Together Again

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It was finally the last day of school, you were ready for the Christmas holidays. You had packed all your bags ready to take to your house, before getting to grimmuld place for Christmas.

You had written a few times with Fred, however letting him spend the time with his family- that he needed. You were looking forward to being with him again, even though you weren't separated for that long.

"Lee! Lee! Lee!" You said running down the dorm stairs to Lee waiting at the couch.

"Someone's excited." He said, holding your shoulders to keep you still.

"We can escape this castle for a couple of weeks." You exclaimed, "and.. it's bloody Christmas!" You had gotten fred a special present but kept it as secret as you could.

"I know. I can't wait to go home." Lee said.

"Well let's not hesitate then. Let's go." You picked your trunks up and left the common room- Lee close behind.

You dropped off your trunk to be taken to the train, linking arms with Lee until you got into the carriage of the Hogwarts express.

"So what you doing for Christmas then?" You asked Lee.

"I think I'm just going to enjoy being away from that toad umbridge. I need a break from it." He huffed.

"I'm surprised someone hasn't hexed her yet." You pointed out.

"I'm surprised you haven't heard her yet."

You lightly chatted for a little while, waiting for the train to begin moving.

"I'm going to miss this school you know. When we leave for the last time."

"It will be exactly like we are now." Lee chuckled.

"Well not exactly. The twins aren't here." You replied.

"Uh yeah, sure." He awkwardly replied.



"What do you know?" You asked.

"I don't know anything." He looked out the window.

"Lee. Don't make me ask again. What do you know?" You moved his head.

"They're going to drop out I think before their NEWTS." He gave in.

"For crying out loud. Why would they do that?" You questioned.

"They don't need them to run their shop."

You rolled your eyes and continued with the journey. Lee soon left the compartment, telling you he had somewhere to be, more like someone to meet. You took out a book and read it in the compartment alone.

"Hey y/n." Adrian slid your door open.

"Adrian!" You instantly stood up and embraced him in a hug.

"Where's everyone?" He asked, noticing the empty compartment.

"The twins are already home, and Lee went to go find someone so it's just me. Do you want to sit down?"

He obliged and sat down keeping you company. After what happened to Cedric you didn't really speaks as much time with Adrian anymore, you distanced yourself from him. But it was nice to be with him again, he was always there for you when you needed someone the most.

You pulled up to the platform still speaking with Adrian, Lee came back in for his bag- looking at Adrian with a slight confused expression.

"Well I better go and get my stuff. If you have time write to me. If not I'll see you back at school, have a good Christmas you two." Adrian stood and left, going back to get his stuff.

Darling, Quiet (Fred X Fem Reader)Where stories live. Discover now