Practice Begins

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You had heard word that practice was to begin, after dinner once a week. The group was now called Dumbledores Army, DA for short. You ran back to your common room and dumped your bag into your dorm- only taking your wand and heading to the room of requirement with your group.

You looked down the halls to make sure Umbridge or Filch didn't see you. As you got to the doors you saw multiple students going in. Going through the doors, you saw everyone standing around waiting for Harry to begin.

"Great, is everyone here?" He asked, Hermione took the list and nodded, "brilliant. So we're going to start off with the basics. The disarming spell." You smiled knowing you could do this spell quite well, "everyone line up and we can practice one by one- then go off in pairs to practice and perfect."

Everyone lined up in front of the metal dummy, everyone took it in turns to attempt to disarm it. Neville was first in line, he look to Harry before performing the spell.

"Expelliarmus!" He shouted. Yet he didn't disarm the dummy, he disarmed himself- his wand flying backwards. Everyone ducked to avoid getting hit with it, "I'm hopeless." He quietly said.

"You're just flourishing your wand too much, try it like this. Expelliarmus." The wand flew out the dummy's hand. The line began moving the boys pushed you to the back of the line as they wanted to try and show off.

"Expelliarmus." Lee went first. It didn't work the first time, but Harry gave him a couple of tips and he tried again. This time the wand flew out.

George went next, "expelliarmus." The wand flew out the dummy's hand but extremely slowly.

Fred walked up, "expelliarmus." The wand flew out in a simple manor. He smiled back at you as he walked off to the side.

"Ready y/n?" Harry asked.

"Of course." You adjusted yourself, "expelliarmus." The wand flew out of the dummy's hand with ease, flying into the air- you caught it on its way down.

"Great job y/n. That was really good."

"Thanks Harry." You walked to the side giving a smug smile to all the boys.

"Of course all powerful y/n Bardot can do it like that." George scoffed.

"Don't be jealous now Georgie. You'll get the hang of it." Fred laughed at your words giving you a side hug. You turned your body so you were now hugging him, resting you head on his chest as you swayed waiting for everyone to finish.

"Okay guys. Now everyone has a bit of feedback so you can go off for the rest of the time and practice. Really well done." Harry smiled as everyone paired up.

"He's really trying." You said. You broke the hug between you and fred and paired up with him, standing in one of the corners of the room.

"Do you need some expert practice Freddie?" You teased.

"Maybe. Might have to go and find a differnt partner for that though." He replied.

"You tosspot." You said, hitting his arm slightly.

"I'm teasing darling, you're the best teacher I'll probably get." He started leaning down for a quick kiss.

"Probably?" You raised your eyebrow as he is inches away from your face.

"You're the best teacher I'll get." He smiled. You moved your face closer to his and kissed him back. You were still all giddy knowing you two weren't a secret to anyone, not hiding your lust for one another.

You hadn't made it a massive thing, but if anyone asked there was not going to be any denying.

"Now come on Weasel, you have to practice." You mocked.

Darling, Quiet (Fred X Fem Reader)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin