Finding the room

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After coming back to the castle everyone who knew about the organisation were fairly excited. That was until another one of her signs were put up, banning all meetings of student organisations. She knew something. It seemed quite coincidental that this particular sign was being put up the day of the recruitment, but you knew it was going to go ahead anyway.

As you were now trying out being official with Fred, you felt possibly the happiest you had done in a while. George and Lee also seemed to share no problem with it at all. That was a nice feeling for you, they accepted how you felt for one another and didn't let it change the group. Obviously they teased about it, mainly George.

"So when can I expect nephews or nieces?" George asked.

"George! It's not even been 6 hours, you need to calm down." You replied to him.

"I mean, I like this new arrangement. It means Fred will most likely stay out of our room for good." Lee added.

"You can have him back some day, sorry Freddie but I sometimes like my bed to myself for the time being." You looked next to you and saw him looking quite offended.

"Wow, even my girlfriend doesn't want me around." You still couldn't hold in your smile at the word girlfriend. You had never been anybody's girlfriend before.

"You can't make me third wheel you two." George stated.

"We won't mate, don't worry." Fred answered.


You all finished your food and went back to the common room. You needed a new book and decided changing it now would make the most sense.

As you walked through the halls you saw Neville up ahead. You also saw Crabbe and Goyle walking up to him. They both shoved into him, "watch where you're going Longbottom." They sniggered walking off. You managed to trip them both up before walking past you. You had been practicing how to appropriately control your inherited power and you now could use it whenever you needed to. Both the Slytherin boys fell at your feet. You lowered yourself in front of them both on the floor, "watch where you're going boys." You stated, eying them both down.

As you stood back up you saw Neville was watching and laughing at them both on the floor, "hey Neville!" You said standing up and walking with him.

"Where you heading?" He asked

"Library." As you walked with him past a wall, you both turned hearing it moving. You watched as the walls became big doors. You read about this, and heard about it before.

"The room of requirement." You whispered.

"What?" Neville asked.

"It's the room of requirement, Neville you found it." You took him inside and looked around at the stuff inside.

"Should we go and tell Harry? We can practice here." Neville questioned.

"Yes. Come on let's go." You took his arm and led him though the corridors and into the common room, "Neville found out spot. Our practice place." You informed everyone.

"Really? Where?" Hermione asked, standing.

"Come look." Neville ushered people to follow, which they did. Both the twins got up and began following. You took Fred's hand and followed them all.

Darling, Quiet (Fred X Fem Reader)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora