The Feast and the First Morning

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After getting off the train George insisted on holding your trunk until it needed to be dropped off, while Fred linked his arm in yours, incase you fall again. George and Lee went ahead together talking about, well who knows what, it's George and Lee were talking about, Angelina and Charlotte were talking about Christmas already, you couldn't l be dealing with that, so you had nothing to complain about with walking with Fred.

He noticed that you were trying to keep up with his long strides, having much longer limbs than you,

"Or sorry, am I dragging you?" He asked.

"Just a bit you ginger giant." You giggled looking up at him.

He looked down, rolling his eyes trying to act annoyed at your comment, yet he smirked and laughed. You smiled up at him as you both continued towards the carriages.

You rode towards the castle entering the great hall before all the new first years.

"I fucking hate this part." You said putting your head into your arms, that were on the table.

"It's so long, honestly why can't they give us the food before they do the ceremony, because why do I care about some little children I won't ever speak to." Lee said, clearly very hangry.

"Well someone's clearly hungry," Fred said looking towards Lee. He then softened his voice ever so slightly to make his conversation more personal to you, "You know you can always sleep on me."

You rolled your eyes putting your head back on your arms.

Then great hall doors then opened but you didn't bother to look. Just then a piece of paper hit your back making you sit up.

"Who was that?" You asked.

"Mcgonagall." Angelina said while giggling slightly.

The ceremony then begun. You didn't really pay much attention and ended up making swirls with your fingers on the table.

During Dumbledore's speech something about the grounds hosting to the Dementors, or something along those lines, caught your attention,

"A word of caution: dementors are vicious creatures. They will not distinguish between the one they hunt and the one who gets in their way. Therefore I must warn each and every one of you to give them no reason to harm you. It's not in the nature of a dementor to be forgiving. But you know happiness can be found even in the darkest of times, when one only remembers to turn on the light."

Just then the food had appeared on our tables. You wasn't necessarily hungry, still feeling a bit shook up from dementor thing, but you decided to eat a little anyways.

"So if you don't give the dementors a reason to attack, why did they attack me? And why would they attack Harry?" You asked while eating some broccoli.

"I think that's something you should probably ask Dumbledore, or Lupin the Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher." Charlotte said clearly trying to not overstep some non existent boundary.

"You know I don't really mind, you lot talking about it. You not talking about it is making me feel all weird and stuff." You told them all.

"What was it like?" George asked.

"You can't ask her that." Angelina said trying to make sure you were not feeling comfortable.

"Yes he can." You said looking at her, "I mean it was weird. It felt like I was alone and stuck as it was coming closer, then all the warmth left my body, and then before you know it I'm passed out in Fred's crotchal area." You said laughing towards the end of your sentence.

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