The Last One Standing

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Dear y/n Bardot,
After the discovery that your father, Rodger Bardot, has passed away as a result of his inclusion in the Battle of Hogwarts, it has come to our knowledge that you be the last Bardot to our knowledge.
Furthermore, the names listed on your fathers will are all passed or no where to be tracked. Being a new ministry we have made the decision, together, that the best place for all of your fathers belongings, including the Bardot Manor, are with you. Y/n Bardot, enclosed in this envelope is the key to the Manor. Please make your way there at any point as everything on his will is waiting there.

The Ministry of Magic.

"Well what is it?" George asked again, knowing you had read through the letter.

"Fred are you well enough to go on a little trip?" you asked knowing that he still had been feeling a bit weak.

"Fine, I'll get dressed and we will go wherever." He practically sprung off the sofa, confusing you massively.

"He played you there y/n." George was laughing knowing his brother had been pretty much fine.

"I'll kill him." You said as Fred continued to smile and slip through to the bedroom.

"Hey I don't doubt you would." George held up his hands and backed up to where his room was, pulling up the side of his jumper to reveal his waist bad with sticks in it. He was referring to how you kept found today everyone you killed during the war.

You rolled your eyes and waited out for the boys to be ready. Fred came out first looking as smug as ever, "don't know what you are looking so smug about Weasley." You said.

"Last names? Harsh. What do you mean?" He replied.

"You see if I'd have known you were up and moving I could have taken your mind off the war even more." You teased tracing your hands up his chest.

"Do we not have time now?" He asked, looking down on you.

"No we don't, screw you weasel." You let go of hun and went to go hurry up George.

After George was finally done from pampering himself you congregated in your living room, "you sure you're okay to apparate Fred?" He nodded and held on tightly to your hand, you went to the Bardot manor.

"Merlin. It's huge. This was your home growing up?" George asked in disbelief looking to the large house.

"Pretty much, we did have a smaller house on the London streets we would often stay at before school so it was easier to get me there." You replied starting to walk forward towards the door.

"It looks a lot bigger from here than down at that graveyard." Fred added, following you up.

You got the the front door and took a deep breath before unlocking them with your wand. It was so dark and unkept in there. Your father had really spiralled into a dark place.

"Welcome to hell." You said to the boys walking in. You kept your wand out incase an escaped deatheater was camping out, for safety.

"Not very home like is it?" Fred asked, tracing his hand over clear burn marks made from some sort of spell.

"Nope, I need to look around for anything that could possibly be of value. Find anything you want. You can have." You said to the boys, it was enough to send them all around the house like children.

Of everyone who was still alive that had a relation to your father you were only left with confusion as to why the house was now yours. You walked up to the ballroom doors and pulled them open. The door resisted but you got them open eventually.

Flashbacks from the night you were almost sold off struck your brain in a matter of seconds. Adrian and you had drifted off a little bit over the anticipated war but nothing every clouded the gratitude you had for him. He saved you. He saved you from being an imprisoned house wife.

"Y/n there's some rooms we can't get into... woah. This is huge." George said walking and turning in the room while looking at the ceiling.

"A ballroom?" Fred added, also walking in.

"This is where I was, you know, before I came back to you guys. Anyway, show me what doors you can't open." You had the set of keys for the doors that weren't able to be opened by spells. And to no one's shock the first door they took you to was that of your bedrooms.

"What's behind the door?" Fred asked, as you took out the keys.

"Some sort of sex dungeon?" George was trying to lighten the mood.

You pushed the key in the lock and side shoved it open. It was exactly how it had been left, "another version of hell in its own, my bedroom."

"Wow, y/n's childhood room. I don't think we're going to take anything from here." George exclaimed flicking a piece of fabric draping off your bed frame.

They stayed and looked around for a short while, and so did you. It bring back too many bad memories of being held prisoner in your own home with barely any visibility to life.

They took you to some more rooms including the dungeon, your fathers office and your mothers vanity. Then you reached the one you'd been dreading to see again. The solitary.

Very faint etches of tally's we're still engraved on the wall from your last visit. The thin mattress and blanket stayed too as they were left. Nothing to do with you had been touched, you considered the thought that maybe your dad was weak without you and wanted you to come back so he could continue where he last left off. 

"I don't think I want to be seeing this." Fred said closing the door. He could tell what this room was for. As it shut in your face you still stared and faces the room on the other side, fighting back the urge to let your fathers past doings get to you, "come on darling." Fred put both his hands gently on top of your shoulders and walked you away.

You sat at the dining room table trying to figure out what to do with the place, when some rattling noises came from a closet close by. You cautiously went over holding out your wand, "come out." You ordered. Whatever was in the closet stayed there. Being left with no choice, you pulled open the door as 5 house-elves fell out.

"Are they house elves?" George asked. 

"Yep there's 5 of them. George can you go up stairs into my room and go in the 3rd drawer down.  Grab 5 of the T-shirts in there for me."

He house elves clumped together in fear, "master?" One asked in confusion.

"Yes, I am your master. Master Rodger has died and i possess everything, including you." George ran over and gave you the shirts, "now I command you to all be free." You gave them all an individual T-shirt and watched them look in shock before scurrying away.

"Thank you miss." One bowed at your feet just before it ran away with the others.

"I think I might keep this place. But I'm going to hand the keys to some decorators, figure out what I want and change this place completely."

"Y/n, if you are changing this house, I don't want it to remain the Bardot manor. I can see how much this place is hurting you bringing you back to pasts you never wanted to revisit. Make it weasley, Y/n Bardot I want nothing more than to make you happy, and to make you safe. And so-" George chucked him the small velvet box you had seen from the war, "now I'm back on my feet again and well, there's only one more thing I have to ask you." You stood infront of Fred speechless as he got down on his knee infront of you, "be mine forever. Marry me." He smiled up at you almost fighting away tears.

"A million times yes, there's no one else for me freddie. You are mine as I am yours. I love you." You let him slide the ring onto your shaky hand and pulled him up to hug and kiss him.

"That's as truly beautiful, I never knew my brother was so poetic." George said wiping away a tear.

So, they're engaged, Weasley manor? I think so.

Sorry again for poor uploads,
Stay safe and well,
-i <33

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