better today freddie." You asked, sitting infront of the couch pushing hair back and kissing his temple.

"I think there's something that could make me feel even better." He smirked lazily, moving his arm onto your back.

The doorbell rang, "hold that thought." You said getting up and opening the door. It was a black levitating letter.

"What is it?" George asked curiously.

"I don't know." You opened the letter, "holy shit."


The next chapter hopefully won't be as long-

Sorry again,
Stay safe, well, hydrated and fed,
-i <33

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