Quidditch World Cup Part 1

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You woke up to the sound of Hermione shout whispering your name. You began to open your eyes as she was holding a lamp over you,

"Y/n, please can you get up and wake up the twins, I can't do it, it's nearly impossible to do." Hermione said, looking down.

On a normal day you would just say yes and go back to sleep, but it wasn't a normal day- it was the day of the quidditch World Cup.

"Yes, I will. I'll get them down in a bit." You said to her in a raspy tone.

She walked out the room, and continued up the stairs. You sat up and, began to stand up walking over to Fred's bed first.

"Freddie, you need to wake up." His eyes twitched, as he began to wake up.

"Freddie, come on breakfast is almost ready." You said standing at the end of his bed.

He groaned and opened one eye. You raised an eyebrow before leaning on his bed.

"Fred, we can do this the easy way or the hard way." You said to him.

"Can I pick the hard way." He said.

"You can." You laughed and walked to the side of the bed. Fred tired to reach for you to pull you in but you were able to move out of the way.

"Nice try Freddie."

You reached out and pulled his duvet off him. You then grabbed his arms and pulled him trying to get him out of his bed.

"Darling, it won't work, I'll save you the hassle and just get up."

"Okay thank you!" You said, smiling smugly ans Fred left the room.

You then walked over to George's bed and poked him before he woke up. George was much more of light sleeper and so much easier to wake up.

"Georgie come on, we have to get ready."

He groaned but still didn't take too long before getting out of his bed and leaving the room.

You were finally ready to get dressed, the twins were wearing matching outfits, which you found a little humorous. You decided to wear a classic y/n Bardot outfit, but to match who you were supporting in the match.

You put on a white turtle neck top, tucked into a green skirt with white knee high socks and green shoes you had recently bought. You were doing your hair properly later, once you got to your tent, since you didn't have enough time in the morning.

You ran down the stairs with your bag and wand ready to leave.

"Someone's exited, and very patriotic for Ireland." Fred said looking you up and down.

"You haven't seen the half of it freddie." You said inching your face closer to his, almost squaring up to him.

You heard a slight cough from George, he looked quite puzzled at your confidence to get so close to Fred's face.

"Right, come on guys time to head off!" Arthur shouted, before opening the door and leading us all.

Molly was very much still annoyed with the twins and made them turn out their pockets and open their bags, to make sure they didn't have any of their products on them.

The beginning of the walk was quite refreshing. The sun still hadn't fully risen and the air was fresh.

You still had quite a good stride, while others started becoming tired.

"Hey dad! Where are we going?!" Ron shouted, trailing behind.

"Haven't the foggiest, keep up!" Arthur replied.

"Well that's reassuring." You said walking in between the twins.

You walked for a little while longer until you saw a man standing near a tree,

"Arthur!" The man shouted "it's about time son." He said laughing slightly as we walked closer.

"Sorry Amos, some of us had a bit of a sleepy start." You all turned to Ron as he was still yawning, barely awake.

Amos, Amos where have I heard that name before.

"This is Amos Diggory everyone, works with me at the ministry."

"Diggory you say?" You said, after hearing the surname. That's where I knew it from.

You looked up and saw Cedric, he jumped off a tree branch.

"And this strapping young lad must be Cedric, am I right?" Arthur questioned shaking his hand.

"Yes sir." Cedric answered.

"Cedric!" You almost shouted going you to him and hugging him.

"Y/n, I have missed you."

"Right back at you." You said.

Fred's POV
Of course he missed her, I thought he was out of the picture completely- but clearly not. Whilst they were hugging all I noticed was his hands touching her waist, what a dick.

The fact she was so excited to see him, what's even so special that has all the girls running anyways?

Y/n's POV
You followed Cedric, as he was directing you to where you needed to go.

After walking and catching up with Cedric you were at the edge of a cliff,

"There it is, just over there." Amos said while directing us all to a boot. You had overheard Arthur talking about using a Portkey to get to the camping grounds, the ministry had set up many of them across the country.

"Get yourself into a good position."

You all went around the boot and gathered in a circle, You overheard Fred and George explaining the Portkey to Harry, he hadn't used magic like this ever.

You grabbed a hold of the boot, next to Fred and George. You looked up as Amos was counting down and noticed Harry not holding on,

"Harry!" You shouted, he grabbed on just in time as the boot started spinning you all round. You were all screaming as you moved into a flash of light,

"Let go kids." Arthur instructed us all.

You let go almost immediately, while others hesitated. You hit the ground, groaning in pain. God I'm just glad my skirt didn't fly up.

You perched yourself on your elbows as Fred leant you a hand to get up.

You stood up and brushed the dirt and grass off your clothing,

"Here, let me help." Fred insisted, brushing dirt off your clothes. He brushed down your skirt, loitering on your ass.

"Being bold are we Weasley?" You said before turning to face the cliff edge.

You saw Amos, Arthur and Cedric walking down gracefully from the sky. Arthur made a joke about the landing, which you didn't quite catch.

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